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警察教育国际合作是世界各国之间涉及警察教育训练的制度、法律法规、教育观念、教育理论、人才培养、教育管理等多方面的协作交流活动。加强警察教育培训的国际合作,对于履行警察职责、世界警务发展、发展警察教育事业都有重要意义。合作的范围有代培警官、互派教官讲学、开展学术交流等方面。各国警察部门要高度重视,发挥国际刑警组织渠道作用、积极参加国际会议与交流、签订合作协议、研究外国警察业务和学习相关知识,不断增进警察教育训练的国际合作。  相似文献   

For any profession, establishing codes of ethics that are both practically relevant and up to date is an ongoing challenge. Law enforcement is no exception to this as agencies are faced with an evolving modern environment. With changes in technology, types of policing, and sources of societal conflict there is a potential array of new or evolving ethical considerations that confront the profession. Attempts to distill and prescribe law enforcement ethics at the international level have resulted in the creation of the “Law Enforcement Code of Conduct” of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the “Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials” of the United Nations (U.N.). However, both these codes were created decades ago, so they do not cover some of the more contemporary ethical issues that have arisen. This article compares the content of the IACP and UN codes and identifies a range of ethical issues either absent or insufficiently addressed. Normative themes and issues are organized around the following topics: difficulties in applying the codes, human rights and the use of force, misconduct and integrity, and enforcement and accountability.  相似文献   

Growing attention to the unique ways in which women of color’s bodies are racially profiled and policed has prompted questions concerning gender-specific impacts of law enforcement practices. Arrest statistics, patterns of enforcement, and high-profile cases of police violence against Black women and other women of color suggest that gaps in policy and implementation will disproportionately affect women of color. In the current research, the policies of 36 police departments across the country were examined to ascertain the degree to which they address profiling, police sexual misconduct, and other gendered experiences of policing. The findings reveal considerable divergence in attention to regulating police behavior in the context of interactions with women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, exposing important gaps in police policies, and highlight a need for further research and action specifically focused on intersectional factors at play in the context of policing women’s bodies.  相似文献   

警察执法权益保护论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姬新江  金凌  王正苍 《政法学刊》2010,27(1):102-108
警察权益具有普遍性和特殊性,既包括警察的执法权益,也包括警察作为公民应享有的基本权利。警察权益遭受侵害,既有社会转型期社会矛盾加剧、公民法律意识淡薄、违法犯罪暴力化倾向严重和法制不健全、对侵害警察权益行为惩治力度不够、暴力袭警成本较低等原因;也有警察自身执法能力不高、自我防护意识不强和防护装备落后,以及公安机关不善于充分利用现有法律武器维权等多方面的原因。由此看来,保护警察权益是一项系统工程,必须采取多方面的措施。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The use of deadly force during law enforcement is a matter that compels public scrutiny. There were 42 gunshot deaths caused by police over a 4-year period in New York City. The decedents' average age was 31 years and ranged from 17 to 64 years. There were 41 males and one female; and 26 Black, nine Hispanic, and seven White decedents. Ethanol and/or drugs of abuse were detected in 78% (31/40) of the decedents. The vast majority of shootings occurred with the police responding to a crime and 90% of the decedents were armed (26 handguns, six knives, one axe, one metal pipe, and one toy gun). Vehicles were used as weapons in two incidents. A total of 177 bullets struck the 42 decedents. Fourteen decedents sustained single gunshot wounds (GSWs), and the remainder had multiple GSWs ranging from 2 to 21. In the majority of the cases in this study, the number of GSWs of the body was three or fewer. Thirteen decedents had at least one GSW of the back or buttocks, accounting for 25 of the total 177 wounds, and four of the 13 had GSWs of only the back. With the exception of the upper extremities, GSWs of all locations were more likely to penetrate than perforate. Although these deaths may be high profile, the certification is typically straightforward and the cause (i.e., GSW) and manner of death (homicide) are readily apparent. Although police shootings in which the decedent was unarmed and/or sustained numerous GSWs are widely reported by the lay press, these types of shootings were not typical in our study.  相似文献   

警察选择性执法之规范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐文星 《法律科学》2008,22(3):29-36
选择性执法在警察行政中相当普遍,而选择性执法形成原因的复杂性,社区警政模式的兴起,对个案正义的追求,行政效率的提升等因素决定了规范机制的复杂和困难。基于此,选择性执法规范机制必须建立在对其更为深入而全面的了解基础之上,而且还应该通过多种措施的组合,尤其是警察执法规则的适用,才能有效规范选择性执法。  相似文献   

Crime Mapping and the Training Needs of Law Enforcement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores some of the more recent developments within crime mapping and the broader application of geographical information technology within law enforcement. The information technology (IT) revolution and the reduction in computing costs since the 1980s has brought a range of analytical tools within the budgets of most police services, and one of the most significant changes has been in the way that spatial data are handled. Law enforcement has strong geographic currents at all levels of the organisation, and this paper examines three applications of geographical information systems (GIS) within policing: hotspot mapping; CompStat; and geographic profiling. The paper concludes by discussing the future training needs using a simple model of intelligence-led crime reduction. This model suggests that training for managers to enable a greater understanding of the analyses presented to them, and how to use mapping to further crime prevention and reduction, may be as important as increasing the technical ability of crime analysts. The challenge for the immediate future of crime reduction practice in law enforcement is less to worry about the training of analysts, and more to address the inability of law enforcement management to understand and act on the crime analysis they are given.  相似文献   


This work explores the depth and dimensions of gender-based discrimination as perceived by female police officers. Using snowball sampling, 27 currently employed female law-enforcement officers in a large metropolitan area of the Southwest were interviewed. Qualitative data analysis techniques were used to analyze the findings and to extract the themes that emerged from the women's perceptions of discrimination coming from their male peers, from male supervisors or administrators, and from citizens of both sexes. Most of thepolicewomen interviewed reported experiencing discrimination from one or all of these sources. However, almost without exception, they saw their situation today as improved over that of the past policewomen. No consistent differences in perceptions emerged related toage, race-ethnicity, rank, employer, or length of service.  相似文献   

朱翠微 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):134-140
随着生物技术的飞速发展,它在现实生活中碰到了一些新的问题,其中既有知识产权法律保护问题,又有社会伦理道德等理论问题;既有政府管理部门实际管理政策问题,又有实践中关涉公民的食品安全等切身利益问题。本文拟结合国内外生物技术知识产权保护的现状,对生物技术与专利、生物技术与食品安全及生物技术与WTO有关协定的关系做些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

面对日益复杂的公共事务,传统的机构设置和职能分配使得部门之间的协调变得异常困难。大部制聚焦于结构调整,却不能完全解决部门内部运行机制问题,也不能解决部门间合作的难题。通过建立协调议事机构和机制,无法突破传统的"一事一协调"、"一时的协调"的限制,而且成本高昂。可取的方法是按照职能整合原则,重组政府机构,推进核心能力部门建设;围绕特定的政策目标,在不取消部门边界的前提下实行跨部门合作。  相似文献   

“警察人性化执法”刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍玉功 《时代法学》2007,5(5):87-94
警察人性化执法,是指警察在执法过程中,在依法保障当事人合法权益的前提下,依照法定的职权和法定的程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,实现执法公正的一项专门活动。在警察人性化执法中,严格执法是前提,依法保障当事人的合法权益(包括警察自身的合法权益)是核心内容,人文关怀是方式,实现执法公正是终极目标。而"懦弱执法"、"人情执法"、"不平等执法"和"首次不罚"的执法都不是警察的人性化执法。警察人性化执法实现的途径主要有三:一是完善公安法律制度;二是提高人民警察自身的素质;三是加强监督,从严治警。  相似文献   

叶氢  黄辉 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):111-114
警察执法服务质量管理是一个十分重要的理论问题。公共服务职能是警察的基本职能之一。警察权力的亲和性决定了警察执法必须为国家的安全、发展和富强服务,为人民大众的和睦、富裕和幸福服务。当前,警察执法存在着诸多问题,构建以服务公众为导向的警察执法服务质量管理系统势在必行。  相似文献   

胡宝珍 《政法学刊》2006,23(5):106-112
民商法的平等、权利保护、诚信等基本原则对树立人民警察的执法理念具有重要作用,对维护人民警察自身合法利益也具有重要意义。现在,公安机关在具体执法工作中愈来愈多地应用民商法知识。因此,研究民商法在公安执法工作中的地位,有助于扭转以往公安工作重刑轻民的传统观念,提高警察的素质,更好地发挥人民警察的作用。  相似文献   

Although women experienced a marked increase in representation as full-time sworn law enforcement officers during the 1980s and 1990s, growth has slowed in recent years and women continue to be underrepresented in the profession. Employing multiple waves of Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics data, this study describes trends in representation of women in policing and explores their continued lack of representation to determine whether organizational variables (structure and function) work to support a hegemonic masculinity and whether those structures are malleable over time. Results from a series of ordinary least squares regression models indicate several structural impediments to women in policing, but these are not consistent barriers.  相似文献   

杨光 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):113-115
社会转型期,人民警察在执法过程中人身、财产、精神等合法权益受到相对方不法侵害的现象时有发生,在我国现有的法制框架下,如何选择可操作的救济途径,以期合法、及时、有效地维护人民警察的执法权益。  相似文献   

国际民商事司法与行政合作中的中央机关机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜焕芳 《时代法学》2006,4(3):106-111
国际民商事司法与行政合作众多方法中,最为重要的要数中央机关合作机制的建立。中央机关在发展中表现出模式的双边化和功能的多元化等趋势。中央机关合作机制在实践中发挥了重要作用,特别是在域外文书送达、域外调查取证、司法救助申请、返还诱拐儿童和国际扶养请求等领域。当然,该合作机制在实践中也暴露出一些应当予以改进的问题,特别是应当改善并逐步扩大中央机关机制的作用。  相似文献   

王玫黎 《现代法学》2007,29(4):179-185
我国船舶油污损害赔偿案件在适用国内法或国际公约上存在明显的混乱,这表现在适用国际条约方面,采取的是一种以纳入适用与转化适用相结合的方式。就船舶油污损害赔偿事故而言,正确的做法应该是非涉外案件中的责任限制部分,适用我国《海商法》第11章的规定,其他部分适用《民法通则》、《海洋环境保护法》等;涉外案件,如果中国法没有规定,或者中国法的规定与中国参加的国际公约规定不一致,应当适用国际公约。  相似文献   

金铮 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):46-47
欧洲是国际法的发源地,关于国际法与国内法关系的学说最早于英国出现。国际习惯法与国际条约是国际法的主要渊源,考察欧洲国家适用国际习惯法与国际条约的法律规定与实践,国际法在欧洲国家有不同的适用问题。  相似文献   

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