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Three instances of estimation of postmortem interval using computer-assisted entomological techniques on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands are presented. While postmortem intervals were similar for all cases (4-5 1/2 days), recovery of the remains in differing habitats (xerophytic, mesophytic, and swamp) on the island resulted in significant differences in gross appearance of the remains, which could have resulted in the determination of different postmortem intervals in the absence of entomological techniques.  相似文献   

Forensic entomology in Germany   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Forensic entomology (FE) is increasingly gaining international recognition. In Germany, however, the development of FE has been stagnating, mainly because of the lack of cooperation between police, forensic medicine and entomology. In 1997 a co-operative research project 'Forensic Entomology' was started in Frankfurt/Main at the Center of Legal Medicine and the Research Institute Senckenberg. The aim of this project is to establish FE in Germany as a firmly integrated component of the securing of evidence from human cadavers in cases of suspected homicide. For this purpose we developed a forensic insect collecting kit, and policemen are educated for greater acceptance and better application of FE. The scientific programme focuses on the investigation of the insect succession on cadavers in urban and rural habitats. This also includes new indicator groups (e.g. parasitic wasps) for a more precise calculation of the late post mortem interval. Recently a DNA-based reliable and fast identification method especially for the immature stages of necrophagous insects became part of the project. Preliminary results are reported and two case studies presented.  相似文献   

Forensic entomology as a science and a tool for investigation has had slow beginnings in Australia. A number of small animal decomposition trials have been recorded in the literature but mostly from an ecological rather than a forensic entomology perspective. In the last 20 years, a number of more forensically orientated field trials on small pigs and some fly developmental trials in the laboratory have been conducted but lack any replication. The following article was presented at an international seminar to detail the current research in forensic entomology, the applications of forensic entomology in scene of crime (SOC) and homicide investigations and the education of police and judiciary in the discipline of forensic entomology in Western Australia over the last 10 years.  相似文献   

A postmortem interval of 34 to 36 days was established for remains recovered on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, based on interpretations of patterns of arthropod succession on the remains. This interval was primarily based on the presence of adult specimens of Philonthus longicornis (family Staphylinidae), mature larvae of Piophila casei (family Piophilidae), and empty puparial cases of Chrysomya rufifacies (family Calliphoridae). Species and developmental stages of two additional Coleoptera species and three additional Diptera species were also present, which was consistent with the estimated interval, although not definitive.  相似文献   

The combined analysis of both ant and blow fly evidence recovered from a corpse, and from the boot of a suspect, suggested that an assumed scenario in a high profile murder case was likely to be true. The ants (Lasius fuliginous) were used as classical crime scene stains that linked the suspect to the scene. Blow fly maggots (Calliphora spec.) helped to determine the post mortem interval (PMI) with the calculated PMI overlapping with the assumed time of the killing. In the trial, the results of the medico-legal analysis of the insects was understood to be crucial scientific evidence, and the suspect was sentenced to 8 years in prison.  相似文献   

Beetles (Coleoptera) have been recognised as providing significant entomological evidence in the medico-legal field, particularly with reference to dry human skeletal remains in the later stages of decomposition.The Dermestidae (skin beetles) and Cleridae (bone beetles) have been found as the most common types infesting exposed human remains and providing evidence in estimating the minimum postmortem interval (PMI).  相似文献   

The first case of application of forensic entomology in the Brazilian Amazonia is described. The corpses of 26 men were found in the rainforest in Rondonia State, Brazil. Fly larvae collected on the bodies during autopsy were identified as Paralucilia fulvinota (Diptera, Calliphoridae). No data or specimens were collected at the crime scene. At the laboratory, the larvae developed into pupae in 58 h and into adults in 110.5 h. The total development time for P. fulvinota was measured in field experiments inside the forest. The age of the larvae when collected from the bodies was estimated as the difference between the time required for them to become adults and the total development time for this species. The estimated age of the maggots and the minimum postmortem interval was 5.7 days.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme gamma-glutamyltransferase was determined in 26 normal ejaculates by means of a commercially available kit. The activities concerned ranged between 3800 and 12 500 U/l at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会《决定》明确列入司法行政部门统一管理的司法鉴定业务类别仅三类,使得司法行政部门对司法鉴定统一管理的范围太窄,存在着明显缺位。《决定》对司法行政部门统一管理范围的有限规定,制约着司法鉴定统一管理框架的构建,多头管理,重复登记的现象仍然存在,造成管理上的错位。有的部门自行出台与《决定》精神相悖的文件,内设的鉴定机构超越职能,面向社会受理鉴定业务,影响了市场的净化。本文对上述问题产生的原因及弊端进行了分析与探讨,并提出了进行立法解释、开展执法检查、扩大统一管理范围、加快规章制定进程的建议。  相似文献   

A Vietnamese trophy skull, apparently a victim of the Vietnam war, was recently received for analysis in a New York State homicide case. The skull, which is well preserved except for the missing mandible and maxillary dentition, is compared to trophy skulls of Japanese military personnel, also brought back to the United States by American soldiers following wartime duty in Asia.  相似文献   

《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》以及一些与此相配套的重要规章,包括《司法鉴定机构登记管理办法》、《司法鉴定人登记管理办法》和《司法鉴定程序通则》等的实施以来,出现了一些新情况、新问题,本文着重对困扰刑事诉讼的相关司法鉴定的有关理论和实践问题进行剖析,力求有助司法鉴定制度的完善。  相似文献   

随着法证DNA证据以及它所适用的概率模型日益凸显,反映了传统法证科学的局限性,并使人们对法证科学领域的决策产生了越来越多的质疑,焦点集中在对结论的解读方式和实际运用。分析表明,科学证据的本质不是绝对性或确定性的,而是概率性的;同时,事实审判者需要基于这些概率性的证据对事实作出明确的决定。因此,对于法证科学领域的决策,应当是专家在一系列归纳得出的特定假设基础上,就研究结果的概率进行恰当的报告,由事实审判者承担对概率作出决断的任务。  相似文献   

In this case, an individual was suspected of attempting to burn materials potentially relating to a murder case. A number of spent and unspent matches were seized at the scene by police for forensic examination. Coincidentally, a police raid at the suspect's house revealed a number of matchboxes, all of the same brand, containing matches that had a visual similarity to those recovered at the scene. Stable Isotope Profiling (SIP) was used to assess whether matches could either be distinguished or shown to be indistinguishable by 13C and 2H isotopic composition. These results were then compared to those from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of match heads and microscopy of the wood. SIP showed the scene matches and seized matches to be different, which was confirmed by XRD and microscopy analyses.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropology has undergone considerable change over the past 10 years. Today it is utilized by most law enforcement, coroner, and medical examiner systems. The techniques for determination of age at death, sex, race, and stature from skeletal remains have been modified and greatly expanded. The role of the forensic anthropologist within a medicolegal context is much broader than in previous years. In addition to establishing individual identity, forensic anthropologists are now consulted for trauma analysis, facial reconstruction, photographic superimposition, determination of time interval since death, and crime-scene recovery. Not all physical anthropologists are forensic anthropologists. Qualified individuals are certified, through rigorous examination, by the American Board of Forensic Anthropology. A list of board-certified forensic anthropologists may be obtained through the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to test the relevance of bryophyte (Plantae, Bryophyta) material for forensic studies. The first experiment was conducted to reveal if, and how well, plant fragments attach to footwear in general. In the test, 16 persons walked outdoors wearing rubber boots or hiking boots. After 24h of use outdoors the boots were carefully cleaned, and all plant fragments were collected. Afterwards, all plant material was examined to identify the species. In the second experiment, fresh material of nine bryophyte species was kept in a shed in adverse conditions for 18 months, after which DNA was extracted and subjected to genotyping to test the quality of the material. Both experiments give support for the usability of bryophyte material in forensic studies. The bryophyte fragments become attached to shoes, where they remain even after the wearer walks on a dry road for several hours. Bryophyte DNA stays intact, allowing DNA profiling after lengthy periods following detachment from the original plant source. Based on these experiments, and considering the fact that many bryophytes are clonal plants, we propose that bryophytes are among the most usable plants to provide botanical evidence for forensic investigations.  相似文献   

This review analysed public perspective studies on forensic DNA retention in the United Kingdom and around the world. The studies generally show strong public support for the long-term or indefinite retention of DNA from convicts and suspects. There is considerable support for the retention of DNA from all or some arrestees and potentially the entire population. This was predicated upon the belief that forensic DNA databases have crime-solving abilities, which the public rate highly. In the UK, it was found that the current Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 regime is broadly representative of the recommendations of the surveyed British public. Nevertheless, the studies highlighted a gap in forensic DNA education among the public, suggesting that public views may not be well informed. Overall, there was clear evidence of privacy concerns and the potential misuse of DNA records among the public, with a significant number opposing the retention of DNA from the innocent. It was found that most of the studies were qualitative or non-representative of the relevant population, limiting the generalisation of the results. There was also limited studies among a representative sample of primary stakeholders who are well-informed or directly exposed to the benefits, challenges and risks associated with DNA retention. A research into stakeholders rating of different forensic DNA retention regimes is therefore highly recommended. This is important because the studies suggest divergent views among criminal justice professionals and other members of the public, with the former expressing expansive views and the latter expressing restrictive views. The primary stakeholder's survey will help establish whether the relevant safeguards have been put in place to protect both public security and individual interests.  相似文献   

目的 探讨监禁死亡的法医病理学及其流行病学特点。方法 对华西医科大学法医学系 1 987~ 1 998年所作 5 2例监禁死亡案例病理材料进行统计分析。结果 性别 :5 2例均为男性。年龄 :从 1 8岁~ 70岁 ,以 2 1至 4 0年龄段为主 ( 6 1 5 3% )。民族 :汉族人居多 ( 84 6 1 % )。职业 :待业、农民、工人最多 ( 75 % )。婚姻状态 :已婚者占多数 ( 5 9 6 1 % )。监禁原因 :以抢劫、偷盗为主 ( 6 3 4 6 % ) ,首次被监禁为主 ( 94 2 3% )。监禁死亡时间以 3个月常见 ( 36 5 4 % ) ,死亡地点以派出所、看守所及监狱常见 ( 82 6 9% )。死亡方式 :自然死亡以肺结核及支气管炎为主 ( 4 6 1 5 % ) ,自杀以自缢及高坠为主 ( 4 8 1 5 % ) ,少部分为他杀 ,以同监犯人打死为主( 5 76 % )。结论 监禁中死亡与多种因素有关 ,防止该类事件的发生需要各方面的努力。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of the results of the author's investigations concerning spinal cord injuries. The voluminous material obtained with the use of up-to-date research methods (histological, histochemical, and biochemical) includes basic data on the mechanisms of regulation of blood circulation under normal conditions and in the case of a mechanical injury. It is shown that pathological morphological changes in the affected areas of the spinal cord as well as activities of transport enzymes in the capillaries and the reactive processes in the monoaminoergic nervous apparatus of he arteries may be used as the objective criteria for the determination of the time of the injury. The results of these studies find application in the practical diagnostic work for the estimation of the time of the spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

在审理人身损害赔偿案件时常涉及休息、护理和营养期限的法医学鉴定.目前,我国尚无统一的人身损害赔偿"三期"鉴定标准.本文从确定人身损害事实的存在、后期治疗、损伤与疾病的因果关系、个体差异、假体装置、移植物、人工组织器官损坏、多发性复合性损伤、鉴定时机、生物-心理-社会医学模式等方面谈及"三期"鉴定时应遵循的原则和须注意的事项.  相似文献   

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