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Aboy, holding in his left hand a stick crooked at the lower part, crouches and prepares to bat a ball-such is a picture woven in a blanket from the Tang Dydasty (618-907), which is now preserved in Dong Da Si temple in Japan. Surprisingly, the stick looks similar to that used in modern field hockey now some 1,500 years later. In addition, the gesture of the boy looks almost the same as that of today's hockey player.  相似文献   

Horses are probably the most central part of ethnic Kazak culture, and horse racing, practised since ancient times, is the main traditional sport of the group. It is both a test of physical strength and a good demonstration of Kazak people's spectacular horsemanship. For Kazak people, the sport is more about tradition than anything else. In the past, horse racing was one of the manly games a hero had to participate in to win his bride. Even today, it still plays an important role in courtship among young people.  相似文献   

日据时期台湾民族运动中 ,不同阶层的台湾民众因经济地位、知识经历和思想意识的不同 ,而产生不同的派别 ,从而在民族运动中发展出路线之争。本文即以台湾民众党为例 ,从林献堂、蒋渭水的比较研究的角度 ,探讨日据时期台湾民族运动中两条路线的矛盾和斗争 ,并力图借此揭示台湾民族运动曲折历程之深层因素  相似文献   

Japan's Judo and Karate and Korea's Taekwondo, which all originated from traditional Chinese Wushu (martial arts), all have the Chinese character "Dao" (way or doctrine) in their names. However, Chinese Wushu itself just adopted the word "Shu" (art or skill). In traditional Chinese philosophy, "Dao" and "Shu" are two opposite concepts, with the first referring to something metaphysical and the latter something physical. "Dao" usually means "law" and "truth", while "Shu" just means the application or reflection of "Dao". Then, why didn't Chinese Wushu call itself a kind of "Dao"?  相似文献   

台湾民众党成立之初主张阶级调和,但在台湾工农运动蓬勃发展的推动下,党的政策逐渐左倾,转而主张在民族运动中同时开展阶级斗争,从而与代表地主资产阶级利益的党内稳健派产生根本性的冲突,最终导致民众党的分裂,日本殖民当局乘机取缔民众党,台湾民族运动遭到中挫.在日本殖民主义强大到足以扑灭任何革命运动的历史条件下,台湾的无产阶级应当如何行动,颇值得思考.  相似文献   

In the Chinese language, "climbing up a mountain of daggers and diving into a sea of flames" is a metaphor for doing something that is incredibly dangerous. For people of the Lisu ethnic group in southwest China's Yunnan Province, however, this is no literary expression, but something they can do for real. They even have a special festival, the Daogan Festival (literally meaning "the Blade and Fire Day"), to display this extraordinary skill.  相似文献   

The world's mainstream sports culture is comprised almost exclusively of athletic sports, which all countries are keen to develop. This is adversely affecting the development of national sports in all countries. One exception is bullfighting which is popular in Spain. This sport is the focus of global interest and therefore a possible model for developing traditional sports by internationalizing them.  相似文献   

20年前,在中国南方的一个城市,一个春天的故事,在鳞次栉比的高楼大厦间,在创业者中间传播开来。1984年,邓小平第一次南方谈话,用题词结束了关于特区的的争论,改革开放进一步深化,商品经济第一次写进了中央文件。1992年,邓小平第二次南方谈话,这一次,他把中国带入了一个新的方向,启动  相似文献   

庄永明 《台声》2002,(6):40-41
台湾的民谣源远流长,各族群各有其以母语表达的传统歌谣。闽南人是台湾最大族群,闽南语系遂成本土“强势语言”,闽南歌谣因而被多数人泛称为“台湾歌谣”或“台湾歌曲”。台湾传统民谣有民间小调、本土戏曲和源于中原的歌乐。反抗日本殖民霸权的民族诗篇,也是台语创作歌谣的先声日本殖民统治后,校园里开始教唱“国语”歌曲,台湾学童纷纷唱起“君之代”、“六氏先生歌”和日本童谣。20年代,非武装抗日民族运动勃兴,几首代表“爱台反帝”的社会运动台语歌曲,成为“台湾文化协会”成员巡回各地时鼓吹民族意识的有力“伴唱”。例如以…  相似文献   

近代中国御外的民族主义运动因五卅惨案的发生而进入新时期,其重心是实行废除不平等条约和反帝国主义。在执政府向各国正式提出修改不平等条约的情况下,执政府的提议、列强的默认与社会各界针对变更(废除或修改)不平等条约和关税会议的主张,展示着关税变动趋向是恢复中国关税自主权。  相似文献   

THE Beijing Olympics attracted over 10,000 athletes from 204 countbes and regions, who went on to break 38 wodd records and 85 Olympic records, According to IOC president Jacques Rogge, the Olympic Games has made China a better place, and a place the world understands better. It has been a journey of over 70yeors, with poignont milestones.  相似文献   

现代奥林匹克运动会从理论上讲迄今已举办29届,由于中间经历了两次世界大战,实际只举办了26届。这26届奥运会在18个国家的22座城市举行。其中,由欧洲国家承办奥运会的次数最多,共有11个。第1届奥运会1896年4月6日至15日在希腊首都  相似文献   

2月10日~26日.第20届冬季奥林匹克运动会在意大利都灵举行。  相似文献   

Cui Dalin, deputy director general of General Administration of Sport in China, confirmed at a recent press conference: "It is estimated that a record 550 to 570 Chinese athletes will compete at the Beijing Olympics. "  相似文献   

毛泽东是一位具有独立思考品格和伟大创造精神的历史巨人,他一贯主张创造性地对待马克思主义,超过马克思主义.50年代,他曾鲜明地提出不如马克思,不是马克思主义者;等于马克思,也不是马克思主义者;只有超过马克思,才是马克思主义者.正是以这种"超过马克思"的创造精神,毛泽东成功地开辟了一条有中国特色的革命道路,解决了在一个半殖民地半封建的东方大国进行无产阶级革命,建立社会主义制度的大课题.本文旨在通过对毛泽东中国式社会主义道路探索意义的分析,提示其在整个中国社会主义道路发展中的开创和奠基作用;揭示毛泽东的探索同邓小平的探索内在的不可分割的密切关系.  相似文献   

王健 《民主与法制》2013,(13):38-39
三五个人,凑够一撮人就可以走了,管他红灯绿灯!这样的行为很危险,但却又似乎已司空见惯。中国人过马路随意闯红灯,最近突然成为了网络上的热门话题。有网友调侃为“中国式过马路”。  相似文献   

MA Jianguo often likes to joke that his class resembles the Eight-Nation Alliance, a military coalition that invaded and looted Beijing more than 100 years ago during the Boxer Uprising. But the hotchpotch of nationalities, which includes French, Brazilian, and Dutch, that gather in Beijing’s Xuanwu  相似文献   

Architectural firms are using their Beijing Olympic designs to garner work on China's new wave of corporate buildings.  相似文献   

燃烧了16天的奥运圣火,在阂家体育场缓缓熄灭。放飞梦想的“鸟巢”,用不舍的温情点亮告别的夜晚,为第二十九届夏季奥林匹克运动会画上圆满的句号。  相似文献   

Conversation吉瑞:你这件外套很漂亮,很适合你。 Jíruì:Nǐzhèjiàn wàitào hěn piàoliang,hěn shìhénǐ. Jerry:Your coat looks nice.It fits you well.  相似文献   

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