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Bacterial infection due to Bartonella henselae commonly develops in children and young adults following cat/dog contacts and/or cat/dog scratches. Regional lymphadenopathy is its most common clinical expression. However, encephalitis and Parinaud's syndrome (oculoglandular syndrome) have also been reported as has systemic illness. A review of the international literature in all languages revealed no fatal complications in immunocompetent hosts. A four-year-old white child with no underlying illness began to have seizure-like activity. She was taken to a local hospital and subsequently transferred to a medical center. The child was treated aggressively for seizures and fever of unknown origin. However, her condition rapidly declined and she died without a specific diagnosis. At autopsy there was marked cerebral edema with no gross evidence of acute meningitis. Microscopic exams revealed multiple granulomatous lesions as well as a meningitis and encephalitis. A variety of cultures and stains were negative for acid fast and fungal organisms. Warthin-Starry stains of involved tissue including brain and liver revealed pleomorphic rod shaped bacilli consistent with Barronella henselae. Analysis of brain tissue with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot for the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was definitive for DNA of Bartonella henselae bacteria.  相似文献   

A 24-month study of fatalities in North Carolina with high blood ethanol levels (300 mg/100 ml or over) revealed 502 cases with either acute alcoholism or the effects of this range of blood ethanol concentration having caused or contributed to death. This investigation reassessed the criteria for ethanol poisoning, including its cause and manner of death, and revealed recurrent patterns common to this syndrome. This inquiry also contrasted the frequency of ethanol poisoning in different areas of the country.  相似文献   

A case of Klinefelter syndrome and a spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage in a 12-year-old boy is presented. Autopsy revealed that the hemorrhage was due to the rupture of a dilated artery in an arteriovenous malformation in the right cerebellar hemisphere. The small, undescended testes exhibited partial atrophy of the seminiferous tubules. Postmortem chromosome analysis of cells from the pericardial fluid demonstrated a 47, XXY karyotype. He had previous surgical treatment for bilateral thumb polydactyly and patent ductus arteriosus. In juvenile cases of sudden death with overlapping morphological dysgenesis, postmortem karyotyping may provide important diagnostic information.  相似文献   

A case of cardiac rhabdomyoma presenting as sudden infant death in a four-and-one-half month-old infant is reported. The child was the product of an essentially uncomplicated pregnancy and enjoyed good health before his unexpected, sudden death. Autopsy examination revealed the presence of multiple cardiac lesions which histologically were diagnosed as rhabdomyomas. Death was attributed to fatal cardiac arrhythmia caused by the tumor. To the authors' knowledge this represents the first reported case in the forensic science literature of death as a result of cardiac rhabdomyoma presenting as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).  相似文献   

The increasing interest in toxicological hair analysis as a marker of human exposure to xenobiotics such as illicit substances or therapeutic drugs, has been made feasible by the extension of mass spectrometry, a highly sensitive method of detection. A newborn exposed to drugs in utero can suffer from a varying degree of withdrawal syndrome, a few days after birth. If of opiate origin, the withdrawal syndrome can be treated with morphine, among other therapeutics, but it is not easy to diagnose because of atypical symptoms presented by neonates and especially when maternal drug addiction has not been revealed. To assess and measure toxicological factors linked with the appearance and the severity of this syndrome, maternal and neonatal matrices such as urine, meconium and hair were collected during a protocol approved by the ethical committee. Opiates in particular were measured with GC-MS and potential combined dependences (cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, LSD and benzodiazepines) and/or substitutive therapeutics (methadone or buprenorphine) were also assessed in 17 mother/neonate couples. Gestational opiate exposure profiles were drawn up and linked with the observed withdrawal syndromes. A withdrawal syndrome seems to appear more frequently after foetal exposure to an association of opiates/substitutive molecules (8 out of 10 withdrawal syndromes observed in this study), although the impact of cocaine and benzodiazepines must also be taken into account. The results obtained in neonatal hair make it possible to affirm foetal drug exposure and are in accordance, for the majority, with the appearance of a neonatal withdrawal syndrome (NWS). Neonatal hair analysis could contribute to assess in utero exposure to opiates, particularly when results in urine and meconium are negative or when these matrices are not available.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man, with Noonan's syndrome, underwent surgical correction of an aortic co-arctation almost two decades before his sudden and unexpected demise. The immediate cause of death was massive pulmonary haemorrhage, which was preceded by recurrent mild haemoptysis that was attributed to pneumonia, clinically. Autopsy revealed the presence of a saccular thoracic aortic aneurysm, arising from the apparently weakened anastomosis left by the previous operation. The aneurysm had eroded into the apical segment of the left lung, where it perforated with consequent severe, acute pulmonary haemorrhage. It was observed that the anastomotic line traversed the aneurysmal wall, with the resultant formation of a true aneurysm, rather than merely a pseudo-aneurysm. It is postulated that this finding of an iatrogenic true aneurysm represents a rare, delayed complication of aortic surgery.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection with Clostridium perfringens in children less than 2 years of age is frequently associated with meningitis, necrotizing gastrointestinal infection, and postoperative infections. However, a review of the literature reveals no reports of these bacteria infecting the tonsils. A 9-month old black female was found unresponsive at the baby-sitter's and was rushed to the hospital. Shortly after admission to the emergency department death was pronounced. An autopsy performed on this otherwise healthy infant revealed shock and acute necrotizing bacterial tonsillitis. The initial report of this infant's death was questionable sudden infant death syndrome and questionable smothering. Postmortem cerebrospinal fluid, blood, and lung cultures grew pure colonies of C. perfringens. The necrotizing tonsil revealed no significant gross lesions. Microscopically, large numbers of gram-positive rods were easily recognized and were compatible with C. perfringens. Because the oropharynx is a common portal of entry for infectious agents, it is essential to sample tissues of Waldeyer's ring and especially the tonsils to find infectious diseases that may become systemic.  相似文献   

Chronic factitious disorder with physical symptoms, or Munchausen syndrome, is a well-recognized but uncommonly diagnosed psychiatric condition characterized by the deliberate production of signs and symptoms of disease in order to receive medical attention. Clinical suspicion of this disease is rarely confirmed by autopsy, as the patients usually do not die as a consequence of feigning illness. Here we report the autopsy confirmation of a case of a suspected Munchausen syndrome patient who presented with a history of cystic fibrosis. Examination of the lungs demonstrated extensive severe interstitial fibrosis, and polariscopic examination revealed a large quantity of crystalline material throughout the tissue; X-ray diffraction identified the material as talc. Synopses of published cases of Munchausen syndrome presenting as cystic fibrosis, and cases of Munchausen syndrome with pulmonary talcosis are presented as part of the discussion.  相似文献   

This report describes a death related to the abuse of and intoxication by mephenesin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report case of lethal intoxication involving solely mephenesin and reporting mephenesin blood concentrations. The victim was a 48-year-old woman found unconscious at home. Resuscitation was unsuccessful. Toxicological analysis was performed on a blood sample collected during resuscitation. The results being negative, the body was exhumed for an autopsy, which revealed bronchial inhalation syndrome. Analysis in a second laboratory has revealed the presence of mephenesin in samples collected during autopsy. No other drug/toxin was found, and alcohol was negative. Reanalysis of the peripheral blood collected during resuscitation found a mephenesin concentration of 15.81 microg/mL (15-fold greater that the maximum concentration that would result from a single intake of a 500 mg formulation). The pathologist has concluded on a bronchial inhalation syndrome consecutive to a mephenesin overdose as the cause of death. The manner of this death is discussed in the light of the toxicological hair analysis and the medical past of the victim.  相似文献   

Five homicides are described that had remained unexplained as to the causes of death after gross pathology. Although general signs of asphyxiation were present, they were lacking injuries specific of strangulation or oro-nasal occlusion. The diagnoses of asphyxiation were established by microscopical investigation of the lung and confirmed by subsequent police inquiries. An oro-nasal occlusion was involved in three cases, a strangulation or an oro-nasal occlusion, in another case. The victims were young and healthy. Toxicological investigations remained negative in four cases; one victim was anaesthetized by bromazepam and ether and had a blood alcohol concentration of 80 mg/100 ml. Lung histology and electron microscopy revealed acute emphysema, the development of a haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome and a microembolism syndrome. With regard to the haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome, the development of alveolar-interstitial edema is particularly important. This finding may also be diagnosed by light microscopy in semi-thin sections. It is emphasized that the combined action of several pathomechanisms is responsible for the rapid manifestation of the pulmonary lesions. Especially, the haemorrhagic-dysoric syndrome is brought about by the combined action of inspiratory intrapulmonary vacuum and raised intracapillary pressure. The complex pattern allows to compile the diagnosis of mechanical asphyxia even if there is no corresponding injury.  相似文献   

A 44-year-old woman with a medical history of mental disorders and previous suicidal behaviour was found in a bathtub and pronounced death few minutes later despite of resuscitation attempts. After police investigation and on the basis of autopsy findings, the death was classified as suicide drowning. Retrospective examination of clinical data revealed, a prolonged rate-corrected QT-interval (QTc: 468 ms) 3 months before death. Post-mortem (PM) DNA analysis disclosed KCNH2FIN mutation for the long-QT syndrome (LQTS). The value of PM molecular screening for LQTS is emphasised, especially for victims of putative drowning.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially fatal disorder. In forensic cases, post-mortem diagnosis of NMS is sometimes difficult if ante-mortem information, such as neuroleptic ingestion or signs and symptoms, cannot be obtained. A 39-year-old Japanese male on a neuroleptic treatment regimen suddenly became agitated and died. Autopsy revealed muscle rigidity and hyperthermia. Post-mortem examination of blood revealed elevation of creatine phosphokinase-MM (CK-MM) and lactate dehydrogenase-4 and dehydrogenase-5 (LDH-4 and LDH-5). In renal glomeruli and tubules, myoglobin was stained immunohistochemically. From these findings, the cause of death was considered to be NMS. To support the diagnosis of NMS, both skeletal and cardiac muscles were stained with actin, myoglobin, desmin and mitochondria antibodies immunohistochemically. Actin, myoglobin, desmin, and mitochondria had been lost from skeletal, but not from the cardiac muscle, which suggested that only the skeletal muscle was damaged. Moreover, because mitochondria had disappeared only from the skeletal muscle, it was considered that skeletal muscle degeneration was caused by mitochondrial damage. Therefore, it is suggested that immunostaining of skeletal muscle by antibodies for muscle-associated proteins and mitochondria is useful to corroborate a diagnosis of NMS.  相似文献   

A previously healthy 34-year-old Dutch immigrant to Australia died unexpectedly in his sleep. At autopsy the only significant finding was a floppy aortic valve (FAV). Histologic, histochemical and electron microscopic studies corroborated the macroscopic diagnosis. Previously described associations of the FAV include the floppy mitral valve, Marfan's syndrome, aortic root dilatation and aortic cystic medial necrosis. None of these features were found in the present case which is the first recorded example of isolated FAV presenting as sudden death. The mechanism of death is obscure, and while it is presumed to be dysrhythmic, a detailed histological examination of the cardiac conducting system revealed no anatomic abnormality.  相似文献   

Abstract: Supine hypotensive syndrome is characterized by severe supine hypotension in late pregnancy, whose clinical presentation ranges from minimal cardiovascular alterations to severe shock, resulting from inferior vena cava compression by gravid uterus. We report a case of a 41‐year‐old 39‐week‐pregnant woman found dead supine. Autopsy revealed the following: cyanosis of the limbs; congestion of the jugular and subclavian veins; abundant abdominal subcutaneous fatty tissue; uterus displacing intestine and diaphragm; collapsed inferior vena cava; both femoral veins dilated and filled with blood; edematous and congested lungs; and placenta 790 g, fetus 3475 g, amniotic fluid 800 cm3. The diagnosis of supine hypotensive syndrome as the probable cause of death is supported by the position of the body and autopsy findings. This syndrome can be considered as the first stage of the physio‐pathological mechanism that led to death in the case presented herein and should be considered by pathologists as a cause of sudden death.  相似文献   

This report concerns a four-month-old white female infant who exhibited abnormal feeding behavior and EKG irregularities during a newborn sucking behavior study. The immediate post-birth history showed an irregular heart rate on two occasions, but a cardiac consultation elicited no unusual findings. During sucrose sucking conditions, the heart rate increased with a beat-to-beat variation of 50 beats per minute, noted to be due to premature atrial beats. At 39 days, an EKG showed a marked sinus tachycardia of 156, a PR interval of 0.08, QRS of 0.05 and a QT of 0.26. The infant was diagnosed as a sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) following an unexpected death at home. Subsequent cardiac pathology revealed an anomalous tract between the right atrium and the atrioventricular (AV) bundle which formed an extensive bypass of the AV node (atrio-His tract), and two accessory AV connections between the left atrium and posterior left ventricle. These findings are consistent with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome type A. Only further studies can determine whether such abnormal feeding behavior with EKG irregularities can be used to identify infants who are at high risk for sudden death.  相似文献   

Postmortem evaluation of total and specific serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody levels by the paper radio immuno sorbent test (PRIST) and radio allergo sorbent test (RAST), respectively, revealed that there was no significant elevations in total circulating IgE or in specific IgE antibodies to house dust, Dermatophagoides farinae (house dust mite), Alterarnia tenuis (mold), or milk proteins for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) victims when compared to a control group.  相似文献   

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a subtle and difficult to diagnose form of child abuse in which the carer (usually the mother) simulates, manipulates or produces symptoms of illness in the victim. In most cases the detrimental effect is caused by applying foreign substances or by airway obstruction. In the presented case a 20-month-old girl developed a spreading soft-tissue infection resistant to treatment on the left upper arm after vaccination, which required a number of surgical interventions. Repeatedly, microorganisms from the intestinal flora were isolated from the wound secretion. After the girl suffered respiratory and circulatory arrest, which required resuscitation measures, chemical toxicological tests revealed not medically prescribed benzodiazepines in serum and urine. When the mother, a trained nurse, was confronted with the allegation to have manipulated the symptoms of the illness she committed suicide. The forensic autopsy of the suicide produced numerous hints suggesting chronic self-damaging behaviour described as Munchausen syndrome. This case shows a number of manipulation forms with the maintenance of a chronic skin and soft tissue infection belonging to the rarer forms of inflicting damage to the child. It also illustrates that confrontation with the allegation of Munchausen syndrome by proxy creates a very stressful emotional situation that may lead to a suicidal act.  相似文献   

Childhood traumatization is expected to have a significant impact on the development of antisocial and aggressive behavior in adulthood. Psychopathy as a syndrome that can predict future violent and aggressive behavior in adults is therefore believed to be associated with early traumatization. The association between early childhood victimization and violence might at least be mediated through psychopathy. The present study examined the relationship between early emotional, physical or sexual trauma and neglect and psychopathy in incarcerated delinquent female and male juveniles using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and the Psychopathy Checklist—Youth Version (PCL-YV). A sample of detained adolescents (n = 185) was compared to adolescent students (n = 98). Also, gender differences were analyzed with respect to the association of trauma and psychopathy. As expected, our analyses revealed higher scores of traumatization in delinquent juveniles compared to school adolescents. Hypothesized relationships between physical traumatization and the PCL-YV total score could be confirmed among criminal boys, but not among delinquent girls. Results, therefore, indicated that an association exists between early physical, but also emotional traumatic experience and psychopathy in detained boys. In girls, however, other family-related variables, such as non-parental living arrangements, seemed to be more influential in developing the psychopathy syndrome than traumatization.  相似文献   

Delayed deaths following injury are not rare. Various mechanisms may be responsible for such deaths, including pulmonary thromboembolism, fat embolism, infection, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and delayed hemorrhage. In the present case, we describe a death due to delayed subarachnoid hemorrhage following a motor vehicle collision, wherein the hemorrhage occurred ten days after the incident, while the patient remained hospitalized for skeletal trauma. At no time prior to the hemorrhage did the victim show any symptoms of brain injury. Autopsy revealed basilar subarachnoid hemorrhage arising from a cerebral cortical contusion. There was no evidence of aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation. A significant underlying contributing factor in the delayed hemorrhage was the victim's chronic anticoagulant therapy, which was required because of a mechanical heart valve.  相似文献   

Various etiologies for hypertension in Turner's syndrome, a common feature of the disorder, are well recognized. Pheochromocytoma is not among them. A young woman with Turner's syndrome, recently diagnosed with hypertension, died suddenly and unexpectedly. A hemorrhagic cerebral infarct and an adrenal gland pheochromocytoma were found at necropsy. This is the first reported case of pheochromocytoma associated with Turner's syndrome.  相似文献   

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