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许多现代经济学著作认为,法系渊源决定着一国证券市场的实力和公司所有权结构,发达国家更是如此。然而,本文认为法系渊源并不是证券市场的基础。现代政治学为不同的所有权结构和发达国家证券市场发展状况的差异提供了另一种解释。20世纪残酷的事实——许多重要国家被完全摧毁,而其先前的许多制度也遭到破坏,很好地预示了战后现代证券市场的实力,并与发达国家在战后政治及政策上的差异有着密切关系。在20世纪,几乎每个核心的大陆法系国家都遭受到军事侵略和占领,这种整体动荡甚至摧毁了强大的制度,然而核心的普通法系国家并未在这种灾难中垮掉。世界上最发达的各个国家中占主导地位的利益和意识形态以及这些国家的基本经济任务在20世纪后半期各不相同,这使得一些发达国家乐于发展证券市场,而另一些发达国家则对其保持冷淡或敌对。这些政治经济学思想比法系渊源观念能更好地解释西方发达国家证券市场不同的实力。  相似文献   

The profits of not-for-profit hospitals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper explores the profits of not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals and identifies the factors that determine whether such profits are adequate. A model which relates hospital charges to surpluses is used to derive NFP surplus from gross patient charges and operating costs. This is done to identify the items contributing to surpluses and to explore the dispersion of NFP surpluses. We first discuss why the literature is relatively silent on NFP profitability. We then present the model and use Tennessee hospital data to identify how its components vary by hospital type and through time. The dispersion of surpluses among NFPs is then examined. We next propose three rate of return measures of profitability and use these to relate NFP profits to select characteristics of hospitals and their environments. Several alternative profit levels of NFP are discussed, and the factors that are relevant to the issue of determining the adequate level of profit are identified. The paper ends with a plea for better data on NFP profits.  相似文献   

Introducing a futures market for fishing rights would increase utility for risk averse fishermen. We use the EV model to analyze possible reductions in (expected) profits for futures trading that would make fishermen indifferent between the situation with and without futures markets. It is found that a futures market for fishing rights enables policy makers to pursue substantial cuts in the size of annual quotas without hurting fishermen. In light of current overfishing and pressure from the sector to avoid dramatic cutbacks in effort, this is an important policy result.  相似文献   

The paper surveys the most important literature on emerging markets and their performance. Emerging market countries are defined here as the countries with low intuitional capacity in general, rather than the countries with particular economic characteristics and per capita income; although the latter is the predominant view in the current literature. The paper places particular importance on the legal system and legal order (compliance) in the transitional economies, stressing the importance of adequate regulation where even more advanced regulatory models, like market regulation, should not be totally excluded. Despite many common characteristics, emerging markets differ significantly one from another and it is very difficult, if really not impossible, to create one ‘general theory of emerging markets’ and its financial behaviour. Finally, the practice in the last decade or so, has proven that emerging markets are somewhat unpredictable and difficult to model.  相似文献   

The crucible in this scenario for the international climate regime is the emergence of an effective and liquid international carbon market with participation of private entities. In order to make the carbon market effective a bilateral negotiation track will develop, operating in parallel with the multilateral track under the UNFCCC. The purpose of the bilateral track is to integrate the various emissions trading schemes involving private actors. This bilateral track feeds into the UNFCCC negotiations, which still represents the main arena for the international climate negotiations. Through the bilateral, bottom-up negotiations, a multistage system develops, with differentiated rights and duties, complemented by a package of coordinated support mechanisms. The advantages of such a bottom-up approach prove to be, inter alia, fewer negotiating parties, new negotiation arenas, and a new set of selective incentives. The result is a continuously evolving agreement with the potential to gradually broaden participation and deepen the reduction commitments of the international climate regime. Moreover, the bilateral agreements for linking schemes with private actors also represent a fallback in the event of a collapse in the multilateral negotiations.The article has been written by funding from the Central Research Institute for the Electric Power Industry in Tokyo and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It also represents an output of research financed by the Research Council of Norway, project no. 144768/520. The authors thank all three institutions for the funding, as well as the many participants at the workshops where the ideas in the paper have been presented. Their criticism and suggestions have been very stimulating, indeed.  相似文献   

The fundamental objective of this paper has been to reinvestigate the relationship between employment and crime, while taking account of deterrence, age and race effects. The data, a sample of Brooklyn arrestees, was collected by the Vera Institute of Justice simply to explore, with individual data, the relationship between employment and crime. In this research, a labor theoretic formulation is used incorporating a model that views the problem as one of rational choice between legitimate work and participation in crime. Factors affecting the diminution of crime participation with age are investigated. Changes at age 18 in economic opportunities and in deterrence effects from moving from juvenile to adult status are found to have a significant impact on crime participation. The results are important because they tend to confirm with official crime report data, results found in earlier studies using self-report data, i.e., (1) when the process is appropriately modeled, previous contacts with police are found to cause some experimenters with crime to become desisters, (2) prior work experience and economic opportunities tend to reinforce this tendency to desist, (3) even though blacks are found to have a greater prevalence of involvement in crime, when the data are standardized for all of the aforementioned factors and educational attainment, there is no significant difference between blacks and whites in their tendency to recidivate.  相似文献   

反垄断案件和知识产权案件都需要在很多场合界定市场.但两个法律领域中的市场界定既有联系又有区别.市场结构因素在反垄断分析中具有基础地位,在知识产权案件中基本不具有相关性.知识产权法界定市场是为了确定企业间的对抗范围,反垄断法界定市场则是为了确定企业的市场势力.有些知识产权问题涉及竞争政策,但未必需要界定相关市场.还有一些涉及知识产权的案件,因损害竞争在实质上属于反垄断案件,需要按照反垄断法的分析方法处理,包括界定相关市场.在后一类案件中,知识产权因素导致市场界定需要做一些特殊考虑,但并不改变基本分析方法,尤其是知识产权的边界型排斥并不自动等同于垄断的市场型排斥;知识产权带来的产品差异化也不等同于垄断力量.  相似文献   

This study examines recidivism among inmates who participated in prison industry programs during confinement and a comparison group of inmates who were not employed in prison industry. Industry participants had lower recidivism rates than nonparticipants, but when differences between the groups on other characteristics associated with recidivism were controlled, the recidivism rates of participants and nonparticipants were virtually identical. A proportional hazards regression model was estimated that showed that, net of other variables, the effect of prison industry participation on the probability of postrelease felony arrest was small and insignificant. The findings are discussed in the context of existing correctional outcome research and recent developments in prison work programs.  相似文献   

Law and Critique - The paper discusses legal implications of the expansion of practical uses of mathematics in social life. Taking as a starting point the omnipresence of mathematical...  相似文献   

Using a standard model of uncertain innovation, this paper examines research rivalry and rent-seeking rivalry in innovation markets. Previous literature has not considered the implications of rent-seeking in research markets. We find that greater rent-seeking by the rival unambiguously lowers own profit-maximizing research and rent-seeking activity. On the other hand, greater research spending by the rival also lowers own research and rent-seeking, especially when the probability of own innovation is low. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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