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宏观调控的法律规制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹西明 《河北法学》2004,22(5):65-68
宏观调控问题已引起法学界热情的关注 ,但现有研究成果尚不足以形成立法资源 ,且学者间对宏观调控主体、领域、手段的法律规制等问题也存在着认识上的差异。立法上确定宏观调控主体 ,应以宏观调控的价值目标为根据 ;对宏观调控领域的法律规制 ,应把握宏观经济的层面界定 ;从逻辑学角度对现有宏观调控主体的研究成果进行检视 ,有利于确立宏观调控主体法治化的观念  相似文献   

证明的自由   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自由心证及其与之相对应的法定证据制度等概念的含义似乎在我国法学界已早有定论,但其中仍不无偏颇之处。本文作者从历史的角度和人类认识规律的角度对主张给证明以自由的思想和主张严格规制证明的思想进行了剖析  相似文献   

随着和谐社会的逐步构建,如何促使企业承担社会责任,实现企业经济效益和社会公共效益的协调统一,值得深入探究。本文从法律规制的角度展开探讨,阐释了企业社会责任的基本含义,分析了我国企业社会责任法律规制的现状及存在的问题,进而提出了相关完善法律规制的对策。  相似文献   

对法律本身内部的因素和关系问题研究重视不够。长期以来,法学界比较重视法与外部环境关系如法律与政治、法律与经济、法律与政策、法律与道德等各种关系的研究。而对法本身内部的因素和关系的探讨重视不够。如法律的基本概念、法律的范畴、法律的价值、法律的效益等内容都有许多问题尚待研究。当前法制建设中的许多矛盾和问题,从一定意义上说是与法律的内部因素和关系问题研究薄弱有关。因此,关于法律内部因素和关系的研究,为新时期法学研究开辟了广阔前景,法学界和司法界的同志在这方面可以有所作为。法作为社会关系的调节器,固然应该服从于国家的需要,但法作为一门科学,也必然具有自己的概念、范畴、规律性以及相对独立性。本期发表了赵长生的《法律体系的哲学思考》一文,从系统论的角度,对法律内部关系和法律外部关系的联系作了探讨,相信读者阅后会有所启迪。  相似文献   

欧盟广告法律规制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟广告法律规制以建立共同市场 (《单一欧洲法令》后的内部市场 )为出发点 ,通过积极协调与消极协调等多种途径形成和发展起来 ,已经形成了以具有普遍意义的 1 997年比较广告指令为核心 ,既包括欧盟法 ,又包括成员国国内法 ;既包括制定法 ,又包括判例法 ;既包括实体法规范 ,又包括程序法规范在内的有机统一的法律规范体系。本文以 1 997年比较广告指令为例 ,对欧盟广告法律规制的相关问题进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

反垄断法规制行政垄断之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政垄断是我国经济体制改革中长期存在的严重问题,它制约了市场经济的发展,加剧了腐败现象,破坏了统一公平的市场环境。笔者在简析其危害的基础上,论证了反垄断法规制行政垄断的必然性、必要性,并对反垄断法如何规制行政垄断提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

论市场规制法的价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
法的价值理论要求市场规制法的价值定位必须关注经济法的基本原则和市场规制法的基本原则。市场规制法的自身特征决定了其价值必须定位为(市场)秩序,它内涵了市场公平、市场正义、市场效益、市场安全等价值。市场规制法的秩序不仅是一种经济秩序,而且是一种道德伦理秩序,还是一种法律秩序,因而应从经济、伦理和法律的角度来对市场规制法的秩序价值内涵进行解读。市场规制法的价值冲突并不是与秩序价值的冲突,而是秩序所内涵的某些价值的冲突,价值冲突的协调意味着市场规制法秩序价值的实现。  相似文献   

区际贸易障碍的法经济学分析与宪法规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区际贸易障碍是国家内部贸易自由、统一市场形成与功能发挥的最大障碍之一。区际贸易障碍产生于公权力配置的非科学性和公权力行使的异化。区际贸易障碍直接导致市场经济结构受损、区域经济差异拉大和社会福利净损失生成。考察美国规制州际贸易障碍的经验和我国《反垄断法》的规定可知,在我国有效规制区际贸易障碍的路径既不是选择私人诉讼,也不能依赖行政管制,其根本解决之道只能是凭借宪法性规范的完善。  相似文献   

论文基于制度理论,使用我国中小板与创业板上市公司的经验数据,通过构建中小企业环境指数,研究严厉环保规制能否改善中小企业的环境表现。研究发现:从整体而言,环保规制正向影响了中小企业的环境表现,且这种正向效应在重污染行业更加显著;中小企业内部环境管理制度的建立,不仅提高了中小企业的环境表现,而且进一步加强环保规制对中小企业环境表现的正向效应。论文将制度与组织层面研究相结合,从环保规制目标群体——企业的角度研究环保规制效应,拓展了公共政策理论与企业环境责任理论研究,也为政府制定环境政策以及实务中的中小企业改善环境表现提供建议。  相似文献   

论行政行为的内容和形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何行政行为都是内容和形式的统一。行政行为的内容和形式是行政行为基本理论研究中的一个重要问题。本文试引入民法领域中的意思表示理论,从行政行为的意思表示角度来作些初步阐释和探讨。一、行政行为的意思表示理论“意思表示”一词本属民法学界用以说明民事法律行为...  相似文献   

韩天森 《现代法学》2002,24(6):134-136
市场准入原则是GATS中的一个非常关键性条款 ,也是成员国履行WTO所规范的实现世界贸易自由化的首要措施。要实现贸易自由就必须允许成员国间相互市场准入 ,这是成员国政府开放国内特定服务贸易市场承诺的义务。所以 ,我国加入WTO后 ,要解决的迫切问题就是作好允许GATS中所规范有关服务贸易的十二个行业中的各项准备。其中 ,至关重要的是属于事业服务中的法律服务业 ,这是为服务贸易各行业保驾护航的领头行业 ,也是搞好服务贸易的前提和保证。因此 ,我们必须认真地研究 ,加入WTO后在贯彻市场准入原则的义务中将会给法律服务业带来的影响和挑战 ,以及我们应采取的对策 ,它不仅具有理论意义 ,还具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a concept of ‘internal market rationality’ for the analysis of the political, legal and economic consequences of European integration. Internal market rationality refers to a specific pattern of political action in the field of internal market, which has emerged gradually due to the confluence of three main factors: first, the EU's functional institutional design; second, the processes of post‐national juridification; and third, a more contingent influence of ideas. In the interplay of those three factors, the interpretation of internal market has become overdetermined, restricting thereby the space of (democratic) politics in its regulation. This reification of internal market rationality has had a direct influence on the content of European law, as I demonstrate through the example of European private law. Internal market rationality has transformed the very concept of justice underpinning private law, the concept of the person or subject of law, the (re)distributive pattern of private law as well as the normative basis on which private law stands. I argue, finally, that a close examination of the legal, institutional and ideological arrangement behind internal market rationality provides clues for the democratisation of the EU.  相似文献   

Although usually considered a national competence, there is an effect of internal market law on property law. When a property right is validly created in one Member State and the object on which it rests is moved to another Member State, an internal market dimension arises. Such has been the case in the ECJ's Krantz decision 25 years ago, dealing with the question on whether the rules allowing a seizure of goods owned by someone else in another Member State and leading to a potential loss of right is in conformity with EU law. More than 25 years have passed and our thinking about the internal market as well as the free movement case‐law has changed significantly. A re‐examination of this decision leads to a different conclusion: the refusal to recognise property rights validly created in another Member State violates the free movement of goods under Article 34 TFEU.  相似文献   

市场作为促成教育资源供求在总量和结构上协调的因素,是教育资源有效配置的实现条件.在教育垄断市场下,教育产出进入经济系统具有较大的障碍,教育系统内部组织低效,整个教育系统失去了自组织的刺激机制,无法促进教育资源的有效供给.高等教育卖方市场的形成将不断促进教育系统的创新.教育系统也惟有在外界社会经济系统的作用下,不断地进行教育内容和方法的改革,才能在与社会经济系统的适应过程中获得发展的物质条件,在国际教育竞争中处于有利地位.在市场经济条件下,高等教育具有私人产品的性质,决定了其市场化配置高等教育资源的基本方向,但仍需依赖政府干预以纠正市场运行的偏差.  相似文献   

张晨颖 《中国法学》2020,(2):108-128
为解决寡头市场中的垄断问题,我国《反垄断法》提供了"滥用共同市场支配地位"的路径,但法律规定有缺陷并导致实践中难以适用或错误适用。以美国、欧盟为代表的理论和法律实践均表明这种认定思路是行之有效的,但其难点在于如何通过间接证据证明市场寡头不具合理性的一致性行为不是由于客观市场结构造成的,而是基于主观意图,因此具有可责性。分析美国、欧盟的执法、司法案例,通过各自演进过程论证其内在逻辑,发现两种路径殊途同归。我国反垄断执法认定共同市场支配地位时应该将结构、行为因素并举。  相似文献   

European economic integration with a minimalist social policy at EU level was in part made possible by strong domestic labour market and social welfare institutions. The main contention of this paper is that EU market liberalisation was embedded within institutions of social citizenship at domestic level, which served to counter the liberalisation of the internal market. But this settlement has been put under strain. In addition to the challenges posed to the sustainability of European welfare states by the global economic crisis, the internal market jurisprudence of the Court of Justice casts doubt on the sustainability of the ‘embedded liberal bargain’. This paper focuses on the role of the Court, in particular in its jurisprudence on the interaction between (EU) market freedoms and (national) labour law, which undermines the ability of states to retain their regulatory autonomy over labour or social welfare law and, arguably, speeds up the unravelling of the ‘embedded liberal bargain’.  相似文献   

Since the ratification of the Europe agreements, Eastern European accession countries are transposing community law into their national legal framework. The law approximation process in the field of health concerns three themes, viz public health, health–related issues, and the internal market. Although the health acquis has been largely focused on public–health issues, it is increasingly becoming clear that internal market treaty provisions may also affect health–related rights. For candidate member states this means that the common market has important consequences for health and their health–care systems. Therefore, this paper will examine the impact of relevant treaty provisions on acceding countries' (public) health legal framework.  相似文献   

高智发明公司作为新型的专门经营发明业务的公司,目前已基本形成其内部价值链,而关于发明的稳固的产业价值链尚未形成,价值链与产业、市场密不可分,高智发明的经营模式启示我们建立一个发明资本市场.虽然目前仍存在包括专利海盗在内的诸多障碍,但建立发明资本市场是一个必然趋势.  相似文献   

In an area where until now national autonomy has been tenaciously resisted, new EU legislation provides Member States with ‘flexibility to decide whether or not they wish to cultivate GMOs on their territory’. This forces attention on to the subtle, and not so subtle, ways in which internal market law constrains political actors in the EU. But it is similarly suggestive of how political actors might contribute to the evolution of the internal market. As well as exploring this relationship between the new legislation and internal market law, this article reflects on the ways in which lessons from the past have been addressed by legislators. Whilst it takes somewhat seriously the politics of GMOs, the new legislation simultaneously reinforces some of the limitations of our dominant models for generating knowledge, including the EU's problematic dichotomy between facts and values, risk assessment and risk management.  相似文献   

秦国荣 《行政与法》2014,(1):101-108
中国经济法的产生与发展与西方国家有着截然不同的历史起点和内在要求,其历史起点在于我国变革计划经济模式基础上开始的市场经济体制建构,其发展的两条主线为,在政府主导型市场经济建构中不断理顺政府与市场的关系,最终建成法治政府和法治化市场经济;在后发式“变法型”市场经济发展过程中,经济体制转型与法律进步相互促进,在社会关系变迁中逐步形成中国特色的经济法理论及法律体系.  相似文献   

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