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Although serial killings are relatively rare, they can be the cause of a great deal of anxiety while the killer remains at‐large. Despite the fact that the motivations for serial killings are typically quite complex, the psychological analysis of a serial killer can provide valuable insight into how and why certain individuals become serial killers. Such knowledge may be instrumental in preventing future serial killings or in solving ongoing cases. In certain serial killings, the various incidents have a variety of similar features. Identification of similarities between separate homicidal incidents is necessary to recognize that a serial killer may be actively killing. In this report, the authors present a group of serial killings involving three prostitutes who were shot to death over a 3‐month period. Scene and autopsy findings, including the unusual finding of postmortem enucleation of the eyes, led investigators to recognize the serial nature of the homicides.  相似文献   

90例医疗纠纷尸检分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析、讨论医疗纠纷中法医病理学尸体解剖的重要性。方法收集温州医学院法医学系2001—2008年涉及医疗纠纷尸体解剖案例90例,按照死者年龄、性别、死亡原因及临床诊断和法医病理诊断等要素进行分类整理和分析。结果死者年龄从新生儿至72岁,男女比例为1∶1,医院级别以县级医院较多(30例,33.33%),临床诊断与法医病理死因诊断符合率为33.33%。结论尸体解剖对涉及死亡的医疗纠纷的正确处理和防范有重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: Medical examiner and coroner reports are a rich source of data for epidemiologic research. To maximize the utility of this information, medicolegal death investigation data need to be electronically coded. In order to determine the best option for coding, we evaluated four different options (Current Procedural Terminology [CPT], International Classification of Disease [ICD] coding, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms [SNOMED CT], and an in‐house system), then conducted internal and external needs assessments to determine which system best met the needs of a centralized, statewide medical examiner’s office. Although all four systems offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, SNOMED CT is the most accurate for coding pathologic diagnoses, with ICD‐10 the best option for classifying the cause of death. For New Mexico’s Office of the Medical Investigator, the most feasible coding option is an upgrade of an in‐house coding system, followed by linkage to ICD codes for cause of death from the New Mexico Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, and ideally, SNOMED classification of pathologic diagnoses.  相似文献   

Postmortem fingerprint collection is a routine part of many forensic death investigations. Although the production of postmortem prints is usually straight forward, several obstacles and scenarios can make the collection difficult. A common challenge occurs when finger pads are mummified. Several current techniques allow for softening and rehydration of mummified finger pads; however, despite the employment of such techniques, the production of adequate postmortem fingerprints can remain elusive. The authors present two techniques that can improve the chances of obtaining suitable fingerprints from mummified remains. The “baby powder method” involves applying a cornstarch‐based powder, such as baby powder, onto the darkened and mummified finger pads, to allow better visualization of the fingerprint detail. The “transillumination method” involves carefully dissecting away the tissues underlying the finger pad, followed by placement of a bright light source underneath the finger pad, such that the finger ridge pattern is illuminated.  相似文献   

The collection of high‐quality fingerprints is an important component of routine forensic autopsies and represents one of the several potential methods for identifying a decedent. Fingerprint collection at autopsy frequently employs a manual method using fingerprint ink and cards, although some offices use digital‐scanning equipment. While these methodologies are adequate in most circumstances, this study introduces an alternative method using fingerprint powder and adhesive labels. The method is quick, easy to perform, and cost‐effective and provides the additional advantage of an adhesive label that easily conforms to the finger, palm, or foot which reduces smudging of prints in individuals with rigor mortis, skin slippage, or decomposition compared to more traditional autopsy fingerprint collection techniques. The prints can then be easily stored, either in hard‐copy form or scanned to make a digital record.  相似文献   

Due to increasing caseloads and inadequate staffing, the burden on Coroner/Medical Examiner Offices to comply with recommended autopsy limits for forensic pathologists (FPs) has been difficult. Since 2006, pathologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have performed select autopsies for the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences. Each case was reviewed by a state FP and scene investigator to determine appropriateness for referral. All referred cases received full postmortem examination including microscopic examination and collection of toxicological samples, and toxicology was ordered by the referring FP as appropriate. The final cause and manner of death were determined by the referring state FP after review of all findings. A majority of the 421 cases were ruled accidental deaths (233), most due to drug toxicity. Of the 178 natural deaths, 118 were attributed to cardiovascular disease. Outsourcing select forensic cases can be educational and an effective tool to manage workflow without compromising quality.  相似文献   

目的 分析法医尸体检验后送检器官的病理学特征,总结此类案件的特点.方法 对宝鸡市法医送检358例尸体解剖器官标本进行常规检查并进行组织病理学诊断. 结果 358例中以青壮年男性为主,死亡原因主要为创伤、猝死、中毒.组织学能明确死亡原因250例,无典型组织学病变101例,组织自溶腐败7例.病理诊断以心血管疾病为主,其次为呼吸、神经、消化系统疾病. 结论 法医解剖具有专业特点,与病理解剖不尽相同.组织病理学检验进行死亡原因诊断时,应积极与法医沟通,以充分掌握案情、死亡经过及特定的法医病理学特征.  相似文献   

The study of frontal sinuses for personal identification is a considered approach in the forensic field. In Yoshino's system, the frontal sinus patterns of a given person were formulated as a code number (codY) obtained by arranging the class numbers in each classification item. The aim of this work was to use a new code number (codC) with eight digits that includes other two continuous variables obtained as ratios SOR1 (left frontal sinus area/left orbit area) and SOR2 (right frontal sinus area/right orbit area), comparing the results with that of Yoshino. Digital radiographic images of the skulls of 150 Chinese people were analyzed. Spearman's partial correlation coefficients were evaluated between variables characterizing frontal sinus patterns. We used a maximum-weight dependence tree for statistical analysis. Results demonstrated that codC significantly reduced the probability of having the same personal code number compared with codY. Our scientific approach results valid for personal identification purposes.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropologists are regularly asked to assist with the identification of unknown individuals using comparative medical radiography. This study addressed the use of midline medical sternotomy wires as a means for personal identification. Antemortem and postmortem radiographic comparisons were completed by 46 professional forensic anthropologists and anthropology graduate students familiar with comparative medical radiography as a technique for assessing identification. Participants were asked to make five radiographic matches from a pool of 20 radiographs. Participants also completed an anonymous survey detailing their education level and experience making radiographic comparisons. Participants were 99.5% accurate in matching the radiographs. Sensitivity was 98.7%, and specificity was 99.7%. Logistic regression analysis found no statistically significant differences in the participants' ability to make a correct match. As the high accuracy rates indicate, the shape, size, and various characteristics of the sternotomy wires are individualizing and can confidently be used when assisting with personal identification cases.  相似文献   

The nature of air disasters includes factors that exacerbate challenges in the identification process. Of the 49 deceased in the US Bangla air crash in Kathmandu, Nepal, four were intact, 11 presented with burn injuries, another 11 presented with partial charring, and 23 were completely charred. Personal belongings were useful in the identification phases for all types of victims. Fingerprints were obtainable and useful in intact victims and victims with less severe burn injuries; medical and surgical information was useful in bodies with burn injuries; finally, dental findings were useful in cases of extensive charring. Other useful methods in the process included marks of identification, physical features, and exclusion. In certain resource‐limited settings, especially in closed population disasters, where scientific identification (DNA, dental records, etc.) is not currently available, personal belongings, clothing, and physical findings analyzed by an identification team using a structured organization may be cautiously used as the primary means of identification.  相似文献   

Fatalities related to sporting events are predominantly caused by blunt force injuries especially due to the emotional involvement of crowd, but occasionally other types of trauma are reported as well. A case of very rare trauma caused by shooting with a hand-held parachute signal rocket during a football match is presented. A 17-year-old football fan sustained fatal injuries, a combination of mechanical trauma caused by rocket penetration, as well as extensive thermal burning of the thoracic viscera. Analysis of the event was based on autopsy findings and evidence produced by medicolegal and ballistic experts. Improper use of a hand-held signal rocket, designed for marine distress signals, may cause serious injuries either mechanically, due to explosion, or as a result of thermal discharge. In the reported case, pattern of injuries is discussed, and medical finding corroborated to other available evidence. The presented case is a reminder that the forensic pathologist should be informed accordingly on the type and features of weapon suspected to produce injury, to be able to understand traumatic changes, and look for potential presence of foreign bodies at postmortem examination.  相似文献   

随着<侵权责任法>的实施,医疗纠纷司法鉴定将在医疗损害中起着越来越重要的作用.目前我国的医疗损害技术鉴定存在二元化的状态,有一定的优势也存在一定的弊端,建立统一、独立的医疗损害技术鉴定体系是非常必要的,这对切实保护医患双方的合法权益,依法公正解决医疗损害赔偿案件,构建和谐的医患关系有重要意义.  相似文献   

Suicide by shotgun is a common method of suicide with high regional variation. We sought to describe their distinct, challenging features and provide demographic and risk characteristics. We reviewed 228 gunshot wounds autopsied at Mayo Clinic from 1994 to 2014; of these, 75 (32.9%) were shotgun wounds. All were suicides and contact range. Ages ranged from 14 to 92 years old; of these, 97% were men. The majority involved the head (70.9%), were intraoral (48.2%), and had upward (73.2%) and backward (73.2%) directionality. Next most common was the chest (21.5%), with backward (94.1%) and downward (64.7%) directionality. Four involved multiple wounds. Wadding was recovered in 16 (21.3%) cases. Six (8.0%) had a survival period. Most (66.7%) took place at home. Seventy‐one percent had a known psychiatric history; 32.4% had positive toxicology. Although contact range shotgun wounds cause severe destruction, entrance wound and other characteristic are identifiable with thorough scene, autopsy, and radiographic documentation.  相似文献   

Qin HJ  Li F  Ma SL  Mo YN 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):65-66
围产期母婴死亡所致的医疗纠纷在医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定中占有相当大一部分比例。本文从死者性别年龄、涉及医院、尸检结果、医疗行为过错情况等方面统计分析了49例围产期母婴死亡的医疗纠纷尸检案例,揭示了围产期母婴的常见死亡原因、医疗因素在其中的作用以及医疗纠纷的发生原因等,希望能对该类医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定、医疗纠纷的正确处理和防范提供帮助。  相似文献   

The prevalence of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs), pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) is increasing. However, postmortem analysis of CIEDs is not performed routinely. Fourteen consecutive CIEDs were analyzed. The indication for and date of implantation, technical data, CIED reprogramming, heart rhythm disturbances, patient demographics and medical consultations were investigated. Death during the first year after implantation was seen in 54%, whereof 71% consulted a physician within 10 days before death. The time of death was attributed to a particular day in 29%. There was a relationship between CIEDs and cause/manner of death in 50%. Although limited by a small sample size, this study advocates the routine postmortem CIED analysis for forensic and clinical purposes in selected cases. Patients with CIEDs seem to show an increased risk of death during the first year after implantation. The analysis of CIEDs can be helpful in evaluating the time/cause/manner of death.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to work out a biometric method for personal identification by comparing simulated antemortem and postmortem digital radiographs of unrestored teeth. Intra‐oral radiographs of the inferior right first molar, without restorations, were acquired at two different times in 70 subjects using a standardized technique followed by a morphometric analysis. The program automatically supplied values of the absolute distances, relative distances, shape factors, moments, perimeter values, and the areas of the triangles, which were obtained by joining key reference points. The values for the homologous samples were compared with the heterologous samples. Statistical analysis was then carried out, resulting in a section point value of 0.9992. Higher correlation coefficients indicate positive identification, with less than 2% risk of false positives, and approximately 3% of false negatives. We have also tested the method on dental records from 30 patients in order to demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the system.  相似文献   

In addition to clinical examination, forensic odontologists can use diagnostic imaging as an auxiliary method for identification. This paper reports a case where forensic odontologists from the Afrânio Peixoto Legal Medicine Institute in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) positively identified a carbonized and partially calcined body using oral and maxillofacial imaging. The cadaver showed several metallic plates fixed with metallic screws on bones of the neurocranium and viscerocranium. Family members provided spiral computed tomography scans of the skull and a panoramic radiograph that were acquired after an accident that required surgical procedures. Comparative analysis between the clinical exam and the maxillofacial images demonstrated complete coincidence, confirming the victim's identity. Dactyloscopy, which is the most commonly used method of identification, was not possible because of the body carbonization. Thus, diagnostic imaging, especially computed tomography, was essential for elucidation of this case.  相似文献   

目的探讨医学影像资料法医学同一认定的鉴定原则、思路及方法。方法总结华西法医学鉴定中心1992—2012年受理的30例医学影像资料同一认定案例,对影像资料数量、种类,鉴定利用的识别点及其类型、间隔进行回顾性统计分析。结果胸部X线片为最常见的鉴定资料类型。利用的识别点共有33处、6种类型,包括:自身惟一性特征、骨骼自身结构的变异或发育畸形、疾病或退行性变、创伤后病理变化、医疗后果和正常形态的多处一致。结论影像资料常规审查是案件受理前提之一,同一认定时结合资料类型、投照部位及案情特点选择相应识别点,自身惟一性识别点最佳,多种类型识别点联合使用,识别点多处表现一致得出肯定结论者可应用于鉴定实践。  相似文献   

目的:研究产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案件的一般规律及其医疗损害责任司法鉴定的特点,为法医学鉴定提供理论支持。方法:对20例产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案例进行回顾性分析。结果:产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案例逐年增多;发生纠纷的医疗机构以市(区)级为多见,发生纠纷的案件中以手足畸形和先心病多见;医疗损害责任司法鉴定的主要原因为医疗技术缺陷与医疗管理缺陷。  相似文献   

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