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This paper draws on the findings of a series of international conferences on the question of “total war” in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries to investigate possible connections between “total war” and the problem of genocide. Both “total war” and genocide appear to have reached a terrible culmination in the years 1937‐1945, raising the question of the connection between the two phenomena. This paper considers the usefulness of concepts such as “total war” and “genocide” as social‐scientific ideal types, before going on to reflect on the state of research on the linkage between Nazi Germany's drive for “total war” and its implementation of policies of genocide.  相似文献   

石建国 《当代韩国》2015,(2):114-122
伟大的抗日战争不仅使中韩两民族摆脱了日本帝国主义的法西斯殖民统治,也书写了中韩民族关系史上的新篇章,具有深远的影响和意义。中韩两民族结成联盟、合作抗日,为打败日本法西斯侵略势力,为整个世界反法西斯进步事业做出了伟大贡献,是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。这段合作的历史,是任何企图否定世界反法西斯战争历史正义性、合法性的珍贵的历史见证资料。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the potentially positive role churches can play in encouraging public debate and moral reasoning on security matters. In particular, it explores Australian churches' vocal condemnation of Australia's involvement in the Iraq war through examining responses of spokespersons from the three largest Christian churches in Australia, namely Catholic, Anglican and Uniting Churches. It examines three types of reasons given for the condemnation: legal explanations of the lack of a plausible justification for war without UN sanctions; religious and moral reasons that defend peace and reconciliation; and political reasons that a war led by the “Christian West” increases global enmity and the likelihood of terrorism. I situate this analysis within just war theory. I suggest that churches can play an important social role in fostering tolerance, inter‐faith dialogue and peace.  相似文献   

John Treloar's involvement in the Australian War Memorial began in 1917, and he was Director from 1920 until his death in 1952. The idea of a national war memorial serving also as a museum, gallery and library was not his: the credit for that goes to Charles Bean. But there would have been no museum, gallery or library without Treloar's organisational ability and collecting genius. Treloar was responsible at first for collecting a documentary record, but later as the vision expanded, he began to acquire many other kinds of material, including art. It was an unusual challenge for a soldier, public servant, and man who scrupulously distanced his emotions from his work. This article examines aspects of Australia's official and commissioned war art and teases out the relationship between the bureaucrat and the artist. I suggest that the administrative effort involved in the war art schemes has to be recognised as part of the process of cultural production, and that in these circumstances the life of the bureaucrat is as worthy of exploration as that of the artist.  相似文献   

Memory and Migration in the Shadow of War: Australia's Greek Immigrants after World War II and the Greek Civil War. By Joy Damousi (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp.274. AU$145.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

吴晗 《当代韩国》2010,(4):79-88
二战后朝鲜半岛成为冷战的前沿阵地,美国为了执行冷战反共的战略,需要韩国有一个强大的政府和稳定的政局。美国还帮助韩国实现了军事现代化,极大地提高了军队的社会政治地位,栽培扶植了一批韩国新军人。这些军人以全斗焕等韩国陆军士官学校的毕业生为代表,建立秘密军事集团"一心会"。这支新军部集团在冷战的背景下迅速壮大,抓住朴正熙遇刺事件的时机,通过一次次政变夺取军权、政权,打击社会民主力量,最终从冷战的工具成为韩国的统治者。当冷战缓和、终结,民主力量壮大的时候,韩国威权统治也就到了终点。  相似文献   

混合战争是一种新型的国家间对抗形式,与传统战争形态不同,它并不一定需要使用武力占领他国或破坏其基础设施来达成政治目的,而主要通过经济金融制裁和信息心理施压等非军事手段和最低限度地运用军事暴力来颠覆或控制他国政权。当前,美国及其盟国正在针对俄罗斯实施混合战争。其战略实质是以军事力量作为重要工具,针对俄薄弱环节实施体系性打击,以实现分裂国家、掌控俄资源的目的。该战略由将俄拖入军备竞赛的消耗战略和实施颜色革命的摧毁战略两部分组成。为此,俄罗斯需要相应制定应对混合战争的反战略,包括对抗敌混合式攻击的防御性战略和主动攻击敌人的进攻性战略。俄罗斯制定该战略应基于混合战争的多领域性,即在信息、军事、金融、经济和外交等领域同时对敌人施加影响并将这些手段结合起来运用。原文刊登于俄罗斯权威军事杂志《军事思想》2018年第10期,经授权在《俄罗斯学刊》中文发表。  相似文献   

全面侵华战争爆发后,日本沿用近代以来建立的战时军费筹集体制为侵略战争提供财政支持,形成以临时军事费特别会计为核心的战时军费筹集机制。其主要财源为租税收入、公债收入以及向占领区借款。太平洋战争之前,战时军费筹集主要依靠日本国内金融机构发行公债;太平洋战争爆发后,战时军费筹集的主要财源开始转向对占领区的掠夺。  相似文献   

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