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目的犯的犯罪形态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李希慧  王彦 《现代法学》2000,22(6):21-25
本文从目的犯的未完成形态 (包括预备犯、中止犯、未遂犯 )与完成形态 (既遂犯 )、目的犯的共犯形态、目的犯的罪数形态 (包括继续犯、转化犯 )等三个方面对目的犯进行了研究 ,提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

减轻处罚,是指人民法院根据犯罪人具有刑法规定的某种情节,依法在法定刑以下判处其刑罚。我国刑法规定的可以或应当减轻处罚情节,共有十四种。其中,未成年犯、防卫过当、紧急避险过当、中止犯、从犯和胁从犯属于应当减轻处罚情节。除未成年犯和从犯之外,其余各项均为起码应当减轻处罚情节。对于具有这些法定减轻处罚情节的犯罪人,依法在法定刑以下判处其刑罚,这与当前严惩严重危害社会治安罪犯的斗争是并行不悖的,体现了我国宽严并济的刑事政策和罪刑相当的刑罚原则。重要的问题在于能否正确地适用“减处”规定。  相似文献   

彭文华 《法学》2013,(3):96-105
认定紧急避险限度,"小于说"与"不超过且必要说"均有缺陷。无论紧急避险造成的损害大于、等于还是小于所避免的损害,只要造成了不适当损害,且社会危害严重,均成立避险过当。判断紧急避险的限度,不应当局限于法益性质、数量、单价等客观因素,还应考虑社会善良风俗与道德伦理、法益的规范或社会意义、第三者的自律权、社会共同体责任、法益的重大属性以及社会公共利益等一切影响社会危害的主客观因素。损害生命权原则上不成立紧急避险;如果符合严格的实体与程序条件,作为例外可认定为紧急避险。  相似文献   

一般认为,紧急避险时,为了自己的利益而损害他人同等利益按照避险过当追究刑事责任。笔者认为认定避险过当时不应该采用道德期待标准,而应该考虑到行为人的真正的主观恶性,防止追究刑事责任的扩大化,保护行为人的合法利益。  相似文献   

中立帮助行为由起因要件、主观要件和客观要件构成.确立中立帮助行为过当可罚性观念,须清除"赋予阻止犯罪义务"和"泛自由论"的理论障碍.中立帮助行为过当是主观过当与客观过当的结合体,而主观过当与客观过当分别体现为中立帮助行为过当与关联犯罪的"心理因果性"与"物理因果性".中立帮助行为过当的刑事责任类型包括"正犯化"和"共犯化",而"共犯化"又包括帮助犯化即从犯化,甚至正犯化和主犯化.由于有着"正当性基因",故对中立帮助行为过当应实行"紧缩的刑事政策",即将中立帮助行为过当的刑事处罚限定在关联犯罪侵犯国家安全、国防利益、军事职责、公共安全和暴力侵犯公民人身法益的场合.  相似文献   

刘士心 《河北法学》2002,20(3):39-43
着眼于牵连犯的常见非典型形态 ,对牵连犯的中断、转化、牵连犯相关的共同犯罪、牵连犯与其他罪数形态竞合等问题进行分析探讨 ,拓展传统牵连犯概念的理论视野。  相似文献   

各国规定紧急避险限度要件的立法形式主要有轻于说、法益均衡说和必要程度说。我国刑法采用"必要程度说",但刑法理论采纳了"轻于说",认为损害等于或大于所要保护的利益时,正当合法的有益行为转化为违法的危害社会的行为,成立避险过当,应当负刑事责任。本文认为当避险造成的损害等于其所避免的损害时,成立特殊紧急避险,并且承认其合法性。  相似文献   

陆诗忠 《法治研究》2014,94(10):104-111
我国主流犯罪既遂理论视野下的"阴谋犯"、"举动犯"、"行为犯"、"危险犯"不应成为犯罪既遂形态。事实上,我国《刑法》中的犯罪既遂形态没有刑法理论描述得那样精细,分为两类:"实害结果犯"、"形式结果犯",两者共同构成我国犯罪既遂形态的理论体系。其中,"实害结果犯"是以现实的生活利益遭到直接侵害作为既遂标准的犯罪形态,"形式结果犯"则是以非现实的生活利益遭到直接侵害作为既遂标准的犯罪形态。  相似文献   

数额犯基本问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数额犯是指以法定的数额作为基本犯既遂形态犯罪构成的定量因素的犯罪。数额是数额犯既遂形态的犯罪构成中量的构成要件要素;达到一定的数额是数额犯成立既遂形态对行为侵犯法益程度的要求。数额犯存在未遂形态。  相似文献   

金融犯罪构成形态的立法设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘远  赵玮 《人民检察》2005,(15):11-12
金融犯罪构成形态是金融刑法立法技术的基本问题之一,它主要解决的是一个具体的金融罪刑规范是应该表现为行为犯还是结果犯、目的犯还是非目的犯的问题。行为犯与结果犯、目的犯与非目的犯不仅是司法刑法学上的解释(犯罪成立条件的)工具,而且是立法刑法学上的设计(犯罪构成形态的)工具。行为犯与结果犯、目的犯与非目的犯可以被看作基本犯罪形态,以行为犯与结果犯的对立为横轴,以目的犯与非目的犯的对立为纵轴,可以构建一个关于犯罪构成形态设计技术的坐标系,目的性行为犯、非目的性行为犯、目的性结果犯、非目的性结果犯分别是该技术坐标系的四个象限。  相似文献   

This article asks whether genocide follows the age and gender distributions common to other crime. We develop and test a life‐course model of genocide participation to address this question using a new dataset of 1,068,192 cases tried in Rwanda's gacaca courts. Three types of prosecutions are considered: 1) inciting, organizing, or supervising violence; 2) killings and other physical assaults; and 3) offenses against property. By relying on systematic graphic comparisons, we find that the peak age of those tried in the gacaca courts was 34 years at the time of the genocide, which is older than the peak age for most other types of crime. We likewise find that women were more likely to participate in crimes against property and comparatively unlikely to commit genocidal murder. Symbolic–interactionist explanations of crime suggest people desist from crime as a result of shared understandings of the expectations of adulthood. We argue that this process may be turned on its head during genocide as participants may believe they are defending their communities against a perceived threat. Thus, in contrast to other criminological theories suggesting that people must desist from crime to be accorded adult status, some adults may participate in genocide to fulfill their duties as adult men.  相似文献   

对于犯罪构成要件的逻辑顺序,我国现有的理论观点有:认定犯罪的顺序;犯罪发生的顺序;系统论的逻辑顺序;不同诉讼阶段不同的逻辑顺序;阶层式的逻辑顺序;类型化的逻辑顺序等观点。这些观点虽然表面上各不相同,但是都存在共同的缺陷,即都没有明确研究犯罪构成要件逻辑顺序的功能,也没有认识到犯罪构成要件在刑事实体法与刑事程序法中所具有的不同功能。犯罪构成要件在刑事程序法中的功能是查明事实,在刑事实体法中的功能是认定犯罪性质,根据不同的功能,犯罪构成要件具有不同的逻辑顺序。澄清犯罪构成要件之间的逻辑顺序,不但能促进理论的深化,而且能给予司法者正确的指导,有利于防止冤假错案。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):771-794
Little of the literature on crime at the neighborhood level examines whether and why some crime types predominate in a given neighborhood over other types. Many macro‐level theories do make predictions about the sort of crimes that occur in some neighborhoods, although they remain largely untested. This study focuses on one of these theories, differential opportunity, and its predictions about the making of violent neighborhoods. Drawing on various data sources, this inquiry determines whether crime profiles differ across Chicago neighborhoods—that is, whether there is significant variation across neighborhoods on ratio of violent crimes to other crime types. Next, it also investigates whether the structural factors implicated in the differential opportunity perspective distinguish these neighborhoods or only predict the incidence of crime. The results reveal significant differences in the distribution of crimes across neighborhoods, as well as show that certain factors identify neighborhoods that favor violence over other crimes.  相似文献   

本文是对假想犯这一崭新的犯罪形态展开的初步的尝试性系统研究。文章提出了假想犯的概念 ,并以概念为基础 ,论述了假想犯的构成特征。同时研究了假想犯的类型、假想犯的处罚。  相似文献   

短缩二行为犯属于目的犯中的重要类型,我国《刑法》分则规定了较多的短缩二行为犯,其是指以实施第二个行为为目的的犯罪,但只有第一个行为是构成要件行为,第二个行为不是构成要件行为。短缩二行为犯因其特殊的结构构造使其不同于其它目的犯。正基于此,在短缩二行为犯的共犯形态及罪数形态问题上也相应地区别于一般故意犯罪的犯罪形态,具有其特殊之处。  相似文献   

主观超过因素新论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
主客观相统一的定罪原则并不否定主观超过因素的存在。无论大陆法系刑法抑或英美法系刑法基本都认可主观超过因素的定罪意义。所谓主观超过因素是指在构成犯罪的各要素中,超出故意内涵之外的主观要素,其中主要包括目的犯中的犯罪目的及倾向犯中的内心倾向。对于表现犯中的内心表现完全应该作为犯罪故意的内容,不宜按主观超过因素来对待。在司法实践中,由于主观超过因素存在与否的判断极为艰难,因此必须坚持弱化口供,强化推定及强化证伪的认定原则。  相似文献   

中外司法实务在区分核心和次要的犯罪参与类型时,惯常地考虑参与人的利益归属情况。特别是对于财产性犯罪,直接突破了以构成要件为中心的区分模式,格外侧重于参与人对经济利益的归属。对此,学界尚未进行充分的理论诠释。在肯定利益归属影响论的基础上,将利益归属作为综合区分标准的影响因子之一的做法,不具有体系理性;将利益归属作为认定参与行为发挥的客观作用的间接事实,未体现关联性;将利益归属作为认定参与人主观意思的情状证据,不具有明确性。犯罪参与类型的区分标准具有递进序列的主客观层次,在确认参与人具有实施构成要件的具体行为能力的基础上,利益归属是推定参与人是否具有实施构成要件的行为意志的间接事实。财产性犯罪具有强烈的追求利益的经济性格,以利益归属推定参与人实施构成要件的行为意志,在财产性犯罪中具有更可靠的推定效果。  相似文献   



Investigate the spatial concentrations and the stability of trajectories for disaggregated crime types on street segments and intersections in Vancouver, Canada.


A longitudinal analysis of 16 years of crime data using street segments and intersections as the units of analysis. We use the k-means non-parametric cluster analysis technique considering eight crime types: assault, burglary, robbery, theft, theft of vehicle, theft from vehicle, other, and total crime.


The overall results for the individual crime types versus overall crime are similar: crime is highly concentrated regardless of crime type, most street segment and intersection trajectories are stable over time with the others decreasing, and most decreasing trajectories are in the same general areas. However, there are notable differences across crime types that need to be considered when attempting to understand spatial pattern changes and implement crime prevention initiatives.


The law of crime concentration at places holds in Vancouver, Canada for disaggregated crime types in the context of spatial concentrations and their stability over time. However, notable differences exist across crime types that should be accounted for when developing theory or policy.

This is a study of crime and crime trends in different urban environments in Stockholm. The study is in two major parts. First, on the basis of a study of the factorial social ecology of Stockholm in 1980, the city is grouped into major urban environments, and thereafter the criminality in these different urban environments is studied cross sectionally for 1982. Second, the trends in crime in the city of Stockholm and its different types of urban environments are studied over a 20-year period (1968–1987). The findings show significant differences between types of urban environments in rates of crimes, offenders and victims, crime structure, and crime and distance. Also, the trends in crime were significantly different between different types of urban environments.  相似文献   

Images and videos are common types of evidence in crime scene investigations and laboratory analysis. Images may be taken by the suspect and/or by crime scene investigators and may serve as crucial elements in forensic laboratory analysis. Forensic photographic image comparison is the process of comparing one or more objects or persons in photographs/images when at least one image is known to be related to a crime. The forensic examiner usually compares the images in order to determine whether or not an association between the exhibits in the images can be made. This paper proposes an extension to the currently prevalent photographic image examination method. The extension introduces comparison of landscape and vegetation over time. It is revealed that similarities between images may still be found between the period of time the suspect photograph was taken and the period the crime scene investigator took the photograph from the same area. In this case report, two suspects to be involved in growing a marijuana field were arrested by the police. The forensic experts were asked to examine images taken by the crime scene investigators and to compare them to the images found in the suspects’ phones. They then tried to determine whether the suspects could be linked to the specific locations. While applying techniques derived from morphological comparison methodologies, the plants at the scene provided significant additional information. A tree trunk, branches, and twigs on a hedge in the photographs revealed specific individual characteristics that led the examiner to reach a conclusive decision.  相似文献   

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