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Throughout a considerable part of its history, the InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has customarily refrainedfrom invoking international human rights law, for reason ofthis law's alleged politicisation. However, the changing characterof armed conflicts and other situations of violence where theICRC is currently operating have prompted it to set a frameworkfor making some limited use of selected and applicable humanrights, for the purpose of reinforcing the protection and assistanceit provides. This article examines how the ICRC may use humanrights in this way during armed conflicts, through the prismof international humanitarian law, as well as the conditionsfor their invocation in accordance with relevant ICRC doctrines.  相似文献   

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a privateorganization formed, in 1865, under the laws of Switzerland,with the aim of making wars more humane. In order to achievethis aim, the ICRC dedicated itself to the mission of givingsuccour to the victims of war, and of initiating the adoptionof humanitarian rules of conduct of armed conflicts. In theensuing years, the international community endorsed the workof the ICRC and recognized its roles accordingly. In the meantime,there was no international criminal justice system in placeto punish those who violated the international law of war. Morethan a century and a quarter after the birth of the ICRC, theUnited Nations initiated the creation of an international criminaljustice system, with the establishment of the InternationalCriminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda,under the powers of the Security Council to maintain internationalpeace and security. The objective was to end impunity for thosewho would violate international law by committing genocide,crimes against humanity and war crimes. In a quite notable development,the ICRC registered in absolute terms its position to the effectthat neither it nor those who worked under its auspices maybe subjected to testimony before these International Tribunals.The bases offered for this assertion of absolute testimonialimmunity are the practical requirements of the work of the ICRC,as well as customary international law which is said to haverecognized such a rule. This paper disputes the ICRC's assertionof absolute testimonial immunity as correctly founded in lawor principle, although recognizing that the important work ofthe ICRC does fairly warrant a judicial reluctance to summonICRC into the witness box. Nevertheless, such reluctance mustbe invoked on a case-by-case basis, and is not a matter of substantiverule of law.  相似文献   

朱文奇 《法学家》2003,84(2):85-99
引言 2002年7月1日成立的国际刑事法院,在其通过制定的法院《证据和程序规则》里,给予红十字国际委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)(以下简称“国际红会“)在作证方面享有豁免权.这是一条非常特殊的规定……  相似文献   

This paper analyses the practice of the Courts of the RussianFederation in applying the rules of International Law in theperiod following acceptance of the Constitution of the RussianFederation (1993). The present constitution and the new federallegislation regulate the relevance of International and RussianLaw much differently than they did before. Accordingly, judiciarypractice is developing in a new way. Despite the massive bodyof laws and regulations, there are no precise reference pointsand answers in the legislation to practically important questionsof correct application of the international treaties and generallyrecognized rules. This is one of the reasons why judiciary practiceis developing inconsistently, and the application of InternationalLaw is often incorrect or even wrong. Not all of the internationalnorms are applicable, and not all of the treaties have priorityover laws. There are certain legal conditions for the applicationof international treaties, conditions for when they prevailover laws, and also there is a procedure of application whichshould be observed by Courts trying particular cases. Althoughone can speak of many contradictions, it is wise to take noteof the tendency in judiciary practice to co-ordinated applicationof international and Russian law.  相似文献   

After eight years of litigation, on 21 June 2000 three hemophiliacs infected with HIV finally won a judgment against the Canadian Red Cross Society and the federal government. An Ontario trial court ruled the Red Cross and the government were negligent for having delayed the implementation of heat treatment for blood products, which resulted in the plaintiffs' infections. Since starting their lawsuits in 1992, two of the three plaintiffs died of AIDS before the trial judgment. But the damage awards were criticized by the plaintiffs' lawyer.  相似文献   


This article briefly describes the development of international cougar management guidelines for use in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Release of the guidelines in mid-2005 is intended as the prelude to a further round of redrafting and revision, based on the experience of managers in the field, new scientific developments, and comments from various stakeholders. The guidelines are notable as the outcome of extensive scientific collaboration and careful consultation with wildlife agency administrators. The guidelines draw on the work and experience of cougar specialists in western North America through the regular meetings of the Mountain Lion Workshop.  相似文献   

本联邦法律规定反恐怖主义的基本原则、恐怖主义的预防及反恐怖主义的法律和组织基础、减少和(或)消除恐怖主义表现的后果及在反恐怖斗争中运用俄罗斯联邦武装力量的法律和组织原则。  相似文献   

红十字救护在应对重大自然灾害、突发公共事件的过程中一直发挥着积极、重要的作用.中国红十字会每年耗费巨大的人力、物力、财力进行救护员培训.但在实践中,由于我国现行相关法律法规的缺失,诸多救护员担心即便是正当救护也可能面临承担法律责任的风险,因此在遇到伤者需要救助的情形时也慎于出手,无法更好地发挥群众生命健康守护员的作用.借鉴西方国家"好萨玛利亚人法"的有关规定,我国也应当设置相关法律法规对红十字救护的法律责任实行有条件地豁免,即便救护员应该承担一定的赔偿责任,也应对其责任进行适当限制.  相似文献   

(接上期 )第 40 - 5条 职务任免权限1、俄罗斯联邦总检察长任免下列人员职务 :A、俄罗斯联邦总检察院的总局和局的局长和副局长、处长和副处长 ;总检察长的顾问 ,高级助理和特别委托高级助理、助理和特别委托助理 ;第一副总检察长和副总检察长的特别委托助理 ;总局、局和处的高级检察员和检察员、高级刑事检察员和刑事检察员 ;特别重大案件高级侦查员和侦查员及其助理。其他职务工作人员由俄罗斯联邦副总检察长任命。B、俄罗斯联邦主体检察长及与其同级检察长 ,依据本联邦法第 13条第 1款之规定程序任命。C、俄罗斯联邦主体的副检察长及…  相似文献   

The new Code of Civil Procedure of the RSFSR, adopted on June 11, 1964 by the Third Session of the Sixth RSFSR Supreme Soviet, will go into effect as of October 1, 1964.  相似文献   

Wildlife trafficking, along with other green crimes, receives little attention from the criminological community. This study provides further knowledge of this black market, and exposes the structural harms that are associated with it, by examining the illegal trade in falcons in Russian Far East. The structural harms proposed here are that wildlife trafficking, and the illegal raptor trade in particular endangers the environment, is cruel to animals, and threatens national and human security because of its connection to other dangerous illicit activities. Through semi‐structured interviews, trade statistics, and online news sources, a framework is developed as to who is involved, how it is occurring, and where it is taking place as well as possible ways in which to curb this activity.  相似文献   

唐春 《电子知识产权》2010,(6):41-45,91
国际优先权主要是指各国赋予优先权人的在申请、行使专利权时拥有与优先权日提交申请相同法律地位的权利.国际优先权具有地域性和独立性,其产生和转让可以独立于其他国家的优先权和作为优先权基础的首次申请.而PCT申请自国际申请日起其法律地位就等同于每个指定国的正规国家申请,国际阶段的程序由受理局、国际检索单位、国际局、国际初审单位等多个单位合作完成,相当于指定国通过PCT制度委托这些单位审查本国申请.因而.我国作为指定局对国际阶段所作的优先权恢复不予认可,但作为受理局却承认优先权恢复条件,是对处予PCT程序中不同法律地位和职能时的不同规定,并不矛盾.  相似文献   

The Culture of High Crime Societies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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