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田强  李书剑  张静平 《证据科学》2002,9(3):157-160
2001年元月,福建惠安某医院因医务人员采取治疗方案不当,致使某九龄女童右腿残疾,被福建省高级人民法院终审判令先期赔偿各项费用24.9万元.  相似文献   

当前医患纠纷巨额赔偿现象的观察与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20 0 1年元月 ,福建惠安某医院因医务人员采取治疗方案不当 ,致使某九龄女童右腿残疾 ,被福建省高级人民法院终审判令先期赔偿各项费用 2 4.9万元。2 0 0 1年 4月 ,太康县某医院因疏于筛检致使当地一五龄童输血感染艾滋病而被周口市中级人民法院一审判令赔偿 5 1万余元。2 0 0 0年 4月 ,湖北某大医院因该院妇产科医护人员的“医疗差错” ,“致使”一对“龙凤胎”重度脑瘫而被湖北省高级人民法院终审判令赔偿各项费用 2 90余万元。从日常针对医患纠纷的报道人们能感觉到 ,近两年来 ,医患纠纷发生频率越来越高 ,调处该类矛盾的难度也越来越大 …  相似文献   

目的研究QSZ92式9mm手枪击针在生产加工过程中潜在的次种类特征,以区别于个体特征。方法用超景深体式显微镜对特定工序连续生产加工的10件QSZ92式9mm手枪击针的射击痕迹进行观察比对。结果不同击针形成的击针痕迹痕底特征具有特定性,而痕壁特征中的同心圆状或圆弧状加工痕迹具有相似性,属于次种类特征。结论同一认定过程中不能将击针痕迹中的同心圆状或圆弧状加工痕迹作为个体特征使用。  相似文献   

在审判实践中,涉及刑事、民事人身伤害赔偿案件不断增多.法医鉴定在案件审理中的重要地位已匆庸置疑,审判人员对法医鉴定的要求也越来越高,越来越细.从笔者本地区赔偿案件鉴定情况看,近几年除要求对伤者进行伤情程度鉴定外,还要求对伤残程度、医疗时限、医疗费用等进行鉴定.实践中,法医技术人员与审判人员在对上述问题的认识还不尽一致,有些问题上认识差距较大,确需不断探讨、研究,逐步统一认识,以使案件得以合理公正地解决.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(3):396-405
The subject of this research was the inorganic gunshot residue component collected from shooting patterns obtained on woven cotton cloth using a Pietro Beretta model 70 pistol, cal. 7.65 mm and Serbian ammunition for the following muzzle-to-target distances: 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 cm. For each distance, three rounds of shooting were performed. Particles were lifted within a 10 cm radius of the projectile entrance and automatically analyzed using a scanning electron microscope coupled with an energy dispersion X-ray spectrometry. The obtained data on the populations of particles were analyzed taking into account their numbers, chemical classes and sizes. The results showed an apparent maximum incidence within all particles containing barium at about 50 cm distance. Also, lead particles revealed a distinct behaviour, being dominant at a 25 cm distance, falling below the other chemical classes, and finally becoming dominant again at 125 cm. The analysis of the frequency of occurrence of particles sorted according to their sizes confirmed that the small particle population is the largest, and their distribution in function of the equivalent circle diameter is exponential-like. The obtained results provided knowledge on the distribution of particles in the vicinity of the tested firearm and ammunition cal. 7.65 mm which generally corroborates with similarly studied GSR distributions obtained for the use of pistols cal. 9 mm. This information, together with the examinations of gunshot damages and other types of residues such as soot or unburned propellant grains may support qualitative inferences on shooting distance estimation, especially in cases, when the firearm and cartridges are not available to perform test shooting. In such cases even roughly estimated shooting distance can be helpful, e.g. for confirming or excluding the possibility of self-inflicted injuries or suicide and infer on the mutual position of the shooting stage actors. An example of casework that illustrates intermediate shooting distance estimation is presented.  相似文献   

舒军 《证据科学》1998,5(2):71-74
1994年患者丁某住院第四天死亡.该市医疗技术鉴定委员会认为患者的死亡原因与头孢拉啶药物所致严重即刻性过敏反应有关,属医疗意外,鉴定结论为不属医疗事故.死者家属对鉴定结论有异议,遂以医院方未对死者及时抢救,延误了抢救时间为由,向法院提起诉讼,要求法院判令医院方承担经济赔偿四万余元.该法院经审理后,认为:根据某市医疗技术鉴定结论,医院方对患者死亡之事件的发生主观上并无过错,然而客观上因患者死亡给原告带来了一定损失,合计达三千余元.该笔损失可依据公平责任的承担原则,由原、被告双方分担民事责任.该法院遂依据<民法通则>第132条之规定,判决医院方承担原告的经济损失一千五百余元(即50%).  相似文献   

An article by Joubert, Picon and McIntosh (1981) is found to contain several serious methodological flaws. A second analysis using a similar data set suggests that these methodological problems may have caused them to draw erroneous conclusions regarding the effects of social structural variables on prison admission and release rates.  相似文献   

The premise is that technology gaps have an important impact on the economic life of nations and also have political consequences. Expressions of concern about the technology gap between Europe and the United States have become steadily less frequent in the recent years. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether some of the lessons that can be drawn from the European technology gap of the '60s contribute to the understanding of the present United States-European technology exchange controversies. This is accomplished by (1) reviewing the European arguments, (2) trying to find out how revelant they have proven to be after a few years, (3) investigating better ways to assess the impact of technological differences with reference to current United States arguments about technology export, and (4) attempting to derive some conclusions on policy implications of transferring technology. It was concluded that important policy decisions have been made and are still being made by technology importing countries with little analytical background on the cost and advantages of achieving a technological capacity. In addition, policy decisions by technology exporting countries are most likely to be made with little knowledge of the real phenomena involved.  相似文献   

科斯定理是从经济效益的角度来分配权利的,它的"拍卖式"法律价值取向贯穿于美国土地制度与财产制度的发展历程.在与科斯定理相关的"牛吃麦"案例上,美国初始选择了"圈出"规则,后又转向"圈入"规则,其规则的变动始终遵循着"经济效益最大化"原则;而英国自始至终选择了"圈入"规则,早期是为了维护公共财产利益,之后是为了维护私有财产利益,在这过程中,"权利保护原则"是其不变的宗旨.科斯定理纯粹从经济效益的角度来解释有着相同法治渊源与传统的英、美两国在"牛吃麦"案例上所适用规则的差异性,欠缺历史维度的法律分析.  相似文献   

This article argues that the similarities and differences in the approaches and outcomes of the Canadian and United States cases on hate speech are reflective of the similarities and differences in two basic worldviews-communitarianism and liberalism. The article briefly explores the two views, sets out the Keegstra and R.A.V. cases and concludes that the approach in Keegstra reflects a communitarian philosophy while the approach in R.A.V. reflects the liberal philosophical position.  相似文献   

This book is devoted to current problems in the working of the organs of government and administration of the United States, the functioning of the mechanism for the development, adoption, and implementation of its political decisions, and the interrelation and coordination of the actions of various links in its governmental machinery. It is a thorough investigation of questions of public law in the United States. The author makes clear the distinguishing features of the development of the governmental mechanism in the USA during the present period, the internal processes occurring in the political system of the imperialist state, and the contradictions inherent in it. Chetverikov directs the reader's attention to a number of issues in the present development of the system of governmental administration in the USA that have been inadequately treated in the Soviet legal literature. They include the rising political role of the bureaucracy and the tendency for it to elude control by the higher authorities, including the president; the unique character of the present stage of the fusion of the government machinery and the monopolies; the formation of a "triple alliance" made up of permanent bureaucracy, monopolist "interest groups" (consisting of lobbying organizations exercising "influence" favorable to the monopolies on government bodies), and the working machinery of Congress; the inflation of the governmental machinery and its "monopolist degeneration."  相似文献   

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