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BOT相关法律问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BOT是一种私人资本参与一国基础设施建设的新型投资方式。我国基础设施落后和建设资金短缺的矛盾十分突出,采用BOT投资方式将会有效缓和这一矛盾,加快基础设施建设的步伐,促进国民经济稳定增长。BOT投资方式涉及众多的法律主体,法律关系比较复杂,而在其实际运作过程中又会产生许多法律问题。对BOT相关法律问题进行研究,将会促进BOT投资方式在我国的推广和应用,从而有助于引进外国资本参与我国的基础设施建设。  相似文献   

BOT是一种新型的利用国际私人资本进行基础设施项目投资方式,主要优点是更快更好地解决了被投资国资金短缺的困难,充分利用外资办理国家基础设施建设,并使东道国可以集中财力物力,灵活高效地发展国民经济。中国应当广泛发掘BOT之投资方式。但BOT不仅涉及到经济问题,而且还涉及法律政治等一系列问题。因此,本文从与BOT相关的法律问题的角度,对这种投资方式作简单的阐述,并试图通过对BOT的介绍,促进我国 BOT的发展,从而促进我国经济建设的进步。  相似文献   

BOT投资方式的若干法律问题探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蔡奕 《现代法学》2000,22(6):82-85
BOT方式是国际上为利用私人资本进行基础设施建设而衍生的一种新型投资方式 ,它是一个复杂的系统工程 ,涉及多方当事人和多种法律关系。本文首先从实证角度剖析了BOT投资方式的法律框架及BOT当事各方间的法律关系 ,在此基础上分析了我国推行BOT投资方式的若干法律障碍 ,而后辨症施治 ,提出了消除法律障碍和解决法律冲突的立法对策———进行统一的BOT专项立法 ,并阐述了BOT专项立法应涵盖的主要内容。  相似文献   

BOT是20世纪80年代国际上新兴的一种项目融资和建设模式,主要用于基础设施的建设,由于其具有融资能力强,自有资本需要量小,投资收益有保障等众多优点,自从其问世以来很快便风行全球并传蔓至中国,本文拟从BOT的基本法律关系、BOT特许权协议和BOT项目的法律性质三个方面对其法律属性进行解析,以为我国的BOT法律实务略尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

BOT作为一种新型投融资方式,有效解决了发展中国家面临的基础设施建设与资金短缺的难题。我国现阶段国情要求进一步加快BOT方式的引进,我们对BOT概念、法律特征、融资问题、法律障碍及对策进行相关研究是必要的。  相似文献   

BOT投融资方式已经并继续大规模地在广大发达国家和发展中国家得到广泛运用。中国近年来也在一些地方积极尝试或正在酝酿BOT这一投融资方式。本文分析了目前我国BOT投融资方式的法律障碍,并提出了相关对策,以求为更有效地解决经济快速发展与基础设施建设相对滞后之间的矛盾而导致的"瓶颈"问题有所助益。  相似文献   

中国企业以BOT模式投资柬埔寨基础设施建设项目持续升温。但BOT项目具有的复杂性、长期性、高风险性以及公共利益相关性等特点,对东道国的相关法律环境提出了更高的要求。文章通过BOT项目运作法律框架的构建,针对柬埔寨四个层面的法律规定:即宪法、BOT单行立法、其他相关法律领域、国际公约条约参与情况,分析评价柬埔寨BOT投资法律环境,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

由于BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)投资和融资方式,能够同时迎合各国基础设施建设的迫切需求和大量国际资本的赢利目的,因而它自从产生以来,就已经并继续大规模地在广大发达国家和发展中国家得到广泛运用。中国近年来也在一些地方尝试或正在积极酝酿BOT这一投融资方式,以求更为有效地解决经济快速发展与基础设施建设相对滞后之间的矛盾而导致的“瓶颈”问题。本文主要从律师为BOT项目建设和运作提供法律服务的角度作一探讨。BOT投融资方式的特征及法律调整一般认为,BOT是政府采用某种形式通过特许权协议将本应或习惯上由其…  相似文献   

BOT特许协议是一种利用私人资本进行基础设施项目建设的投融资方式。国际上,BOT特许协议至今没有标准的文本,学术界对其法律性质和法律地位的认识还存在分歧,没有定论。在国际竞争日趋激烈的今天,我国要满足不断增长的基础设施建设的需要,只有在优化政策法律环境上下功夫,鉴于BOT特许协议的特殊性,我国有必要对其进行专项立法,以改善项目运行的法律环境,实现利用BOT方式加快基础设施建设的目标。  相似文献   

内资BOT政府保证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闵敢 《法治研究》2008,(6):70-73
BOT作为一种新型的投融资方式,目前在我国已得到广泛应用。但在我国安践中BOT方式一直被定义为政府与外国投资者的关系,国内民间资本投资经常被排斥在外。内资BOT中的政府保证在内容、性质等方面与外资BOT方式有诸多不同。本文对内资BOT政府保证的必要性、法律性质和内容进行分析,并提出了政府保证应注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

BOT 作为近年来十分重要的投融资形式,越来越受到大多数国家的青睐和关注。由于 BOT 投融资各方分处于不同的国度,各所属国有关债权担保的法律规范迥异,涉及问题众多。  相似文献   

高校学生管理法制化刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生管理法制化是法治社会高校管理现代化的必然选择。这就要求从健全立法体系、规范管理行为、强化司法监督等方面做好学生管理法制化建设。然而,当前的学生管理还存在着法律观念淡漠、法律关系不明确、制约机制软弱等问题,不但有悖于法制精神,并且严重影响学生受教育权以及其他合法权利的实现。因此,必须确立学生的权利主体地位,建立尊重学生权益的学生管理机制。  相似文献   

当下中国的法学理论研究与具体法律制度建构之间存在着断裂与分离,不仅法学理论研究脱离于具体的法律制度建构,而且具体法律制度的建构也并不依赖于中国的法学理论,这种断裂和分离状况不仅源于当下中国既存的法学理论研究忽略了法学作用于社会的方式,而且更是由于中国法学理论研究始终未能摆脱其他场域的控制作用。因此,应当在关注具体法律制度建构的同时,努力建立中国法学的自主性。只有以这种方式进行研究才有可能就何种法制现代化更为可欲这一问题作出实质性的贡献,从而可能进一步在诸多研究者的共同智性努力下最终达成一种关于可欲法制现代化图景的"重叠共识"。  相似文献   

Unification of legal rules in Europe is not a new phenomenon. However, nowadays, Europe is still an area with many different jurisdictions. This paper studies the process of unification of legal rules in the European Union within a non-cooperative game-theoretical framework. This paper contributes to the understanding of the process by concentrating on the role of the European Commission. In the law-and-economics literature, it is argued that national legal rules will converge more or less spontaneously through the works of legislators and judges. But legal convergence in the European Union is not inevitable: preferences toward legal rules differ across nation-states; substituting a legal system for another one is costly; a coordination problem may arise. We first study the interactions of two nation-states who choose non-cooperatively their legal rules. We shall argue that the action of the Commission is, at first sight, likely to eliminate the coordination problem (under certain conditions). Two factors are at work. First, the Commission has a certain expertise which enables it to propose new and perhaps more efficient rules (so that the choice of unification does not reduce to select a particular nation-state legal system). Second, the Commission may use a system of fines that induces nation-states to abide by its rules (once these rules are adopted by nation-states). Next, we refine our first model: the process of legal unification is viewed as a game where nation-states choose the game that they will play. They choose if they will try to reach an agreement without resorting to the actions of the Commission, or if they will play the game implicitely proposed by the Commission. This captures more precisely the action of the Commission, its ‘right of initiative’’, the publication of proposals in ‘green’’ or ‘white papers’’. In this second model, a coordination problem may arise. JEL Classification C72 · K00  相似文献   

从逻辑学和语言学角度分析 ,法律规范和法律事实、法律关系之间存在着某种对应关系。法律在规范层面呈现出“前件 /后件”结构 ,在事实层面上呈现出“法律事实 /法律关系”结构 ,在规范前件和法律事实之间 ,在规范后件和法律关系之间 ,分别存在着对应性关系 ;同时 ,在前件词项和法律事实构成要件之间 ,在后件词项和法律关系构成要素之间 ,都分别存在着对应关系 ;而且 ,就连前件、后件之间的和法律事实、法律关系之间的横向的逻辑必然联系之间 ,也存在着对应关系。这种对应关系 ,取决于规范本身的设定性或规定性特质 ,规范具有设定性或规定性 ,法律才能同其它异质因素区别开来 ,才能够把现实生活中极可能是毫不相关的两个事实强制性地扭结在一起。  相似文献   

The South African Criminal Legal System is based on Roman Dutch law. Court proceedings are led by a single presiding officer of the court. Prosecutors and defence advocates present the court with evidence in an adversarial manner. This system has inherent advantages and disadvantages and therefore the training of legal professionals in handling DNA evidence in court is important. The prosecutors resort under the National Prosecuting Authority and the defence advocates act independently or e.g. under the auspices of Legal Aid South Africa.Education curricula of legal professional do not include forensic science evidence. Principles such as evidential value in the forensic context are not addressed. Training of legal professionals with our Essential DNA Evidence™ Course has been a multiplier of forensic science knowledge in the legal profession in South Africa. We present prosecution and defence perspectives in an unbiased manner, compensating for the possible subjective interpretations of evidence that may be presented in court. Forensic evidence is subsequently carefully evaluated prior to being court presentation thus improving court efficiency, and allowing for a more focussed approach to the presentation of evidence. Approaches to the customisation of course content that adds value has been identified via evaluation of training programmes.Experience has shown that legal professionals have the ability to incorporate relatively complex scientific concepts into their legal arguments if provided with the appropriate training opportunity. Appropriate training in DNA evidence has made the court process more effective, both in terms of time and costs, and ultimately serves justice.  相似文献   

The seventeenth century placed Western political thought on a path increasingly concerned with ascertaining the legitimacy of a determinate individual, parliamentary or popular sovereign. As early as Shakespeare, however, a parallel literary tradition serves not to systematise, but to problematise the discourses used to assert the legitimacy with which control over law and government is exercised. This article examines discourses of legal and political legitimacy spawned in early modernity. It is argued that basic notions of ‘right’, ‘duty’, ‘justice’ and ‘power’ (corresponding, in their more vivid manifestations, to categories of ‘heir’, ‘celebrity’, ‘martyr’ and ‘monster’) combine in discrete, but always encumbered ways, to generate a variety of legitimating discourses. Whilst transcendentalist versions of those discourses begin to wane, their secular analogues acquire steadily greater force. In addition to the Shakespearean histories, works of John Milton, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Friedrich Schiller and Richard Wagner are examined, along with some more contemporary or ironic renderings.
Eric HeinzeEmail:

BOT方式中的法律适用问题新探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高岚君 《河北法学》2002,20(3):18-21
BOT方式中涉及两类重要合同 ,即辅助性合同和BOT特许协议。辅助性合同可以依合同法律适用的一般原则来适用法律。BOT特许协议则通常明确规定适用东道国法律 ,但是这一实践与合同法律适用的一般原则却有着密切联系。  相似文献   

This article explores the legislative framework of child support and its enforcement in three European civil law countries. Since the CSA has been criticized for its lack of effectiveness, it is argues that possibly a judiciary-based system of child support may be more effective. However, the detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the enforcement mechanisms of child support payment in the judiciary-based systems of Germany, France and Greece prove, beyond doubt, that the problem of child support payment is not characteristic to the UK alone. It is argued that education rather than additional regulation lies at the heart of the effective solution.  相似文献   

当前基于秩序、利益、自由等表述的经济刑法法益学说在认知进路上存在问题,无法形成本体和功能自洽的法益观。应当承认集体法益的独立性,立足法益二元论对经济刑法法益进行本体重塑与功能展开。它勾连宪法,是保障在经济领域中实现个人自由的外部条件的统一体,也是经济秩序市场经济规范保护的客体。法益不是刑法独有的保护目标,仅根据法益标准难以有效区分刑事不法与行政不法。经济刑法的犯罪化应坚持保护适格的集体法益,同时更加注重合比例原则和明确性原则的补充与限制。经本体重塑的经济刑法法益兼具体系超越与体系内在功能,有助于在反思当下中国经济刑法立法与司法的基础上,重构经济刑法的立法理念与犯罪化标准,厘清经济犯罪的类型与解释原理。  相似文献   

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