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It was in March 2003. I had the honor to meet a Tibetan young man coming from the snow-capped plateau. Slim and tall, he looked delicate and easy in manners. Wearing a pair of glasses, his eyes were bright and shining. Born in a pasture in the Qamdo area of Tibet, he speaks fluent Han language, revealing that he received higher education in the Han-inhabited area. He is Tudeng Kezhu, now serving as the deputy dean and associate professor of the Economics Department of Tibet University in Lhasa and came to Beijing for the first session of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).  相似文献   

Buddhism originated in India in the 6th-5th century B.C., based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama of the Sakyas.As a prince of a tribe in today's southern part of Nepal, he grew tired of luxury and material goods and a world where there was old age, sickness and death, and went to search for "enlightenment:".One evening he was sitting under a banyan tree and fell into a deep meditation during which he achieved" enlightenment." He was given the title Buddha (the awakened or enlightened) and was also known as Sakyamuni (the wise man of the Sakya tribe). He died in 480 B.C.  相似文献   

An art aficionado looking for Ye Xue might have a hard time finding him. Unless he hires a car and driver, the journey involves taking the subway, a change of buses, plus a healthy hike. Welcome to the outskirts of Tongzhou! The fields lie dry and desolate in the dim autumn sun, and the visitor finds himself walking among the plain brick farmhouses so typical of North China.Beaming his trademark smile, Ye Xue is ready to greet the visitor. Locked away in his courtyard studio he enjoys the peace and quiet that he feels he needs. Spend-  相似文献   

Zhang Ce Zhang Ce was born in 1955 in Yanggao County,a small town in the northwest of Shanxi Province.In 1977,he entered into the Datong Medical College.After graduation he worked as a teacher of physiology for eight years until he joined a Ph.D program guided by professor Qiao Jiantian,a famous physi- ologist.His research involved neuroscience and specific studies of the nociceptive mech- anisms.In 1995,Zhang finished the program and was awarded a Ph.D degree.In 1999,he  相似文献   

One day in March 2000, a young man came to the Qiankun Lawyer's Office, asking for help in a labor dispute. He is Tong Li, 25. He signed a "life-long" labor contract with the Beijing Fenghua Engineering Co. Ltd. in June 1999. On January 5 of the following year, however, he demanded termination of the contract on account that he was far from home and he had to take care of his ailing mother. But he was refused. Later on, the workers' congress of the company issued the rules on the management of labor contract and its detailed implementation rules.  相似文献   

MAO Kuai joined the CPC in 2007 when he was in senior high school.Four years have passed but Mao still clearly remembers he handwrote an application of 20-odd-pages to join the Party and officially became a Party member in a ceremony held in his hometown's municipal hall on June 29.Mao,with other new recruits,sang the Internationale as part of the induction process,and in the drama of the moment was so excited he couldn't help bursting into tears.  相似文献   

Champa Trinley was born of a peasant's family in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, in 1954. Healthy and lovely, the baby brought great joy to the family. But when he was six years old, a serious disease made him blind in both eyes. Despite seeing nothing, Champa learned to do farm work. Every day he worked in the fields like everyone else. Aside from completing what work was assigned him by the production team, he joined the local youth shock brigade and, as a member of the brigade, vied with oth-  相似文献   

Shen Xueren was born in Weifang City,Shandong Province in June 1941.He graduated from the Central Academy of Arts in 1966,and re- ceived a doctor's degree at the United Nations International University. Now,he is a member of the China Artists Association and the Chinese Calligrapher Association,a consultant for the China International Association of Celebrity,the arts and cultural exchange ambassador of the World Peace Foundation,an honorable member of the British Royal Joint Academy of Sciences,a researcher at the Research Center of the World Cultural Arts and an honored painter of the Cultural Market Development Center of the Ministry of Culture. In 1978,Shen created the Flower Painting Association.In the same year,he participated in the setting up of Beijing Painting Shop.In 1980,he created the Research Association of Flower and Bird Paintings together with his friends.In 1999,he set up Shen Xueren Art Gallery and Shen Xueren Art Museum.From 1982 to 2000,he had many art exhibitions in many countries including the U.S.A.,Japan,France,Canada and Singapore.Wu Zuoren,Chairman of China Artists Association,attended the opening ceremony of his exhibition in Beijing.The chairman of the Artists Association hosted his exhibition in France.The Chinese Ambassador in Canada,Yu Chen,hosted his exhibi- tion in Canada. The local TV and newspapers report on his exhibitions,and his artwork is collected by embassies and museums.He was invited to draw pictures for the National Museum of China,the Great Hall of the People, Xinhua News Agency,the People's Daily and CCTV,and was also invited to the University of Toronto to give lectures on Chinese painting. Shen has won many awards in many countries.These include an award of excellence for international ink paintings held in Japan in 1986, an award of excellence for new in- ternational art exhibitions in 1988 in Japan,the gold medal of the second Chinese Art Competition in 1999,a sil- ver medal in the 2000 World Chinese Art Exhibition,and a special award from the 2001 Beijing International Art Exhibition.In 2007 his artwork was collected by the UN World Peace Foundation and was awarded the World Peace Art Achievement Award. He was given the title World Art Master.  相似文献   

正Commemorating China’s chief architect of reform and opening up inspires latest revisions As a teenager,Zhang Weiying,now a prominent economist and former Dean of the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University,thought he could be nothing more than a farmer like his illiterate parents.In an article written in memory of the year he was admitted to college,Zhang,born in 1959,noted that he spent the first 19 years of life in his hometown,a remote village in China’s northwest Shaanxi Province.As someone  相似文献   

GUOXiaoyong,executive vice president of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) and concurrently executive vice president of the Translators Association of China, is an experienced translator, journalist and editor. Graduating from the Arabic Department of Shanghai International Studies University in 1976, he worked for many years in China's Xinhua News Agency as a translator, editor and journalist. From 1980 to 1982, he studied Arabic language and culture at Kuwait University. From 1985 to 1988, he worked as a resident reporter of Xinhua News Agency in Beirut, and in 1991,  相似文献   

"Li Po, a Chinese poet wholived in the Tang Dynasty(618-907), born in 701. Hispatron was the emperor,and he was prominent inthe gay life of the court, until the influ-ence of the empress he was dismissed. It issaid he was drowned in the act of trying tokiss the moon in the water. His poems havetheir themes including nature, women, andwine and are still popular in China. He diedin 762."  相似文献   

QI Yumin was vice-mayor of Liaoning's Dalian City until about a year and a half ago. Then he took the helm of the Brilliance Auto Company, based in the provincial capital of Shenyang. At the time, the ailing company was "waiting to be wound up." But Qi went on to change its destiny.When he was vice-mayor of Dalian, Brilliance was to Qi just another auto maker with the same old problems. In December 2005, he took a different view. He was appointed president of Brilliance Auto Company, executive president and chairman of the board of China Brilliance Automobile Holding Company, and president of Brilliance Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. En route from Dalian to Shenyang, Qi encountered a Christmas snowstorm. It just about reflected his mood. As he wrote in a text message to his sister, "I am going to a strange city to take a strange job in a strange company. I don't know what to feel."  相似文献   

THE Reverend Mei Kangjun works in Shanghai. He recently went to Wuhan City in Central China to promote the Christian magazine Heavenly Wind, and to participate in a seminar on psychology consultancy. Judging from his position-executive deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches of China, and from the articles he has written, I assumed he must be in his 70s. As it turned out, he is a scholarly man of 45. The morning we met, Mei Kangjun was to speak at a meeting to mark the third anniversary of a non-profit psychological consultancy center run by a Sister Luo in Wuhan University. Mei himself is a national grade-one psychology consultant. Before the meeting started, he talked with those of the guests that are university scholars and also members of Chinese psychological consultancy circles. Mei Kangjun's speech was entitled "caring for People with Love and Sympathy."A talk rather than a sermon, it began by comparing the similarities of pastoral care and counseling. He stressed that a psychology consultant must have love and sympathy, but must also be of high moral character. His humane, professional observations were warmly received. During lunchtime, Mr. Mei and psychologists from Wuhan University held in-depth discussions on academic issues relating to psychology consultancy.  相似文献   

张恩 《今日山西》2003,(2):27-29
He began to learn the per-forming of Suona since he was nly 13-year-old because he loved he traditional folk art so much. He racticed all the year round never inding it was so cold in the win-er or so hot in the summer. Final- he won a successful place of his wn in the field of performance of uona. He could even perform to low a Souna as large as hree-meter-long and carried by our robust He began to learn the per-forming of Suona since he was only 13-year-old because he loved the traditional…  相似文献   

The topic of"dreams" reminds me of a text by the late Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng who was paralyzed when he was 21, in whichhe elaborated on his devotion to sports. He loved track and field the most, more than writing, and his favorite star was Carl Lewis whom, with a strong body and super speed, he regarded as the luckiest man on earth. Shi once thought that he would do anything to have Lewis' physique and vigor in another life, if there were one. But observ- ing the athlete's rise and fall after a doping scandal, he gained fresh understanding of success, happiness and life in general. He said his dream was to have a healthy body, a beautiful soul and life wisdom. While acknowledging that many think one should not be too greedy or ambitious, Shi's overriding belief was that everyone has the right to dream big, and to look forward to the best in the world.  相似文献   

F rankle Dunn (Clint Eastwood) has trained and managed some incredible fighters during a life time spent in the ring. He is a professional boxing trainer and owner of The Hit Pit, an old-school boxing gym nestled in the gritty heart of downtown Los Angeles. The Hit Pit is Frankie's life, and he divides his time between the seemingly disparate activities of training fighters and attending mass -which he has done almost every day for the past 23 years. Unable to forgive himself for becoming estranged from his daughter long ago, he sends her a letter every week, and the  相似文献   

XIAOZHOU Village on the southern outskirts of Guangzhou is a place of boundless opportunity - at least for Liu Jiusheng and Xie Guozheng. Liu opened his guqin (ancient zither) workshop in the village in 2007. He loves the guqin and is a skilled player. Once he bought an old one and disassembled it, finding its construction not as complicated as he had imagined. At that moment, he was struck by the impulse to make his own zithers of superb quality, and hired 26-year-old carpenter Xie to help him realize the dream.  相似文献   

IN 2006, Liu Wanfu, one of Jiangsu Province's leading lawyers, founded the first individually-owned law firm of Nanjing, capital of the province. Well established in his fidd, he believes a good lawyer should be righteous, conversant in legal knowledge and ready to lend a helping hand and shoulder due social responsibility. These are the standards he requires of his employees.  相似文献   

The notion of a“responsible China”was first put forward by former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick,when he said in an address in September 2005 that he hoped China would be a“stakeholder”with the United States in the current international system and should take its responsibilities in international affairs.American and Western media picked up on the term and now China also refers to itself as a”responsible big nation." Although both sides speak of“responsibility,”they mean different things by it.In the view of Wu Jianmin,President of the International Bureau of Exhibitions and former Chinese Ambassador to France,China's “responsibilities”are mainly in the following areas:  相似文献   

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