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1月5日至11日,民革中央主席周铁农、副主席修福金率民革中央调研组一行,就黎族非物质文化遗产保护问题在海南开展调研。调研组先后来到保亭黎族苗族自治县和甘什岭槟榔谷原生态黎苗文化旅游区,就当地农村安居工程、富余劳动力培训项目以及黎族非物质文化遗产保护现状等课题进行了深入调研。  相似文献   

黎族是我国少数民族之一,主要聚居在海南省中南部。黎族历代居住在海南岛上,是海南的原著居民。新中国建立尤其是改革开放以来,海南经济社会的快速发展引起了海南黎族社会习俗的变迁。这种变迁主要表现在两个方面:社会生活习俗的变迁和宗教礼仪习俗的变迁。二者又有不同的种类。造成这种变迁的主要原因是海南经济社会的发展和海南黎族社会生活的改变。在新时代面前,应该要保护黎族优秀的文化习俗,传承优秀黎族文化,与时俱进、开拓创新,共同创造黎族发展的新局面。  相似文献   

黎族是一个拥有3000多年历史和独特文化的古老民族。面对一个充满自己民族特色的少数民族,他们在我们文化知识结构中是一个拥有黎锦、船型屋、文身的神秘群体。而事实上,现在的黎族青年已经抛弃了这个群体的独特文化,在经济高速发展的今天黎族文化在受到前所未有的冲击。经济与文化是当今社会发展一定要重视的两个问题。我们希望在面对少数民族地域文化和经济发展的时候可以协调发展,处理不好二者之间的关系就有可能导致严重的后果,如何让黎族聚居地发挥独特的魅力的主要途径是如何实现黎族社区内经济与文化的协调发展。  相似文献   

黎琼 《瞭望》2001,(29)
反映黎族传统文化和黎族 历史变迁的纪实性文献著 作——《黎族传统文化》一书,作为黎族人民献给中国共产党建党80周年的一份厚礼,于“七一”前夕出版发行,本已轰动海岛内外;而这部书的有关参与人员分量之重,使这件事更加引人注目:省委书  相似文献   

本文以三亚市郎典村为案例来研究黎族普遍兼用汉语的现状及成因,通过入户调查、问卷采访等方法,从郎典村普遍兼用汉语的现状出发,对黎族兼用汉语的现状和成因进行研究与探讨,重点探讨了双语模式的成因及挑战。  相似文献   

林小惠 《民主》2013,(5):17-19
2008年,海南省正式启动建设国际旅游岛的重大战略。作为以文化为主界别之一的参政党,民进海南省委紧跟海南新一轮改革开放的步伐,抓住文化是旅游发展的灵魂这一要义,在2008年7月25日召开的民进海南省委五届四次常委会议上,淘选出极具海南特色的黎族文化为切入点,确定当年海南省委重点调研课题为"挖掘黎族文化、促进海南国际旅游岛建设",深入调研黎族文化在国际旅游岛建设中的应有份量、地位、开发方式,积极为中心建言、为大局服务。  相似文献   

张修明 《学理论》2009,(23):98-99
叶圣陶是中国最早的童话作家。他的童话大部分收在专集《稻草人》和《古代英雄的石像》里。本文首先分析了这两集童话在思想内容上的独特发展过程。叶圣陶童话由最初的轻松、活泼的调子发展到描绘乡村、城市的暗淡生活,进一步发展到揭露人世的真相、探求生活的真谛。说明随着社会的发展变化,叶圣陶童话中的现实主义味道越来越浓厚,以至于他的童话被赞誉为“是中国社会二三十年来一鳞一爪的真实写照。”其次,这两集童话具有独特的艺术风格,特别是童话具有浓郁的诗情。本文从童话中自然景物描写、丰富的想象、语言形式上排比的运用、刻意的间隔重复、穿插富于感情的诗歌等方面,介绍了叶圣陶童话特有的诗情。叶圣陶的这两集童话是中国现代文学中早期儿童文学的瑰宝,在中国儿童文学发展的征途上留下了独特的踪迹!  相似文献   

陈丹燕 《党政论坛》2009,(20):26-26
一个人在儿时读童话,看到的是神奇的世界。一个小人,躺在自家干净温暖的小枕头上,听母亲读童话,满脑子都是奇妙的想象,他以为那就是自己长大以后,将要进入的世界。那时的童话,好就好在,小人看到了世界的公平,好人总归是要战胜坏人,小红帽总是打得过大灰狼,灰姑娘也终于可以与王子幸福地生活在皇宫里。达到这个理想以前所经历过的九九八十一难,都因为胜利而变得非常浪漫,一点也不苦。  相似文献   

王斌 《学理论》2013,(30):260-261
童话是一种以幻想、夸张、拟人为表现特征的儿童文学样式。童话是一种奇妙的艺术,也是最富儿童文学特点的一种文体。因此,童话对儿童来说不仅具有知识、道德启蒙作用,而且是梦想的培养基,是平衡与治疗儿童心理的良药。总之,童话对儿童极具发展价值。  相似文献   

罗帅村位于白沙县城牙叉到琼中什运的公路旁,是一个坐落在鹦哥岭前的黎族村庄。一个民族之所以能成为一个民族,最根本的莫过于它有自己的文化。而黎族文化就是影响罗帅村旅游核心竞争力的关键。本文以白沙县罗帅村为研究对象,通过访问法、调查问卷法等方法,来分析旅游对饮食文化、特色文化、日常生活带来的影响。  相似文献   

The 2010 election proved critical for ethnic minority representation in Britain. The number of minority Members of Parliament reached an unprecedented high. Furthermore, the virtual monopoly of the Labour party on minority parliamentary representation ended. In explaining this development, this article moves away from the traditional discussion of disadvantages facing minority candidates and turns to the role of the political parties. It argues that a new commitment to increased minority representation exists and shows, on the basis of new data, that in the 2010 election both Labour and Conservatives employed a variety of strategies for increasing ethnic minority representation. The strategy to select more minority candidates in ‘white’ seats was not only a key to increasing the numbers of minority parliamentarians but also signals a departure from the traditional pattern of ethnic minority politicians being elected by ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

Do ethnic minorities in postcommunist regimes vote in systematic ways? This paper examines ethnic minority voting in Georgian elections from 1992 to 2012, examining the causes for ethnic minorities' high electoral turnout and ruling party support. Although some argue that electoral fraud is the explanatory cause, other interests, such as experience of poverty and party electoral strategy, help explain minority electoral behaviour. This paper uses statistical methods to examine electoral fraud, as well as OLS regression to investigate the role of socio-economic factors such as urban density or poverty on ethnic minority voting behaviour. The paper also draws from in-country field research to investigate the party strategies and programs in ethnic minority areas during the 2008 parliamentary election.  相似文献   

康健佳 《学理论》2012,(13):206-208
新时期我国社会经济文化日趋多元化,关注少数民族大学生的思想观念、价值取向、行为方式和理想追求,不仅有利于他们的综合健康发展,还有利于民族地区团结和稳定。从榜样教育的视角出发,分析少数民族大学生榜样教育的必要性、少数民族大学生的群体特点、少数民族大学生榜样教育的现状以及榜样教育的有效路径四方面,来探讨如何引导少数民族大学生树立科学、正确的世界观、价值观和人生观。  相似文献   

The struggle of the minority ethnic groups against the majority Hausa-Fulani ethnic-amalgam in the north of Nigeria has persisted. As a result of the twentieth-century jihad and politico-cultural and economic factors, Fulani (Muslims) are found in many parts of the minority areas of the geographical north. Many of the minority ethnic groups often claim to be ‘indigenous’ to the areas and regard the Fulani – and Hausa – as ‘settlers’. The struggle for political, economic and social values and rights in these communities often produce violent clashes between these indigenous groups and the settler Hausa-Fulani. This paper uses the territorial claims and counter-claims over indigeneity in the Yelwa area between the Tarok/other ethnic (Christian) groups and the Fulani/other ethnic (Muslim) groups which degenerated into serial blood-letting in 2004 to interrogate the citizen-deficit in Nigeria, and the contradictions of reconciling indigenous rights with citizenship rights in a typical multi-ethnic postcolonial state.  相似文献   

邓小平同志指出:“社会主义的本质,是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。”,缩小东、中、西部教育差距,促进教育均衡发展就变成了社会主义本质在教育系统的延伸和体现。在举国上下努力构建和谐社会、落实科学发展观和建设社会主义新农村的大背景下,由于政府对西部少数民族地区教育资源投入不足和优惠政策得不到有效贯彻和落实,目前西部少数民族地区的教育处在一个非常尴尬的地位。本文力图在对西部少数民族地区教育以及教育公平问题的研究探索过程中,提出一些能促进西部少数民族教育发展政府的责任思考。  相似文献   

Do parties respond to ethnopolitical context when nominating and placing ethnic minority candidates in open-list proportional representation (PR) systems? Open-list PR is by nature candidate centered. Candidates need to attract preference votes to succeed. Political leaders, we argue, anticipate candidates' ability to generate support and the extent of anti-minority sentiment in districts when nominating and placing candidates. To test our arguments, we analyze data on 8945 candidates competing across 124 localities in Latvia's 2017 local elections. Few studies have explored open-list systems in countries like Latvia where preference voting routinely alters list order. Other studies stress the role that context plays in ethnic minority representation, but often lack data on crucial indicators. Our results show that parties nominated more minority candidates in localities with more ethnic minority voters and fewer in those with larger noncitizen populations. We did not, however, find that ethnopolitical context affected list placement.  相似文献   

In the United States, active church membership among ethnic and racial minorities has been linked to higher political participation. In Europe, the influence of religious attendance on political mobilisation of ethnic minorities has so far been little explored, despite the heated public debate about the public role of religion and particularly Islam. This study uses the 2010 Ethnic Minority British Election Study to theorise the relationship between religious attendance and political participation of ethnic minorities in a European context and extend existing theories to non‐Christian minority religions. The article shows that despite a significantly different context in which religion's place in political life is more contentious, regular religious attendance increases political participation rates of ethnic minorities. Some possible explanatory mechanisms are tested and an important distinction is introduced between those mechanisms that mediate, and those that moderate the impact of religion. The study finds that British minority churches and places of worships vary in how willing and effective they are in politically motivating their worshippers, and concludes that this relates to the political salience of certain religions within the United Kingdom context.  相似文献   

Superdiversity across Europe has focused attention on the increasing significance of ethnic minorities to electoral outcomes. We use unique Origins software to analyse a sample of minority voters in the May 2014 European elections; drawing on the work of the Ethnic Minority British Election Study (EMBES), we show that the growth of non‐White minorities will combine with a persistent preference for Labour to produce some unexpected consequences. We also compute the different ethnic penalties suffered by minority Labour and Conservative supporters, and demonstrate their likely trend between now and mid‐century. The analysis shows the increased importance of social and cultural factors in determining political preferences, and illustrates the way in which Big Data‐derived tools such as Origins can be used to produce fresh insights.  相似文献   

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