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This article addresses how the law affects family formation among families with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) parents in the United States. Our discussion draws on a socio‐legal approach to law that focuses not only on the law on the books (what we refer to as “legal barriers”) but also on issues like how the law is practiced, how people experience the law in everyday life, and how the law serves as an interpretive framework through which people understand themselves and their families (what we refer to as “social barriers”). In our review, we highlight how attorneys can play a role in valuing and advancing rights for LGBQ‐parent families and LGBTQ prospective parents.  相似文献   

Most legal scholarship on tort focuses primarily on judicial decisions, but this represents only a limited aspect of tortious liability. The vast majority of decisions concerning tortious liability are made by bureaucrats. Unavoidably then, there are two tiers of justice in tort law. This article focuses on the lower tier – bureaucratic decision‐making – arguing that the justice of bureaucratic decisions on tort should be considered on its own terms and not by judicial standards. We develop the notion of bureaucratic justice, applying a normative framework originally set out in relation to public administration. This enables an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of different ways of bureaucratically determining liability claims in tort. The regimes discussed concern the liability of public authorities, but decision makers comprise both state and non‐state actors and the bureaucratic justice framework is, in principle, applicable to understand and evaluate the liability of both public and private actors.  相似文献   

刑法历次修正表明,我国刑法正从厉而不严走向严而不厉。然而,刑法修正所追求的目标应是法网严密,即疏而不漏。作为严密刑事法网的不同进路,释法并不绝对排斥造法,但在位阶上应当优先于造法使用。频繁犯罪化的刑事造法本质上是刑法工具思维和刑法功能泛化的体现,对之应保持警惕并予以限制。在社会主义法律体系基本建成的背景下,立法中心主义应向释法中心主义转变。  相似文献   

Parenting coordination for families struggling with severe conflict can be challenging for both the family and the parenting coordinator (PC). These families can put an inordinate strain on the PC as they lobby their positions and try to bias the PC against the other parent. The interdisciplinary dual‐PC model is an innovative approach using aspects of the collaborative practice model to enhance the efficacy of the process while utilizing the strengths of both disciplines. Through a case illustration, the identification of the family dynamics and situations that give rise to use of this approach shall become clear. This article also demonstrates the potential benefits to both the family and the PCs. All aspects synthesize into a cohesive, well‐balanced approach to the uber‐conflicted parenting relationships.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary work in the law often starts and stops with the social sciences. To produce a complete understanding of how law, evolutionary game‐theoretic insights must, however, supplement these more standard social scientific methods. To illustrate, this article critically examines The Force of Law by Frederick Schauer and The Expressive Powers of Law by Richard McAdams. Combining the methods of analytic jurisprudence and social psychology, Schauer clarifies the need for a philosophically respectable and empirically well‐grounded account of the ubiquity of legal sanctions. Drawing primarily on economic and social psychological paradigms, McAdams highlights law's potential to alter human behavior through expressions that coordinate. Still, these contributions generate further puzzles about how law works, which can be addressed using evolutionary game‐theoretic resources. Drawing on these resources, this article argues that legal sanctions are ubiquitous to law not only because they can motivate legal compliance, as Schauer suggests, but also because they provide the general evolutionary stability conditions for intrinsic legal motivation. In reaction to McAdams, this article argues that law's expressive powers can function to coordinate human behavior only because humans are naturally and culturally evolved to share a prior background agreement in forms of life. Evolutionary game‐theoretic resources can thus be used to develop a unified framework from within which to understand some of the complex interrelationships between legal sanctions, intrinsic legal motivation, and law's coordinating power. Going forward, interdisciplinary studies of how law works should include greater syntheses of contemporary insights from evolutionary game theory.  相似文献   

The history of the development of the implied terms on short delivery is a complex story of judicial and academic ignorance of law and facts. Sir Mackenzie Chalmers' statutory formulation of the right to correct delivery was the same as that provided in Judah Benjamin's 1868 work on sales. However, Benjamin's formulation was flawed, which led to a highly unsatisfactory rule of law. This article considers the history of the case law on short delivery, leading up to the 1893 codification. The operation of the statutory rule further illustrates the depth of confusion which remained following codification. A comparison with the history of short delivery in the United States demonstrates that the confusion within the English system could easily have been avoided.  相似文献   

A decade after the Global Financial Crisis, many developed economies continue to strain under excessive household debt. This article presents evidence suggesting that the failure of policymakers to enact debt relief measures may lie in the superior influence of the coordinated and concentrated financial sector over legislative processes, as compared to the diffuse and disorganised interests of consumer debtors. Post‐crisis popular interest in technical issues of personal insolvency law created only a narrow space of political opportunity. Soon these questions returned to the domain of technocratic actors and corporate influence. The article examines this situation through an inter‐disciplinary case study of consumer bankruptcy reform in Ireland under ‘Troika’ supervision. Proposals initially billed as assisting over‐indebted households developed into increasingly creditor‐friendly legislation in ‘quieter’ stages of technocratic decision‐making. The stark implications of these findings highlight obstacles to resolving household debt problems and consequent risks of economic and political instability.  相似文献   

边沁的法律是主权者的命令这一定义是其价值追求与逻辑推演的结果,经解释性研究而展放出边沁创立这一定义的整体思想框架,即边沁以安全、生存、富裕、平等为价值序列体系;依据经验主义本体论,反驳了自然法与自然权利的虚有性,确定了快乐为立法追求的根本目标,进而,以其价值序列体系与功利计算方法来推导出他的主权者,以道义逻辑推导出命令,最后推导出法律是人民意志的表达.  相似文献   

版权默示许可产生于作品委托合同关系之中,长久以来被认为是一种合同关系,受合同规则的规制.著作权法第三次修改送审稿中对作品委托合同中的默示许可予以承认.但随着数字技术性规则的产生及数字行业规则的影响,版权默示许可合同规则的适用面临着困境.对此,应当在合同规则的基础上,探寻与建构新的版权默示许可的适用规则.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine how a history of legal conflict has produced a constantly evolving professional identity for lawyers representing lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT) clients on family matters. Drawing on in‐depth interviews with 21 lawyers, I describe variation across areas of specialization, advertising, clientele, and access to professional networks. In addition, I focus on how sociopolitical and legal context shapes professional identity and practice for these lawyers, demonstrating the importance of practice location for this group of lawyers. Although interviews were conducted prior to national marriage recognition, these findings provide insight into the future development of the LGBT family law profession post‐Obergefell.  相似文献   

丁佩华 《检察风云》2011,(22):32-35
乌克兰发生的前总理尤利亚·季莫申科被刑事判决事件引起世界关注。季莫申科曾经是苏联后期和苏联解体初期最先下海的弄潮者,当过数届议员代表,两度出任乌克兰政府总理,创建并至今领导着国内有影响的政治力量“祖国党”和“季莫申科联盟”。  相似文献   

公共采购中的公私关系包括采购人与供应商的关系,采购人与其工作人员或其代理机构、聘用专家等的关系,供应商与其员工的关系,纳税人(或公众)与采购人、供应商之间的关系,跨国公私主体之间的关系等.公共采购公私关系的多维度存在、公共采购合同混合论的共识、公共采购法公法与私法调整机制的综合运用,说明公共采购法是公私耦合之法.其公私关系具有范围、功能与规制的多维度、采购流程上的公权与私权强弱渐变、规制与激励上的复式等特征.正确处理公共采购中的公私关系对完善我国公共采购法具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Intention is at the heart of criminal law. If it is not the mens rea requirement found most often in offences, it is still the standard against which other grades of fault tend relatively to be judged. It has generated much controversy, as the crucial question, “Did the defendant intend X?” is resistant to clear answers. This paper argues that intention‐questions are difficult because intention is not the thing law takes it to be: Importantly, contrary to law's assumptions, it is neither a state of mind nor is it connected in an exclusive manner to the reasons for which we act.  相似文献   

关于陕西省律师执业“三难”问题的调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,律师执业中的“三难”问题,即会见难、阅卷难、调查取证难始终是律师执业权益保障中存在的突出问题,也是制约律师事业健康发展的主要因素。自去年6月1日新修订的《律师法》实施以来,律师执业中的会见权、阅卷权、调查取证权、言论豁免权等权利在陕西省得到了一定程度的落实,律师执业中的“三难”问题得到了一定程度的解决。但从总体来看,由于法治进程、司法体制改革和诉讼法修改等多种因素的影响,现实中律师执业“三难”问题在陕西省仍然比较突出,执业律师反映较为强烈。  相似文献   

The transposition of European Union (EU) law into national law is a significant part of the EU policy process. However, political scientists have not devoted to it the attention that it deserves. Here, transposition is construed as part of the wider process of policy implementation. Drawing on implementation theory from the field of public policy, the article outlines three sets of factors (institutional, political, and substantive) that affect transposition. Second, the article examines the manner in which eight member states transpose EU legislation, and identifies a European style of transposition. An institutionalist approach is employed to argue that this style is not the result of a process of convergence. Rather, it stems from the capacity of institutions to adapt to novel situations by means of their own standard operating procedures and institutional repertoires. It concludes by highlighting (a) the partial nature of efforts at EU level to improve transposition, themselves impaired by the politics of the policy process and (b) some ideas regarding future research.  相似文献   

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