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<正>Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China has long been home to a multiethnic population.In history,Xinjiang was a major gateway connecting the East and the West in addition to being an important trade hub between Europe and Asia.For centuries,people of different ethnic groups left their footprint in this vast region.The interplay between these diverse cultures,along with the overlap and influence of many religions,has shaped Xinjiang’s unique local culture.These photos were taken by China Today magazine’s photographer Yu Xiangjun during a recent trip to the region.  相似文献   

正Prehistoric migration In a cave at the crossroads of China and Europe,archaeologists have unearthed stone artifacts dating back 3,500to 45,000 years.It is the first Paleolithic cave site found in the southern foothills of the Altay Mountains,northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.The methods apparent in the creation of an oval shaped stone scraper found in the cave match those of similar artifacts from cultures in  相似文献   

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (also called Xinjiang for short), situated in the border area of northwest China and the hinterland of the Eurasian Continent, occupies an area of 1.6649 million sq km, accounting for one sixth of Chinese territory. It has a land border of 5,600 km bounded by eight countries. It was an important section of the ancient Silk Road. According to statistics,  相似文献   

A Crucial Stage     
正Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China, a provincial-level administrative region, has the largest land area in China, accounting for nearly one sixth of the country's territory. Home to 47 ethnic groups, it had a permanent population of 25.23 million by the end of 2019.Going back to 2013, Xinjiang had 3.2 million indigent people. Most of the people still living in poverty are the old  相似文献   

I'm Going to Xinjiang, an eight-episode documentary following the lives of 24 people, Chinese and foreign, who have moved to northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to live and work, aired concurrently on China Central Television (CCTV) and video streaming websites V.qq.com and Bilibili in May. I'm Going to Xinjiang is the follow-up to a previous documentary by Kurbanjan Samat, a young Uygur photographer and director.  相似文献   

<正>In China,most people are familiar with a song created in the early 1950s saying:Our Xinjiang is a beautiful place.Rich pastures on both sides of the Tianshan Mountains… Today Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China is not only home to outstanding scenery,  相似文献   

Xinjiang focuses on training to make up the shortfallin healthcare personnel The first time An Ayue,a renowned Beijing-based surgeon,went to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,northwest China,was in 1985,on a joint training program.Organized by the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS) and the regional government,the program brought medical experts to the region to improve the capacity of the local hospitals and doctors.  相似文献   

Quick Response     
正Xinjiang combats new COVID-19 infections Xie Hui, a 31-year-old resident of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwest China, halted her daily commute between Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang, and her home in another city some 20 km away, since July 17 after the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) reemerged in the northwest region of China.  相似文献   

President Hu Jintao calls for closer ties between China and Italy against the backdrop of the global financial crisis Before heading home from Italy ahead of schedule out of concerns over the situation in Xinjiang in northwest of the country, Chinese President Hu Jintao was able to finish his state visit to Italy, a visit that has been hailed as a big success.  相似文献   

正Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China is a unique place.In Chinese people’s eyes,Xinjiang is characterized by elegant minority ethnic dances,a rich variety of fruits and gorgeous natural scenery.However,in many foreigners’minds,the region is known for religious and ethnic disturbances.The difference of perceptions has re-  相似文献   

WHEN looking at the map of China, its shape appears uncannily similar to that of a rooster. Its head is in the Northeastern provinces, its magnificent tail includes Xinjiang and Tibet and its wings spread over the resource-rich basins of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The belly of this cockerel is in the southeast, and Hainan and Taiwan islands are its feet. The tour guide on the Yangtze River cruise who pointed out this similarity to me explained: "This shows that Taiwan is definitely an inalienable part of China; a rooster  相似文献   

正Fujian serves as a testing base in boosting economic exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan Magical Times Digital Technology Co. Ltd. is a top animation and cartoon company located in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province, facing Taiwan across the Taiwan Straits. In an effort to bring new ideas to the  相似文献   

Far Out,Way In     
Minority students from remote places in Xinjiang flock to more developed regions for a short at better education In the vast and sparsely populated Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China’s northwest more than half of the residents are members of minority ethnic groups with native languages other than Mandarin Chinese. Education is complicated by the region’s linguistic, geographic and socioeconomic conditions. "In my hometown,educational resources are scarce and dropout rates are very high," said Merhaba,a 13-year-old Uygur girl from Kashgar Prefecture."Almost all my cousins dropped out after middle school or even primary school. My brother and I are the only ones to go out of Kashgar for education." Merhaba is a student at No.66 Middle School in Urumqi,the capital city of Xinjiang.Her exam scores earned her admission to the elite  相似文献   

<正>With its well-preserved ethnic culture,Xinjiang,the most western region in China,is drawing the eyes of the world Many visitors to Kashgar,the westernmost city in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,may well be lured by a widespread saying that"you’ll not know the true face of Xinjiang if you don’t go to Kashgar."With Uygur people accounting for around 90 percent of its population,the oasis city west of the Taklamakan Desert is called a living museum of Uygur culture owing to its preservation of ethnic lifestyles amid modern trappings.  相似文献   

<正>Children from remote areas of Xinjiang benefit from quality tuition program in the region’s capital For most children in China,transitioning to middle school is a simple matter of walking a few extra blocks at most.But for 14-year-old Tajinsa Abuduany,an eighthgrader in Urumqi,switching schools meant moving 1,500 km away from her home.The young girl left her village near Kashgar,in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur  相似文献   

TO know, in brief, the issue of Taiwan, oneshould revert to the history of Taiwan. TaiwanIsland is located to the east of Chinese mainlandfacing Fujian Province across the Taiwan Straits. In230 A.D. when Taiwan was a deserted island, twoChinese generals along with large numbers of sol-diers first arrived here and stayed. Since then Chi-nese people from the mainland have been stayinggenerations after generations. Taiwan has belongedto China since ancient times. In 1624, Holland in-vaded Taiwan and occupied it. In 1661 ZhengChenggong, an official of the Ming Dynasty, led astrong army and waged a war against the Dutch.After eight months war Zheng Chenggong defeatedthe Dutch, recovered Taiwan and founded an ad-ministrative organ there. Afterwards the government  相似文献   

正Xinjiang embraces fast and far-reaching economic development Situated in the remote expanse of northwest China, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is no longer the "wild west," having grown into a prosperous continental bridge linking China with its neighboring Eurasian countries, benefiting from favorable policies and improved social stability. Xinjiang is the largest provincial-level administrative region in China, with one sixth of Chinese land territory at an area of 1.66 mil-  相似文献   

正The largest autonomous region in China continues to shake off povertyMusa Axim, a 60-year-old in Payzawat County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China, has formed a new habit of drinking a glass of tap water every morning since June 16, when the county for the first time got access to safe drinking water.  相似文献   

正Port E-Commerce The customs authority at Alataw Pass, a major rail port in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China, has handled more than 1 million cross-border parcels so far this year.In a little over a week since the New Year, the value of products that passed through the port amounted to over 8 million yuan ($1.24 million), showing active cross-border e-commerce,according to the customs.  相似文献   

Bilingual education is helping ethnic minority students from Xinjiang to realize their dreams "It’s snowing.It’s snowing.On the snowfield are there little painters painting..."In a classroom at a school in Baishikante Township in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,students  相似文献   

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