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周常林 《工友》2013,(10):55-55
青春岁月,在春风里、阳光下、风雨中,或手拿收音机、录音机,或面对工地上的大喇叭,听歌、唱歌、优美的旋律,舒展身心,久而久之,纾解心情的方式竟成为难以改变的习惯。喜欢听歌,尤其喜欢听民歌、老歌。民歌老歌,多有一种特殊的魄力,唤得记忆深处最动情的片段,好似童年陪伴外祖母住过的老房子,至今那稻草秸上的  相似文献   

正中国移动推出4G套餐,40元包300兆流量,按照每秒百兆的速率,这个套餐3秒就用完了,3秒40元,一个小时就是48000元。如果晚上忘了关闭4G连接,一觉醒来,你的房子都快成移动公司的了。——当当网CEO李国庆这则微博段子,被大量转载孩子写作文,就应该是,东北的学生写出来就是黑土味的,陕西的学生写出来就是黄土味儿的,江南的学生写出来就是烟雨蒙蒙的,但是实际情况是,我看到的大部分作文,八个字:不辨男女,不说人话。  相似文献   

预防重于治疗的观念正不断深入人心,现在,气温骤降,冬天已经开始,针对今年冬天短的特点,人们应该如何养生?冬季是人们进补的最佳时期,中医学认为,这一节气的到来是阳气潜藏,阴气盛极,草木凋零,蛰虫伏藏,万物活动趋向休止,以冬眠状态,养精蓄锐,为来春生机勃发作准备。人们也希  相似文献   

2007年的春节,带着妻儿,我回到了故乡。故乡的天空里已是满荡荡的南风,所以,第一次坐飞机的儿子说:"回家,怎么摇摇晃晃?"这次回家,我还带了永胜兄的诗集《原色》的打印稿。由于父母年事已高,且身体羸弱,已离开  相似文献   

丁洪章 《工友》2013,(9):59-59
生于三峡,长于三峡的卢斌,对家乡山水的热爱简直达到了如痴如迷的程度,无论严寒酷暑,风霜雨雪,他总是身背画板,或步行、或单骑、或驾车,在故乡的山水间写生画意,自得其乐。因此他也获得了"山野独行侠"的雅号,或褒或贬,他摇头一笑,不置可否。或许与他的遗传基因和儿时的生活环境有关。生于1963年的他,小时候跟随被打成右派的父亲在乡下生活,父亲原是教师,写得一手好字,也能画出叫人耳目一新的山水画。为了遮风,父亲把一幅幅山水画贴在透风的墙上,  相似文献   

年末岁初,对于多数职场中人来说,都是紧张而沉重的。一方面是油然而生的那种"岁月匆匆"的无奈,另一方面,是年初各种各样的总结和方案……做做做,做不完的事,想想想,想不周全的计划,真是让人头晕脑涨,六神无主,脾气暴躁。小心,"年末综合症"正在悄悄走近你。工作重压压出"抑郁"他们近一个月来忙于准备年终工作的总结及一些报表,人人斤斤计较于这一年的成绩,惶惶不安于新一年的工作职位,渐渐地感到乏力、精力不足、睡眠差,尤其是  相似文献   

上世纪70年代末,我出生在漾濞县一个偏僻的小山村,从我记事以来,家乡给我的印象就是一个穷字。村民一年四季穿的是破旧的衣裳,住的是茅草房,苞谷饭是村民们的主食,可以说我也是苞谷饭养大的,那粗糙中带有浓浓苞谷味的苞谷饭,至今还记忆犹新。  相似文献   

胡日新 《工友》2013,(3):59-59
1972年的一天,三岁的廖小辉被妈妈带到安陆府河大桥下游玩,第一次见到如此雄伟的建筑,小小的心灵被震撼了。回到家后,他找了一支铅笔,顺手拿起爸爸的记事本,在记事本的封底画了一座大桥,桥上小鸟飞翔,桥下渔船游荡。这是他的第一幅画,无从谈论好坏,但稚拙的笔下充满了童趣。  相似文献   

钟天竺 《工友》2013,(8):58-58
我喜欢吃橘子,而我父亲,再好的橘子也不吃。有时候我们劝他,诸如橘子富含维生素C啊,这个品种的橘子特别好吃啊等等时,他就强调说:"再好的橘子我也不喜欢吃,因为我根本就不喜欢橘子的味道。"他的话突然让我有了想法。是的,作为一个橘子,哪怕是再好的橘子,也照样有人不喜欢。这个世界上的人,每个人都有自己所爱的萝卜青菜,通往罗马的道路有千千万万条,很  相似文献   

1993年,李清萍从老家四川省富顺县来到昆明学习桥梁工程,为了学以致用,像所有能冲善闯的川妹子一样,李清萍开始跟一些桥梁工程公司有所接触,并尝试找一些工程来做。最初的时候,只好小段小段地分包,哪里有活就在哪里做,哪怕只有10米的路段都不嫌少。虽为女流之辈,但李清萍却毫不含糊,在灰尘乱飞而又热火朝天的施工现场,李清萍都和自己招募的农民工打成一片。野外施工条件有限,生活艰苦,那  相似文献   

当代大学生正处在“准成人”时期 ,他们人际交往活动的特点在于 :( 1 )交往需求迫切 ;( 2 )交往范围以同学历、同龄人为主 ;( 3 )同异性交往的愿望强烈 ;( 4)注重选择交往对象 ;( 5 )交往中以自我为中心者多 ;( 6)部分学生有“知音难觅”的感觉。而要有良好的人际关系 ,大学生要学会信义为先、求同存异并且以诚实为本。  相似文献   

权利主体可以归结为两种基本形态--作为权利主体的自我(公民)和作为权利主体的大我(法人).个人只有取得公民的资格,拥有权利能力和行为能力,并拥有权利能力的指向物时,才能成为权利主体.大我是公意的人格化或人格体.在法人行使权利时,支配的自然过程与支配的社会过程必然发生分离.权利主体之间最基本的原则是:所有权的神圣不可侵犯、契约自由和权利主体在法律面前的平等.  相似文献   

The term ‘gender person’ in an academic department is a colloquial expression which refers to someone who researches and/or teaches about gender, but whose primary affiliation is not to a gender studies department or centre. This role has particularly been discussed in relation to international development organisations, but has been neglected in relation to higher education institutions. The article reapplies Lucy Ferguson’s ‘gender person’ framework to academics working as ‘gender people’ in the conditions of contemporary academia. Three cases of different manifestations of the ‘gender person’ role are explored in detail and analysed for the ways in which occupying the ‘gender person’ role impacts upon academic careers and gender knowledge. The article contributes an elaborated concept of the ‘gender person’ in academia and provides empirical evidence of being the ‘gender person’. The article particularly shows that relying on a ‘gender person’ as a form of gender mainstreaming renders both gender academics and academic departments vulnerable in different ways.  相似文献   

大学时期是大学生逐渐适应社会环境,适应社会角色与道德规范,完成社会化过程的关键时期。因此高校教师应把握好大学生的心理发展特征,通过正确的引导和影响,使大学生能顺应社会和群体的方向,符合社会道德规范的要求,完成社会角色的转变,促进大学生社会化的进程。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to expand the theoretical approaches in feminist research that have explored the relationship between the pregnant person and the foetus in terms of constitutive relationality. I examine new ways of understanding and conceptualizing such a relationship, which may be enabled by the concept of vibration, by focusing on a childbirth-singing method developed and taught by Finnish music educator Hilkka-Liisa Vuori. This article is based on ethnographic fieldwork; I participated in a course on childbirth singing taught by Vuori and interviewed women who had used singing and vocalizing during pregnancy and labour. With the help of new feminist materialisms and feminisms inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s thinking, I suggest that sound and music as vibrations are agential matter that allow us to rethink the dyad between the pregnant person and the foetus. I argue that when the foetus–pregnant person dyad is approached as a constitutive relationality, more than two bodies are always involved.  相似文献   

The shift to companionate marriage in South Asia and elsewhere is widely read as a move from ‘tradition’ to ‘modernity’ resulting in an expansion of individual agency, especially for women. This paper critically examines the narratives of urban middle-class women in Sri Lanka spanning three generations to illustrate that rather than indicating a radical shift in the way they negotiated between individual desires and social norms, the emphasis on ‘choice’ signals a shift in the narrative devices used in the presentation of the ‘self’. The paper illustrates how young women’s narratives about marriage appear to suggest ‘modernity’ as inevitable—that its processes are reconstituting the person who, less constrained by ‘tradition’ and collective expectations, is now experiencing greater freedom in the domain of marriage. However, it also shows how urban middle-class families in Sri Lanka have collectively invested in the narrative of choice through which ‘a choosing person’ is consciously created as a mark of the family’s modernity and progress. Rather than signalling freedom, these narratives about choice reveal how women are often burdened with the risks and responsibility of agency. The paper illustrates that the ‘choosing person’ is produced through narratives that emphasise agency as a responsibility that must be exercised with caution because women are expected by and obligated to their families to make the ‘right’ choices. Hence, a closer look at the individualised ‘choosing person’ reveals a less unitary, relational self with permeable boundaries embedded within and accountable to family and kinship.  相似文献   

试论成人教育在终身教育体系中的地位、作用与走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
终身教育作为一种教育思潮 ,它强调人的教育与训练过程不应随学校生活的结束而结束 ,而应贯穿于一个人生命的全部过程。由此表明 ,成人教育大有可为。它融学历与非学历教育、职前教育与在职教育、继续教育与终身教育为一体 ,是一种多功能、多层次、多方位的“无围墙”学校教育。  相似文献   

This article is a reflection on an evaluation of multisystemic therapy services in Aotearoa New Zealand, established to treat young people aged 12–16, for alcohol and drug misuse and to decrease unwanted or “antisocial” behaviors. The therapy engaged parents/caregivers in a systems approach and did not require the young person to be directly engaged. This raised three issues. First, because the young people were not active participants, the services missed the opportunity to help the young people develop skills of self management. Second, this lack of engagement created a missed opportunity to engage the young person to re-establish or reconnect relationships that had been harmed. Finally, we reflect on the cultural fit of the service with Māori values. These issues raise a number of questions about the aims of service provision with young people and the assumptions that underpin particular types of service.  相似文献   

我国的职工持股会作为企业股东,是实现公有制经济、建立现代企业制度的一种重要形式。但在法人治理结构中职工持股会运作不规范。国家对职工持股会必须尽快予以立法规范和实施法律保护,明确职工持股会的特殊投资主体和社团法人的法律地位,以促进我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

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