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Goldney RD 《危机》2005,26(3):128-140
Because of the almost complete absence of randomized controlled trials demonstrating the effectiveness of specific treatments, there is sometimes a degree of pessimism about our ability to prevent suicidal behaviors. However, the methodological challenges to produce such research are formidable and may never be overcome. Therefore, a pragmatic review of evidence-based methods of suicide prevention is required. This review of recent studies using a variety of research strategies, both nonpharmacological and pharmacological, particularly at the community level, provides persuasive data that suicide prevention is possible. This is achievable by the application of broad community and professional education programs, as well as by the optimum management of mental disorders.  相似文献   

Kondrichin SV  Lester D 《危机》2002,23(1):32-33
The suicide rates of the 24 provinces (oblasts) of the Ukraine were found to be strongly associated with indices of social disintegration (such as divorce and illegitimacy rates), with the Western provinces incorporated in the USSR later than other Ukrainian territories having lower suicide rates and lower levels of social disintegration.  相似文献   

A combination of social, legal, and religious factors make reporting of suicide difficult in Bahrain, an Islamic country. Limited available data indicates a very low incidence rate of 3 per 100,000. The objective of the present study was to describe the pattern of suicide in Bahrain during a 10-year period. The registered suicide cases (N = 304) at the Ministry of Interior for the 10-year period from 1995 to 2004 were reviewed and analyzed. The mean suicide rate was 0.6 per 100,000 for the Bahraini nationals and 12.6 per 100,000 for the non-Bahrainis with and 17.7 per 100,000 for the Indian migrants. Men were six times more likely than women to commit suicide. The majority of the subjects were under 35 years of age with financial domestic problems being the most common reason reported in the record and hanging the mostly commonly used mode of suicide (92.8%). The suicide rate for the Bahraini population remains low compared to other countries. The higher rate of suicide among Indians merits further investigation. Moreover, more research is needed on the epidemiology of suicide risk factors in ethnic groups for further prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

未成年人取保候审适用中存在的问题及其完善   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对未成年人取保候审适用情况的实证调查分析表明,我国对未成年人取保候审的现状并不尽如人意。主要表现在司法人员对取保候审的认识不足;司法机关青睐于财产保证,限制了取保候审的适用;缺乏有效的监督机制,取保候审的适用具有一定的随意性;公安机关对取保对象的监控不够有力,被取保人违反规定甚至脱逃的事件时有发生;立法过于笼统,给取保候审的适用造成困难等。我国应当建立取保候审申诉制度;完善取保候审监控制度;改进取保候审的保证方式;完善未成年人取保候审立法。  相似文献   

Cleary A  Brannick T 《危机》2007,28(2):82-88
This paper addresses some of the generalized theories explaining rising suicide rates in Ireland. The conclusion here is that linking suicide patterns to changing beliefs and values is problematic. Church attendance as well as adherence to traditional values remain high in this country compared to European levels, and variations in beliefs and values, especially rural/urban differences, do not fit with general explanations. Moreover, attitudes to value areas fluctuate in that justification for suicide--which showed an upward trend in the 1980s--was reversed in the 1990s, and this may have resulted from increased public focus and debate. Generalized explanations are unlikely to decipher complex phenomena such as suicidal behavior. Religious belief, if protective in relation to suicide, is unlikely to act alone. Social transformations have a differential impact depending on one's socio-economic positioning, which translates ideas of a general male vulnerability to suicide into focused areas of male distress.  相似文献   

Deconstructing the shariatic justification of suicide bombings reveals a standard reasoning based on four arguments. Two of them relativize the shariatic prohibition against suicide whereas the other two analogize suicide bombings with the medieval combat tactic of plunging alone into the enemy. Prerequisites of a “martyrdom operation” are the suicide bomber's intention to seek martyrdom and his ability to damage the enemy. The reasoning declares the killing of oneself for the sake of Islam permissible and thereby distinguishes “martyrdom operations” from suicide. Deconstructing this and other Islamist doctrines of violence can be of operational use to intelligence and criminal investigations.  相似文献   

Pirkis J  Blood RW 《危机》2001,22(4):155-162
The association between the portrayal of suicide in fictional media and actual suicide has been debated since 1774, when it was asserted that Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther had led people to take their own lives. Since that time, a plethora of studies considering the association has been conducted. This review considered 34 studies examining the impact of fictional portrayal of suicide (in film and television, music, and plays) on actual suicidal behavior. It asked the question: "Is there any association, and if so, can it be considered causal?" Using strict criteria to establish causality, we found that the evidence was more equivocal than was the case for nonfictional reporting.  相似文献   

Pirkis J  Blood RW 《危机》2001,22(4):146-154
Numerous studies have considered the association between media reporting and portrayal of suicide and actual suicidal behavior or ideation. This review considered 42 studies that have examined the nonfiction media (newspapers, television, and books). Consideration was given to the extent to which inferences could be made about the relationship between portrayal of suicide in the given media and actual suicidal behavior in terms of: the strength of its association; and the extent to which it could be considered causal. The review demonstrated that there is an association between nonfictional media portrayal of suicide and actual suicide. The association satisfies sufficient of the criteria of consistency, strength, temporality, specificity and coherence for it to be deemed causal.  相似文献   

Suicide terrorism has developed into a widely used tactic, and arguably one of the major strategic threats facing some countries. This article explores various issues related to Palestinian suicide terrorism by presenting a two-phase model to explain the processes and factors underlying the development of Palestinian suicide bombers, and the execution of suicide bombing attacks. The model is applied to the case of suicide attacks that have occurred in the course of the first 21 months of the Second Intifada, from September 2000 to June 2002. The assumptions of the model are tested by taking an in-depth look into the various motives leading individual Palestinians to volunteer for suicide missions, and by discussing the activities and major functions of the organizations that have employed this modus operandi in the specified time frame. It will be concluded that while a counter-terrorism strategy aimed at targeting terrorist organizations may offer short-term gains, in the long run Israel will need to identify ways of removing or reducing the incentives that lead some Palestinians to volunteer for suicide missions.  相似文献   

Jianlin J 《危机》2000,21(3):118-121
Suicide rates in China have in the past been reported to be very low for a variety of historical and political reasons. In recent years, however, the reported suicide rates in China have increased alarmingly among certain age groups. This article reviews reports of the national rural suicide rates in China for 1992, gathered from the Annal of Chinese Public Health, which has previously never been reported publicly. The highest suicide rates occur in the rural areas and among young women and men over 60 years. These data reveal that suicide in China may have some unique characteristic associated with a variety of socio-cultural variables, such as traditional culture, social class, economic status, health care levels, and interpersonal problems. The author shows that lack of mental health services in rural areas in China may be considered one of associated reasons to the high rural suicide rate in China.  相似文献   

Shiho Y  Tohru T  Shinji S  Manabu T  Yuka T  Eriko T  Ikuko S  Naoki W 《危机》2005,26(1):12-19
This article introduces the reader to present conditions and suicide prevention measures in Japan. The suicide rate has increased gradually since the early 1990s, reaching a postwar peak in 1998. The number of suicides has remained at about 30,000 every year since 1998. Middle-aged (55-59 years) and elderly men have especially high suicide rates. In 2002, The Council of Learned People on Measures Against Suicides (organized by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare) released its report on national suicide prevention strategies. Although national suicide prevention strategies have just begun to be established, some prefectures or regions have undertaken unique suicide prevention measures.  相似文献   

Female suicide bombers are increasingly seen in conflicts throughout the world; in recent years, they have become much more prevalent in religious-fundamentalist conflict. Specifically, global jihadist groups are increasingly incorporating female suicide bombers into their operations, a significant ideological and operational shift for most of these groups. Jihadist groups are using women to fill a recruiting void, to achieve tactical surprise, and for strategic purposes. Female suicide bombers are likely to emerge in jihadist conflicts throughout the world, from Nigeria to Pakistan and beyond.  相似文献   

目前我国青少年网络相约自杀事件层出不穷,已经给社会带来很大的负面影响,对当事人家庭也是一个无法挽回的灾难。本文针对青少年网络相约自杀现象,分析其产生原因、消极影响并提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

In 2000 the Department of Mental Health of the World Health Organization (WHO) published a guide named Preventing Suicide. A Resource for Prison Officers as part of the WHO worldwide initiative for the prevention of suicide. In 2007 there are new epidemiological data on prison suicide, a more detailed discussion of risk factors accounting for the generally higher rate of suicide in correctional settings in comparison to the general population, and several strategies for developing screening instruments. As a first step, this paper presents an update of the WHO guide by the Task Force on Suicide in Prisons, created by the International Association for Suicide Prevention. A second paper, by the same Task Force, will present some international comparisons of suicide prevention services in correctional facilities.  相似文献   

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