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This study investigated the association of several dimensions of relationship to perpetrator of childhood sexual abuse to posttraumatic symptomatology in adulthood. A structured clinical interview, the Impact of Event Scale, and the TSC-40 were administered to 67 women survivors seeking psychotherapy. The t-tests for significant differences indicated that subjects whose perpetrators were not caretakers experienced higher levels of posttraumatic symptomatology (PTS) in adulthood than those abused by caretakers. No significant differences were found in traumatic symptomatology between those whose perpetrators were family members and those whose perpetrators were not or between those abused by someone in the home and those abused by someone outside the household. Implications for future research and clinical practice are explored.  相似文献   

This study identifies (1) the importance of using the Child Sexual Abuse Interview Protocol for multiple disciplines to obtain detailed information of what the alleged child victims say and claim, and (2) the concurrence of multiple professionals about the relevance of items in the protocol in their practice. A survey with 100 items based on the Child Sexual Abuse Interview Protocol was self administered by 36 professionals working at a child advocacy center including administrators, attorneys, child advocates, support persons, physicians, police, psychologists, and social workers. These respondents unanimously felt it was very important for interviewers to complete two specific items during the course of an investigative interview: “showing the interviewer is listening to the child” and “showing patience with the child.” As indicated by the average rating scores, 89 items were perceived between very important and important, and nine items as somewhat important. No item on this scale was rated as doesn’t matter or unimportant. Social workers and police officers did not differ significantly in their ratings of the importance of these items. Both quantitative and qualitative results support four major considerations when using an interview guide: 1) flexibility in opening and closing the interview, 2) professional and appropriate use of the anatomical dolls, 3) assessment of the age and mental state of the child, and 4) determination of the order of questions based on severity of incidents. This study provides data to identify the importance of using a comprehensive interview protocol for multidisciplinary professionals who work with alleged victims of child sexual abuse. The use of these 100 items will enhance the effectiveness of conducting a one-time interview to avoid repeated interviews. This study that was originally aimed at comparing differences among professionals has, in fact, demonstrated the similarities across disciplines, as agreement among various professional groups was substantial. This finding dissolves the myth that multiple disciplines brought forth diverse opinions and instead encourages the “working together” concept of a team.  相似文献   

Past and current memory for childhood sexual abuse reported by a clinical sample of 160 women survivors was assessed utilizing a structured clinical interview. Response alternatives for memory were ordered along a continuum. To minimize treatment effects, participants were interviewed as early in therapy as possible. Fairly complete recollection both in the past and currently was reported by 26.3% of the sample, 36.9% apparently lost and subsequently recovered sexual abuse memories, and 36.9% endorsed intermediate degrees of memory. Only 2.5% indicated a decrease in degree of recollection over time. Age at onset was the only abuse characteristic found to differentiate participants with fairly complete memory from the rest of the sample. Findings are interpreted as illustrating that conclusions about memory for abuse are highly dependent on the way inquiries are conceptualized and worded.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between 10 characteristics of childhood sexual abuse and dissociation in adulthood. A structured clinical interview, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, and the Dissociation Subscale of the Symptom Checklist 90 - Revised were administered to 118 women survivors seeking psychotherapy. Separate stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted for each dissociation scale to determine which abuse characteristics were predictive of dissociation. In both analyses, the same four variables were significantly related to dissociation: age at onset, coercive sexual acts, objectifying sexual acts, and concurrent multiple perpetrators. Implications of findings for future research and clinical practice are explored.  相似文献   

Most students of forensic interviews have focused on the interrogatory techniques used to elicit information from alleged child abuse victims. We asked how the gender of the interviewer and the gender of the child affected this process. Forensic investigators in three countries used either the NICHD structured interview protocol or local standard interview practices to interview 672 alleged victims who ranged in age from 4 to 14 years. Analyses of the interviews showed significant effects of gender on both the interviewers' behavior and the amount of information provided by children. Female interviewers asked boys more invitations, as well as absolutely and proportionally more suggestive questions, than they did girls, whereas male interviewers interviewed boys and girls similarly. Children's responses varied depending on their gender and age, the gender of the interviewer, and the type of question asked. Girls of all ages provided more information in response to directive questions posed by female rather than male interviewers whereas boys did not respond differently to male and female interviewers. The oldest girls provided more information in response to option-posing questions posed by male interviewers. More information was provided by the younger children in response to suggestive prompts from interviewers of the opposite gender. The gender-of-interviewer effects were attenuated in protocol-guided interviews.  相似文献   

从南欧的波斯尼亚到非洲的刚果,莫妮卡·豪瑟尔(Monica Hauser)在世界各地竭尽全力帮助那些被社会遗忘的受害者——因战争冲突而遭受性暴力摧残的女性。由于她非凡的工作,著名的美国《读者文摘》将其评为该杂志"2011年欧洲年度人物"。  相似文献   

陈岩  王迎龙 《犯罪研究》2010,(3):12-16,25
法律惩罚出现以来,被害人于其中大多时候都处于一种被忽视的地位。这不仅表现在惩罚概念本身、刑罚的起源,还表现在不同时期西方著名法学家对法律惩罚正当性的证成当中。造成这种现象的原因除了宪法保护的缺失、“国家追诉犯罪”的基本局面,还包括秘密审判、公开行刑的方式所带来的负面影响。法律惩罚对被害人价值何在?法律惩罚是对被害人的正义之举,是被害人报复情感合理宣泄的途径,是防止被害人走向犯罪的重要举措。  相似文献   

High Risk Behaviors Among Victims of Sibling Violence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the fact that sibling abuse has been documented as the most common form of intrafamilial abuse, it has been largely overlooked. Using data from the 2007 Delaware Secondary School Student Survey (N = 8,122), this paper focuses on four objectives: to estimate prevalence of sibling abuse, examine the relationship between sibling violence and high risk behaviors such as substance use, delinquency and aggression, explore the interplay of sibling abuse and other forms of family violence in predicting high risk behaviors, and test theory. Results suggest that sibling violence occurs more frequently than other forms of child abuse. Results also confirm that sibling violence is significantly related to substance use, delinquency, and aggression. These effects remain significant after controlling for other forms of family violence. The data suggest support for feminist theory and social learning theory.  相似文献   

论专利权滥用行为的法律规制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈丽苹 《法学论坛》2005,20(2):78-85
随着科技的发展和技术贸易量的加大 ,专利权滥用行为的问题日益突出。专利权作为一种合法的垄断权 ,其被滥用同样会损害他人及公共的利益 ,构成对专利法等民事法律立法宗旨的违背和对反垄断法的违反。本文对专利权滥用行为理论进行了一般分析 ,并对世界主要国家与我国专利权滥用控制法律制度作了比较研究 ,在此基础上 ,提出了建立我国专利权滥用行为反垄断法控制制度的相关建议。  相似文献   

Coping Among Adult Female Victims of Domestic Violence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the current literature regarding coping among battered women. It considers a number of contextual factors that are related to women's choices in coping with partner abuse, including factors related to the relationship (e.g., frequency and severity of abuse, length of relationship) and women's resources (e.g., social support, financial resources). Relationships between different forms of coping and psychological outcomes are also examined. As the research in domestic violence coping is somewhat lacking in coherence, theories, and models from the broader coping literature are used to organize the findings from the domestic violence field. Methodological concerns, such as research methods, measurement issues, and sampling, are raised throughout the paper. Suggestions for future research are made.  相似文献   

Empirical findings indicate that many adult sexual offenders experienced sexual abuse during childhood. It has been suggested that characteristics of offenders' sexual perpetrating behaviors may resemble their own victimization experiences, although there has been minimal empirical investigation in this area. The purpose of the present study was to provide preliminary data on the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and characteristics of sexual offending behavior. A sample of adult male sexual offenders with histories of sexual abuse completed the Sexual Victimization Survey as well as a measure on their sexual offenses. Such characteristics as the nature of sexual activities, duration and frequency of experiences, and age and relationship of participants were examined. Results showed trends in the hypothesized direction and revealed a variety of similarities between childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual perpetration. Findings of this exploratory study suggest the importance of addressing the nature of victimization in the treatment of sexually abused boys and offenders with histories of sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Nonphysical abuse of women is receiving increased attention, but research with clinical samples of batterers has not substantially addressed the risk markers of nonphysical abuse. A multisite sample of batterer program participants (n = 840) with a longitudinal 15-month follow-up was used to identify risk markers. Logistic regressions were computed with batterer characteristics for 4 categories of nonphysical abuse (i.e., control, verbal, threats, combined) reported by the batterer's female partners during the follow-up. The only substantial and consistent risk markers were nonphysical and physical abuse prior to program intake and program dropout. The programs appear to help reduce the abuse. Other significant risk markers varied across the categories of nonphysical abuse, suggesting that the categories do not form a continuum or hierarchy of abuse. Recurrent abuse, moreover, continues to be more difficult to predict in clinical samples than in the general population.  相似文献   

There are significant, detrimental effects of physical, sexual, and psychological intimate partner violence (IPV) on victims’ mental health and well-being. However, little is known about the impact of economic abuse. To address this gap, the purpose of this study was to examine the association between economic abuse and depression and to explore whether the association between economic abuse and depression could be accounted for by other forms of IPV victimization (physical, sexual, and psychological abuse). Data from 457 female victims of IPV, recruited from 14 domestic violence programs across 10 states and Puerto Rico, were examined to explore the association between economic abuse and depressive symptoms. A series of hierarchical regressions were used to examine whether the addition of economic abuse improved the association between depression over and above participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and experiences of psychological, physical, and sexual IPV. The majority (93%) of participants reported experiencing economic abuse from their intimate partner. The findings from a series of multiple regression analyses revealed that economic abuse was uniquely associated with depression after accounting for other forms of IPV victimization and the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. Implications include the need for screening, intervention, and prevention of economic abuse among IPV victims and continued research regarding economic abuse experiences.  相似文献   

A validation study of the Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Questionnaire (CSA-KQ) was conducted on a sample of 1712 non-empanelled jurors in the greater Sydney area, Australia. The CSA-KQ contains nine items derived from empirical findings on common misconceptions about typical features of abuse offences, children’s responses to child sexual abuse, and their ability to give reliable evidence. Study 1 tested the factor structure of the questionnaire in a sample of 843 non-empanelled jurors. The best model indicated by exploratory factor analysis had two factors: the Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children and Contextual Influences on the Report. Study 2 cross-validated the findings and tested the predictive validity of the CSA-KQ in a realistic simulated trial in which an 11-year-old complainant alleged abuse by her grandfather. Confirmatory factor analysis replicated the findings of Study 1, showing strong reliability for each of the factors (ρy?=?0.70 to ρy?=?0.80) and for the CSA-KQ (ρy?=?0.76). CSA-KQ scores were significantly correlated with the perceived credibility of the complainant (r?=?0.23). Moreover, the CSA-KQ scores predicted verdict: jurors with greater knowledge about CSA were more likely to convict the defendant than jurors who knew less about CSA.  相似文献   

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