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军事司法权能否推定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代法治要求以权力法定为原则,以权力推定为例外。由于军事法理研究相对薄弱,以及法律与实践的内在冲突,军事司法权受军事统率权控制的制度惯性延续至今,表现在我国军事司法权配置中存在许多权力推定现象。基于现代法治的内在要求,以及依法治国方略和依法治军方针的现实需要,特别是军事司法权属于国家司法权的理论定位,在军事司法权配置实践中,应当严格限制军事司法权的推定,逐步实现从权力推定向权力法定的过渡,军事领导机关不宜再行使军事司法立法权,军事司法机关也不宜再行使军事司法解释权。  相似文献   

当前,吉林省2002年通过首次国家司法考试合格人员的资格准入问题愈发突出,成为制约国家司法考试制度实施中的难点。为进一步摸清全省合格人员资格准入难的现状、原因,探索有效的解决途径,最近,我们以信函、电话、走访、座谈会等形式,就合格人员择业的情况进行了调研。 一、当前合格人员择业难问题的主要表现 从调查情况看,取得法律职业资格人员考取法律职业资格的主要目的是从事法律职业工作,他们在择业意向首选是法院,其次是律师事务所、检察院或政府机关法律部门。但由于体制和制度等方面的原因,致使他们的择业和用人部门的选用都面临着十分窘迫的处境。  相似文献   

《公司法》应引入独立董事制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李华素 《河北法学》2002,20(2):151-152
虽然证监会的监管力度不断加大 ,刑事处罚也开始涉足证券市场 ,但操纵股价、关联交易、发布虚假信息的违法行为仍屡禁不止。其中最重要的原因之一是现行《公司法》中股权结构不合理、公司机构的权利设置和制衡规定不严密 ,甚至出现空白 ,使不法之徒钻了空子。为了有效制止违法行为 ,保护中小投资者的利益 ,应借鉴国际法人治理先进经验 ,引入独立董事制度 ,使公司法的相关规定更趋科学、合理。  相似文献   

司法鉴定立法权属如何界定,是直接影响司法鉴定立法的关键问题.文章从现行法津规定、法学理论、司法实践等角度对司法鉴定的实质进行了分析,提出司法鉴定除启动、采信属诉讼制度外,鉴定活动、鉴定机构、鉴定人的管理就是行政职能范畴,地方可以通过立法对面向社会服务司法鉴定进行规范.  相似文献   

孙韬  熊明 《行政与法》2013,(8):104-107
我国检察权的本质属性是法律监督性.这种本质属性是通过我国检察机关的一般性质、工作内容以及工作方式表现出来的.而从检察权概念的学术争议与检察权的司法属性来看,检察权应承载司法职能.本文在提倡检察机关应直接参与社会管理活动的背景下,重新审视了导致检察权司法职能弱化和行政化倾向的主要原因.认为只有正确理解检察机关的地位和作用,在社会管理中充分发挥检察权的司法功能,才能实现检察权参与社会管理.  相似文献   

The reform of civil procedure has been taken as an important topic by both scholars and judges in the recent twenty years. Cases and judges’ practices offer materials and opportunities for scholars to carry out researches, which help judges find the direction of the reform on civil procedures. However, it is not advisable to reconstruct the absolute adversary system and pure due process in China to reduce the great power of the court. Therefore, it is essential to review on the basic theory of civil procedure and overcome the inefficiency and disorganization of the judicial power by regulating judges’ power and independence as well as their responsibilities. Xiao Jianhua, professor and doctoral tutor of China University of Politics and Law. He got a master degree in Southwest University of Politics and Law in 1995 and a doctor degree in China University of Politics and Law in 1998. He had been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar studying at Law School of Northwestern (USA) in 2003–2004. His research field covers civil procedural law and evidence law. His six books on civil procedural law and evidence law are published in China, his another book on bankruptcy will be published in England. Now his research is focused on comparative law.  相似文献   

Ecological safety has been one of the hot issues of environmental law in recent years. The maintenance of ecological safety has become one of the legislative principles, as exemplified by the revision of the Law of Sand Prevention and Sand Management and the Law against Solid Waste Environmental Pollution, and the relevant rules that will be established. However actual cases will still happen, whether the legislators have made the statutory law or not. While scholars and legislators are debating, the judges have to handle cases and render judgments. Through the analysis of a case, this article will discuss the feasibility for judges to make ecological safety considerations in the judicial process by applying the principle of good faith and will also discuss the legislative issues related to ecological safety.  相似文献   

公法体系要以公民的公权利为本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭道晖 《河北法学》2007,25(1):11-14
要实现2010年形成中国特色社会主义法律体系(包括公法体系)的立法规划,应当转变立法思路上的偏颇,在立法指导思想和立法重心上予以适当词整:从以经济立法为重心,转变到以人为本,以公民的私权利和公权利为本,实行以政改立法和社会保障立法优先的方针.公法不应当只是保障国家的公权力的法,而是规范国家和公民社会之间的关系的法,是公权力与公权利的关系的法.公法不意味着只是以国家利益为本位,而应当以人为本,以人权和公民权为本;不应该只是以经济为中心,仅仅是把法律作为对经济保驾护航的工具;应该以宪政的立法为核心,为首脑,而人权和公民权是这个体系的心脏、灵魂.  相似文献   

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