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Skiing is now a favorite winter activity for many Chinese Driving out to the suburbs of Beijing with friends and spending time at a ski resort is now a common way  相似文献   

TotheeastoftheBeijingZoo,abuildingisunderconstructionwhichwillopenthisJuneas"TheHappyCastle,"thefirstdepartmentstoreforchildreninthecapital.ThegeneralmanageroftheHappyCastleisTeddeSmart,aNorthAmericaninhislateforties.TedfirstcametoBeijinginearly1996,andsaysthatheneverimaginedthathewouldlastfouryearsinBeijing.HefeltthatforeignersinBeijingwereall"laowai"inthewordsofthelocalBeijingdialect.Hepresentedhimselfasaprimeexample.However,henowsayshedoesn'tplantogobacktotheUnitedStatesforalongtime…  相似文献   

<正>It is the dead of the night and the city is sleeping. A stray car cruises the street until its lonesome passenger responds in a zombie-like manner to a traffic light that turns red, stopping an invisible flow of traffic.  相似文献   

实践"三个代表",党员干部是关键.本文从党员干部特别是领导干部加强自身党性修养的角度,分析了如何做到"自重、自省、自警、自厉",论述了掌权为公,用权为民,当好中国最广大人民群众的根本利益的忠实代表的重要意义.  相似文献   

做好常务副职工作,需要摆正位置,科学定位;认清职责,恪尽职守;把握规律,掌握特点;历练本领,提高素质.  相似文献   

On March 15,the U.S.Federal Reserve announced it would slash its benchmark interest rate by100 basis points to 0-0.25 percent,marking the return of the zero-interest rate era.The Federal Reserve also launched a quantitative easing scheme worth$700billion.On March 23,the Federal Reserve Board announced plans to remove its cap on the purchase of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the market a policy that equals unlimited quantitative easing.  相似文献   

XING Weikai, 44, is principal of the Middle School A liated to the Central Conservatory of Music. The school  相似文献   

The Chinese government intends to upgrade the governance ability of its officials through training.  相似文献   

通过回顾分析我省全省性宗教团体负责人现状,查找我省宗教教职人员在政治品质、学识造诣、品德修养、作用发挥方面存在的差距,指出作为一名合格的宗教团体负责人应该具备在政治上靠得住、学识上有造诣、品德上能服众的综合素质。  相似文献   

Authorities expect a positive chain reaction fromrelaxed private investment restrictionsBreaking monopolies,creating equa investment opportunities and easing access to investment—all of these and more are included in China’s new guidelines on reforming investment and financing regime and encouraging private investment in keindustries,which were released by the State  相似文献   

Fit to Be Tied     
Men and women alike share frustrations over growing costs of marriage An infographic labeled"China’s Map of Bride Prices"has made waves on China’s microblogging portal Weibo.com since being released by Cq.house.sina.com.cn on June 4 after a month of nationwide research.In much of China,the bride price is understood as a reverse dowry in which a groom provides  相似文献   

彭京宜 《新东方》2002,(1):24-26
德治是经济体制转型的必然要求,也是社会结构转型的必然要求。德治对于法治的补充作用,回答了德治在法治社会中的必然性和可行性。  相似文献   

This year's Group of Eight (G8) Summit was held from May 26 to 27 in Deauville,France.Topics included the ongoing war in Libya,Japan's nuclear disaster and bumps in the road to economic recovery.Given the rise of emerging economies,Western nations stressed their common interests and values,intending to maintain their dominance over international affairs.  相似文献   

正Overseas returnees bounce between East and West Dong Wei, a professor at the Design Studies Department of University of Wisconsin-Madison,  相似文献   

我们总爱给孩童教什么谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦,却不知,这话更该讲给男人听,当然,最理想的是由他讲给你来听。  相似文献   

I am away on a short vacation in China.I spent several days in Shanxi Province in north China,a province perhaps best known for coal production.However,one should not visit Shanxi without going to the Wutai Mountain,and my trip was no exception.The Wutai Mountain is one of the four Buddhist holy n-ountains in Chira For 2,000years this area has been prominent in the history and culture of Buddhism in China.In the Wutai Mountain,I saw both temples and lamaseries.Han Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism have grown side by side here for centuries.It is a superb example of religious diversity and tolerance.  相似文献   

实现法制现代化是"加快推进社会主义现代化"的题中应有之义,对公安工作提出了新的挑战.要迎接这一挑战,就必须明确公安机关"无偏私地公正执法的机关"的角色定位,并且从四个方面搞好公安队伍的自身建设.  相似文献   

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