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The review articles draws attention to the need of serious law and economics analysis of the Maastricht Treaty. It first discusses the convergence criteria, then delves into the history of monetary integration with the example of Germany, looks thirdly at the basic theoretical model underlying the main stream analysis, forthly deals with adjustment problems and finally emphasizes a constitutional law and economics aspect.  相似文献   

We discuss the effects of three different transfer fee systems in European football on contract lengths, wages, profits, education incentives and the number of talents being educated. The different regimes, being used until the Bosman judgement of 1995, currently in use, and recently proposed by the European Commission differ with respect to the transfer fee an initial club must accept in case of a transfer depending on whether a player has a valid contract or not. In particular, we argue that due to its averse effects on investment incentives, the Commission should refrain from its Suggestion of abolishing freely negotiable transfer fees. Our analysis also sheds some light on the issue under which circumstances binding long-term contracts should be allowed in general labor law.  相似文献   

We evaluate the causal linkages between the economic and legal integration process that has characterised the formation of the European Union. Specifically, using the frequency of national references for preliminary rulings sent to the European Court of Justice as a measure of legal integration we investigate its joint dynamics with the expansion of intra-EU trade over the 1960–1998 time period. Our objective is to formally test whether any such linkages exist and the direction within which they have operated.  相似文献   

Member States of the European Union (EU) have undoubtedly changed into de facto countries of immigration. Since the upswing in migration in the late 1980s, net migration for the 15 EU Member States together has not been below 500,000. This article first focuses on trends in international migration (such as migration from former colonies, recruitment of temporary workers, and East-West migration) and special groups of immigrants (such as ethnic Germans, asylum seekers, and clandestine migrants). The second part of the article pays attention to immigrant settlement and migration policies, especially focusing on the European Union (trafficking and smuggling of humans, and the integration of migrants on the labour market). Detailed comparison of international migration flows is seriously hindered by a complexity of different national registration systems, and different countries display differences with regard to type and history of migration, country of origin, size of migration flows and immigrant populations.  相似文献   

This essay examines the problems that many scholars raise when referring to the EU’s chances of implementing a true, original and effective social model, capable of renewing the Welfare State model developed after the Second World War. The analysis is conducted in the light of the process of ‘constitutionalisation’ in the European Union and of the Lisbon Treaty. Following a constructive approach, the author examines the current debate among European public actors on this issue, with particular emphasis on the ‘advanced enforcement’ of the Nice Bill of Rights evident in the jurisprudence of the European Courts as well as in recently published European Commission documents on ‘flexicurity’.
Giuseppe BronziniEmail:

A major achievement of the new institutionalism is the formalisation of the idea that certain policies, such as competition law, are more efficient when administered by a politically independent organisation. Based on this insight, several practitioners and scholars criticise the European Community for relying too much on a multitask, collegial, and therefore politicised organisation, the European Commission. Defining collegiality as the involvement of non‐expert commissioners in the implementation of the EC competition law, this article offers the first interdisciplinary analysis of the causes and consequences of that peculiar European institution. The central finding is that, far from being a mistake or the product of unanticipated consequences, collegiality was a necessary condition for the creation of supranational European law.  相似文献   

经济一体化与当代国际经济法的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐崇利 《法律科学》2002,(5):116-127
经济一体化必然推动各领域国际经济法律规则的内部整合及其与有关社会领域国际法律规则的外部连结。这种现象的出现有助于形成内外联系紧密的国际经济法律秩序。然而,究其实质,国际经济立法的一体化在相当程度上是发达国家利益驱动的结果,因而,发展中国家应力争对该一体化进程实行适当的控制。与此同时,国际经济立法的一体化,也要求对国际经济法律问题采取综合研究的方法,并更为广泛、更为密切地涉及国际环境法、国际人权法及国际劳工法等其他相关的法律部门。  相似文献   

Matej Avbelj 《Ratio juris》2014,27(3):344-363
This article examines the relationship between the concept of sovereignty and the process of European integration. It is argued that the nature of this relationship has been both mutually informative and transformative. As a particular understanding of sovereignty has influenced and determined the perception of European integration, i.e., its conceptualization, so the process of European integration has reflected back on sovereignty and entailed its rethinking. This poses a particular challenge for legal theorists: how to pin down the meaning of sovereignty and European integration so as to put both in the best conceptual and normative light. The article begins by looking at the traditional perspective on sovereignty and how this has been challenged by European integration. The focus then shifts from sovereignty to European integration in order to examine how different perspectives on sovereignty, when used as an epistemic lens for understanding the process of European integration, have produced uneven conceptions of this integration. Finally, the article concludes by making a choice between the various conceptions of sovereignty and European integration. It is argued that the best conception of European integration is offered by the constitutional form of a union founded on pluralist sovereignty.  相似文献   

警察的军事化是指作为执法机构的警察,不断仿效军队思维和军队模式的过程,包括大量使用军用武器和装备:闪光弹、狙击枪、冲锋枪、特警组;用情报机构的方式,收集政治活动和政治人物的信息,以及采用更具有攻击性的风格进行执法等。美国警察军事化始于20世纪50-60年代,911后,由于突出保障国家安全,导致警察基金充沛,权力扩张,战争思维日炽。后果:(1)警察滥用枪械和暴力,每年被警察击毙的人数,保持在千人以上。(2)族群对立加剧。黑人被击毙的概率是白人的三倍,大多数是穷人。(3)军事化的警察频繁地被用来应对和平的游行示威,威胁和损害公民权利和媒体报道。美国学者认为,警察军事化是20世纪以来不为公众所警觉,但影响美国最大的侵犯自由的行为。虽然奥巴马总统声言要控制警察军事化倾向,但冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。  相似文献   

当前,世界经济区域一体化和经济全球一体化的趋势并存,而粤港澳经济一体化走出一条与世界其它地区不同的独特发展道路。随着粤港澳经济合作的深入,三地的经济一体化需要法律上的合作,粤港澳经济一体化呼唤完善的法律保障机制。  相似文献   

The development of European integration from an economic to a political community has become manifest not just in the continuous addition of non‐economic policy areas to the treaties. The introduction of Union citizenship (and its controversial subsequent development in the European Court of Justice's jurisprudence) has also triggered a paradigm shift in one of the community's core areas, the concept of negative integration hitherto intrinsically linked to the internal market. Thus, neither the individual's quality as a market actor nor his/her involvement in a transnational economic activity is a condition for enjoyment of the market freedoms' core guarantees, these being a right of residence and a far‐reaching claim to national treatment in other Member States, as well as a prohibition on restrictions to the free movement of persons. A new fundamental freedom beyond market integration (‘Grundfreiheit ohne Markt’) has emerged. This process, whose consequences for the welfare systems of the wealthier Member States have been fiercely discussed for some time, however, also threatens to curtail severely the regulatory autonomy at the national level.  相似文献   

随着全球化和区域经济一体化,私法在国际性层面和区域性层面的协调与趋同已经成为私法发展的一种趋势.欧洲私法趋同的方式有多种,包括条约、条例、指令等,它们在欧洲私法趋同中扮演着重要的角色,但这些现有的趋同手段都有其自身无法克服的局限性.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how the judicial politics sparked by the European Union's (EU) legal development have evolved over time. Existing studies have traced how lower national courts began cooperating with the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to apply EU law because this empowered them to challenge government policies and the decisions of their domestic judicial superiors. We argue that the institutional dynamics identified by this ‘judicial empowerment thesis’ proved self‐eroding over time, incentivizing domestic high courts to reassert control over national judicial hierarchies and to influence the development EU law in ways that were also encouraged by the ECJ. We support our argument by combining an analysis of a dataset of cases referred to the ECJ with comparative case study and interview evidence. We conclude that while these evolving judicial politics signal the institutional maturation of the EU legal order, they also risk weakening the decentralized enforcement of European law.  相似文献   

欧洲一体化是自上个世纪50年代以来在欧洲展开的一个历史进程。这个进程显然不仅影响到欧洲,而且影响到整个世界。它已经成为当今世界许多国家在诸多领域展开对话、避免冲突、实现合作和寻求共同利益的一种普遍性模式。那么欧洲何以能够做到这点?从历史发展来看,欧洲之所以能够实现所谓的一体化,其主要途径之一是欧洲共同体或欧盟内部的一种司法制度安排,即欧洲法院的设置及其发挥的不可或缺的作用。事实上,欧洲共同体或欧盟长期以来正是通过一种司法创制解决了许许多多的问题,克服了这样那样的困难,从而将欧洲一体化不断地推向前进。并在此过程中逐步建立起一个欧洲的法律秩序,以至于这个法律秩序及在此秩序下生成的法律制度已经成为世界法律秩序中的一个重要组成部分。在此意义上可以说,没有欧洲法院就没有现在的欧盟,就不可能有如今某种程度上已然成为现实的欧洲一体化。所以,了解欧盟不能不了解欧洲法院,了解欧洲一体化不能不了解欧洲法院的司法创制。  相似文献   

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