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周珂  蒋昊君  LI Donglin 《人权》2023,(2):237-256
Environmental personality interests based on human rights reflect the multiple values of ecological order, ecological justice, and ecological freedom, and are closely linked to the protection of the right to life and the right to health. They are also related to human dignity and the personal freedom of civil subjects and conform to formal and essential standards of personality rights, which should be included in the scope of personality rights for protection. The construction and application of...  相似文献   

Some of the characteristics that set the Rutgers EMBA program apart from other EMBA programs are: flexibility of schedule, diversity of the student body and quality of the faculty. The unique design of the Rutgers International Executive MBA program allows busy executives to work full time and go to school full time. Courses generally are conducted approximately once a month over a nine-day period. The classes are held all day  相似文献   

<正>Opinions are split on the impact of WTO’s trillion-dollar IT trade deal on ChinaThe 54 WTO members representing major exporters of information technology(IT)products finalized a deal in Geneva on July 24 to eliminate tariffs on 201 such products,in an effort to boost global trade of goods ranging from video games to medical equipment.The agreement came as an update of WTO’s 18-year-old Information Technology Agreement(ITA).Among the products added to the list of goods covered by zero-tariff trade are  相似文献   

In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Tang Yuankai, Cai Wu, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, gives an overall review of the development of the Chinese Government's information release system. Cai said press conferences and the spokesperson system are important means to promote the transparency of government and Party affairs and to meet the people's demand for information.  相似文献   

WITH globalization developing apace, translation services around the world are more vital than ever. Accurate translations are crucial in facilitating effective communication, cultural exchanges, and understanding between nations and cultures. On the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics in August, the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) will take place in China's most international city, Shanghai. The triennial event promises to be a grand festive gathering for language and cultural exchange professionals from ,around the world.  相似文献   

HONG Kong is where Western and Eastern cultures meet. Despite being under British colonial rule for 156 years, it never relinquished a single facet of Chinese culture. "Hong Kong people are open to the Western way of living and thinking, but meanwhile revere the traditions passed down from their ancestors." In the view of Hon. James Tien Pei-chun, chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), these factors contribute to the exclusive appeal of this tourist enclave.  相似文献   

THIRTY years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates,the two countries are witnessing monumental,across-theboard developments.On this occasion,China Today spoke to UAE Ambassador to China Omar Al Bitar to learn about the past and prospects of friendly relations between the two countries.China Today:The relationship between China and the  相似文献   

The issue relating to human rights safeguards in criminal procedure has of late attracted extensive attention.A Human Rights reporter recently interviewed Prof.Fan Chongyi of China University of Political Science and Law on the issue.Following are excerpts of the interview.  相似文献   

For years suffering from hypertension, Mrs. Zhang, now in her 60s, is a frequent visitor to Beijing Dewai Community Hospital in her neighborhood. "I feel too painstaking to go to a 'big hos-pital,'" she says. "Buses are always overcrowded and slow, not suitable for people like me. Besides, community-based medical institutions charge less for treatment of the same diseases." In China, a "big hospital" is a medical institution large in size and fully equipped, in many cases staffed by some of the most reputed medical experts locally or nationwide. Meanwhile, community-based hospitals and clinics are often referred to as "small hospitals."  相似文献   

In her village, she was the teacher... In the city, she discovered how much she still had to learn. At the Shuiquan Primary School,Teacher Gao has to be away from schoolfor a month to take care of his mother. Themayor of the village finds a substituteteacher, Wei Minzhi, to take over Gao'sclass. Seeing that Wei Minzhi is only thir-teen years old. Gao protests to the mayorthat such a young girl will not be able toteach students, who are of her own age oronly slightly younger. The mayor rep…  相似文献   

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