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Competition among core cities or urban centers and suburban and rural areas besets numerous states. The competition often occurs amid a political environment in which suburban and rural areas enjoy a political majority in the state legislature, a majority that directs state investments to their areas. With Ohio as a case study, the issues that have created the urban–suburban–rural trichotomy are reviewed and an analysis of the tax returns, by area, to state investments is presented. The findings illustrate that urban centers produce more tax dollars per dollar of state investment than other areas, implying that state underinvestment in urban areas harms overall state tax revenues.  相似文献   

加强高校共青团干部的服务意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高金华 《学理论》2009,(21):199-200
服务职能是共青团的重要职能之一。新时期,新形势,高校共青团干部必须按照"三个代表"的要求,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,从新的历史起点出发,适应高校青年学生特点的新变化,解放思想,实事求是,加强和改进团的建设,不断强化团的服务功能,树立适应时代发展、形势变化的服务意识。  相似文献   

戴苏南 《学理论》2010,(26):259-260
高职院校团组织建设发展对院校的自身发展、人才的培养,甚至社会和谐都有着重要的作用。通过对现阶段高职院校基层团组织建设的现状进行分析,指出目前高职院校存在团员青年意识淡薄、团干部队伍不稳定、团的凝聚力与吸引力不够等现实问题,并提出了高职院校团组织建设相应的几点策略。  相似文献   

Abstract. Institutional pension policy is held to be one of the trade marks of the celebrated Scandinavian model. Universal national pensions guarantee a decent livelihood to every citizen irrespective of socio-economic status. Income-related pensions that are paid on top of the national pensions secure the standard of living achieved during the working career. This Scandinavian institutionalism has usually been associated with long-lasting working class hegemony, consolidated by the deliberate goal of abolishing means-testing from national pensions and expanding the scope and quality of income-related pensions. However, some studies challenge this interpretation. Instead, they emphasize the crucial role played by the middle classes. By using survey data from Finland, this study seeks to determine which socio-economic groups are in favour of the present Finnish pension policy model characterized by universal basic pensions and income-graduated work-merit pensions. The results show that workers and farmers are more willing to introduce means-testing and flat-rate pensions than white-collar workers. Correspondingly, these groups are more sceptical of income-graduated benefits. Middle classes, especially upper white-collar workers, support income graduated benefits and are more reluctant than workers and farmers to introduce means-tested or flat-rate pensions. Thus, the results indicate that the support for the present institutional pension policy model in Finland is strongest among the middle strata. But the results also indicate that this support is greatly dependent on benefit form, and when debating on the class basis of the Scandinavian universalism, we must be more explicit in specifying which aspects of universalism are at stake.  相似文献   

作为政治学的基本概念,权力具有基本性、强制性、相互性和准实体性等几种主要特性.权力是最早的和最普遍的政治现象,权力是一种强制的影响力,权力只发生在人际之间,权力又有准实体的性质.权力可以建立在力量、智慧、习俗、制度和组织等基础之上.暴力可以导致服从,知识也能成为力量,习俗和制度都是支配个人的力量,组织与权威的联系更加密切.  相似文献   

国际联盟裁军会议是一战后召开的具有重要影响的国际会议。它总结了战争的教训并制定了削减各国军备的计划,通过裁减军备来维护世界的和平,避免再次发生战争。但由于各国对裁军计划和方案的分歧,致使其没有协调和解决大国与中小国家在安全利益方面的矛盾。在动荡的国际局势下没能发挥应有的作用,最终导致失败。  相似文献   

马铭勖  陈金枝 《学理论》2011,(10):312-313
由于时代的变换,我们的团支部遇到了前所未有的挑战。结合自身工作经验,分析了团支部面临的挑战和出现的问题,并提出了一些解决方案。新形势下,发展我们的团组织需要通过交流与合作。基层团干部的工作重点是边缘团员,主要任务是创新团活动形式;上级团组织和党员应起模范先锋作用,激励团员提高自身综合素质;此外,老师家长和学生干部应共同协作,帮助团员树立崇高理想。  相似文献   

孔翠花  李红坦 《学理论》2010,(19):23-24
高校共青团工作是高校思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分,在现今社会,网络已成为广大团员青年生活的重要组成部分,如何利用网络加强对青年的思想方面的引导和教育,成为共青团组织工作面临的一个重要课题。分析了高校建设网上团工作阵地的必要性,初步总结出共青团组织利用网络的原则,提出了网络时代下共青团组织工作方向。  相似文献   

意大利人在同盟战争中失败了,但是他们获得了罗马公民权,被编入罗马特里布斯会议,推动了意大利的罗马化。意大利上层广泛担任罗马高级官职,成为罗马政坛的"新人",加强了罗马共和国的统治基础,对于罗马历史产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

高校基层团组织是与广大青年学生像持密切联系的重要纽带,结合当前高校团组织工作的新要求,探讨了高校基层团绍织建设和管理的办法,以期充分发挥其应有的职能.  相似文献   

抗战时期,毛泽东对于新民主主义国家的政治设计,是共产党人对于未来国家模式的政治构想,是对共产党全面执政后执政方略的总体政治筹划。陕甘宁边区则是这一政治设计方案的“模范试验区”,为国人提前展示了未来新民主主义国家的美好图景。“三三制”民主政权是毛泽东对根据地政权建设的一个创造性设计,极大地丰富了新民主主义国家的设计方案。其在陕甘宁边区的实践表明:“三三制”对于共产党整合各方力量,巩固和扩大抗日民族统一战线,促使抗日战争的最后胜利,发挥了极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

Co‐founding The Political Quarterly was one among many of Leonard Woolf's achievements during a long career as a progressive political thinker and publicist, particularly in the field of international affairs. To mark the centenary of the publication of International Government, his most innovative and influential work on the subject, this article seeks to assess Woolf's contribution. It examines the Fabian background to Woolf's work, his support for and approach to the League of Nations and his commitment to collective security as an approach to peace. Through a broader understanding of the League it argues that certain failings in the area of collective security, however profound, should not be permitted to blight an otherwise impressive intellectual legacy.  相似文献   

高校共青团网络舆情引导实务探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在互联网日益成为舆论主阵地的情况下,网络舆情给高校思想政治教育工作提出了新的挑战,给学生网络引导工作增加难度。高校共青团组织可以建立能够给予网络受众影响力的网站和博客,构筑师生表达、交流思想的平台,发挥网络“舆论领袖”的作用,塑造成优势的“舆论场”,使博客和校园BBS成为能够营造和左右校园舆论的强势媒体,在维护学校稳定、确保正确的舆论导向方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

党的作风状况如何,关系到社会主义和谐社会的构建成效;从根本上说,作风是对领导干部权力观的检验;作风要求是软约束,但需要领导干部的硬功夫。  相似文献   

重大灾害中的集体行动及类型化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对繁琐复杂的灾害表层现象时,如何进一步与主流社会学理论对话,这是未来灾害社会学研究重要的议题和努力方向.通过引入集体行动视角,将灾害中的集体行动具体化为“灾区内灾民集体行动”与“灾区外志愿者集体行动”两种类型.灾民的苦痛及重建的困境越大,对灾害的解读就越倾向“人祸”因素,并通过“搜索信息行动”、“定义情境行动”和“咎责行动”,引起大量的抗争性负向集体行动,甚至威胁到政府的政治安全目标以及社会的公正和稳定性.政府应通过灾害信息的及时颁布、专家诠释等策略影响灾害情境定调取向,将灾害导向“天灾”而非政府的疏失.灾后资源缺乏并非负向集体行动产生的主要原因,更重要的是弱势群体的受灾风险偏高.灾害治理的最高境界就是通过对媒体和民间力量的监督以及公平性机制的建构,将灾害情境中的集体行动整合成救灾和灾后复原的正向行动而规避其负面风险.  相似文献   

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