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<正>胸骨可为案件的法医学分析提供大量信息,尤其在颅骨、骨盆及四肢缺失的碎尸案件中更有价值[1]。笔者在1例杀人碎尸案中利用胸骨进行个体识别,现报道如下。1案例资料1.1简要案情2012年3月30日,长江某区段水域发现一尸块。尸块为躯干上部,高度腐败,皮肤部分缺损,胸腔脏器  相似文献   

影像医学在法医学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zhang JZ  Che HM  Xu LX 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):153-155
个体识别在法庭科学调查中一直是重要的工作,它包括:性别、身高、年龄的推断等。在法庭科学领域中利用影像医学技术进行个体识别,在准确性、实用性方面有特别的意义。本文目的旨在通过广泛系统地回顾国内外法庭科学中的影像学应用,了解现有医学影像技术在法庭科学应用中的优点和不足之处,为进一步完善医学影像学在法庭科学中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

腰椎的个体识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腰椎是人体躯干骨中的主要承重骨,其形态受多种因素影响。腰椎的研究对白骨、碎尸等类型案件尸源的寻找和古人类的体征复原均有重要意义。本文着重从身高推算、性别判定和年龄判定三个方面综述了近年来腰椎在法医人类学领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

锁骨是人体肢带骨之一,呈S形,左右各1块。内侧胸骨端粗大,与胸骨柄相关节;外侧肩峰端扁平,与肩胛骨的肩峰相关节。长期以来,国内外学者对锁骨的形态特征与个体性别、年龄、身高的关系作了大量研究,本文将这方面的研究应用进展作一概述。  相似文献   

根据骨骼进行身高推断、性别判定、年龄判定以及同一认定等是法医人类学个体识别的重要内容。肋骨是骨骼系统的重要组成部分,在性别和年龄的判定中具有重要的应用价值。本文主要就肋骨在性别和年龄判定两个方面的国内外研究做一概要回顾,为肋骨的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

某年4月20日在甲地海边沙滩上发现一只人体左小腿(含左足)(见图1).4月22日在乙地开发区附近海面发现一只人体右小腿(含右足)(见图2).同年4月30日在丙地某村海岸边沙滩上,发现一只人体左大腿(见图3). 2 检验 2.1 身高推断经DNA检验,三地所发现的尸块属同一女性.进一步做人类学经检验,左股骨生理长为42cm,左、右胫骨生理长为38cm,左、右足的足长为20cm.根据张继宗对中国汉族女性长骨推断身高的研究1,Y =508.464+2.640*左股骨生理长,则Y=161.7cm.根据万秋萍等人对成人身高与足长的回归分析2,Y=91.5761+3.0976*足长,则Y=153.5cm.根据股骨长度比根据足长推断身高的结果更为准确,故推断死者身高约为162cm.  相似文献   

儿童骨骼个体识别1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洪彬  张继宗 《刑事技术》2004,(5):27-27,35
儿童骨骼的个体识别研究报道较少 ,在法医人类学实践中 ,如何对儿童骨骼进行性别、年龄鉴定 ,难度较大。 2 0 0 3年在山东省某地枯井内 ,发现一具儿童尸骨 ,要求作性别、年龄鉴定 ,现报告如下。1 性别判定儿童骨骼的性别鉴定 ,在现有可查专著中[1] ,均没有提供实用的方法 ,仅提示儿童骨盆存在着性别差异。通过对送检儿童的耻骨观察可见 ,耻骨体呈三角形 ,测量左、右耻骨的缘枝角均为 14 0°。同时 ,根据Mittler的儿童骨骼性别判定的方法发现 ,送检骨骼耳状面的边缘凸起的部分小于 1/ 2 ,其余部分均不高出髂骨骨面[2 ] 。上述骨骼特征提示…  相似文献   

利用尸体骨骼影像学资料进行身份鉴别是实现法医学个体识别的重要途径.为减少人工因素影响,借助计算机实现半自动或自动化个体识别已经成为法医影像学骨骼个体识别的研究方向之一.基于此,本文主要对计算机辅助法医影像学骨骼特征推断年龄与性别等人类学信息,以及利用骨骼影像学特征进行个体识别的研究进行回顾总结,为拓展法医影像学骨骼个体...  相似文献   

本文综述了髂骨耳状面在人类学个体识别中的应用,髂骨耳状面对年龄、身高和性别的推断,具有简单、准确的特点,在人类学个体识别中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

外耳的个体识别主要用于面相鉴定。为提高面相鉴定的能力 ,本文对外耳的个体识别的发展概况 ,外耳的特征标记 ,外耳的鉴定方法 ,目前存在问题 ,以及未来的发展方向进行较全面的综述介绍  相似文献   

Abstract: The frontal sinuses are known to be unique to each individual; however, no one has tested the independence of the frontal sinus traits to see if probability analysis through trait combination is a viable method of identifying an individual using the frontal sinuses. This research examines the feasibility of probability trait combination, based on criteria recommended in the literature, and examines two other methods of identification using the frontal sinuses: discrete trait combinations and superimposition pattern matching. This research finds that most sinus traits are dependent upon one another and thus cannot be used in probability combinations. When looking at traits that are independent, this research finds that metric methods are too fraught with potential errors to be useful. Discrete trait combinations do not have a high enough discriminating power to be useful. Only superimposition pattern matching is an effective method of identifying an individual using the frontal sinuses.  相似文献   

Abstract: Radiographs and computed tomography (CT) images have been increasingly applied and accepted in forensic sciences. Along with radiographs and CT images, the frontal sinus is often used for the individual identification because of its unique and unchangeable characteristics. The purpose of this study is to define the usefulness of three‐dimensional (3‐D) images of the frontal sinus for identification. CT images from 119 Korean cadavers were built up for 3‐D reconstruction and surveyed with 15 measurements. The total volume of the sinus, some nonmetric characteristics, and the bilateral asymmetry index in men differed significantly from those in women (p < 0.05). The digit codes, six sections and 10‐digit number, were almost able to accurately identify individuals (98%). This study showed a statistical difference between the sexes and classified the fused and prominent middle sinuses for the first time. This proposed method for identification is more accurate than those used in other studies.  相似文献   

Frontal sinuses (FSs) have been studied in radiology, anthropology, and forensic anthropology. This study aimed to determine whether it was possible to predict the age and sex of an individual using FS volume. Sixty‐nine anonymized CT scans were imported to MIMICS 10.01® software (Materialise N.V.), and each FS volume was calculated in mm3. There was an absence of significant difference between right and left FS volume (p = 0.173) and an absence of correlation between age and FS volume (Pearson's test; p = 0.705). Sexual dimorphism was significantly different (p = 0.001). However, the most discriminant datum for determining sex was found to be the total FS volume (sum of an individual's right and left FS volumes) with linear discriminant Fisher's function coefficients of ?2.759 for the male group and ?1.275 for the female group. With this model, 72.5% of our sample was correctly classified according to sex.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several studies have investigated frontal sinus comparison for personal identification. One study addressed the statistical reliability of correct identification using automated digital methods and resulted in a 96% accuracy rate. Missed matches with the digital methods generally involved small, less featured sinuses. This study investigates the hypothesis that human examiners may be able to more accurately identify correct matches than digital methods, even when the comparisons involve small frontal sinuses. Participants were provided two sets of 28 radiographs and were instructed to identify matching radiographs and list the radiographs that did not have a corresponding match. Overall, error rates were low, with correct associations identified at a rate of 0.983. No incorrect associations (“false positives”) were made. Correct association rates were highest among participants “experienced” examining radiographs. Results support previous assertions that frontal sinus radiographs are a reliable means of personal identification even when the frontal sinuses are small.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to verify if frontal sinuses can uniquely identify individuals belonging to family groups using Cameriere methods and to test if kinship can affect the proportion of erroneous identifications. For this purpose, we compared the proportion of false-positive identifications in a sample of 99 individuals within 20 families with a control sample of 98 other individuals without kinship. The results show that the combined use of SOR and the Yoshino code number allows personal identification with a small probability of false positives (p < 10(-6)), even when kinship is taken into account. The present research confirms the importance of studying anthropological frameworks for identification, which leads to reliable methods and allows for both quick and economic procedures.  相似文献   

随着DNA检验及影像学技术的进步与发展,以及各种证据规则的演变,引发了影像资料个体识别是否过时的讨论,以及影像学证据能否适用于当代证据规则、能否解决放射体位差异等诸多争论。本文结合近20年来国内外影像资料个体识别的研究,对以上问题进行综述。  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the use of the frontal sinus cavities for sex differentiation. In this study, a new methodology was used to assess the reliability of CBCT images of the frontal sinus cavity for determining sex based on the sexual dimorphism found in this anatomical structure. The survey sample consisted of 130 scans that were reconstructed three‐dimensionally. 3D images of the cavity volume in the frontal, lateral, and basal views were exported in TIFF. The following variables were measured in a second program: area, perimeter, bounding rectangle, ellipse fit, circularity, aspect ratio, roundness, solidity, and Feret's diameter. The methodology demonstrated the existence of sexual dimorphism with an accuracy of 80.0% in the logistic regression model. The basal view had the greatest explanatory power in the final model. This methodology may be used as an alternative way of determining a reliable biological profile during the analysis of skeletal remains.  相似文献   

Abstract: Use of the frontal sinuses for identification requires an objective method of comparison to meet Daubert standards. Christensen’s application of Elliptical Fourier Analysis and Likelihood Ratios seems to be a viable solution for this problem. The proposed method draws upon this work and attempts to simplify its application. Variation between pairs of digitized sinus tracings was quantified by summing the difference between corresponding measurements taken from a fixed origin to the outer edge of the sinus outlines using Adobe Photoshop® CS2. Same‐skull and different‐skull pairs were used to develop reference distributions from which the probability of unknown pairs coming from the same or a different individual was estimated. Error rates of 0% were achieved. Resulting correlation coefficients demonstrated inter‐rater and test–retest reliability. Further refinement of the reference distributions and more rigorous testing of error rates should make this technique applicable to casework.  相似文献   

The study of frontal sinuses for personal identification is a considered approach in the forensic field. In Yoshino's system, the frontal sinus patterns of a given person were formulated as a code number (codY) obtained by arranging the class numbers in each classification item. The aim of this work was to use a new code number (codC) with eight digits that includes other two continuous variables obtained as ratios SOR1 (left frontal sinus area/left orbit area) and SOR2 (right frontal sinus area/right orbit area), comparing the results with that of Yoshino. Digital radiographic images of the skulls of 150 Chinese people were analyzed. Spearman's partial correlation coefficients were evaluated between variables characterizing frontal sinus patterns. We used a maximum-weight dependence tree for statistical analysis. Results demonstrated that codC significantly reduced the probability of having the same personal code number compared with codY. Our scientific approach results valid for personal identification purposes.  相似文献   

近年来,将计算机断层扫描(CT)等影像学新技术应用于法医人类学个体识别的研究受到国内外法医人类学家的重视。CT具有清晰快速的成像能力以及强大的后处理功能,无需骨骼前处理就能提供高分辨率模型图像,对法医人类学具有重要的研究和应用价值。本文就CT技术在法医人类学研究中应用的进展进行综述,以期为相关研究和实践提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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