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In 1985, the Bishops' Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry recommended bishops form holistic health boards for their priests based on the results of a 1982 U.S. survey of Catholic priests. In 1995, a holistic health committee was formed under the office of the vicar for priests for the archdiocese of Chicago. One of the committee's first actions was to survey the priests of the archdiocese of Chicago to identify baseline health behaviors and needs. Survey results (n = 524; 52% response rate) revealed the need for the committee to promote health education, preventive care, and annual physicals. The committee conducted a series of health fairs, improved the insurance benefit for an annual physical, and conducted a series of health-related talks targeted to priests. A follow-up survey in 2006 (n = 389; 46% response rate) indicated improvements in health behaviors of the priests. Comparisons to statewide and national data indicate that overall, engagement in healthy behaviors is higher for priests than for men who are not priests.  相似文献   

Few studies of the clergy have examined emotional well-being using normed measures. This study examined subjective well-being among 1,581 non-retired Episcopal priests. Subjective well-being was measured with the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). Predictors of subjective well-being were measured with the Dispositional Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991) and scales of personal practices, social support, congregational dynamics, fit, and economic satisfaction. Participants reported more positive affect (Hedges's g = 1.19), more negative affect (Hedges's g = 0.61) and more satisfaction with life (Hedges's g = 0.73) than nonclinical norms. Hope agency was the strongest predictor for positive affect and satisfaction with life; stress was the strongest predictor for negative affect and partially mediated the effect of congregational dynamics and fit on this outcome. Results suggest that prevention programs must focus on all aspects of subjective well-being and consider the direct effects of different levels of the ecosystem to be effective.  相似文献   


Among the most maligned and harassed students in high schools are those who are perceived not to fit the norms for sexual behavior. These include gay and lesbian students, bisexual students, transgendered students, effeminate heterosexual males, and masculine-acting heterosexual females. Together these students are the targets of a wide range of negative behaviors from subtle exclusion to physical assault. In addition, many develop negative attitudes towards themselves which put them at increased risk for self-harm and suicide. The origin of these attitudes and behaviors is societal homophobia that fuels social aggression against this stigmatized group. Although challenging, educators can assist in undermining the effects of homophobia on sexual minorities through teaching tolerance, sponsoring support groups that address these issues, and providing educational opportunities about sexual minority youth.  相似文献   

性骚扰是人类社会发展过程中所产生的一种社会现象,其产生有着深刻的人性基础和社会历史原因.随着社会的进步和人们生活方式的多元化、复杂化,性骚扰问题日益凸显出来.参照世界各国对性骚扰问题的法律规定,我国应在制定和修改民商法律时,正视性骚扰问题,并加以合理、有效规制.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the self-reported sexual attitudes and behaviors of adolescents living in the Midwest. A survey was administered to 463 African American youths ages 11–19. The results indicate that intent to have sexual intercourse, reported likelihood toward having sexual intercourse, and whether participants felt that they would have sex in the next 3 months were predictors of whether they had sexual intercourse at the 3-month follow-up. The results also revealed that the opinions of referent others did not predict sexual intercourse at 3 months. Negative attitudes toward condoms did predict condom use at 3 months and the opinions of referent others also predicted condom use at 3 months. Limitations as well as future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the self-reported sexual attitudes and behaviors of adolescents living in the Midwest. A survey was administered to 463 African American youths ages 11-19. The results indicate that intent to have sexual intercourse, reported likelihood toward having sexual intercourse, and whether participants felt that they would have sex in the next 3 months were predictors of whether they had sexual intercourse at the 3-month follow-up. The results also revealed that the opinions of referent others did not predict sexual intercourse at 3 months. Negative attitudes toward condoms did predict condom use at 3 months and the opinions of referent others also predicted condom use at 3 months. Limitations as well as future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

性骚扰行为探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
性骚扰是指向他人发出不受欢迎的性信息。性骚扰行为会损害受害人身体、精神健康 ,导致受害人情绪消极 ,降低受害人交际能力 ,影响受害人婚姻关系 ,造成受害人经济损失 ,影响受害人职业发展。性骚扰受害人应认识性骚扰者的心理状态 ,冷静处理性骚扰行为 ,向性骚扰者明确态度 ,并且积极寻求帮助 ,以规避性骚扰行为的侵害。  相似文献   

"性贿赂"问题的讨论存在一些误区,其社会危害被人为放大。"性贿赂"可以在现有法律框架内解决,入刑是刑法依赖的体现,会产生认定、查证和量刑上的一系列理论和实践难题,不利于贿赂犯罪体系的协调,必要性和可行性不大。  相似文献   

汪军民 《理论月刊》2006,(12):135-138
在古代社会,无论土地是私有还是公有,追求土地合理有效利用是土地制度变革的根本原因和动力。离开了对土地的利用,就失去了土地存在的意义。因此,土地所有权的本质,不在于抽象之“所有,”而在于具体的“利用”。如何发挥物的效用,充分利用物的价值是任何国家权利设置的基本原则,也是构建土地制度的价值标准。在土地利用问题上,罗马法中的土地用益物权制度与日耳曼法强调以利用为中心的土地制度达到了高度统一。  相似文献   

本文就美国的性骚扰法律做了一个概述。本文将性骚扰问题界定为权力问题,涉及一人对另一人不公正地行使权力。文章在回顾美国联邦最高法院如何首次承认性骚扰问题为非法的性别歧视的基础上,分析了美国最高法院就性骚扰问题的一些判决。本文中还讨论了联邦反性骚扰法律中的关键法律问题,介绍了州性骚扰法律的发展,强调了性骚扰法律对美国女性的影响,并就中国最近颁布的性骚扰法律的法规制定提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   

罗马法取得时效在罗马历史的不同时期有不同表现,其中对当代较有借鉴意义的主要是作为补救权原瑕疵的取得时效.通过对罗马法上补救权原瑕疵取得时效的历史梳理和将其与近代善意取得的比较可以发现,两者在逻辑功能、构成要件、内容及立法体例等方面存在着诸多关联.罗马法取得时效发挥着类似于近代法善意取得的作用.这表明罗马所有权绝对主义的观念并未导致其对交易安全的完全漠视;近代善意取得与罗马法取得时效名异而神似;而近代取得时效与罗马法取得时效名同而实异.  相似文献   

性骚扰问题早已脱离了国界的限制,成为全球共同打击的侵权行为。性骚扰产生的原因,以及又将呈现何种扩张趋势,我们需要关注。从自然生物理论、组织结构理论、社会文化结构理论、道德沦丧理论和经济分析理论五个层面展开分析,可阐释性骚扰产生的成因;从性骚扰在地点、对象和方式的扩张三个层面分析性骚扰的扩张趋势,可知性骚扰问题发展的严重程度。可见,对性骚扰问题的规制是必要而紧迫的。  相似文献   

Sexual harassment is a pervasive form of sexual exploitation that has a devastating impact on women. Although there is an increasing literature on the development of policies and procedures to deal with sexual harassment situations, relatively little has been done either to address the diverse conditions that set the stage for harassment or to design preventive interventions. An ecological analysis of sexual harassment is used to identify individual, relationship and environmental risk factors and to formulate preventive approaches. The function of sexual harassment in organizations and the ways in which organizational climates contribute to harassment are discussed. The fostering of empowering climates is proposed as critical to prevention, and several dimensions of empowering climates are explored.  相似文献   


Sexual harassment is widely viewed as a form of bullying, but has received little attention in studies of middle school students. A survey of 109 6th grade students found that 29% of students reported at least one sexual harassment experience in the past 30 days, with 11% reporting harassment once per week or more. Although boys and girls reported similar rates of harassment, there were important gender differences-boys were more likely than girls to try to ignore sexual harassment, but girls were more likely to tell someone about their experience and to tell the perpetrator to stop. There was high concordance between sexual harassment and bullying for both boys and girls. These findings indicate the need to recognize the role of sexual harassment in bullying in middle school.  相似文献   

我国未成年人性侵案件具有被害人以14周岁以下的幼女为主、犯罪人以中老年熟人为主、犯罪手段多样且多含诱骗因素的特点。我国在现有应对未成年人性侵案件策略的基础上,应完善相关法律规定,创新对性犯罪人的处遇和管理,加强对被害人的救助、普及性教育和性侵害防范教育,以预防未成年人性侵案件的发生。  相似文献   

性骚扰是涉及人格尊严与人身权利的重要法律问题。综观中国有关切实保障公民人身权益的法律法规,发现尚缺少社会性别视角,亦缺少具体有效、操作性强的规定。已启动的立法举措具有立法视角与思路的突破,标志着性骚扰成为受社会与法律制约的行为,但性骚扰立法仍缺少系统科学立法模式的统筹。笔者认为应创建性骚扰立法模式,制定统一的反性骚扰法案,以预防与制止性骚扰。  相似文献   

性骚扰是当前突出的社会问题之一,法律应当对其有所关注.从民法的角度看,性骚扰侵犯受害者的一般人格权,侵害人应当承担侵权责任,受害人应该获得损害赔偿,尤其是精神损害赔偿.  相似文献   

WHILE working as consultant on a women's helpline I received many letters and calls about sexual harassment. One 26-year-old woman told me how she had been demoted from her position as accountant to that of cleaner because she rebuffed the sexual advances of her manager. On reporting him the manager concerned suffered no reprisals whatever. She, on the other hand, was ostracized by her colleagues and friends. Even her husband upbraided her for being oversensitive. She wrote to me asking for legal advice.  相似文献   

本文根据性骚扰案件的特点,就性骚扰案件在诉讼过程中的证明责任的分配、证据的收集和认定等主要问题进行了分析,提出了以下主要观点:(1)在性骚扰案件中,仍应实行“谁主张谁举证”的证明责任分担规则;(2)在证据的收集方面,正确理解“非法证据排除规则”,确认原告以偷拍、偷录方式获得的证据的证据能力。因性骚扰案件体现出的公益性质,当事人除可申请法院调取证据外,法院应主动依职权调取相关证据;(3)在证据认定方面,提高对原告陈述的证明力的认定,同时,应降低对原告的证明标准的要求。通过以上措施可以切实保护性骚扰案件的受害人。  相似文献   

在我国,性骚扰随着性观念的变化和女性参与社会生活的增多也日益严重。性骚扰的女性被害人在心理、家庭、工作等多方面都受到了严重的伤害。性骚扰产生的主要责任在骚扰者,但有些被害人自身存在的被害性也起到了推波助澜的作用。通过机关组织、被害者、非诉讼救助、法律手段等共同努力,可以有效地打击、预防性骚扰,减少其危害。  相似文献   

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