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In a case of first impression, the Trademark Trial and AppealBoard of the US Patent and Trademark Office has held that theflavour orange is not registrable for use with quick-dissolvingantidepressant tablets and pills.  相似文献   

美国专利证券化的实践与前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资产证券化是指将缺乏流动性、但能够产生可预见的稳定现金流的资产或资产集合,通过一定的结构安排,对资产中风险与收益要素进行分离与重组,进而转换成为可自由流通的证券的过程。专利证券化是资产证券化在专利领域的延伸,它源于人们对  相似文献   

徐海燕 《知识产权》2009,19(4):58-64
通过对史料和历史文献的查阅,对我国近代专利法律法规的制定与发展过程进行了简单的回顾,着重分析了从清末到民国时期我国核准专利的情况,初步探究了近代我国专利制度的发展历程.  相似文献   

The article argues in favour of a different conceptualisation of the role of the European Patent Office, and of the mode of reasoning that the EPO ought to deploy, so as to decide cases concerning the patentability of gene related inventions such as diagnostic tests, and questions regarding the regulation of therapeutic cloning. Richardson's model of specifying norms offers an important alternative to the models based on cost‐benefit analysis and neutral application of the appropriate norm by administrative agencies. Specificationism stresses the importance of revising the ends of policy, coming up with a new norm, the product of creative synthesis of the content of conflicting norms. The article adds to this model the idea that the revision of ends requires a strong deliberative democracy, based on the notion of the practically wise regulator, who can apply principles correctly, as these cannot be usefully applied in difficult situations by people who lack experience, insight, and character. Given the current discussion to establish a unitary EU patent, the thesis advanced here is that the patent system in Europe ought to endorse elements of deliberative democracy, enhancing the importance of civil society in the European decision making processes.  相似文献   

实用新型专利检索报告在实践中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为配合《专利法实施细则》第五十五条和五十六条中规定的实用新型专利检索报告制度,在最高人民法院发布的《关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定》(简称《若干规定》)第八条中规定:提起侵犯实用新型专利权诉讼的原告,应当在起诉时出具由国务院专利行政部门作出的检索报告。从《若干规定》实施至今,已经两年半的时间,下面就该条规定在司法实践中的应用做一简单介绍。一、实用新型专利检索报告制度的宗旨 我国现行《专利法》第四十条规定:实用新型和外观设计专利申请经初步审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予实用新型专利权或者外观设计专利权的决定,发给相应的专利证书,同时予以登记和公告。实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权自公告之日起生效。根据该条规定,我国对实用新型专利申请的审  相似文献   

Alternative intellectual property laws relating to the use of languages in IP organisations can result in an asymmetric distribution of costs of patenting between innovators. We present a framework for the characterisation and evaluation of the fairness of the language regime of the European Patent Office (EPO), which is currently based on three official languages: English, French and German. We estimate that the costs of access to patenting procedures borne by English-, French- or German-speaking applicants are at least 30 % lower than those borne by European applicants whose first language is not one of the current official languages of the EPO. In order to correct language-related cost asymmetries, we explore two possible alternative language regimes. In both cases, we introduce a centralised system of financial compensation that covers translation costs borne by European applicants whose first language is not one of the official languages of the EPO. In the first alternative, financial compensation is covered by savings on current translation costs at the granting stage. In the second alternative, the number of official languages is increased to five and financial compensation is funded by an increase in filing fee and by partial savings on translation costs at the granting stage. We show that both alternatives could substantially reduce language-related costs asymmetries among European applicants. In addition, we show that the five-language alternative would reduce the global costs of access to patenting procedures borne by all European applicants. Thus, more multilingualism can be cheaper than less multilingualism, provided that “implicit costs” are taken into account. We conclude discussing under which conditions the alternative language regimes proposed could have a positive impact on the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of the EPO language regime.  相似文献   

从国内专利池组建看我国的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国在专利池组建方面尚处于探索阶段。拟从DVD专利池许可收费案例、AVS专利池组建等现状入手,分析专利池存在的价值与作用,探讨我国在专利池组建方面的实践与发展,以期为我国在专利池组建方面的探索之路提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Following two recent decisions from the High Court, the UK PatentOffice has changed the way it assesses whether or not an inventionis excluded from patent protection by Section 1(2) of the UKPatents Act; this will be of major significance for applicationsfiled in the UK, and particularly for those which concern computer-implementedinventions or business methods.  相似文献   

当前,专利导航已进入国家宏观政策及规划的决策视野,应用价值巨大,社会影响力和关注度持续提高。审视已开展的专利导航项目实践发现,过于注重操作规范,对理论机理的丰富和发展不足,导致现有专利导航项目实施中存在若干具有共性的盲区或误区,亟待对专利导航的基本概念和基础理论等进行理性审视和深度思考。在澄清专利导航基本概念、内涵和作用机理的基础上,详细阐述区域规划类、产业规划类和创新主体类等主要类型专利导航的工作基本流程和实务操作要点,为项目实施方有的放矢地开展专利导航实践提供行动指南和理论支撑。未来,应加快建立以大数据为支撑的系统化的专利导航工作架构,适时丰富和完善基础理论和导航理念,优化工作机制,加强专利导航机制与创新决策机制的有机融合,充分发挥专利导航对产业技术创新的引领支撑作用,为我国产业真正走出一条自主可控的创新发展之路提供保障。  相似文献   

专利泛化与专利制度改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪80年代以来专利权得到了扩张和强化,由此引发了激烈的专利竞赛、专利申请和授权膨胀、问题专利增多、专利丛林等专利泛化现象.对专利权的过度保护打破了原有的专利政策在专利权人与社会公众之间的利益平衡,增加了对创新的阻碍作用,走向了专利制度激励创新的政策目标的反面.虽然经济分析到目前还不能为政策制定者提供专利保护正确与否的基础,但它为专利制度的各种成分是应当更多还是更少提供了牢固的基石.2008年<专利法>第三次修订正是对其中一些问题的回应.  相似文献   

详细阐述了德国计算机执行的发明的专利保护的立法基础,深入剖析德国联邦最高法院对计算机执行的发明可专利性的典型判例,提炼出德国司法界衡量该类发明"技术性贡献"的标准,总结出德国专利商标局在此领域的现行审查实践准则,提出对于申请德国计算机执行的发明专利的有益建议.  相似文献   

在我国,<专利法>的修改往往不都是回应专利司法实践中提出的问题,其中另有原因.但专利法修改会吸收一些成熟的司法经验,会给司法带来一些挑战,也会带来一些未预的后果.  相似文献   

专利实施许可合同搭建起专利权人与被许可人之间的桥梁,有效的促进了专利的运用.专利权终止或无效后专利实施许可合同效力的判定,在一定程度上体现了该时期专利政策的价值取向.司法实践中,应在平衡各方当事人利益的基础上充分考虑维护市场秩序以及激励技术创新、传播等因素,并区别专利权失效的各种法定事由,赋予专利实施许可合同不同的法律效力.  相似文献   

专利间接侵权包括诱导、怂恿、教唆别人实施他人专利;为他人实施或者准备实施侵权行为提供条件。如果间接行为与直接行为并发,可直接依照《民法通则》和《侵权责任法》的相关规定进行判定。如果间接行为单独存在,尚处于侵权的准备状态,完全可以按照专利侵权判定规则,依照《专利法》和《最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释》等确定的“全面覆盖原则”来判定。因此,现有法律框架足以解决专利间接侵权问题,我国目前不宜将准备行为定性为专利侵权。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的专利价值视角,专利模糊性理论使得相关方对专利有了更深层次地理解.从专利模糊性的含义出发,对专利模糊性产生的背景进行了分析.同时,对专利申请的爆炸性增长和反向支付行为做出解释,指出专利模糊性理论对法律制度、企业行为、新生行业、社会福利等都产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

专利在当今世界经济发展中起着越来越关键的作用,而随着日本企业运用专利战略的成功,专利开始进入企业战略层面,又使得专利的应用上到了一个新的台阶.  相似文献   

Office politics     
The main focus of the IP student is on the substantive law:what can you patent, which acts infringe a trade mark, whenwill freedom of speech arguments trump a copyright-based actionfor an injunction, and so on. Once in practice, this focus broadensto take in wider interests, for example how to advise and guidea client without misappropriating its decision-making capacityor how to work within a team  相似文献   

民初大理院审判独立的制度与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清末颁行之《法院编制法》首倡审判独立 ,可是成效未彰清室已亡。民国初期 ,民国北京政府所颁行之宪法文件皆明定审判独立原则 ,当时的最高法院———大理院依照宪法原则以及法院编制法 ,厉行审判独立 ,其影响横向及于其他中央机关 ,纵向影响及于地方司法机关 ,可谓最大限度地排除了其他机关对审判权的干涉。然而民国初期正值军阀混战、政局纷扰之际 ,大理院所致力的审判独立事业亦难免为时局所累。  相似文献   

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