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王微 《法制与社会》2010,(17):85-85
索马里海盗因其对国际物流体系的咽喉——亚丁湾造成的滋扰而备受关注。目前,响应《联合国海洋法公约》(简称《公约》)保护国际航运安全、打击海盗行为,多国的军舰已在亚丁湾海域护航,取得丰硕成果也引发众多争议。本文分析了各国打击索马里海盗的国际法权责依据,辨析对海盗的审判权界,以期为解决索马里海盗问题提供国际法角度的思考。  相似文献   

对国际社会来说,海盗仍然是一种严重威胁,尤其是在索马里地区,海盗异常猖獗。由于海盗对国际贸易和世界安全的破坏,对海盗罪的普遍管辖权已得到各国的普遍承认,但现行国际法关于海盗罪的规定却存在许多"空白",普遍管辖权不能涵盖所有的海盗行为,因此,国际法应该进行相应的变革以应对海盗的威胁。这些变革应包括对海盗罪重新定义,建立危险海域的护航机制,推动区域性打击海盗机制的建立及由安理会提供必要的授权。  相似文献   

打击索马里海盗所涉法律问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日益猖獗的海盗行径使得索马里海盗问题成为当今国际政治焦点之一.联合国安理会就此问题通过了多项决议,国际社会包括美国、俄罗斯、北约、欧盟、印度、中国等已派遣军舰前往索马里附近海域执行打击海盗任务.对于国际法在打击海盗问题上有哪些规定,各国的护航行动是否具有合法性,是关系到能否打好组合拳的关键问题.因此立足于国际法,通过理论联系实际,确认打击行动的合法性,为实现各国在联合国框架体系下的协调合作,促进海洋和谐发展奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

索马里亚丁湾海域是海盗极其活跃的地区,他们对过往的船只骚扰袭击,劫持人质、船只以换取赎金,对国际贸易产生了严重的影响.根据联合国安理会通过的决议,世界各国海军陆续派出舰队前往索马里亚丁湾海域为商船护航、打击海盗. 然而,历经了多年的打击,索马里海域的海盗问题还是没有得到彻底解决.不少人在问:为何索马里海盗剿而不灭?未来...  相似文献   

军舰护航涉及国内法和国际法双重依据问题,其中联合国安理会的相关决议和索马里政府的同意,构成军舰护航打击索马里海盗的国际法依据。随着打击海盗行动的深入发展,法律合作成为打击海盗国际合作中亟待加强的重要领域。各国应尽快订立或完善刑事罪名,确立对海盗的普遍管辖权;协议海盗疑犯的移交、审判和监管安排,为军舰护航打击海盗提供法律基础;加强对索马里海域沿岸国的援助,帮助其加强国内司法能力建设。  相似文献   

在1991年以来的17年间,索马里几乎从未间断过内战,这种游离于无政府状态下的国内秩序无疑是滋生海盗团伙的温床。索马里海盗仅仅在2008年就制造了近40起劫持外国船只事件,收取赎金总计数千万美元,索马里海盗问题已经成为备受国际社会关注的国际性问题。2008年联合国通过了多项决议倡导各国通过派出海军军舰护航的形式来打压索马里海盗的气焰,确保亚丁湾海域的海运安全。中国于2008年末也派出了自己的海军舰队为中国(包括港澳台)商船保驾护航,然而中国的举动却面临着各种不同的眼光和声音。本文以索马里海盗和中国海军军舰出征为视角,依托海权论进行分析,得出一些关于解决索马里海盗问题的方法的看法。  相似文献   

索马里海盗,是一群专门在海上抢劫其他国船只的犯罪者。1991年索马里内战的爆发,令亚丁湾这一带海盗活动更趋频繁,曾多次发生劫持,暴力伤害船员事件。面对日益猖獗的海盗行为,需要国际社会积极予以重视和打击。本文试从国际法角度分析打击索马里海盗和挽救损失的法律性质。  相似文献   

曲波  刘芳 《河北法学》2011,29(5):2-9
海军护航打击索马里海盗有充分的国际法依据。《联合国海洋法公约》关于海盗行为的定义一定程度上限制了对索马里海盗的打击。短时间内,修订《联合国海洋法公约》关于海盗的定义并不现实,联合国安理会的决议又具有临时性,通过双边或区域协议的方式对海盗的认定达成共识是一种可行的方法。由某一主权国家审判索马里海盗存在一定的困难性,国际社会可采取特设法庭的方式来审判索马里海盗。我国应制定惩治海盗的国内法。  相似文献   

目前海盗依然猖獗,建立国际性法院审判海盗行为,可有效打击海盗犯罪,有利于维护国际海运的安全和秩序,彰显国际法治的尊严和价值,实现国际正义。国际犯罪由国际性法院或法庭来起诉和审理是基本公理,更何况海盗犯罪是公认的属于普遍管辖的犯罪。近十年以来对索马里海盗的审判实践及暴露出的问题更加深了对这一结论的理解。对海盗罪的普遍管辖、海盗罪的非政治特征及其辐射功能等都使得建立海盗罪国际刑事法院具有可行性。海盗罪国际刑事法院将以《联合国海洋法公约》的定义为基础,统辖国际公共海域的海盗犯罪,彻底终结海盗定义的争议。该法院的法律适用将以国际条约为基础,结合国内法意义上的一般法律原则以及司法判例。鉴于对海盗罪的普遍管辖,在海盗管辖权的行使方面,应在符合缔约国的基本条件下吸纳多种因素提交情势,并突出检察官提交情势的独立性。  相似文献   

法经济学视阈下的索马里海盗问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
索马里海盗问题是因索马里国内治理不善而产生的一个外部性问题,然而基于索马里国内目前的状况,无论是通过制度化的方法还是采用市场的方法都无法使索马里政府来解决海盗这一外部性问题,而只能由受影响国和地区自行解决。但是,由于目前各国采取的单独海上巡逻的解决方式效率较低,因此国际社会应加强合作。根据公共产品理论,索马里海域安全作为一种国际公共产品,应通过国际合作来提供,但由于各国偏好的不同以及"搭便车"倾向的存在,使得国际合作难以展开,因此联合国等国际组织应发挥组织协调作用,以促成国际合作。  相似文献   

马丽 《法人》2009,(11):78-79
近200位深圳业主在惠州采取的法律行动肯定是基于维护自己的权益,但他们能否给惠州地产界带来改变尚无答案  相似文献   

This article analyses potential end-user copyright violations associated with peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and the anti-piracy efforts currently underway in order to tackle them. This article discusses international developments in terms of trends, issues and solutions aimed at addressing peer-to-peer file sharing of copyrighted material. First, the article introduces P2P file sharing, its increasing significance in the growing digital media economy, and the legal issues surrounding this topic. Next, the article provides a comparative analysis of global efforts and trends in preventing digital piracy by analyzing relevant legislation, case law and practices in multiple jurisdictions, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, and Japan. In addition, the article reviews Hong Kong's current case law and proposed legal reforms including an analysis of their deficiencies with respect to addressing P2P copyright infringement. The article concludes with an analysis of existing trends in preventive measures against copyright infringement through P2P file sharing and suggests directions on future legal and non-legal measures that Hong Kong as well as the international community can take in combating digital piracy and copyright infringement through peer-to-peer file sharing.  相似文献   

朱利江 《法律科学》2010,28(3):155-159
肆虐的索马里海盗和武装劫船行为已经对当代国际法多个分支产生了挑战和冲击,带来了若干亟需解决的法律问题。国际社会必须在预防、制止和惩治方面完善对付海盗和武装劫船行为的国际法体系,包括推动武装劫船行为概念的普遍化、更多依赖1988年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》及其2005年议定书、澄清适用于武力打击海盗和武装劫船行为的国际人权和人道法的类型和内容、以及探索对海盗行为进行公正有效制裁的刑事审判模式。  相似文献   

发达国家认为现有的TRIPS协议,虽一定程度上提高了国际知识产权的保护水平,但其在知识产权执法实践方面仍然不完善。所以,欧、美、日等主要发达国家又发起并制定了反假冒贸易协定(ACTA)。协议要求成员国强化打击假冒和盗版行为的力度,建立更高标准、更具体、更强硬的知识产权全球执法框架,并建立一个类似于世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织国际机构以外的理事机构。ACTA的签订必将对国际贸易产生重要影响,尤其会给发展中国家的国际贸易造成巨大冲击。因此,应认真分析协议可能给我国带来的负面影响,并采取相应对策。  相似文献   

Using concepts drawn from situational crime prevention theory, this study compares successful and unsuccessful pirate attacks (n = 4,638) against ships worldwide and the situational factors that help prevent such attacks. The results show that when a ship’s crew takes proactive self-protective measures that increase the perceived effort (increasing speed, employing evasive maneuvers) and increase the perceived risk (embarking private security, having watchman present, raising alarm, increasing lighting, anti-piracy) of perpetrating an attack, unsuccessful attacks are significantly more likely after controlling for environmental influences. Despite a few common data limitations, the study contributes to the crime prevention literature by analyzing piracy from a micro level instead of a macro level. Future research should examine how the piracy “ecosystem” contributes to the problem and the costs and benefits counter-piracy activities.  相似文献   

"海盗行为"是一种国际法罪行,也是联合国安理会两次专门通过决议要予以坚决打击和惩治的犯罪活动。然而,要有效地打击与惩治索马里海盗,还必须具备一个有效的法律机制。不管是通过建立国际刑事法庭的形式,还是通过国内法庭的司法程序,都得适用已成为国际习惯法的"司法公正"原则。这对于中国及其他国家而言,是一种责任与挑战。  相似文献   

分析海盗的法律概念、由来及特点,介绍全球联手打击海盗的措施与效果,详细介绍国际海事组织(IMO)针对海盗和海上犯罪行为专门制定的《海上刑事法案准则》(草案)。  相似文献   

The last couple of years has seen a revival of maritime piracy. It spread from the coast of Somalia to nearby waters and further. Somali pirates captured dozens of ships and their crew and demanded large sums of ransom. This in turn has triggered the international community to send an international fleet of marine flotillas to protect the international shipping trade. Furthermore, international shipping companies took target hardening measures through barricading ships and giving the crew access to weapons. Still, piracy attacks are escalating even as we speak. Since stepping up repressive measures does not seem to have solved the problem, the question arises of what other options are available to prevent piracy. Situational crime prevention might not seem the most obvious tool in this case, but it is worth considering. By using the vocabulary of situational crime prevention, a neutral analysis of the situation can be applied and may help to identify possible ways to counter piracy. E.g., we are not interested in the motives of the pirates, but ways to make it unattractive for them to attack passing ships. When we consider that the Somali government is absent because of internal chaos, it becomes obvious that other forms of guardianship must be introduced.  相似文献   

Film Review     
Piracy is far from a new phenomenon (with records of piracy dating back to the 1600s), yet over the course of the past decade, it has become a focus of the international political community. Drawing from Foucault and Gramsci, we suggest that the ‘problem’ of piracy today, in particular off the coast of Somalia, is framed in a discourse to reify and support a broader ‘regime of truth’ embedded in global state-corporate economic interests. We further suggest that equating the Somalia piracy to terrorism and as a global threat to peace and maritime security serves as the political discourse designed to legitimate militarized policy responses rather than addressing the underlying conditions in Somalia that are facilitating the instances of piracy. While piracy was once a state-organized crime committed for the purposes of capital accumulation, the current framing and overly militarized responses are based on protecting states’ capital interests rather than addressing the root of the problem at hand, inadvertently providing a venue under which the conditions and ongoing deterioration of the Somalia state not only continue but remain marginalized and unaddressed.  相似文献   

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