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Book reviews     
Branko Lazitch and Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Lenin and the Comintern, Volume I. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1972. (Publications Series 106.) xiii + 683 pp. $17.50.

Karl‐Eugen Wadekin, The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture. Edited by George Karcz. Second, enlarged, revised edition of Privatproduzenten in der sowjetischen Landzoirtschaft. Translated by Keith Bush. Berkeley, Calif, and London: University of California Press, 1973. xviii + 407 pp. $17.50.

Richard H. Ullman, The Anglo‐Soviet Accord. (Vol. III of Anglo‐Soviet Relations, 1917–1921.) Princeton, N.J. and London: Princeton UP, 1972. xv + 509 pp. £7.00.

Eloise Engle and Lauri Paananen, The Winter War. (The Russo‐Finnish Conflict, 1939–40.) New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973. xv+176 pp. $7.95.

Allen F. Chew, The White Death: the Epic of the Soviet‐Finnish Winter War. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1971. x + 313 pp. $12.50.

Geoffrey Jukes, The Soviet Union in Asia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1973. 304 pp. £2.95.

Jaroslaw A. Piekalkiewicz, Public Opinion Polling in Czechoslovakia, 1968–69. Results and Analysis of Surveys Conducted During the Dubcek Era. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government.) New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972, and London: Pall Mall Press, 1973. xxix + 357 pp. £7.75.

Deborah D. Milenkovitch, Plan and Market in Yugoslav Economic Thought. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1971. (Yale Russian and East European Studies, 9.) x + 323 pp. $10.00. £4.50.

Robert G. Wesson, The Soviet Russian State. New York and London: John Wiley & Sons, 1972. x + 404 pp. £4.00. Condensed edition £1.95.

Joseph Nedava, Trotsky and the Jews. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1972. 299 pp. $6.00.

Joshua Rothenberg, The Jewish Religion in the Soviet Union. New York: KTAV Publishing House (for Brandeis University), 1972. (Series: Institute for East European Jewish Studies.) viii + 242 pp. $10.00.

Vladimir Petrov, Escape from the Future. Bloomington & London: Indiana UP, 1973. xiii + 470 pp. £3.75.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The article attempts to model structural adjustment patterns in a single, middle‐income oil exporter, Mexico. It explores the economy‐wide costs, in terms of economic growth, income inequality and poverty, of Mexico's economic stabilisation policies of the 1980s. On the basis of counterf actual simulation, it also explores the likely impacts of alternative adjustment strategies. This analysis utilises a modified Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) approach designed to overcome one of the major shortcomings of the conventional SAM: the assumption of unitary expenditure elasticities in household accounts. The base model is calibrated to track the overall and sectoral growth performance of the Mexican economy from 1980 to 1986 and becomes the foundation upon which our policy experiments are built. The article is part of an on‐going study of economy‐wide impacts of alternative structural adjustment policies in Mexico [Adelman and Taylor, 1990], and proceeds as follows: the SAM framework and estimated SAM are described in parts I and II; part III presents the base SAM model solution for 1980 to 1986; part IV presents the results of the policy experiments; and the conclusions are summarised in part V.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Poverty, Progress and Exclusion: an Economic History of Latin America in the Twentieth Century. By Rosemary Thorp. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press for the Inter‐American Development Bank and the European Union, 1998. Pp.xiv + 369. £20.50. ISBN 1 886938 35 0

Economic Dynamism in the Asia‐Pacific: The Growth of Integration and Competitiveness. Edited by Graham Thompson. London: Routledge, 1998. Pp.402. £50 and £14.99. ISBN 0 415 17273 X and 17274 8

India and Pakistan: The First Fifty Years. Edited by Selig S. Harrison, Paul H. Kreisberg, and Dennis Kux. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xii + 217. £32.50 and £10.95. ISBN 0 521 64185 3 and 64585 9

Agencies in Foreign Aid: Comparing China, Sweden and the United States in Tanzania. Edited by Goran Hyden and Rwekaza Mukandala. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Pp.ix + 246. $69.95. ISBN 0 312 22098 7

Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy. Edited by Richard E. Baldwin, Daniel Cohen, Andre Sapir and Anthony Venables. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xix + 344. £45 and £16.95. ISBN 0 521 64589 1 and 0 521 64181 0

Instruments of Change: Motivating and Financing Sustainable Development. By Theodore Panayotou. Earthscan in association with the United Nations Environment Programme, 1998. Pp.240. £19.95. ISBN 1 85383 467 X

Famine in Africa: Causes, Responses and Prevention. By Joachim von Braun, Tesfaye Teklu and Patrick Webb. Baltimore, MD and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Pp.xvii + 218. £32.50. ISBN 0 8018 6121 7

The East Asian Welfare Model: Welfare Orientalism and the State. Edited by Roger Goodman, Gordon White and Huck‐ju Kwon. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. Pp.206. £17.99. ISBN 0 415 17211 X

Critical Development Theory: Contributions to a New Paradigm. Edited by Ronaldo Munck and Denis O'Hearn. London and New York: Zed Books, 1999. Pp.xx + 217. £39.95 and £22.50. ISBN 1 85649 637 6 and 638 4

Streetlife China: Transforming Culture, Rights and Markets. By Michael Dutton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xvi + 304. £13.95 (US$19.95) and £37.50 (US$54.95). ISBN 0 521 63719 8 and 63141 6  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Yeshayahu Jelinek, The Parish Republic; Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, 1939–1945, East European Quarterly, Boulder, Colorado; distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1976, 206 p., $11.50.

M.K. Dziewanowski, The Communist Party of Poland: An Outline of History. 2d ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976. 419 p. $20.00.

Branko Horvat, Mihailo Markovic and Rudi Supek, eds., Self‐governing Socialism. A Reader. White Plains, N.Y.: International Arts and Sciences Press, 1975. Vol. I, xiv, 490 pp., Vol. II, viii, 327 pp. $19.00 paper.

Celia S. Heller, On the Edge of Destruction: Jews of Poland Between the Two World Wars. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. 369 p. $14.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Larry Hirschhorn, REWORKING AUTHORITY: LEADING AND FOLLOWING IN THE POST-MODERN ORGANIZATZON Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, 1997. $25.00 cloth Pp. 129, iv.

Larry S. Lutton, THE POLITICS OF GARBAGE: A COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE ON SOLID WASTE POLICY MAKING Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996. Cloth. Pp. 307, xii.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Clay G. Westcott (ed.), Key Governance Issues in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam (Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2001), 71 pages.

Michael Jacobsen and Ole Bruun (eds.), Human Rights and Asian Values: Contesting National Identities and Cultural Representations in Asia (Surrey, Great Britain: Curzon Press, 2000), 330 pages.

Robert H. Taylor (ed.), Burma: Political Economy Under Military Rules (London: Hurst & Company, 2001).

Satu Kahkonen and Anthony Lanyi (eds.), Institutions, Incentives and Economic Reforms in India (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000).

Kyung‐Ae Park and Dalchoong Kim (eds.), Korean Security Dynamics and Transition (New York: Palgrave, 2001), 209 pages.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times, (Verso, London 1994). 414pp. ISBN 1–85984–015–9.

Iwen Morgan, Beyond the Liberal Consensus: A Political History of the United States, (Hurst, London 1994). 302 pp. ISBN 1–85065–204‐X.

Andrew Ross, The Chicago Gangster Theory of Life: Nature's Debt to Society, (Verso, London 1994). 308 pp. ISBN 0–86091–429–1.

S.Padgett (ed), The Development of the German Chancellorship: Adenauer to Kohl, (Hurst, London 1994). 204 pp. ISBN 1–85065–134–5.

Bryan D. Palmer, E.P. Thompson, Objections and Oppositions, (Verso, London 1994). 201 pp. ISBN 1–85984 975 X.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
George Ritzer, The McDonaldisation Thesis (Sage, London, 1998), 212 pp., ISBN 0–7619–5540–2 (pb)

Terrell Carver and Veronique Mottier (eds), Politics of Sexuality. Identity, gender, citizenship (Routledge, London, 1998), 200 pp., ISBN 0–415–16953–4 (hb)

Hein Marais, South Africa: Limits to Change. The Political Economy of Transformation (Zed Books, London, 1998), 290 pp., ISBN 1–85649–544–2 (pb)

Taras Kuzio, Ukraine: State and Nation Building (Routledge, London, 1998), 298 pp., ISBN 0–415–17195–4 (hb)

Alan M. Dershowitz, Sexual McCarthyism: Clinton, Starr, and the Emerging Constitutional Crisis (Basic Books, New York, 1998), 275 pp., ISBN 0–465–01628–6 (hb)

Timothy Hoye, Japanese Politics: Fixed and Floating Worlds (Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999), 233 pp., ISBN 0–13–271289‐X (pb)

Julia Sudbury, Other Kinds of Dreams: Black Women's Organisations and the Politics of Transformation (Routledge, London, 1998), 282 pp., ISBN 0–415–16732–9 (pb)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
ACHIN VANAIK, The Furies of Indian Communalism: Religion, Modernity and Secularization (Verso, London, 1997), 374 pp., ISBN 1–85984–016–7

EDWARD REISS, Marx: a Clear Guide (Pluto Press, London & Chicago, 1997), 180 pp., ISBN 0–7453–1014–1 (pb)

ERNST FISCHER, HOW to Read Karl Marx (Monthly Review Press, New York, 1997), 192 pp., ISBN 0–85345–974–6 (pb)

CAROLINE KENNEDY‐PIPE, The Origins of the Present Troubles in Northern Ireland (Longman, Harlow, 1997), 204 pp., ISBN 0–582–1073–9

DUNCAN WATTS, Political Communication Today (Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 1997), 228 pp., ISBN 0–7190–4792–7 (hb), 0–7190–4793–5 (pb)

JACK HAYWARD (ed), Elitism, Populism and European Politics (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996), 257 pp., ISBN 0–19–828035–1

JOHN GRAY and DAVID WILLETTS, IS Conservatism Dead? (Profile Books, London, 1997), x + 186 pp., ISBN 1–86197–042–0  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jerry F. Hough, The Soviet Union and Social Science Theory. Harvard University Press, 1977. Russian Research Center Studies, 77. xiv + 275 pp.

Fredrick J. Fleron, Jr. (ed.), Technology and Communist Culture: The Socio‐Cultural Impact of Technology under Socialism. Praeger Publishers, New York and London, 1977, 518 pp.

David Lane, The Socialist Industrial State: Towards a Political Sociology of State Socialism. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1976. 230 pp. £5.95.

Edward L. Warner, III. The Military in Contemporary Soviet Politics: An Institutional Analysis. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977. 314 pp.

Economic Relations Between Socialist Countries and the Third World, edited by Deepak Nayyar. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1977. xiv + 265 pp. £15.00.

Donald D. Barry, Georg Ginsberg, and Peter Maggs, Soviet Law After Stalin, Part I, The Citizen and the State in Contemporary Soviet Law. Leyden: A. W. Sijtoff, 1977. xv + 303 pp. D.fl.86.00. $36.00.

Fitzpatrick, Sheila (ed.), Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928–1931. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, 1978. 309 pp. $17.50.

Tucker, Robert C. (ed.), Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation. New York: Norton and Co., 1977, xx + 332 pp. $19.95.

Maurice Friedberg, A Decade of Euphoria. Western Literature in Post‐Stalin Russia, 1954–64, Indiana University Press, Bloomington & London, 1977. xii + 372 pp. £13.15.

Gregory Walker, Soviet Book Publishing Policy, Cambridge University Press, 1978. xvi + 164 pp. £6.95

Raymond Pearson, The Russian Moderates and the Crisis of Tsarism, 1914–1917. London: Macmillan, 1977. 208 pp. £8.95.

Andrew Borowiec, Yugoslavia After Tito, Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government, New York and London: 1977. 122 pp.

B. Knei‐Paz, The social and political thought of Leon Trotsky. Oxford University Press, 1978. 629 pp. £15.00.

Bogdan Szajkowski, ed. Documents in Communist Affairs 1977. Swansea: Christopher Davies (Publishers) Ltd. in association with the University College Cardiff Press, 1978. 363 pp. £6.95 or £4.50 paperback.

Nonconformity and Dissent in the Ukrainian SSR, 1955–1975: An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by George Liber and Anna Mostovych. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1978. xxxix + 245 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Contemporary Politics》2007,13(3):277-283

Book reviews     
Roland Axtmann, Liberal democracy into the twenty‐first century: Globalization, integration and the nation‐state (Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1996), 198 pp., ISBN 0–7190–4304–2 (hb), 0–7190–4305–0 (pb)

Paul Kapteyn, The Stateless Market: The European Dilemma of Civilization (Routledge, London and New York, 1996), 194 pp., ISBN 0–415–12232–5 (hb), 0–415–12233–3 (pb)

Richard Werbner and Terence Ranger (eds), Postcolonial Identities in Africa (Zed Books, London & New Jersey, 1996), 292 pp., ISBN 1–85649–415–2 (hb), 1–85649–416–0 (pb)

Mark Wheeler, Politics and the Mass Media (Blackwell, Oxford, 1997), 274 pp., ISBN 0–631–19783–4 (hb), 0–631–19784–2 (pb)

Nigel Harris, The New Untouchables: Immigration and the New World Worker (Penguin Books, London, 1995), 254 pp., ISBN 0–14–014689‐X (pb)

Gilles Kepel, Allah in the West (Polity Press, Cambridge, 1997), 273 pp., ISBN 0–7456–1557–0 (hb), 0–7456–1558–9 (pb)

Leonard Weinberg, The Transformation of Italian Communism (Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1995), 147 pp., ISBN 1–56000–180–1 (hb)

Brian Jenkins and Spyros A. Sofos (eds), Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe (Routledge, London, 1996), x + 294pp., ISBN 0–415–12312–7 (hb), 0–415–12313–5 (pb)

Stuart Parkes, Understanding Contemporary Germany (Routledge, London, 1997), 247 pp., ISBN 0–415–14123–0 (hb), 0–415–14124–9 (pb)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Ash Amin and John Tomaney (eds), Behind the Myth of European Union: Prospects for Cohesion (Routledge, London, 1995), 334 pp., ISBN 0–415–13078–6 (pb)

Stephen Gundle and Simon Parker (eds), The New Italian Republic: Front the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Berlusconi (Routledge, London, 1996), 334 pp., ISBN 0–415–12161–2 (hb), 0–415–12162 (pb)

Donald Sassoon, One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century (I. B. Tauris, London, 1996), 965 pp., ISBN 1–85043–879‐X

Geoff Mulgan, Connexity: How to Live in a Connected World (Chatto & Windus, London, 1997), 280 pp., ISBN 0–7011–6396–8  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Vernon Hewitt, The New International Politics of South Asia (Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 1997), xxxvi +305 pp., ISBN 0–7190–5121–5 (hb), 0–7190–5122–3 (pb)

Ruth Lister, Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives (Macmillan, London, 1997), 284 pp., ISBN 0–333–53488–3

Martin Bull and Martin Rhodes (eds), Crisis and Transition in Italian Politics (Frank Cass, London, 1997), 253 pp., ISBN 0–7146–4816–7 (hb), 0–7146–4366–1 (pb)

Linda McDougall, Westminster Women (Vintage, London, 1998), 215 pp., ISBN 0–09–927405–1  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Marju Lauristin and Peeter Vihalemm with Karl Erik Rosengren and Lennart Weibull, Return to the Western World. Cultural and Political Perspectives on the Estonian Post‐communist Transition (Tartu University Press, Tartu, 1997), xvi +387 pp., ISBN 9985–56–257–7

Peter H. Merkl and Leonard Weinberg (eds), The Revival of Right‐wing Extremism in the Nineties (Frank Cass, London, 1997), 289 pp., ISBN 0 7146 4676 8 (hb), 0 7146 4207 X (pb)

Arthur Lipow, Political Parties and Democracy (Pluto, London, 1996), 256 pp., ISBN 0 7453 1099 0 (hb), 0 7453 1098 2 (pb)

Gerald F. Gaus, Justificatory Liberalism: An Essay on Epistemology and Political Theory (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996), ix + 374 pp., ISBN 0–19–509439–5 (hb), 0–19–509440–9 (pb)

Mark T. Berger and Douglas A. Borer (eds), The Rise of East Asia: Critical Visions of the Pacific Century (Routledge, London, 1997), 308 pp., ISBN 0–415–16167–3 (hb), 0–415–16168–1 (pb)

Paul Anderson and Nyta Mann, Safety First: The Making of New Labour (Granta, London, 1997), 456 pp., ISBN 1–86207–070–9  相似文献   

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