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新的<中华人民共和国劳动合同法>的颁布实施,引发了现阶段我国高校工会职能的嬗变,使得高校工会在民主法治建设、维护权益建设、和谐劳动关系建设以及和谐校园建设等方面的职能更加凸显.这同时也给高校工会工作带来难得的机遇和挑战.通过建构和谐稳定的劳动关系来构建和谐校园,高校工会工作面临强化问题意识、强化创新意识、强化维权意识和强化服务意识等主要任务.  相似文献   

This paper provides a cradle-to-grave model of political merger between two states and highlights the role of cross-border disparities in material and technological endowments in state formation. This issue has not received adequate theoretical attention in the existing scholarship that has largely focussed on factors like defence, trade, and public goods provision. In this paper, merger negotiations are modelled using a bilateral bargaining model with inside options and contest as an outside option. It is shown that the threat of contest constrains the set of mutually acceptable taxes and, more importantly, it provides stability to the federal constitution by making the punishment strategy in the secession rule credible. The existence of negotiated and contested constitutional merger agreements that are path dependent but time-consistent is shown. Also, the rent extracted by the advanced province in the union for transferring technology to the backward province is shown to be increasing in the complexity of technology but bounded from above. Finally, the impact of demographic heterogeneity on the feasibility of inter-state mergers is discussed.  相似文献   

栾志红 《法学论坛》2002,17(5):52-57
本文阐述了有关继续性合同的几个问题。前两部分着重考察了继续性合同的概念和分类。它包括三种类型 :继续性供给合同、固有的继续性合同、新型的继续性合同。最后一部分运用经济分析方法讨论了继续性合同的功能 ,认为继续性合同是富有效率的 ,既能降低交易成本 ,又能增进合同双方当事人的信任。  相似文献   

浅析显失公平的合同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张燕玲 《法学论坛》2000,15(3):52-56
显失公平的合同是指一方当事人利用自身经济上、政治上、人身关系上的明显优势,或另一方当事人处于紧迫或缺乏经验的情况下订立的对另一方当事人有重大不利的合同.本文通过对显失公平与欺诈、乘人之危、重大误解的区分,阐述了显失公平合同的涵义,并从主客观统一的角度分析了显失公平的构成要件.  相似文献   

在中国债权形式主义的物权变动立法模式下,无权处分行为包括订立无权处分合同的法律行为和履行该合同的事实行为。无权处分合同有效论,符合中国法律规定和现实生活的需要,也不会损害原权利人的利益.  相似文献   

张姗姗 《行政与法》2009,(2):127-128,F0003
毫无疑问,罗马法应该被视为研究契约自由的起点.正是在罗马法中,契约制度首次得到了全面规定并达到了相当的高度.而且,正是罗马法孕育了契约自由的观念和思想.契约自由从思想到原则的转变是在法国民法典中实现的,而人类进入20世纪之后,契约自由逐步受到限制.在我国合同法中,契约自由也得到了确立,它不仅是我国合同法的一项基本原则,而且也是我国合同法的最高原则.  相似文献   

Kingship, Law and Society: Criminal Justice in the Reign of Henry V. Edward Powell. Oxford. 1989. Clarendon Press, xii + 319 pp. (incl. index). £35.00 cased.

Sir Henry Maine: A Study of Victorian Jurisprudence. R.C.J. Cocks. Cambridge. 1988. Cambridge University Press, viii + 224 pp. (incl. index). £25/$49.50 cased.

The Birth of the English Common Law (2nd ed). R. C. Van Caenegem. Cambridge. 1988. Cambridge University Press, xviii + 160 pp. (incl. index). £27.50/ $39.50 cased, £9.50/$13.95 limp.

Inventing the Industrial Revolution. The English Patent System 1660–1800. Christine Macleod. Cambridge. 1988. Cambridge University Press, xii + 302 pp. £25 cased.

The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany. D.P. KOMMERS. Duke University Press. 1990. xxxvi + 590 pp. (incl. index). £29.25 paperback.

Sokrates. Johannes Irmscher. (3rd ed.) Leipzig. 1989. Verlag Phillip Reclam jr. 120 pp. (inch index).

The Welsh Laws. T.M. Charles‐Edwards. Cardiff. 1990. The University of Wales Press for the Welsh Arts Council. 106pp. £3.50 limp.  相似文献   

The web is a powerful medium for simulation and role play. It can thus be used for transactional learning, provided that the activities are sufficiently interactive and are designed to support the transaction. This article focuses on the use of web simulation to facilitate learning in Personal Injury negotiation. The underlying model of the simulation is constructivist. Students were divided into 'firms' and negotiated with each other over several months using virtual offices and a web-based virtual community. The results, both qualitative and quantitative, prove that the web can be used successfully in a number of forms of legal skills learning. The results also reveal the need to provide not only integrated resources for learning on the web, but also to support students' divergent learning in simulations and enable their social construction of knowledge within such web-based environments.  相似文献   

This article considers the approach of law schools to the assessment of students' use of English. The QAA subject benchmark statement for law requires students to demonstrate the ability to use English proficiently but over recent years there has been anecdotal evidence that some students who lack this ability have obtained law degrees. To obtain further information on how law schools try to ensure compliance with the relevant benchmark, a short questionnaire was sent to a randomly selected sample of 20 English law schools. This article presents the results of that research, considers some of its possible implications and concludes that the assessment methods that many law schools are currently employing do not ensure compliance with the relevant benchmark.  相似文献   

海上货物运输合同中的关系人   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邢海宝 《法学家》2002,(3):52-56
海上货物运输合同,是指承运人收取运费,负责将托运人交运的货物,经海路由一港运至另一港的合同.海上货物运输合同涉及合同托运人、承运人等当事人,还涉及实际承运人、实际托运人、收货人、提单持有人等关系人.在海上货物运输中,这些当事人和关系人的界定以及相互之间的权利义务责任具有特殊性,颇值研究.  相似文献   

原件是与复制件相对应的概念,交易稳定、权属登记和证据法对合同的原件往往提出法律要求。凡法律要求电子合同应当以原件形式提供或保留的或规定了缺少原件的后果的,在下列情况下即满足了该项要求:该电子通信所含信息的完整性自其初次以最终形式,电子通信或其他形式,生成之时起即有可靠保障;而且要求提供电子通信所舍信息的,该信息能够被显示给要求提供该信息的人。我国立法需要在立法体系上做好立法协调和在内容上借鉴《国际合同使用电子通信公约》予以完善。  相似文献   

合同的成立通过形式逻辑的手段进行二阶构造,这不但能凸显出合同的表面成立和合同的有效成立的各自意义,而且有助于深化对合同成立问题的认知。合同的有效成立是研究一切合同问题的逻辑起点,所以对合同有效成立上的法律约束力问题的研究就显得很有必要。  相似文献   

船舶建造合同既有买卖合同的特点,又有承揽合同的特征。各国的立法和司法实践对于船舶建造合同法律属性的认定各不相同。比较分析各主要航运国家对船舶建造合同法律属性的界定标准,指出船舶建造合同的法律属性不具有单一性,应首先以当事人的意思表示为判断标准确定船舶建造合同的属性。在缺乏明示的意思表示的情况下,可借助其他因素确定合同的主要特征,推定出当事人的意思表示。如果仍无法推定,应认定为混合合同,根据具体争议的类型,确定其法律属性。  相似文献   

张进军 《法学论坛》2000,15(6):70-75
作者以物权变动的原因与结果的分离理论为切入点,论述了出卖他人之物合同不是无权处分行为.在对国内外关于出卖他人之物合同立法现状作出简单的评析后,分四种情况对出卖他人之物合同的效力作了分析,认为这类合同有些是有效的合同,有些是无效的合同,有些是可撤销的合同,唯独不会是效力未定的合同.  相似文献   

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