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本文以主观正义和社会和谐为评价尺度,分析了诉讼和非诉讼解纷方式的实际效果。非诉讼方式具有灵活、多样、低廉的特色,可以采用成文法和习惯法作为划分权利义务的依据。它突出当事人的自治,依靠当事人的平等、理性的对话,在诉讼泛滥和法律中心主义的社会背景下,能比诉讼更高效、和谐地解决私法领域纠纷。同时,非诉讼方式能够培养起有良好社会自治能力的社会组织,能推进社会治理机制的成熟。  相似文献   

美国ADR对中国纠纷解决资源利用的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纠纷解决资源的利用效率直接决定了纠纷解决效率的高低。在我国 ,由于纠纷解决资源利用效率低下 ,致使大量纠纷无法得到及时有效解决。与此相反 ,美国在类似的“诉讼大爆炸”的压力下 ,却通过大力发展ADR ,成功地缓解了法院压力 ,提高了纠纷解决效率。“他山之石 ,可以攻玉” ,分析美国ADR的兴起原因 ,探讨其发展中暴露的不足 ,将对我国纠纷解决资源的利用提供有益启示  相似文献   

论ADR对重塑我国非诉讼纠纷解决体系的意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
非诉讼纠纷解决方式 (ADR)是美国近 30年来异军突起的诉讼外纠纷解决机制。它是各种不违背法律强制性规定的 ,由纠纷双方当事人自主选择并控制的 ,替代诉讼程序解决民事纠纷方式方法的总称。ADR具有灵活解决纠纷、合理分配司法资源、降低纠纷解决成本等功能。由于我国传统法律文化等因素和ADR具有较大的亲和性 ,引进国外ADR的先进经验对重塑我国非诉讼纠纷解决体系具有重大的现实意义  相似文献   

This article explores and shares the learning from two of Cafcass’ innovative dispute resolution pilot programs. The programs aim to improve outcomes for families against the backdrop of rising private law demand in England, while keeping the child at the center. The Positive co‐Parenting Programme pilot provides a structured intervention to reduce conflict and promote timely resolution for children and families in complex cases. The Support with Making Child Arrangements pilot explores whether the provision of a package of support to parents ahead of the first court hearing can help them come to safe agreements about their children without the need for court intervention.  相似文献   

汤唯  刘涛 《法学论坛》2008,23(3):113-119
在科学发展观指导下,建设指导型、服务型、责任型政府,是建构和谐农村的的重大问题.而分析行政权力的价值取向和运行规律,对完善以政府为轴心的纠纷化解机制举足轻重.为此,须采取原理阐释与实证分析相结合的方法,揭示基层政权在解决农村纠纷中的特殊功用,从而为农村纠纷的行政解决途径提供学理支撑.  相似文献   

完善我国的多元化纠纷解决机制,尚需检讨民事诉讼、纠纷解决、诉讼外纠纷解决机制之间的关系。这包括对作为纠纷解决的民事诉讼目的的反思、中外诉讼外纠纷解决机制生发背景的讨论、传统中国社会与现代社会的比照、纠纷解决理论的深挖与整理总结、诉讼及诉讼外纠纷解决方式之于中国社会的观念,以及纠纷解决理论研究方法的调整等方面。  相似文献   

While the impact of the defendant's sex and race on processing decisions is well researched, less is known about the impact of the victim's sex and race on juvenile court decision making. Using data from the juvenile court in St. Louis, Missouri, this study explores direct and interactive effects of the victim's sex and race on outcome decisions for juvenile offenders. Findings suggest that legal differences account for most of the observed differences in detention, commitment and adjudication among the sample studied.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how the structure of dispute resolution shapes the extent to which managerial and business values influence the meaning and implementation of consumer protection law, and consequently, the extent to which repeat players are advantaged. My analysis draws from, links, and contributes to two literatures that examine the relationship between organizational governance structures and law: neo‐institutional studies of law and organizations and socio‐legal studies of repeat players' advantages in disputing. Specifically, I compare an instance where powerful state consumer protection laws are resolved in private dispute resolution forums funded by automobile manufacturers but operated by independent third‐party organizations (California) with one where consumer disputes are resolved in public alternative dispute resolution processes run and administered by the state (Vermont). Through in‐depth interviews and participant observation in the training programs that dispute resolution arbitrators undergo in each state, I show how different dispute resolution structures operating in California and Vermont give different meanings to substantially similar lemon laws. Although my data do not allow me to establish a causal relationship, they strongly suggest that the form of the dispute resolution structure, and how business and state actors construct the meaning of lemon laws through these structures, have critical implications for the effectiveness of consumer protection laws for consumers.  相似文献   

2009年11月5日至6日,由中国社会科学院法学研究所和河北省廊坊市中级人民法院联合主办的“协商性纠纷解决机制国际学术研讨会”在河北省廊坊市迎宾馆隆重举行。该会议系中国社会科学院法学研究所冀祥德教授主持的国际合作课题组成部分。来自美国、德国、澳大利亚以及最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部、团中央、中国社会科学院法学研究所、北京大学、中国人民大学、中国政法大学、中国人民公安大学、南京师范大学、中国青年政治学院、北京工商大学、中央财经大学、香港城市大学和北京、河北、山东、江西等单位的170多位国内外法学界学者和法律界专家参加了会议研讨。  相似文献   

作为一种全新的法学解释系统和理论框架,法经济学有着自身的研究范式。法经济学的研究范式应该是研究纠纷解决理论的有利工具。法经济学基本研究范式对纠纷解决的理论阐释包括对成本效益、供求关系和市场、纠纷解决过程中国家制定法与民间社会非正式规范的博弈均衡等诸多方面的理论分析。在法经济学的研究视角下,论述纠纷诉讼外解决的经济社会合理性。  相似文献   

和解协议属于典型的实体法与诉讼法交叉领域:一方面,和解协议本质上属于特殊的民事合同;另一方面,和解作为一种民事纠纷解决方式,必然要求确定其在诉讼法上的效力尤其是与诉讼的关系。就初始纠纷而言,和解协议与诉讼裁判之间相互排斥,从而实现了广义的一事不再理原则,但和解协议又非终局的纠纷解决方式,因此可能发生和解协议之诉。此外,出于效率等因素的考虑,诉讼法上又常常会对和解协议的效力作出一些特殊规定。这就要求必须从诉讼法的角度,对民事和解的纠纷解决机制进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

Based on a combination of administrative data; juvenile court record review; and informed‐participant interviews of juvenile court judges, attorneys, and service providers, the current study examines the impact of the Foster Children's Project (FCP). FCP is a program that provides professional legal representation to children in substitute care. Legal representation by FCP attorneys is found to increase the rate of children's exit to adoption, leading to a higher overall rate of exit to permanence. The rate of exit to reunification is not, however, found to be affected by FCP representation. Implications for juvenile court policy and practice are discussed.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • The study is the first of its kind to examine the impact of client‐directed representation in cases of children in foster care through examination of Palm Beach County's Foster Children's Project (FCP), which provides professional legal representation to those in state care.
  • FCP representation was found to increase the rate of children's exit to adoption, leading to a higher overall rate of exit to permanence. The rate of exit to reunification, however, remained stable.
  • Research findings are based on administrative data; juvenile court record review; and interviews of juvenile court judges, attorneys, and service providers.

解决海事纠纷常见方式是提交法院或通过仲裁途径 ,但实际上还存在另一种解决方式—— ADR方式。本文首先介绍了 ADR的概念并阐述了 ADR在海事案件中的优点 ,然后通过介绍具体案例解释 ADR在海事案件中的应用过程 ,最后展望了 ADR在以后国际商事中的发展趋势  相似文献   

This study examines the empirical research on legal representation in delinquency proceedings and situates it in the broader investigation of how states provide legal assistance to juvenile defendants. Our review of empirical studies found that attorney presence was an aggravating factor in dispositional decisions. After closely examining state statutory provisions on legal representation in juvenile delinquency proceedings, we suggest that the penalty effect of attorney presence is an artifact of the variation in state laws governing access and oversight of juvenile counsel. We conclude with suggestions for future research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

曹燕 《河北法学》2012,(8):124-125,126,127,128,129,130,131
上海、宁波、厦门和深圳等地富有特色的劳动争议多元化解决机制的构建经验充分体现和谐劳动关系的基本理念,以此为蓝本展示我国劳动争议多元化解决机制构建的实施过程并对比西方法律理念,结合我国和谐思想传统,对其进行理论反思将有助于理解劳动争议多元化解决机制构建的正当性和明确未来其在我国发展的可能路径。  相似文献   

上海、宁波、厦门和深圳等地富有特色的劳动争议多元化解决机制的构建经验充分体现和谐劳动关系的基本理念,以此为蓝本展示我国劳动争议多元化解决机制构建的实施过程并对比西方法律理念,结合我国和谐思想传统,对其进行理论反思将有助于理解劳动争议多元化解决机制构建的正当性和明确未来其在我国发展的可能路径.  相似文献   

吴勇 《中国司法》2010,(2):81-82
本文拟从公证制度的功能出发,分析公证在多元化纠纷解决机制的核心价值,并就实现其价值提出脉络和路径。  相似文献   

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