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今年1月10日,美国总统布什向全国发表电视讲话,宣布美国对伊拉克的新战略.这是布什政府为美国在伊拉克的困境"解套"所采取的重大举措.解读美国对伊拉克的新战略,对帮助我们了解下一阶段美国在伊拉克的行动路线,以及美国对中东政策走向将是有益的.  相似文献   

美国和伊拉克:从盟友到死敌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1年前,美英不顾国际社会的反对,出兵伊拉克,推翻了萨达姆政权.当我们从伊拉克战争的是非中走出来,回首往事,我们惊讶地发现,美国和伊拉克这对仇人竟然曾经是亲密的几乎不分你我的盟友,美国曾经不遗余力地支持伊拉克.  相似文献   

武力打击伊拉克是美国早已确定的战略目标,去年美国遭到"9·11"恐怖袭击后,就将伊拉克列为反恐怖打击的重点国家之一.美对阿富汗的战争结束后,即扬言下一打击目标是伊拉克.今年以来,美政府、军队和社会围绕打击伊拉克问题,进行了大量舆论准备和外交准备,美国防部还制定并上报了进攻伊拉克的作战计划.美军还加强了对海湾地区的军事部署等.分析人士认为,美对伊动武已呈"剑拔弩张"之势.  相似文献   

2003年战争后,伊拉克什叶派摆脱萨达姆政权的长期压制,走到政治舞台的中心.伊拉克政府在战后难以向社会提供基本的经济和安全保障,这给什叶派宗教填补政府的权力真空提供了机会,伊拉克由此呈现弱国家—强宗教的特点.西斯塔尼凭借宗教盛名、议价能力、选择性干政而被伊拉克国内各方所推崇.他在伊拉克的国家构建中发挥了极其重要的作用,并将建立什叶派王国的构想纳入其中.但是什叶派构想与伊拉克国家构建之间存在着张力,加上西斯塔尼年事已高,各方围绕纳杰夫马尔扎耶将展开激烈的争夺.伊拉克的国家重建能否从倚重西斯塔尼转到依靠制度尚有待观察.  相似文献   

6月28,美国提前把权力移交给6月1日晟立的伊拉克临时政府.舆论普遍认为,这是伊拉克政治过度进程中的重要事件.在6月1日拉克总统的推选中,伊临时管理委员会当月主席加齐·阿吉勒·亚瓦尔成为萨达姆下台后的首位伊拉克总统.  相似文献   

美国和伊拉克政府于去年12月30日晨,匆忙地对在战争中被美军掳获的伊拉克前总统萨达姆执行绞刑,企图以此来熄灭逊尼派反美武装的最后希望,稳定伊拉克局势,恢复和平,"翻开伊拉克的新一页".但是,事与愿违.他们在这一非常敏感的时候处决萨达姆并让刑场录相曝光,使伊拉克、阿拉伯北区乃至全世界穆斯林十分愤怒,反美浪潮一浪高过一浪,教派冲突更加频繁,伊拉克局势反而进一步混乱.  相似文献   

伊拉克政治重建进程结束了吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年12月15日,伊拉范举行了世人瞩目的议会选举.依据新宪法举行的议会选举,标志着伊拉克战后政治重建进程的结束.大选后,伊拉克将组建一个新议会,并产生一个为期4年、享有完全主权、有权决定美军去留的正式政府.然而目前看来,尽管大选进行的较为顺利,但选举并没有解决伊拉克的安全问题,目前有种种迹象表明,伊拉克局势发展的前景令人担忧,在新的一年中有进一步恶化的可能性.  相似文献   

第一次海湾战争中,伊拉克的军事力量遭到了重创,海湾战争结束后,伊拉克又长期遭受美国的制裁,当前的伊拉克军力如何呢?在美国不断叫喊对伊动武的今天,人们对这个往日的中东军事强国用什么与强大的美军抗衡,一直极其关注.特别是现代战争中,启动多波次、大规模、强力度的空袭行动,已经成为美军的拿手好戏,伊拉克的"防空大伞"能否为萨达姆撑起一片安全地带,这将是第二次海湾战争打响后的第一个焦点话题.为此,我们不妨走进伊拉克的防空天地,领略一番伊拉克今天的"防空牌".  相似文献   

美国在遭到"9·11"恐怖袭击后不久,就将伊拉克列为反恐怖打击的目标之一.美在阿富汗战火尚未熄灭,即扬言下一打击目标是伊拉克.  相似文献   

从2004年10月19日至今,伊拉克前总统萨达姆·侯赛因已在巴格达美军严格控制下的"绿区"--伊拉克特别法庭上多次受审.这一"世纪审判"受到国际媒体和公众舆论的深切关注.关于该法庭是否合法、萨达姆若被判有罪是否会被处死、萨案的了结将对伊拉克局势产生什么影响,众说纷纭,各执其词.  相似文献   


The governance of further education colleges has two main phases since the passing of the Education Act 1944 – the period when further education colleges were under local authority control and the period from ‘vesting day’ on 1 April 1993 when colleges became incorporated and further education corporations were formed as charities. This review is primarily concerned with the landscape of college governance since 1 April 1993 and draws upon some of the very limited number of research studies into the practice of further education governance. The experience and contribution of the key governance players – chair of the corporation, governors, the principal, the senior staff, the clerk to the corporation – are discussed. Throughout the period since 1993, college governance has operated within a policy framework provided by government and, to a greater or lesser extent, the implementation of those policies by agencies of government. In simple terms, the pattern may seem to be creativity (in the early years), compliance (following some high profile college governance collapses), micro-management (through the Learning and Skills Council years) and now the most open, imaginative phase as the current government encourages the strong colleges to play a bigger part in local education provision. Perhaps now is the time when the experience of college governance to date is able to draw upon its considerable strengths and show what the accumulation of governance capital can achieve.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2006,39(2):153-174
The article's topic is the attitudes of the Russians toward their social institutions. As it will be shown, Russia is a country, much more than any other, that mistrusts its social institutions, political institutions in particular. There is no one institution that can garner more than 40 to 50 percent of the nation's trust. Indeed, in terms of their lack of confidence in social institutions, the Russians are behind not only the most advanced countries in the world, but even countries known for their unstable political systems, such as Colombia or Nigeria.  相似文献   

The introduction of the new Green Revolution wheat varieties to Israel is reviewed and analysed. It was found that the first stage varieties (developed from local Mexican wheats) did not have a significant impact on yields in Israel. Dwarf varieties and new crosses bred in Israel from Mexican genetic material contributed significantly to yield increases. Returns to local research are estimated. Conclusions about the role of the International Research System are drawn.  相似文献   

在中俄两国关系良性发展的今天,还存在着一些隐性的尚未完满解决的问题。例如互信了解问题等,而互信问题的核心包括所谓的“军事威胁”和“移民威胁”。本文拟从历史的角度考察和分析沙俄时期的中国移民的人文特征以及管理体制。  相似文献   

This study explores how bribery in the health sector is associated with people’s well-being and with universal health coverage. By using the data of Vietnam from 2011 and 2012, this study reveals a negative correlation between the prevalence of bribery and health outcomes and the health insurance coverage. Additionally, the results indicate that bribers feel neither cured of injury/disease nor satisfied with healthcare service quality. Furthermore, there is a significantly negative correlation between the belief of the necessity to give a bribe and the health insurance enrolment decision.  相似文献   

每年5月1日的国际劳动节,是世界上大多数国家劳动人民共同的节日,而美国和加拿大的劳动节,则是在每年9月的第一个星期一.这一春一秋两个劳动节,都是起源于19世纪末的美国.  相似文献   

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