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社会福利事业的发展与我国和谐社会建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家经济、社会的发展,逐渐加大社会福利事业的总支出,逐渐提高国民收入分配中的再分配比率,是当今世界发展的普遍规律.中国建设和谐社会,既要重视在初次分配领域深化分配制度改革,规范分配秩序和在再分配领域健全社会保障体系,又要充分发展社会福利事业."十一五"期间中国社会福利事业应当有一个"中等水平"的发展,增加社会福利的项目,增加财政资金的投入.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the “shadow price” of social transformation. For the first time, an attempt was made to determine the approaches to measuring this value with regard to nonmarket phenomena and processes, and to apply these approaches in an empirical analysis, based on a representative survey in Russia (N = 1,000) using experimental situations.

Specifically, it quantitatively evaluates (1) the degree of divergence between the real and the ideal structure of the time budget of several important domains of social life; (2) the ratio of social ills to social benefits; (3) individual public welfare functions; and (4) the social cost, legitimated by citizens, of reproducing two fundamental public goods: “the capacity to maintain ‘superpower’ status” and “the well-being of the future generations.”

The authors introduce and operationalize the novel concept of the socially suboptimal product of labor, that is, the product resulting from alienated (or unwilling) labor, and conversely, the product that could potentially result from using unutilized willing labor. In doing so we support the idea of distinguishing productive and unproductive forms within both the notion of labor and the notion of leisure. Aggregated estimates of these values show the share of gross domestic product (GDP) that could be optimized due to a redistribution of the time budget of the population between the main areas of life, according to ideal social preferences.

The balance of social benefits and social ills resulting from the life experiences and activities of individuals is empirically evaluated. We consider this balance, which is the sum of impacts of the social environment on the individual, as a suitable model for explaining how individuals make decisions about whether or not to participate in public life.

“Individual public welfare functions” are assessed empirically, demonstrating that individual utility depends on personal and collective consumption. Empirical testing covered a wide range of nation-building areas with public investment in relevant types of merit and public goods.

Then the authors propose and test on empirical data an opportunity cost approach to evaluating socially legitimate amounts of funding for the fundamental social benefits “superpower” or “additional power” of the nation.

The cost of the public good “well-being of the future generations” is calculated for the Russian sample.

Finally, the estimates of the discount rates of human lives and “healthy and prosperous years of life” were obtained for Russia for the first time.

The findings of the study are relevant for the efficient management of complex socioeconomic systems. The authors strongly believe that revealing the structure of existing social preferences and estimating their impact on various areas of social life will help improve policymaking by explicitly taking into account the specifics of the real social contract between the state and society.  相似文献   

刘锦城 《行政与法》2007,(1):117-119
社会保障制度往往能够反射一个国家政治体制、文化机制和经济制度,更能凝聚并浓缩一个社会的本质,体现一个民族国家的特质,由此构成了一个国家社会制度的骨架。从大多数国家社会保障法律的权利内容看,它主要由社会保险权、社会救助权、社会福利权三部分组成。  相似文献   

金陵大学和金陵女子大学是旧中国较早设置社会学系及开调社会工作课程、成立社会工作专业的高校,其最显的特色是注重社会实践,在我国缺乏社会工作专业人才的情况下,金大金女大积极协助各机关团体,开展社会福利事业和社会救济工作,为其培养输送社会工作专业人才,为中国社会工作的发展做出了贡献,同时,它把西方社会工作的个案、群体,社区工作的方法介绍到中国,在促进中国传统慈善事业向现代社会工作的转变方面发挥了积极作用,推进了中国社会工作专业化的发展。  相似文献   

《贝弗里奇报告》作为社会保障著作中的一部经典文献,其所确立的发展社会保障制度的原则及具体的制度设计不仅奠定了英国及西欧、北欧福利国家社会保障制度的基础,而且对于当下中国社会保障立法也有重要的指导作用。我们应当借鉴《贝弗里奇报告》及英国福利国家发展的经验,以《社会保险法》、《社会救助法》的形式具体贯彻并落实公民的社会保障权,确立社会保险法中的国家、社会与个人的适度责任,以保证社会保障制度的可持续发展,为中国市场经济的繁荣与和谐社会的构建提供制度支持。  相似文献   

关于社会救济立法的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代社会保障制度的建立、形成和普遍发展,是社会文明进步的一种表现,但是我国目前所采用的福利型社会保障制度由于缺少必要的经济基础作保障而显得步履维艰。因此,积极建立以社会救济制度为核心内容的新型社会保障法律体系已是必然。  相似文献   

社会整体利益的法律维度--经济法基石范畴解读   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋悟真  李晟 《法律科学》2005,23(1):45-53
社会整体利益是经济法的基石范畴。因其与个体利益、国家利益之间的复杂关联 ,在以往经济法学的研究中被严重“误读”。从法哲学维度对其进行重新解读 ,首先应当明确社会整体利益以个体利益的存在为前提 ,绝大多数社会主体共同的欲求即为社会整体利益 ,并且要将其与国家利益作严格区分。对东西方法治秩序的演化分别进行考察 ,可以发现两者的侧重点不同 ,因而各自的法律制度及其演化亦有差别。经济法所体现和维护的社会整体利益的实现 ,有赖于个体利益的最大化、普遍化和持续化以及相应制度的构建  相似文献   

社会认同论作为群体间行为的解释理论是群体关系研究中最有影响的理论.由于群体地位的差异,当某一群体在认知、情感上产生对所属群体身份不承认或疏离和自卑时便产生了社会认同威胁.为应对威胁和困境,社会认同管理策略旨在通过不同的策略手段以期获得积极的社会认同,提高个体和群体自尊.社会认同复杂性与管理策略的研究有助于加强我国转型期各群体之间的和谐共生,消减个体认同的困境,促进社会不同群体之间的融入与和谐.  相似文献   

Situational crime prevention has been met with considerable scepticism from academic criminologists primarily for its indifference to social welfare. It has been seen as contributing to a law-and-order agenda with its focus on making public places secure for business and as supplanting social welfare policies as means of responding to crime. But situational crime prevention contributes more to social welfare than sceptics allow and its advocates (may) believe. Situational crime prevention has enjoyed its fullest and robust expression, not in the free-market, neo-liberal environment of America, but within the leading welfare states of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This essay considers the politics of the situational approach, the alleged benefits of social crime prevention, criminalisation of social policy, unplanned social welfare benefits, assumptions about the role of business, and concerns about privacy, surveillance and control. The discussion centres on the European experience: the UK, France, The Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
Paul KnepperEmail:

This article analyzes family transformations resulting from the impact of social welfare policies and modernization in Guadeloupe, an island in the French Caribbean. The analysis is taken from a study of three-generational families in which a “pivot” member between 49 and 53 years of age, one parent, and one adult child were interviewed. The study, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods, concerns the forms of cultural, domestic, and economic exchanges between the generations, in addition to the various social welfare allowances received by the members of the families who were interviewed. The results show the complementarity between public and family forms of support. They also show how social welfare benefits have transformed the respective social status of different generations, the functioning of family solidarity, and the ways that poverty is being fought.  相似文献   

This article analyzes family transformations resulting from the impact of social welfare policies and modernization in Guadeloupe, an island in the French Caribbean. The analysis is taken from a study of three-generational families in which a “pivot” member between 49 and 53 years of age, one parent, and one adult child were interviewed. The study, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods, concerns the forms of cultural, domestic, and economic exchanges between the generations, in addition to the various social welfare allowances received by the members of the families who were interviewed. The results show the complementarity between public and family forms of support. They also show how social welfare benefits have transformed the respective social status of different generations, the functioning of family solidarity, and the ways that poverty is being fought.  相似文献   

本文提出落实科学的发展观,建设小康社会,实现社会和谐,需要对公共利益进行深入的研究,认为公共利益由公共财富和公共福利两个部分构成;公共利益和个人利益之间应该建立良性互动关系;社会治理要格外重视处理公共利益中的社会公共福利与个人福利的关系;实现公共利益和个人利益共同发展,需要加强社会建设和管理,推进社会管理体制的创新。  相似文献   

Social disorganization theory holds that neighborhoods with greater residential stability, higher socioeconomic status, and more ethnic homogeneity experience less disorder because these neighborhoods have higher social cohesion and exercise more social control. Recent extensions of the theory argue that disorder in turn affects these structural characteristics and mechanisms. Using a data set on 74 neighborhoods in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands spanning 10 years, we tested the extended theory, which to date only a few studies have been able to do because of the unavailability of neighborhood‐level longitudinal data. We also improve on previous studies by distinguishing between the potential for social control (feelings of responsibility) and the actual social control behavior. Cross‐sectional analyses replicate earlier findings, but the results of longitudinal cross‐lagged models suggest that disorder has large consequences for subsequent levels of social control and residential instability, thus leading to more disorder. This is in contrast to most previous studies, which assume disorder to be more a consequence than a cause. This study underlines the importance of longitudinal data, allowing for simultaneously testing the causes and consequences of disorder, as well as the importance of breaking down social control into the two dimensions of the potential for social control and the actual social control behavior.  相似文献   

在传统的城乡分割的二元社会结构体制下,农民工成为中国现代化社会转型中的特殊范畴.伴随着经济社会的快速发展,跨区域进城务工经商的农民工愈来愈多,农民工在为城市发展做出巨大贡献的同时,却没有获得相应的合法身份和公平待遇.因此正视农民工目前的处境并给予其相应的国民待遇是中国社会转型期的重要任务.  相似文献   

How do immigrant Mexican workers perceive the policies and social discourses that regulate their insertion into American society as noncitizens and illegals? Using ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews, evidence is presented that unauthorized Mexican migrants do not consider themselves lawbreakers but rather moral actors responding to difficult socioeconomic conditions. Informed by a keen understanding of the social forces oppressing them, these migrants articulate a discourse of social justice that works as a powerful counterpoint to the hegemonic ideas of citizenship, belonging, and illegality. A careful analysis of migrant social reflexivity offers a much-needed corrective to the prevailing top-down perspective typically offered among contemporary scholars. By looking at the ways in which migrants make sense of immigration policies and articulate their right to have rights, this examination departs from the widespread tendency among scholars and policy makers of analyzing the migrant’s social and civic status as a matter of assimilation and immigration control.  相似文献   

国有企业渐进式改革的历史轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史的和发展的角度来看待国有企业,并不存在一个永久不变的或者最终要实现的国有企业在国民经济中的“最优的”比重。国有企业在国民经济中占有特殊的地位,但绝不是普遍地适用于大多数企业的企业组织形式。我国国有企业根本性改革的长期目标是:将国有企业定位于少数特殊企业的地位,在国民经济中承担一般企业难以承担的职能,发挥其解决经济和社会生活中特殊问题的作用,而将绝大多数一般性社会生产活动交由各种类型的非国有企业去承担。  相似文献   

农村新型养老保险制度的价值及完善措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村新型养老保险制度于2009年起开始在全国试点推行。可以说,新农保制度的设立和实施有助于实现农村经济转型、社会体系优化和法律公平正义三个方面的价值,具有传统农保无法比拟的优势。笔者在分析我国新农保制度价值的基础上提出以下建议:地方财政补贴和集体补助的份额需要明确,领取养老金年龄要具体细化,新农保与其他农村社会福利制度要实现有效衔接。  相似文献   

Just as the courts must consider the trade‐off between the best interest of the child and parental rights in involuntary termination of parental rights, policy on international adoption must consider the trade‐offs between the best interest of the child and the long‐term interests of the nation. We argue that countries that suspend international adoptions do not maximize social welfare. A consistent national policy to maximize the well‐being of the children and society at large would be to devote resources today to the oversight of international adoption in accord with child protections under the Hague Convention, while at the same time developing a domestic system of care that provides for the physical and developmental needs of orphaned children in the context of permanent families.  相似文献   

财产所有权的正当性依据   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张恒山 《现代法学》2001,23(6):3-14
所有权作为权利 ,其含义不是指人对物的占有或支配状态或形式 ,也不是指物主对物的占有支配的自由 ,而是指 :对于他人而言 ,物主个人、社会群体、国家三重意志共同主张物主对物的自由支配的不可侵犯性。所有权的不可侵犯性在于 ,物主获得物 (所有权的对象物 )的方式是对他人无害的 ,以致是他人所同意的。财产所有权得以确立的核心和关键是社会群体根据无害性义务准则而给予的一致公认。  相似文献   

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