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<正>30年前初见沙漠时的倾心倾情,至今没有改变。越接近沙漠,越了解沙漠,他越觉得沙漠可爱。如果让他重新选择一次,他依然无悔。夕阳西下,毛乌素沙漠在落日的余晖下闪着金边儿。30年前,他第一眼看到沙漠,便觉得遇上了此生的"情人"。当了6年中专老师的他重新当起了学生,求学考研,把研究沙漠、治理沙漠变成自己一生的课题。他就是中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所敦煌戈壁荒漠研究站站长屈建军。  相似文献   

LARGE tracts of western China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are smothered in dusty sand. Set against this barren landscape is Fuhai County, a lush green area that extends to the Altai Mountains in the north and the plains and deserts of the south. Two rivers - the Ulungur and the Ertix - run through this fertile region, together creating miles of verdant pasture. Fuhai is also home to the Alxa Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

<正>Efforts to reverse desertification and land degradation in Inner Mongolia offer a template for further exploration In 2000,throughout March and April,Beijing was engulfed in one of the worst spell of sandstorms in history.It was at that time that many Chinese people became acutely aware of the threat of  相似文献   

纵观今日之中国,对民生的关注之多,让人如沐春风,使人倍感温馨。弘扬亲民之风,倡导爱民之举,非常有助于营造良好的社会和谐之风。公安机关只有多听民声民意,多做好事实事,才能高扬新风正气,抵制歪风邪气,  相似文献   

Desert in Bloom     
<正>Surrounded by boundless desert and buffeted by sandstorms,unfrozen at minus20 degrees Celsius,a massive project quietly came into production in the Qaidam Basin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on November 30.Designed to effectively utilize the lithium,boron and potassium resources of the Yiliping Salt Lake,the project is now running with an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of potassium chloride,a chemical with multiple uses  相似文献   

One of the world's most magnificent deserts lies in Ningxia, a small autonomous region in northwestern China. Occupying up to 60 percent of the region's territory, its breathtaking vistas, rolling sand dunes, ancient petroglyphs and mysterious Western Xia royal mausoleums constitute an ecological and cultural treasurehouse.  相似文献   

People find new ways to harness the Ulan Buh Desert Going into the heart of the Ulan Buh Desert in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, one will be astonished by a large stretch of water.  相似文献   

出自历史典故的成语意义深远、言简意赅。出自春秋战国时代的成语典故有300多条,而来自楚国、楚人的成语占了几近1/3。作为历史故事一部分的成语典故也是当时政治文化的折射。来自楚国、楚人的成语反映出当时征伐频仍,楚人率性自为,楚风淳朴的特点。  相似文献   

正Northwestern province becomes Hong Kong’s source of treasured veggies The life of Zeng Xiangji, a farmer in Minqin County, Gansu Province in northwest China, is closely linked to Hong Kong although he has never been to the special administrative region (SAR)in the south. In 2017, the 46-year-old started to sell vegetables to Hong Kong, including the  相似文献   

<正>Chinese people win some battles in taming the deserts Like a long and narrow belt,Hobq Desert stretches hundreds of kilometers in north China.It is one of the largest deserts in China and also the closest to  相似文献   

Desert Groove     
<正>From the far southern reaches of the Sahara,a musical trio brings Tuareg culture to China Born to a family of blacksmiths in the city of Agadez,on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert in Niger,nothing predestined Goumour Omar Adam to become a musician.In fact,his journey into music was  相似文献   

Green Desert     
Inner Mongolia’s Hobq Desert creates an oasis of wealth Located southwest of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,the Hobq Desert has become in two decades a symbol of the fight against desertification in China and a meeting place for people interested in the subject.The Hobq International Conference Center is the traditional venue of the biennial Hobq  相似文献   

The civil service is still popular but not as much as it once was chinese people in recent years have shown an increased interest in finding a red-collar job, a widespread Internet term nowadays meaning a public service job.  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note:Deputies to the National People’s Congress(NPC)—the highest organ of state power—are tasked with putting forward motions and suggestions based on surveys and research.NPC deputies are elected every five years and currently there are more than 2,900.During this year’s NPC session,held in Beijing from March 5 to 16,Beijing Review reporter Ma Li,China Today reporter Jiao Feng and China Report reporter Dong Yan interviewed several deputies to share their stories.  相似文献   

Serve the People     
正In late 2020,the Chinese Government announced that its goal to eliminate extreme poverty had been met. At the start of the targeted poverty alleviation program back in 2013, under 100 million people were identified as living below the poverty line;seven years later,that number dropped to zero.  相似文献   

Piracy, armed robbery, political turmoil and terrorism. These are some of the unprecedentedrisks threatening Chinese citizens abroad. Protecting their safety has become one of the prioritieson  相似文献   

<正>On July 1,2011,the Communist Party of China(CPC)celebrated its 90th birthday.Hu Jintao,President of China and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC,delivered a speech at a grand gathering mark-  相似文献   

正The First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress concluded on March 20.Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the closing meeting.Edited excerpts of a Xinhua News Agency report on the speech follow:  相似文献   

正A forestry professor dedicated his life to poverty reliefThe story of Li Baoguo,a late member of the Communist Party of China(CPC), has recently gained widespread attention.Li,a university professor in north China’s Hebei Province,moved many people through his relentless efforts to help farmers escape poverty by using his professional  相似文献   

王晋堂 《北京观察》2007,(12):21-23
提案是参政议政的务实途径——这是我回首做第九届、第十届市政协委员的一点体会。政协有大会小会,也有与社会接触的场合。委员有一定  相似文献   

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