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Giant cell myocarditis (GCM) is a rare but fatal disease of idiopathic origin. It results in focal necrosis of myocardium. This is a case report of middle aged Malaysian Indian female who died due to cardiac tamponade due to rupture myocardium and tear in the root of aorta. On naked eye examination, it simply resembled as recent as well as old fibrotic areas of myocardial infarction. She was clinically diagnosed as a case of obstructive cardiomyopathy with atrioventricular block, and was on pace maker. There was subendocardial fibrosis and left ventricular transmural infarction in the left ventricle. On histopathology, this was diagnosed as GCM, there were widespread areas of inflammatory cellular infiltration within the myocardium with multinucleated giant cells and granulomas interspersed with lymphocytes. Microscopic field showed up to 10 multinucleated giant cells. In this case, there were focal areas at multiple locations and caused uneven thickness in the left ventricle wall. Idiopathic GCM is very rare and causation of hemopericardium is the unique feature of this case. In this case the direct link of GCM with aortitis and rupture of left ventricle wall resulting in hemopericardium is shown. This case is documented through macroscopic as well as microscopic photographs in H&E, Ziel-Nelson, and GMS staining.  相似文献   

Systemic metastatic calcification is a common complication of chronic renal failure. Cardiac involvement is particularly ominous, especially when the cardiac conduction system is affected. Conduction defects, arrhythmias, and sudden death have all been reported with conduction system calcification; however, these are relatively under-reported or unrecognized causes of cardiac morbidity and mortality. We describe a 40-year-old man with Von Hippel-Lindau disease who had been maintained on hemodialysis for two years following bilateral nephrectomies for renal cell carcinoma. The patient presented with symptomatic complete heart block that had progressed from Mobitz type I atrioventricular block. Two months later, while being internally paced, the patient died unexpectedly after a complicated hospital admission. Postmortem revealed extensive vascular, myocardial, and conduction system calcification. Conduction system calcification may cause sudden death in chronic renal failure patients during hospital admission, or unexpectedly while the patient is in the community. Knowledge of this condition is necessary to detect it, as the conduction system is not routinely examined. A routine abbreviated conduction system examination is warranted for patients with systemic metastatic calcification, especially if they have sudden death or a known history of heart block.  相似文献   

An unexpected finding at autopsy of almost complete agenesis of the cerebellum in an apparently functional, mentally subnormal 38-year-old man who died as the result of an accidental electrocution is reported. The posterior fossa was normal in appearance despite nearly complete absence of the cerebellum. A number of syndromes of cerebellar atrophy or dysgenesis have been reported, but congenital agenesis is considered a very rare condition. It does not resemble most common cerebellar malformations or acquired conditions, especially in an adult, who apparently had reasonable motor and coordinative function. The relevant literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

Anomalies of the thymus can lead to immunodeficiencies that are often associated with complex syndromes. The clinical relevance of those anomalies varies a lot. Regarding mortality and morbidity, opportunistic infections play a major role in immunocompromised individuals. Case report: An 8-month-old infant died of a sepsis with multi-organ failure after 32 days in intensive care. At autopsy, no thymus gland could be found; toxicological examinations yielded high morphine concentrations. Autopsy findings and the results of further examinations performed postmortem are discussed in view of the clinical findings, the classification and the cause of death.  相似文献   

We report on the colonization of an adult human corpse by three insect species at 3350 m (11,000 ft) in elevation. The adult silphid Thanatophilus coloradensis (Wickham), adults of the blow fly Calliphora coloradensis (Hough), and larvae and adults of Lucilia silvarum (Meigen) were all collected from the victim's body which had been wrapped in plastic. The victim was found in late June in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This paper provides additional confirmation of the taxa utilizing a human corpse at high elevations in Colorado.  相似文献   

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a defect seen in approximately 1 in 3500 live births. A complication of CDH is the herniation of abdominal contents into the chest cavity through the defect, which may prevent normal intrauterine development of the lungs. The resultant pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension causes respiratory distress in the newborn, usually requiring some form of intervention before the defect is surgically corrected (Embryology for Surgeons. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1994:491-539). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which involves cannulation of the superior vena cava (SVC), is often used to manage these infants. However, the mediastinal shift that often occurs with CDH can cause an abnormal acute angulation of the SVC, which during cannulation can result in trauma and possible perforation of the SVC. We present 2 autopsy cases where the infants accidentally died as a result of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cannulation.  相似文献   

Several controversies exist regarding ultimately lethal head injuries in small children. Death from short falls, timing of head injury, lucid intervals, presence of diffuse axonal injury (DAI), and subdural hematoma (SDH) as marker of DAI are the most recent controversial topics of debate in this evolving field of study. In this area of debate, we present a case of delayed death from a witnessed fall backwards off a bed in a 9-month-old black male child who struck his head on a concrete floor and was independently witnessed as "healthy" postfall for 72 hours until he was discovered dead in bed. Grandmother, babysitter, and mother all independently corroborated under police investigation that the child "acted and behaved normally" after the fall until death. Autopsy showed a linear nondisplaced parietal skull fracture, diastasis of adjacent occipital suture, subgaleal hemorrhage with evidence of aging, small posterior clotting SDH, marked cerebral edema, and a small tear of the midsuperior body of the corpus callosum consistent with focal axonal injury (FAI). No DAI was seen, and there were no retinal hemorrhages. All other causes of death were excluded upon thorough police and medical examiner investigation. Although this seems to be a rare phenomenon, a delayed, seemingly symptom-free interval can occur between a clinically apparent mild head injury and accidental death in a young child.  相似文献   

随着国家经济又好又快地发展,教育公平作为实现社会公平的重要方式之一变得益加重要。高等教育又与国民个体今后发展的机会、权利、利益等资源分配的获得紧密相关,国家通过高等教育政策、法规积极介入,促进高等教育公平,在一定程度上实现接受高等教育者的机会均等,并使受教育者的社会和经济地位普遍获得提高,不仅是实现社会平等的必经路径之一,也是当今我国高等教育发展阶段追求的目标和基本理念之一。同样,在邻国日本21世纪初进入高等教育普及化发展阶段后,高等教育入学机会的公平化政策仍受到社会各界的普遍关注,这里尝试通过对日本实现高等教育普及化发展后对从教育平等走向社会平等的发展策略调整进行分析,寻求一些对我国制定相关教育政策、法规及尽早实现教育强国梦的经验与启示。  相似文献   

A 78-year-old woman with a history of transient ischemic attacks was found in the doorway of her house in a somnolent and unresponsive condition. In the right mandibular region, a small skin wound was localized, which was surgically treated. Six days after admission to the hospital, an exploratory craniotomy was performed because of abnormal CT findings. Apart from tissue lesions and hemorrhages a small bone fragment was detected in the right cerebral cortex, which was removed. After 11 days in hospital, the patient died from failure of central regulatory functions. At the forensic autopsy, a 15 cm long wound track running upward from the skin wound in the right mandibular region through the bony skull base to the right parietal lobe of the brain was noted. Apparently, the surgically removed bone fragment had been displaced from the right middle cranial fossa. The site of the incident in the deceased's house was inspected again and a bamboo pole used to stabilize a potted plant standing on the floor was found and sent to the trace evidence laboratory. Analysis showed blood and tissue deposits from the victim. On the basis of all the findings and the circumstances of the case, a fatal impalement injury caused by an accidental fall could be assumed.  相似文献   

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