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何恬 《证据科学》2006,13(2):160-162,143
随着毒品在我国的蔓延,吸毒的人数渐渐增多,精神障碍的吸毒者犯罪也开始引起相关部门的注意,对这一特殊犯罪人群能否比照精神病人来处理意见不统一.笔者介绍了其他诸国的相关法律规定,结合本国国情和相类似的法律规定,阐明了对精神障碍的吸毒者犯罪一般作完全刑事责任能力评定为最优的观点.  相似文献   

再议毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国法律并未直接规定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任问题,国内法学界和司法精神病学界对此问题仍分歧众多。争论的焦点主要集中在吸毒者陷于辨认或控制能力丧失状态下实施危害行为时该如何评定其刑事责任能力上。从法律的角度来探讨毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定。主张目前实践中司法鉴定人员结合吸毒者的心理态度来评定其刑事责任能力缺乏法律依据,也不适宜对案件的处理,因此不宜由司法鉴定人员以精神病学的角度来认定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

薛剑祥 《法学》2005,(1):109-113
2001年关于涉枪涉爆犯罪的司法解释出台后,司法实践领域在法律适用和量刑均衡方面出现了一些问题。本文结合相关刑法理论,从分析最高人民法院相关司法解释、就此发布的“通知”和司法实践的现状入手,对有关涉枪涉爆犯罪的法律规定和法律适用问题作了研究,并就问题的解决提出了一些建议,力求促使涉枪涉爆犯罪的相关规定更具科学性、刑事司法结果更具公正性。  相似文献   

当前经济领域的各行业中,行贿之风有愈演愈烈之势。在司法实践过程中,办案人员由于法律规定和侦查策略的原因,往往着重对于受贿犯罪的打击力度,而忽略了对于行贿犯罪的惩处。本文结合工作实际和相关法律规定,探讨了如何完善行贿犯罪的惩处制度,以求为相关司法实践提供帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

由于聚众犯罪的特殊性,刑法分则对大多数聚众犯罪,法律明确规定了犯罪主体.但是,对于少数聚众犯罪,立法没有规定责任主体,由此产生了诸多弊端,立法需要进一步完善.在聚众的共同犯罪中,追究各共犯人的刑事责任,应结合刑法总则和分则的相关规定加以解决.  相似文献   

赵子莹 《法制与社会》2010,(23):112-113,117
以宽严相济的刑事政策来处理未成年人犯罪问题,体现了我国处理未成年人犯罪以惩罚为辅,以教育为主的原则,符合刑罚轻缓化的趋势。本文指出我国法律对未成年人犯罪规定的较分散,不利于操作,比较研究国内外的相关规定,可以借鉴先进的经验,有利于合理解决未成年人犯罪问题。  相似文献   

陈晖 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):64-68
《联合国反腐败公约》是联合国历史上第一部关于指导国际反腐败斗争的法律文件,它以联合国公约的形式规定了预防、禁止和惩治腐败行为的定罪、刑事司法程序和国际合作,虽然贿赂外国公职人员犯罪只是作为腐败犯罪其中的一种予以规定,但是,探讨《联合国反腐败公约》有关控制腐败的规定,对于完善跨国商业贿赂犯罪的法律控制是极其必要的,也有利于中国进一步健全和完善相关的法律机制。  相似文献   

皮勇  王刚 《法商研究》2014,(2):83-91
我国刑法总则有关罪过形式非犯罪故意即犯罪过失的规定在我国刑法分则中并未完全落实。我国刑法分则规定的罪过形式除犯罪故意、犯罪过失之外,还存在兼含犯罪故意和犯罪过失的形式。这种状况的存在给司法机关认定和处罚相关犯罪带来了极大的困惑。为了解释这一现象,我国刑法学者提出了"复合罪过说"、"客观的超过要素说"、"罪量要素说"、"严格责任说"等多种学说,但是这些学说都存在不足之处。"兼有型罪过"立法是指立法者将两种不同罪过形式的犯罪行为糅合在一起共用一个复合的法定刑的情形。解决这一问题的最佳方案是修改相关的法律。在相关法律被修改之前,最高司法机关可以出台司法解释对"兼有型罪过"犯罪的量刑问题作出明确的规定,各级人民法院应根据具体案件中行为人的实际罪过形式适用相关的规定定罪处罚。  相似文献   

根据相关法律和司法解释的规定,犯罪嫌疑人的行为构成犯罪的,只有在法律规定不需要追究刑事责任的情况下,才可以撤案。而当行为人的行为虽然已触犯了刑法.构成了犯罪,但是由于其犯罪情节轻微、对社会危害性不大,或者已经取得被害人的谅解,可以从轻、减轻处罚的情况下.对案件如作出撤案处理则是于法无据的。  相似文献   

现行犯罪构成理论共性比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
犯罪构成理论,是刑法理论对刑法规定的犯罪成立必须具备的基本条件进行系统归纳和分类的结果。由于对犯罪成立条件的归纳和分类方法不同,各国犯罪构成理论的体系结构和表述方式有很大差异,但这些理论的内容没有实质上的区别。它们都包含了不少合理的因素,也都存在一些根本的缺陷。犯罪构成是犯罪成立基本条件的理论概括,具有指导司法实践正确理解相关法律规定的作用,但不应以其代替法律作为司法实践中认定犯罪的标准。  相似文献   

This research note presents data about mentally disordered offenders (MDOs) treated in inpatient psychiatric services. Data are derived from 1980 admission surveys by the Survey and Reports Branch, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). These data report for the first time inpatient services provided to MDOs by non-Federal general and private hospitals. A total of 31,773 MDOs were admitted, with 85% going to state and county mental hospitals. The largest group, including admissions for evaluation, was ISTs (58%), followed by mentally disordered prisoners (32%), NGRIs (8%), and MDSOs (3%). Women and whites tended to be overrepresented among MDOs as compared to prison and jail inmates. Clear diagnostic differences by legal status were found, with schizophrenia predominant among NGRIs (81%) and alcohol and drug abuse disorders more frequent among ISTs. Overall, state and county hospitals in both 1967 and 1980 were the primary locus of care for mentally disordered offenders.  相似文献   

Few studies have adequately explored the characteristics of male and female mentally disordered firesetters and compared these to those of non-firesetting mentally disordered offenders. Furthermore, there is a paucity of research examining the characteristics which can predict repeat firesetting within this population. The current study aimed to examine similarities and differences in the characteristics of (1) male and female mentally disordered firesetters, (2) male and female mentally disordered firesetters compared to non-firesetting offenders, and (3) one-time and repeat firesetters. Furthermore, the ability of these characteristics to predict offence status (i.e. firesetter or non-firesetter) and repeat firesetting was explored. Information was collected from patient hospital records for 77 (43 firesetters, 34 non-firesetters) mentally disordered offenders; including sociodemographic, family and personal background, psychiatric, and offence history factors. The findings suggest that mentally disordered firesetters are similar to their non-firesetting counterparts on key characteristics; however, firesetters are more likely to have an expressed interest in fire/explosives and a diagnosis of a schizophrenic disorder and female firesetters are more likely to have a higher number of firesetting incidents than males. Furthermore, findings suggest that fire interest is the largest predictor of repeat firesetting. Clinical implications in terms of treatment and risk assessment are discussed.  相似文献   


Approximately 45% of mentally disordered offenders relapse into violence. Although much is known about factors related to the risk of future violence, the violence relapse process is still in many aspects an unexplored area. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of the recidivism process and risk communication of the repeatingly violent mentally disordered offender. A qualitative study using open-ended, semi-structured interviews was conducted with 14 mentally disordered offenders who had relapsed into violent behaviour. Important risk markers, pointed out by the informants, such as separations, drug problems, homelessness, and lack of sleep, were presented in a situational context. All but one of the informants were of the opinion that they directly or indirectly had communicated their violent intent or the experience of an intolerable situation. These results may help practitioners to target interventions and prevent further violence.  相似文献   

This article reviews the laws in Sweden concerning mentally disordered offenders. It also contains some figures on the relationship between mentally disordered offenders and other offenders sentenced to prison. The rules in Sweden are very different from other countries in that the responsibility concept has been abolished and thus there is no acquittal on a psychiatric basis.  相似文献   

The average person fears dangerous criminals, especially those suffering from mental illness. Existing mental health and criminal justice systems provide social control for some of these dangerous individuals, but may be inadequate to deal with those mentally disordered offenders who were not found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGI). In California, innovative laws have attempted to address this problem. However, putative lack of efficacious treatment of mentally ill criminals, insufficient economic support, and individual liberty concerns loom as limiting factors in solving the criminal and psychiatric recidivism problem posed by non-NGI dangerous mentally disordered offenders.  相似文献   

A sample of 2,286 male sex offenders and paraphilics and 241 nonsex offenders was evaluated for the prevalence of mental retardation and learning disorders, using the full Wechsler IQ scales. The sex offenders were generally of average intelligence, and the mentally retarded were not overrepresented among them, but the learning disordered were. There were no differences among sex offenders and controls in overall IQ or in the percentage of mentally retarded or learning-disordered cases, suggesting that the learning difficulties are not peculiar to sex offenders. There was a bias in referral source, with more mentally retarded, borderline-retarded, and/or learning-disordered cases being referred by the Children's Aid Society, prisons, and the Crown, suggesting that referral source may play a significant role in evaluating intelligence and mental retardation among sex offenders; but the overrepresentation of learning disorders among criminals appears to be a significant phenomenon, regardless of referral source.  相似文献   

To examine the prevalence of criminal thinking in mentally disordered offenders, incarcerated male (n = 265) and female (n = 149) offenders completed measures of psychiatric functioning and criminal thinking. Results indicated 92% of the participants were diagnosed with a serious mental illness, and mentally disordered offenders produced criminal thinking scores on the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS) and Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified (CSS-M) similar to that of non-mentally ill offenders. Collectively, results indicated the clinical presentation of mentally disordered offenders is similar to that of psychiatric patients and criminals. Implications are discussed with specific focus on the need for mental health professionals to treat co-occurring issues of mental illness and criminality in correctional mental health treatment programs.  相似文献   

中国司法精神病学研究人员对野兽条例、妄想标准、不可抗拒冲动检验、M'Naghten规则等关于精神病人刑事责任能力评定标准的典型案例耳熟能详,但对这些案例中的行为人处置却不甚熟悉。介绍这些行为人的最终处置,并结合国内外监护治疗研究现状,对肇祸精神病人的强制监护治疗制度进行探讨。  相似文献   


The present study examines the neuropsychological model of sexual offending proposed by Flor-Henry (1987) in relation to a group of mentally disordered sex offenders and a control group of mentally disordered non-sex offenders. The model predicts that the sex offender group would show specific left fronto-temporal dysfunction as compared with the control group. The results, while in the predicted direction, failed to reach statistical significance. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study argued that while sanctions deter offenders from being involved in future drinking-driving offenses, alcohol addiction prevents individuals from making rational choices, and, thus, increases offenders' chances of being involved in drinking driving regardless of the certain, severe, and swift punishments they had experienced. Results indicated that, individuals with more severe alcohol addiction problems had increased chances of committing multiple offenses regardless of the sanctions that they had experienced relative to those with less severe alcohol-related problems. Findings seemed to suggest that criminal justice sanctions alone might not obtain expected deterrent impacts on individuals with alcohol and other addiction problems. Drinking drivers and other drug and alcohol offenders should be screened for substance abuse problems, and, if necessary, provided with treatment.  相似文献   

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