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The Obama administration adjusts its Southeast Asia policy to compensate for the lack of interests during the Bush years  相似文献   

Successive visits by China’s top leaders to Southeast Asian countries signify diplomatic focusThough President Xi Jinping’s trip to Southeast Asia that included the APEC meeting and Premier Li Keqiang’s presence at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)Summit were among the scheduled visits for China’s two top leaders,their frequent meeting with Southeast Asian nation leaders highlights the importance the new  相似文献   

Myanmar seeks to energize ASEAN’s regional networking endeavors Over the course of three days at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, some 1,000 participants from more than 50 countries debated, among a host of topics, what lies in the future for a robust,  相似文献   

正The ASEAN Community sets sail amid both expectations and challengesWith the arrival of 2016,the world will see the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)put its community vision into action—creating a stronger community with economic,security and cultural cooperation at its core.At the 27th ASEAN Summit held in Kuala  相似文献   

<正>Premier Wen Jiabao’s visits to Malaysia and Indonesia enhance China’s relations with its neighbors Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao paid official visits to two Southeast Asian nations-Malaysia and Indonesia-from April 27 to 30. The trip helped foster a harmonious,  相似文献   

<正>China and ASEAN members push regional integration to mitigate negative effects of slumping global economy This year marks the 20th anniversary of Sino ASEAN dialogue relations.Since January,there have been a series  相似文献   

Given the ongoing maritime disputes between China and some Southeast Asian countries, how do people from the region view the current state of their countries’ relations with China and the role it plays in promoting common regional development? During the China-Southeast Asia High-Level People-to-People Dialogue, held from June 3-5 in Nanning, capital of south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, several participants shared their  相似文献   

何平 《贵州民族研究》2005,25(1):137-141
苗族是一个跨国分布的民族群体 ,除了中国以外 ,在与中国相邻的东南亚地区也有许多苗族。本文是作者在所掌握的国内外较新资料的基础上 ,对苗族向东南亚迁徙的时间、路线及他们向东南亚各国发展的具体情况做的一个简单的论述。  相似文献   

Mingjiang Li 《当代中国》2014,23(86):275-293
One of the most interesting phenomena in contemporary international relations is the growing role of local government entities in forging and intensifying cross-border interactions in the social, economic and cultural arenas. Lamentably, this aspect of international relations, which I conceptualize as local liberalism, has not received sufficient scholarly attention. This paper attempts to fill in the gap by describing and analyzing how local liberalism has played a role in China's relations with Southeast Asia. The paper argues that local governments in Yunnan and Guangxi have played an important and positive role in cementing the relations between China and Southeast Asia. The paper suggests that debunking the China ‘black box’ to examine the different units in China, including the sub-national governments, may provide more useful insights for our understanding of China–Southeast Asian relations.  相似文献   

粤人下南洋对流入地和流出地的物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、社会文明、生态文明、人种文明建设都产生了巨大的影响。粤人下南洋时我们的现实启迪有:广东要进一步密切与东南亚的友好关系,进一步发挥南洋粤人的积极作用,进一步改善南洋粤人的发展环境。  相似文献   

谢洪忠  张洪 《思想战线》2001,27(5):30-34
云南建设国际大通道的思路一经提出,许多专家、学者从不同角度论述了通道建设的必要性和可行性,从各方面说明了通道建设的意义和作用.实际上,云南建设我国通向东南亚、南亚国际大通道还存在许多制约因素,诸如经济增长对交通运输的需求、产业结构的变化、城市化水平、区域间的经济社会联系以及对外开放程度等.只有在分析清楚这些制约因素,并在具体实施中逐步解决相关的问题,才可能把国际大通道的建设扎扎实实地推向前进.  相似文献   

东南亚地区反恐问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前世界许多国家都遭受恐怖活动威胁,东南亚地区是一个恐怖活动高发地区,该地区恐怖活动产生原因复杂。当前恐怖主义具有国际性的特点,某个地区的暴恐活动也会影响其他地区,因此具有一定的研究价值。当今东南亚各国采取了许多应对措施,取得了一些成效,但也面临很多困难,存在一定的问题,如何解决这些问题值得我们深入探讨。本文通过认真分析其问题的现状,试图找出其中根源和解决办法。同时我们也应该从东南亚反恐斗争学习借鉴相关经验,从而提高我们自身反恐水平。  相似文献   

Biwu Zhang 《当代中国》2015,24(91):176-195
This article systematically examines the perceptual dimension of US–China–ASEAN relations. It specifically focuses on Chinese perceptions of American intentions in Southeast Asia, Chinese perceptions of the impact on China of the US's return to Southeast Asia, and suggestions of the Chinese scholarly community as to how China should respond to the US's return. Chinese scholars believe that the US returns to Southeast Asia for a variety of reasons and one of the most important is to manage the rise of China, and that the US's return has both positive and negative impacts on China's interests and the negative impact outweighs the positive. Overall, Chinese perceptions of the US return, especially Chinese scholars’ suggested response, indicate that Chinese scholars have internalized the strategy of peaceful rise which would give us added confidence that China is seriously committed to this strategy. If both the US and China stick to their relevant commitments, the rise of China, unlike that of most great powers in the past, would quite likely be peaceful.  相似文献   

在10余年的抗日战争期间,东南亚华侨之所以能以空前的规模和热情投入祖国的抗日运动,是与这一时期华侨社会本身所具有的政治、经济、文化、人口结构、社会结构的特点密切相关的。东南亚华侨踊跃捐资输财、归国参战、维护统一战线、抵制日货,为抗战胜利作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

During the past few decades, China's economic success has permitted it to pursue a greater role on the international stage. China is recognized both as a regional and aspiring global power. Nowhere is this more evident than within Southeast Asia, where China's more active diplomacy is reflected in growing trade relations, proposals for stronger security ties, and the signing of numerous cooperative agreements on issues as varied as environmental protection, drug trafficking, and public health. As a whole, the region has received China's activism with both enthusiasm and trepidation. China has expended significant effort to assuage the fears of its neighbors by adopting a foreign policy approach that is active, non-threatening, and generally aligned with the economic and security interests of the region. This positive diplomacy has clearly yielded some success, most notably in the trade realm, where China is rapidly emerging as an engine of regional economic growth and integration that may well challenge Japanese and American dominance in the next three to five years. In the security realm, China's diplomacy, while rhetorically appealing to regional actors, has yet to make significant inroads in a regional security structure dominated by the United States and its bilateral security relationships. Most significantly, however, if China is to emerge as a real leader within Southeast Asia, it will also need to assume more of the social and political burden that leadership entails. As China continues to advance itself as a regional leader, its policies on issues such as health, drugs, the environment and human rights will face additional scrutiny not only for their impact on the region but also for the more profound question they raise concerning the potential of China's moral leadership. For the United States, China's greater presence and activism suggest at the very least that it cannot remain complacent about the status quo that has governed political, economic and security relations for the past few decades. Shared leadership within Southeast Asia will likely include China in the near future, with all the potential benefits and challenges that such leadership will entail.  相似文献   

21世纪初云南与东南亚的经济合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺圣达 《思想战线》2004,30(2):7-10
中国-东盟自由贸易区建设已全面启动,这为云南的发展提供了机遇。云南作为中国面向东南亚的陆路通道、经贸合作前沿和参与次区域合作的主体,将按照云南省委、省政府确定的"服务东盟、服务全国、发展云南"的总体思路,加快以昆明为中心的交通、通讯基础设施建设,促进经济走廊建设和云南城市化进程,使昆明逐步成为次区域内发展高新技术、新兴产业的中心之一。  相似文献   

台湾对东南亚直接投资与“南向政策”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪 80年代中期以来 ,台湾对东南亚国家的直接投资迅速发展。近年 ,台湾对东南亚的投资战略以“南向政策”为主导 ,并进行了几次调整。台湾的三次“南向政策”的背景、动因和措施有其相似之处。近期来 ,台湾的第三次“南向政策”似乎有所收获 ,但其前景与第二次“南向政策”一样并不被看好  相似文献   

"9.11事件"后,东南亚宗教极端恐怖主义发展较快。在本土极端恐怖活动不断滋生的同时,基地组织和伊斯兰国持续对东南亚进行渗透。当地极端恐怖组织、域外恐怖组织进一步融合,人员、资金、活动交流密切。恐怖活动的组织性增强,危害性进一步加大。虽然东南亚各国政府的反恐怖措施取得了一定成效,但反恐怖斗争还有很多困难,需要多举措努力,才能应对不断变化的恐怖主义威胁。  相似文献   

曹云华 《八桂侨刊》2020,(1):3-14,36
东南亚的华文教育体系包括三个组成部分,即公立学校、民办学校、孔子学院,这三个部分互为基础,相互促进。当前东南亚的华文教育热潮一浪高过一浪,全球化和区域经济一体化是促进这一波东南亚华文教育热潮的根本动力,反过来,华文教育热潮又助推全球化和区域化,为“一带一路”倡议在东南亚的实践提供基础和条件,进一步促进中国—东盟之间的民心相通。  相似文献   

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South Korea's "New Asia Initiative" aims to boost the economy and enhance regional cooperation South Korean President Lee Myung Bak visited New Zealand  相似文献   

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