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Building on a series of recent studies concerned with assessing work-related psychological health and psychological type among various groups of church leaders, this study reports new data provided by 134 Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches in the United Kingdom who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS) together with the two scales of the Francis Burnout Inventory (FBI) concerned with emotional exhaustion and satisfaction in ministry. Compared with other groups of church leaders, Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches reported lower levels of emotional exhaustion and higher levels of satisfaction in ministry. Compared with other groups of church leaders, there was a higher proportion of extraverts among Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches. There was only a weak association between psychological type and burnout.  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the process of building the capacity to address health disparities in several urban African American neighborhoods. An inter-organizational network consisting of a research university, community members, community organizations, media partners, and foundations was formed to develop a community-based intervention designed to provide health promotion and disease prevention strategies for type 2 diabetes and hypertension. In-depth qualitative interviews (n = 18) with foundation executives and project directors, civic organization leadership, community leaders, county epidemiologist, and university partners were conducted. Our study contextualizes a process to build a public health partnership using cultural, community, organizational, and societal factors necessary to address health disparities. Results showed 5 important factors to build organizational capacity: leadership, institutional commitment, trust, credibility, and inter-organizational networks. These factors reflected other important organizational and community capacity indicators such as: community context, organizational policies, practices and structures, and the establishment of new commitments and partnerships important to comprehensively address urban health disparities. Understanding these factors to address African American health disparities will provide lessons learned for health educators, researchers, practitioners, foundations, and communities interested in building and sustaining capacity efforts through the design, implementation, and maintenance of a community-based health promotion intervention.  相似文献   


The churches in the African American community have traditionally played many important supportive roles to families in many areas. Churches today are becoming more involved in the provision of services to the community members in response to many of the changes that are occurring in families, in employment, and in areas of increased poverty. Churches play important supportive roles by caring for children after school. Project SPIRIT is a program in which instructions are given in homework assistance, cultural continuity, African American history, and self esteem. These programs provide social support to all family members.  相似文献   

Gerda Wielander 《当代中国》2009,18(62):849-864
This article investigates the link between Christian belief and the fight for political change in today's China focusing on the activities of certain Beijing house churches. It formulates the hypothesis that Chinese Christian intellectuals may be able to fulfil a special ‘bridge-function’ in Chinese society. This hypothesis is tested against evidence based on a close reading of two Beijing house church publications (Aiyan and Fangzhou) and interviews with intellectuals closely associated with these as well as ‘ordinary’ Christian intellectuals. Areas investigated include education, urban–rural co-operation, the demographic make-up of congregations, the Christian understanding of liberalism, and the activities of Chinese Christian human rights attorneys. It comes to the conclusion that while Christian intellectuals have great potential to play an important role in China's process of democratization, their most prominent members continue the splittist tradition of previous dissident groups while the more meaningful work is undertaken by unknown Christians away from the spotlight.  相似文献   

Health promotion aims to support people in their efforts to increase control over factors that impact health and well-being. This emphasis on empowerment and contextual influences allows for a more holistic conceptualization of health and approaches to promoting health that are anchored in principles of community development and systems change. Piciryaratgun Calritllerkaq (Healthy Living Through A Healthy Lifestyle) is a collaboration between a Yup'ik village in rural Alaska and researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The goal was to improve nutrition, increase exercise, and decrease stress. The project utilized elements of organization development and strategic planning to develop a local infrastructure and process and to promote local expertise. The project team developed goals, objectives, action, and evaluation plans that integrated local traditions, Yup'ik culture, and research.  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设是当前的具体的大局,检察机关要明确自己在新农村建设中的地位和作用,立足本职履行职能,严厉打击涉农刑事案件,努力维护农村社会稳定;认真履行惩治和预防职务犯罪职责,严肃查处涉农职务犯罪案件;充分发挥诉讼监督职能,营造农村良好的法治环境;切实履行法制宣教职责,大力推进社会主义新农村法制建设;积极配合地方党委政府,主动参与农村社会治安综合治理,从而服务社会主义新农村建设这个当前的具体的大局。检察机关还应不断提高自身素质,进而提高服务社会主义新农村建设大局的能力。  相似文献   

契合中的差距:乡村振兴中的文旅融合政策论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈建 《长白学刊》2021,(3):72-79
文旅融合作为当前文化和旅游发展的基本趋势,可以丰富乡村振兴的路径选择。从政策视角看,乡村文旅融合政策与乡村振兴战略具有内在宗旨一致性、目标承接具体化等高度的契合。但相对于乡村振兴战略实践,乡村文旅融合却存在明显的政策差距,表现为政策发展的迟滞化、粗放化和项目同质化等问题。对此,应以渐进调适逻辑推进政策发展,并通过强化乡村文旅适度融合、统筹推进的政策理念,构建"一干两翼式"政策框架,完善合作共享格局等精准治理措施促进政策细化,进而助力乡村文旅深度融合、助推乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   

On June 15, 2011, Washington became the first state in the United States to enact legislation aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACE), reducing their prevalence, and mitigating their effects. House Bill 1965 (HB 1965) was established on the understanding among legislators and Washington communities of the need for policies aimed at preventing child abuse, promoting healthy development of children, and building community capacity to improve public health. Empirical examples of integrating ACE-related research with public policy and programmatic design are chronicled. The legislators who developed HB 1965 lay out questions that, if answered, would further improve policymakers' ability to craft public policy and programs that prevent ACE, reduce their effects, and promote a healthier, safer future.  相似文献   

刘晓红 《中国发展》2011,11(3):46-52
该文以2003-2010年中国统计年鉴为基础,利用扩展线性支出系统模型(ELES),并借助于SPSS13.0统计软件对2002-2009年中国农村居民各项消费的边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性、基本需求进行了动态分析。结果表明,中国农村居民各项消费支出与纯收入之间确实存在着显著的线性相关关系;农村低收入户尚未满足基本需求,需要社会救济,收入差距在进一步扩大,且农村居民在满足基本需求后,用于提高生活质量的消费比例在不断下降。  相似文献   

Research indicating high rates of chronic disease among some clergy groups highlights the need for health programming for clergy. Like any group united by similar beliefs and norms, clergy may find culturally tailored health programming more accessible and effective. There is an absence of research on what aspects clergy find important for clergy health programs. We conducted 11 focus groups with United Methodist Church pastors and district superintendents. Participants answered open-ended questions about clergy health program desires and ranked program priorities from a list of 13 possible programs. Pastors prioritized health club memberships, retreats, personal trainers, mental health counseling, and spiritual direction. District superintendents prioritized for pastors: physical exams, peer support groups, health coaching, retreats, health club memberships, and mental health counseling. District superintendents prioritized for themselves: physical exams, personal trainers, health coaching, retreats, and nutritionists. Additionally, through qualitative analysis, nine themes emerged concerning health and health programs: (a) clergy defined health holistically, and they expressed a desire for (b) schedule flexibility, (c) accessibility in rural areas, (d) low cost programs, (e) institutional support, (f) education on physical health, and (g) the opportunity to work on their health in connection with others. They also expressed concern about (h) mental health stigma and spoke about (i) the tension between prioritizing healthy behaviors and fulfilling vocational responsibilities. The design of future clergy health programming should consider these themes and the priorities clergy identified for health programming.  相似文献   

文章以中国桂林龙脊梯田景区和泰国黎敦山发展项目为例,对中、泰两个代表性乡村旅游项目开发与管理进行研究与分析。文章从旅游产品开发历史与发展现状、社区参与旅游项目、民族文化内涵的挖掘与保护、乡村民俗旅游项目品牌建设四个视角进行分析,提出以"政府指导、企业执行、社区融入、居民获益、社会认可"为原则的乡村旅游开发与管理模式,发展社区融合的乡村旅游项目,发挥旅游扶贫效益,为我国乡村旅游更好更均衡发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高校开展心理健康教育除了采用举办讲座、开设课程等普及有关心理卫生知识外,更重要的是通过传播、教育手段使大学生具备自我心理保健意识,提高他们的心理适应、心理自助、心理调节的能力,增强其心理免疫力,维护心理平衡,促进良好的心理素质的形成。加强大学生心理健康教育及护理的目标不仅在于达到产生干预个体心理健康倾向的效应,而且还在于产生群体心理健康倾向的效应。  相似文献   

在我国城乡社区化进程中,高职院校与社区共同推进高职生道德教育,能更好地促进学生品德发展和人格完善。凸显职校与社区和谐德育的优势在于整体构建、系统推进、互动参与。社区对高职生品德发展的影响主要是通过社区服务学习、德育资源享用等实践策略来实现的。需要整合社区德育资源,彰显职校德育特色。  相似文献   

农积坚 《桂海论丛》2013,(6):124-127
广西崇左市属于典型的喀斯特地貌,山多地少。为破解田地块小、田埂多、零星分散难题,崇左市近年大力推行土地整合工作,探索出了“上龙模式”、合作社模式、企业承包模式、民政企联袂模式等成功经验,取得了减少用工量和生产成本,推动机械化、规模化和专业化,增加面积产量和收益,促进农业农村科学发展等显著成效,但也存在思想观念滞后、整合成本攀升等困难和问题。要加快推进土地整合工作,必须切实解决好思想观念、整体推进、农民利益、资金缺口以及持续推进等问题。  相似文献   

当前,人力资源的质量严重影响着中国农业及农村经济的发展与转型。新时期中国农业及农村人力资源开发的三个重点是:全面实施素质教育工程,使农村及农业劳动者的素质达到世界领先水平;继续加强对农业及农村劳动者生产技能的培训,培养大批技能型农业人才;加强对相关人才自主创业能力的开发,培养具有创新精神涉农企业家。为此,我们要运用VTO、涉农合作组织等新型培训组织设计高效的农村人力资源开发体系。  相似文献   

重庆市北碚区农村医疗卫生现状分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文以重庆市北碚区的农村居民为主要调查对象,以其医疗卫生现状为主要调查分析项目,调查新农合发展及现状、村民家庭收入及医疗费用比、农村医疗点分布及就医便利等问题以及农村卫生教育、医疗卫生常识、饮食卫生知识等。通过对比分析与总结,该文在完善农村公共卫生体系建设方面提出建议,即加大资金投入,改善农村公共卫生服务条件、增强农村居民的公共卫生意识、拓展人员培训和人才培养模式,努力提高队伍素质、加强公共卫生服务网站建设,提高公共卫生服务能力等。  相似文献   

新时期中国农村环境保护战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文从总结中国农村环境保护现状,剖析现存的主要问题及新时期特征及面临的压力与形势人手,提出了以农村为城市发展服务为导向,建立包括统筹城乡发展,构建城乡空间结构;促进农村经济增长方式的根本转变,构建农村集约高效生产空间;推动新一轮农村环境综合整治,构建宜居适度生活空间和深化生态文明建设,构建山清水秀生态空间等4个层面构成的相互协调、有机联系的能主动引导国家农村发展的总体战略和健全完善农村环保法规和政策,推动农村环境保护法制化;加强农村环境系统管理,建立城乡环境保护统筹体制;完善环境公共财政体系,增加农村环境保护投入;完善农村环境经济政策,全面推动农村生产生活环境保护;强化农村生态环保科技支撑与能力建设,提高支撑能力和加强环境宣传与培训,提高农民环境意识,推动公众参与等六大战略对策。  相似文献   


Violence is a growing public health problem that disproportionately affects African American adolescents. There is a pressing need for more attention to be directed to the development of theoretically-based, research-validated, culturally sensitive preventive interventions and programs. This article focuses on the steps involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a culturally-specific program designed to reduce the prevalence of violent behaviors and related injuries and deaths among urban, African American teens. The project's success was heavily dependent upon the commitment and cooperation of the community organizations that participated in the field research. Although numerous unexpected challenges were encountered, the preliminary findings indicate that it is possible to effectively implement preventive interventions in urban communities with modest funding.  相似文献   

第四次世界妇女大会后,国际劳工组织将社会性别主流化作为贯穿“人人享有体面工作”战略目标的重大问题,为此制定了将性别问题纳入主流的战略。为提高社会性别主流化的能力和促进就业政策中的性别平等,国际劳工组织启动了中国项目。为此,该项目在中国建立起“3 1”机制,为多部门推进性别平等的就业政策建立了网络和平台;该项目将社会性别主流化的理念和机制引入促进劳动就业领域,推动了社会性别分析方法在中国就业扶持政策和劳动力市场分析中的应用;该项目根据中国社会实际和本部门工作重点,开发了多种提高社会性别主流化能力的工具和手册。  相似文献   

生活在城市边缘的女民工,她们抱着不同的理想来到城市,其工作和生活状况虽各有不同,但多处于社会的下层,但她们中的一部分人不向生活低头,通过不懈努力和奋斗,找到了自己生存和发展的空间,为家庭和谐和社会稳定做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

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