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Between September and December 2005 over 3,000 Sudanese refugees held a sit-in demonstration at the Mustapha Mahmoud Square in Cairo, Egypt, which is located directly across from the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). We analyze the events of the refugee sit-in as an act of global political society, one that saw people outside the realm of the political making demands for recognition and a say in the solutions being developed to relieve their plight. We argue that the sit-in at Cairo was fundamentally a disagreement between the refugees and the UNHCR over the politics of protection, care, and mobility. The article analyzes the strategies through which the refugees named their "population of care" in ways that countered the UNHCR's governmental strategies to classify the Sudanese refugee population in Cairo. We propose the concept of "global political society" as a way of thinking about global political life from the perspective of those who are usually denied the status of political beings. Global political society is a highly ambiguous site where power relations are enacted, taken and retaken by various actors, but in ways that do not foreclose opportunities for refugees to actively reformulate the governmentalities of care and protection.  相似文献   

This article traces the pathologization of suspected terrorists held captive at the U.S. military base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The occurrence of several reported suicide attempts among the detainees provided "proof" for their captors that terrorists are indeed fanatical madmen. These same reports of suicide attempts, however, were contradictorily diagnosed by human rights and humanitarian organizations as evidence of psychological deterioration induced by prolonged detention. What is notable in this diagnostic competition over what, exactly, afflicts the detainees is that both advocates and resisters to the detentions pathologized the detainees by chalking up the suicide attempts to their purportedly impaired psyches. This is significant because the pathologization of the detainees is one condition of possibility for their excision from the global body politic. Authoritarian practices, such as the incarceration of the "mad" and the detention of "suspected terrorists," are theorized as integral to global liberal governance, which divides up populations, and subjects those deemed mad, deviant, or dangerous to coercive measures in the name of order, security, and liberty. The article concludes with a consideration of the ways in which international relations (IR) could be more attentive to the operation of the "psy" disciplines in the conduct of international affairs.  相似文献   

Digital Development Games (DDGs) have been designed to tackle a variety of international development issues, including gender inequality. This study uses critical textual analysis and a political economic approach to highlight how the development goals embedded in two games, Family Values and Moraba, both aimed at gender equality in Africa, were shaped by the large donor organizations that funded them. Understanding the relationship between game developers and funders is necessary in order to understand how and why DDGs work to reinforce established, and often problematic, development narratives. As smaller nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and independent game developers look to large development institutions to support the production of DDGs, research on the ways in which the ideologies of funding organizations get mapped onto games becomes increasingly important. Further, the findings of this study provide a contemporary example of the ways in which development networks are able to incorporate new technologies and discourses into their work without fundamentally changing their worldviews or their approach to creating change.  相似文献   

美国人富于形象思维,往往能把复杂的事情简单化或者卡通化。在国际政治领域也是如此。 当伊拉克战争胜券在握时,美国弄出一副特殊的扑克牌,牌上画有美国要捉拿的伊政府高官,清楚而  相似文献   

随着黑社会性质组织犯罪向经济、政治领域的不断渗透,少数地方官员由袒护黑社会性质组织及其首领发展到公开半公开地组织、参与黑社会性质组织活动,成为不折不扣的黑社会性质组织老大。这种转变为“黑老大”意味着官员的腐败的目标正在由贪图享受转变为积累个人资本,预示着反腐道路将更艰难。  相似文献   

与其他转型经济及绝大多数发展中经济相比,中国自20世纪70年代末以来强劲的经济增长和社会的相对稳定格外引人注目.  相似文献   

从"和平外交"到"和谐外交"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
去年9月胡锦涛主席在联合国成立60周年大会上发表题为<努力建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界>的讲话以来,"和谐"一词频繁地出现在中国高层的外交活动中,它已成了反映中国外交新内涵和新特点的一个响亮的关键词.这说明,中国将始终不渝地把自身的发展与人类的共同进步紧密地联系在一起,既充分利用世界和平发展带来的机遇发展自己,又以自身的发展更好地维护世界和平、促进共同发展.因此,中国的发展不会妨碍任何人,也不会威胁任何人,只会有利于世界的和平稳定和共同繁荣.  相似文献   

观察和研究国际问题,可以有多个"切入点".在现代国际关系和国际政治的研究中,有两个"点"是不能忽视的,这就是"新自由主义"思潮和"美国因素".  相似文献   

备受各方关注的巴勒斯坦第二次立法委员会选举结果于1月29日揭晓.伊斯兰抵抗运动"哈马斯"以74票对45票的绝对优势,出人意料地战胜原执政党、巴勒斯坦民族解放运动"法塔赫",并因获得巴立法委132个议席半数以上席位而享有独立组阁权.  相似文献   

雷默提出的"北京共识"是一个夸大的、不符合事实的看法,而其中提及的"中国特征的全球化"尽管有一些正确的成分,但是将全球化归结为某个国家的全球化是肤浅的,有可能导致世界未来十分危险的发展.中国进入全球化不仅有正面的、积极的方面,同时也带来许多负面的、挑战性的影响.  相似文献   

肖枫 《当代世界》2010,(10):37-39
近几月来中美关系的发展态势令人关注。有人说美国正"从南北两端围堵中国",中美间一场"战略较量"在所难免。也有人说中美是"假朋友"关系,什么"伙伴关系"只是为"好听"。还有人说,"弱国无外交,落后要挨打",既然中国实力增强腰杆硬了,在"维(护国家主)权"问题上应"加快进度"。诸如此类的议论所涉及的问题非常复杂,是绝不可"简单化"地看待和对待的。  相似文献   

欧盟对华军售禁令解禁问题已引起欧、美、日、俄、台的高度关切,成为当前国际政治斗争的-个重大议题.解禁大势已定,但欧盟内部的"反解派"和美国的作梗使解禁面临重重障碍.最后的解禁将可能是欧美达成妥协,美国仍维系其主导的西方对华武器禁运体系.  相似文献   

自甲午战争后,台湾问题始入中俄关系视野,在新中国与苏联的外交关系中更存在着明显的"台湾因素".在苏联存在的69年内,苏联政府始终坚持了"一个中国"的原则立场,但是在利用"台湾因素"方面却几欲诡诈,为已所用.  相似文献   

据外电透露,布什总统近来身子骨已不如以 前,并且情绪起起落落。也真难为的了,要在这个纷乱的世界称霸,费心的事儿也太多。这不,新年刚一过,就又冒出一桩:朝鲜的核问题。在那边,调兵遣将,攻打伊拉克紧锣密鼓;在这厢,偏偏就在这紧要关头,朝鲜半岛风云变么了。朝鲜突然宣布有权拥有核武器,并退出《不扩散核武器条约》,半岛局势骤然紧张,立即吸引国际社会的极大关注。  相似文献   

"Facts" on fiber     
Gorman C 《Time》2000,155(18):86

党的十六大报告阐明 :“三个代表”重要思想是在正确反映当代世界发展变化和科学判断党的历史地位的基础上提出来的。在 2 0世纪的一段时间里 ,我们对于时代的认识 ,曾发生过超越阶段的严重失误 ,并导致了实践上的巨大挫折。对那些错误认识的反思和校正 ,正是“三个代表”重要思想形成的个重要基础  相似文献   

"润物细无声"的基督教传播 许多到西方求学的学子,大都有过去教堂的经历.有的是被当地的基督徒热情引领而去的,有的则是抱着好奇的心态自行前往的.作为长期受过无神论教育的中国学生和学者,要相信上帝的存在,并非易事,好多人去教堂,也主要是出于了解西方文化的初衷,想对基督教有些感性认识.真正最终成为基督徒的并不多.  相似文献   

史书通常认为,1917年10月10日布尔什维克党曾成立政治上领导武装起义的"政治局".实际上,1917年并不存在这样的机构.斯大林秘书托夫斯图哈在1934年写下"证词",证明他在1924年亲自看到斯大林在10月10日决议下面添加了成立政治局的几句话.把反对起义的加米涅夫和季诺维也夫列入"政治局"的名单,是斯大林对他们积极反对托洛茨基的犒赏,但这种做法是完全违背逻辑的.  相似文献   

"Please help us"     
Church GJ 《Time》1993,142(19):36-38
Clinton finally presents his detailed health-care plan, but he faces an uphill fight, thanks to critics in Congress and increasing public opposition.  相似文献   

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