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案例孟某某,男,40岁。保定市向阳路幸运彩吧(位于市第二医院东侧)工作人员。2004年7月20日晨7时许店主发现彩吧的铝合金卷帘门下部向外鼓出,无法打开,与他人合作强行开启后发现孟某某死于铝合金卷帘门内。现场勘查:坐西向东临街门脸一间,仅有临街铝合金卷帘门与外界相通。卷帘门内侧面观:铝合金单片宽7.5 cm,接缝处呈均匀分布两两平行的横行铝合金嵴。勘验见卷帘门内侧距地面20 cm、30 cm、94 cm、115 cm横行嵴外突处均有片状的灰白色粉末附着。铝合金卷帘门内侧下边缘锁扣固定在一块15 cm×5 cm铁板上,有4个铁质螺栓向门内面突出,突出高度1…  相似文献   

1 案例资料1 1 简要案情2 0 0 3年 7月 3日 2 0时 0 2分 ,电字 830 0 8次货车进站时 ,司机发现机车突然断电 ,失去动力的列车靠滑行进入站台。停稳后 ,经检查机车自身电力系统无异常 ,机车受电弓已脱离接触网并折叠回缩归位。司机在车下观察没发现异常情况 ,并连续两次尝试上举受电弓 ,皆因瞬间发生短路而失败。经查发现在机车A节车顶有一男性尸体仰卧在机车上 ,头部有血迹在车后缘处 ,腿部被压在回缩的受电弓下 ,身上有烧焦的痕迹。1 2 尸表检验死者男性 ,年约 30岁。上穿白色T恤衫 ,下穿灰色长裤。两只黑色布鞋已脱落。尸长 174cm ,短…  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料1.1简要案情张某,男,24岁。2013年7月16日11时,在某变电站拆除2号废旧高压线塔电线时突然触电,悬挂于塔端,被解救后发现其呼吸心跳已停止。案发时为雨后,天气晴,空气较潮湿。现场勘查情况:线塔架上有一条裸露的铝线,一端捆绑于线塔上,另一端悬于空中。该线塔与1号线塔相距80m,有7条电线相连。距废线塔南、北侧15m分别有110kV、220kV的高压输电线塔,高压线均正常输电。  相似文献   

1案例1.1案情某夜,某男报110称:其在乡村公路上发生一起交通事故撞伤一女子,现送某医院确诊已死亡。1.2现场勘查现场位于某镇村级公路,柏油路面宽约5m,路面散在细沙石。在车行方向的右侧距路边0.8m处发现一滩19cm×15cm的血泊,血泊中见一女性金属发夹。路面上未发现刹车痕迹。1  相似文献   

田露 《法医学杂志》2005,21(4):I0009-I0010
1案例某女,72岁,独居。某年3月被发现死于自家卧室床铺底下。现场勘查:门窗无异常情况。西房间内靠西墙是一只床铺,床南侧有一个圆椅和一个方凳,圆椅上放有绒线衫,绒线裤各一,方凳上是一双深色袜子,方凳北侧地上有一双深色棉鞋和一只自制毛线鞋,另一只毛线鞋遗留在床头北侧;床北侧地上另有一套内衣裤。床铺被褥凌乱地堆放在床脚处,被角着地,床单中央地方留有尿迹,最底下一层被褥靠南侧有两块地方被撕掉一小部分,移开床垫发现死者仰躺在地上,头朝床头方向,脚朝床尾。死者上身穿一件短袖内衣,内衣下摆捋起至乳房处,内衣领口及右袖口拧成麻花状…  相似文献   

1案例资料 简要案情任某,男,28岁,建筑工人。2010年4月7日10时许,在某区建筑工地平房顶部施工时突然倒地,经抢救无效死亡。 现场情况 现场位于平房顶部西北角,其斜上方2.8m处有10kV供电线路,周围散落长约2m的金属工具,屋顶水泥地面可见局部呈放射状黑色痕迹。  相似文献   

正1案例资料1.1简要案情某年6月1日6时许,王某(男,13岁)起床后发现卫生间门开着,发现母亲黄某(33岁)赤裸死在浴缸内。黄某离异多年,在其楼下足疗店打工,经常深夜或凌晨回家。王某读小学五年级,晚21时许独自休息。  相似文献   

1案例资料 某男,约45岁,某年7月17日下午被人发现死于其租房内。现场勘验当日天晴,最高气温36℃。死者租房为一间门面朝东的平房,面积约为12m2,门窗完好,窗户玻璃贴有不透明黄色胶带及报纸,租房内摆设简单,无明显翻动痕迹,财物无明显损失。东侧床头水  相似文献   

使用电热毯造成人体伤亡案件国内外均少见报道,且易导致对死亡原因及案件性质的误判。本文作者收集3例使用电热毯致致人意外死亡的案例,并就有关问题进行讨论。1案例资料例1曹某,男,41岁。冬季某日晚11时与妻子肖某(女,40岁)入睡于铺有电热毯的床上。次日晨8时,其岳母曾看到曹某俯卧睡在床外侧,被子掀落在地,肖某左侧卧位睡在床内侧,身上盖有自己的被子,遂将女婿被子盖上后离去。1h后,女儿呼其父母不应而报警,当时曹某已死亡,肖某呈昏迷状态,夫妇二人身体发烫,曹某仅穿着背心及内裤,肖某出汗较多。现场安静,电热毯上铺一层床单,开关置于高热…  相似文献   

<正> 腋窝是人体比较隐蔽的部位。在一般案件中腋窝损伤较少见,而意外致腋动脉破裂致死的案件更少见。现报道1例。  相似文献   

The investigation of uncertain fatalities requires accurate determination of the cause of death, with assessment of all factors that may have contributed to it. Gasoline is a complex and highly variable mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons that can lead to cardiac arrhythmias due to sensitization of the myocardium to catecholamines or acts as a simple asphyxiant if the vapors displace sufficient oxygen from the breathing atmosphere. This work describes a sudden occupational fatality involving gasoline. The importance of this petroleum distillate detection and its quantitative toxicological significance is discussed using a validated analytical method. A 51 year-old Caucasian healthy man without significant medical history was supervising the repairs of the telephone lines in a manhole near to a gas station. He died suddenly after inhaling gasoline vapors from an accidental leak. Extensive blistering and peeling of skin were observed on the skin of the face, neck, anterior chest, upper and lower extremities, and back. The internal examination showed a strong odor of gasoline, specially detected in the respiratory tract. The toxicological screening and quantitation of gasoline was performed by means of gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and confirmation was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Disposition of gasoline in different tissues was as follows: heart blood, 35.7 mg/L; urine, not detected; vitreous humor, 1.9 mg/L; liver, 194.7 mg/kg; lung, 147.6 mg/kg; and gastric content, 116,6 mg/L (2.7 mg total). Based upon the toxicological data along with the autopsy findings, the cause of death was determined to be gasoline poisoning and the manner of death was accidental. We would like to alert on the importance of testing for gasoline, and in general for volatile hydrocarbons, in work-related sudden deaths involving inhalation of hydrocarbon vapors and/or exhaust fumes.  相似文献   

不少药物都有致过敏的不良反应,严重的可导致过敏性休克。地塞米松米是常用的抗过敏性休克药物,导致过敏性休克者较为少见,笔者在进行医疗事故鉴定工作中遇有1例,现报导如下。  相似文献   

地塞米松致过敏性休克猝死1例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不少药物都有致过敏的不良反应,严重的可导致过敏性休克。地塞米松米是常用的抗过敏性休克药物,导致过敏性休克者较为少见,笔者在进行医疗事故鉴定工作中遇有1例,现报导如下。案例钟某,女,54岁,教师。因乏力、盗汗、低热、食欲减退二十余天、皮肤淤斑7天,于1998年6月2日在某医院门诊以“慢性粒细胞白血病”收入血液科。6月3日行骨髓穿刺术,6月4日骨髓细胞学报告:慢性粒细胞白血病(慢性期)。确诊后按常规治疗方案进行治疗。患者在注射干扰能后出现了常见的发热反应和皮疹、瘙痒症等,口服抗过敏药后皮疹瘙痒治疗无效。6月19日上午临时加用1次…  相似文献   

A fatal case of ethchlorvynol abuse is reported with blood and tissue determinations.  相似文献   

Accidental deaths due to hypothermia most commonly result from exposure to low environmental temperature. Generally, a cold climatic condition is present in a severe environmental setting. A case report is presented of a 58-year-old man who died from accidental hypothermia associated with immersion in cold water while on a farm during warm weather. The importance of an adequate death scene investigation is discussed.  相似文献   

利多卡因蛛网膜下腔麻醉致死的动物模型   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的 建立利多卡因麻醉致死的动物模型。方法 犬蛛网膜下腔注射利多卡因(37.01mg/kg体重),观察麻醉致死过程的生命体征变化及死后各器官的病理改变特点。结果 实验组犬心电、血压和呼吸消失的平均时间分别为23.8min(7-42min)、16.4min(7-35min)和18.6min(10~47min)。各器官病理改变均呈急死征象。结论 所建模型实验动物的表现和生命体征变化符合蛛网膜下腔麻醉致死的生前表现,可应用于利多卡因麻醉意外致死案件法医学鉴定的实验研究。  相似文献   

Spontaneous dissection of the coronary arteries is an extremely rare event that occurs usually in middle-aged women and is mostly recognized at postmortem examination in victims of sudden death. It is a rare coronary pathologic finding whose precise incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and evolution have not been clearly established. We present a sudden death case of a 53-year-old woman with spontaneous dissection of the left anterior descending coronary artery with eosinophilic coronary arteritis.  相似文献   

The case reported herein concerns the unexpected death of a 3-month-old female newborn who suddenly collapsed in her mother's arms and was dead on arrival at the hospital. The clinical histories of the baby and her parents were negative for symptoms or signs of illness, even those of cardiovascular origin. Furthermore, no clinical appearance of a pathologic status was noted by pediatricians after the birth until the last emergency recovery. The autopsy excluded external and internal signs of violence but revealed a large primary cardiac tumor arising from the free wall of the left ventricle, which had totally invaded the heart causing mitral valve deformation. Histological examination showed a low-grade sarcoma that completely infiltrated the myocardial tissue. The pathogenesis of this sudden infant death was postulated as being owing to a fatal ventricular fibrillation combined with a tumor-related restrictive cardiomyopathy obstructing left ventricular filling.  相似文献   

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