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纯粹法学是当今法学研究中的一种重要思潮,它坚持主张将国家实在法律之外的一切规范、道德伦理或价值因素排除出法学的研究范围——这也是其核心命题。那么,怎样评价纯粹法学的这一核心主张才较为恰切?这至少需要从以下五个方面进行分析:它的理论源流;它的纯粹工作本身;它的问题意识;它的理论限度以及它的哲学基础。  相似文献   

凯尔逊的“纯粹法”理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要是介绍和评述凯尔逊的“纯粹法”理论。首先,作者解释了“纯”的含义,以及凯尔逊提出“纯粹法”理论的目的。其次,对凯尔逊关于法律的概念、法律规范的形式结构、法律规则的体系等重要思想进行了介绍。再次,对凯尔逊思想中的公理化的倾向进行了分析,总结了凯尔逊的命令性规范的逻辑的思想。最后,对凯尔逊的思想进行了简短的评述。  相似文献   

民主与法治:宪法诉讼的价值理念探幽   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宪法诉讼的价值主要表现在 :将宪法置于最高法的地位 ,从而防止立法专制 ,从“法治国”走向“法治” ;宪法规范的法律性和宪法判例的政治性的有机结合 ,使形式法治走向实质法治 ;程序性审查与实体性审查的有机结合使法治从形式走向实质。  相似文献   

DIDIER MINEUR 《Ratio juris》2012,25(2):133-148
This paper deals with the connection between law and morality. Such a connection is relevant for political theory, since demonstrating that law necessarily implies a claim to justice would require fundamental rights to be considered the horizon of any legal system, instead of being considered as dependent on the axiological context of liberal democracies. The paper approaches the controversy starting from an overview of the work of the German philosopher Robert Alexy, in particular his attempt to establish an analytical link between law and morality, and to this end considers law as a speech act with a claim to correctness. It then examines the critique put forward by Joseph Raz, that points out the lack of objectivity of this claim to correctness. In order to establish a moral foundation for law, the paper argues that it is necessary to take account of Karl‐Otto Apel's attempt to establish the transcendental foundation of language, as well as of Habermas' critique of that attempt. In conclusion, it is argued that the debate about a possible link between law and morality sheds new light on contemporary debates on liberal justification in political theory.  相似文献   


Authority qua empowerment is theweak reading of authority in Hans Kelsen's writings.On the one hand, this reading appears to beunresponsive to the problem of authority as we know itfrom the tradition. On the other hand, it squares withlegal positivism. Is Kelsen a legal positivist?Not without qualification. For he defends anormativity thesis along with the separation thesis,and it is at any rate arguable that the normativitythesis mandates a stronger reading of authority thanthat modelled on empowerment. I offer, in the paper,a prima facie case on behalf of a stronger reading ofauthority in Kelsen. I go on to argue, however, thatthe textual evidence weighs heavily in favour of theweak reading. Both nomostatics and nomodynamics arepervasive points of view in the Pure Theory of Law,and both reflect species of empowerment as theendpoint of Kelsen's reconstructions.


论凯尔森纯粹法理论的基本概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在凯尔森所创立的纯粹法理论中 ,基本概念的界定已经成为其理论的核心和关键所在。通过对“法律规范”这一基本概念进行严格界定 ,凯尔森不仅自圆其说地阐明了法律学科的独立性与独特性 ,建立了具有原创性的学理思想 ,而且推动了学术研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

立法权正当行使的判准不能由立法权权力本身来证明,它的判断标准不在于法律的"实证性",更重要的是需要突破"法条"回归立法的"社会"维度。在这种意义上,我们探讨凯尔森的"纯粹法学"对立法权正当行使的影响,并揭示其理论的限度就显得十分必要。哈耶克和莱奥尼对凯尔森的理论进行了深刻的批判。哈耶克从社会理论出发认为立法权正当行使不能超越内部规则,而在莱奥尼看来,立法权正当行使应当来源于个人的诉求。  相似文献   

梅傲 《现代法学》2015,(2):153-166
随着时代的发展、新技术革命的影响,整个国际社会的交往已经摆脱了地域的限制,涉外民商事关系出现主体多元化、法律行为空间偶然化的特征,为了将国际民商事交往中崇尚人本关怀的社会价值加以确认与弘扬,要求国际私法的原则、规则适时进行调整。"人本说"认为:解决涉外私权争议是国际私法的存在基础;明确保护私权是国际私法的中心任务;弱化国家主权在国际私法中的影响;提高"人"在国际私法中的主体地位,确立意思自治原则为选法之首要规则;保护弱者权益的人文关怀应渗透到国际私法的更多层面;应在总则中引入例外条款,限定最密切联系原则的适用范围;给予法官和当事人更具确定性和可预见性的冲突规则。  相似文献   

凯尔森纯粹法学中的价值回潮现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于凯尔森的纯粹法学,学界在强调其实证倾向时往往忽视了其向价值主义的部分回归。通过对纯粹法学的全面考察,我们看到,凯氏学说中的价值回潮主要表现在哲学基础、学说体系、理论预设和方法论等七个方面。凯氏向价值主义的靠拢启示我们:二十一世纪中国法理学的走向必定是价值与实证的密切结合!经验实证与价值分析形如法学研究的左右支柱,缺一不可,不容偏废。  相似文献   

Recent literature on comparative judicial politics reveals a variety of roles that courts adopt in the process of democratization. These include, very rarely, serving as a trigger for democratization and, more commonly, serving as downstream guarantor for departing autocrats or as downstream consolidator of democracy. In light of these roles, this article reviews six relatively recent books: Courts in Latin America, edited by Helmke and Rios‐Figueroa (2011 ); Judges Beyond Politics in Democracy and Dictatorship: Lessons from Chile, by Hilbink (2007 ); Cultures of Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America, edited by Couso, Huneeus, and Sieder (2011 ); The Legacies of Law: Long‐Run Consequences of Legal Development in South Africa, 1652–2000, by Meierhenrich (2008 ); Judging Russia: Constitutional Court in Russian Politics 1990–2006, by Trochev (2008 ); and New Courts in Asia, edited by Harding and Nicholson (2010 ).  相似文献   

The two questions, "What is public health law?" and "How can law improve the public's health?" are perennial ones for public health law scholars. This paper proposes a framework for conceptualizing discussion and debate about the scope and opportunities for public health law within liberal democracies. Part 2 of the paper draws selectively on this framework in order to highlight some areas where law's potential role deserves greater acknowledgment and exploration.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,后现代主义在西方蓬勃发展并对加拿大法学理论界产生影响,形成了加拿大的新现实主义法学。这种法学包含了女权主义法学理论、批判种族主义法学理论、原住民法学理论、同性(双性)恋法学理论和批判残疾人法学理论等形态。  相似文献   

The Development of System Justification in the Developing World   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
System justification theorists have proposed that under some circumstances ‘‘people who suffer the most from a given state of affairs are paradoxically the least likely to question, challenge, reject, or change it’’ Jost et al. (2003). These claims are contrary to theories that suggest that group members seek to enhance their self-interest or group-interest (e.g., realistic group conflict theory, rational choice models). The present study, conducted in one of the poorest countries in the world, Bolivia, tested if even the most impoverished people of the world will endorse beliefs justifying the status quo. A survey of 356 Bolivian school children found that low-status children endorse beliefs in the effectiveness of government in meeting the people’s needs more than their high-status counterparts. The results suggest that system-justifying beliefs are endorsed by low-status group members in even the most extreme cases of poverty, and even among the youngest politically aware members of society, and they raise questions about the capacity for true social change in those parts of the world that may need it the most.
P. J. HenryEmail: Phone: +1-773-325-4148Fax: +1-773-325-7888

行为论的演进历史就是犯罪论的发展历史,然而,过分注重行为论对于犯罪论的演绎作用并赋予行为论过多的功能,反而使行为论本身走向萎缩与崩溃。行为论中应当完成的主要任务是将值得纳入刑法评价范围的行为从案件事实中选取出来,以作为犯罪论的判断对象,即发挥作为界限要素的功能。当被选取的行为数量为复数时,还必须进而考察应当将其作分断处理还是统合处理。据此,行为论就可以通过行为特定论以及一体的行为论被重新激活。行为的特定论承担着发挥行为作为界限要素的功能;一体的行为论承担着在体系性思考与问题性思考之间切换的功能。本文尝试以规范的社会行为论选定刑法中的行为,以实现行为的特定化,进而探讨一体的行为论对于构成要件该当性、违法性、有责性、罪数论的辐射意义。  相似文献   

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