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论医疗产品损害责任   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
医疗机构在医疗过程中使用有缺陷的药品、消毒药剂、医疗器械以及血液及血液制品等医疗产品,因此造成患者人身损害,医疗机构或者医疗产品生产者、销售者应当承担的医疗损害赔偿责任属医疗产品损害责任。这种医疗产品损害责任适用无过失责任原则,适用《产品质量法》规定的产品侵权责任的一般规则,其基本责任形态是不真正连带责任,在特殊情形下构成连带责任。  相似文献   

韦忠语 《河北法学》2001,19(6):79-82
对律师执业赔偿责任性质的认识,会直接影响到《律师法》的贯彻执行.也影响到当事人权利的救济。根据《律师法》的规定和民商法的基本原理,律师执业赔偿符合侵权责任的法律特征.因而其本质上是一种特殊的民事侵权责任。  相似文献   

信息产品责任研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋云蔚 《现代法学》2008,30(1):166-172
信息产品存在缺陷导致损害,其提供者是否应当承担类似于有体物产品责任的严格责任?这是一个值得研究的问题。尽管信息产品具备大规模生产、大批量流通等导致严格责任的属性,但对言论自由的威胁、对无限责任的担忧使得信息产品的严格责任目前只能在十分有限的范围内成立。事实性、应用型信息的作者应就产品存在的缺陷对受害人的损害承担过错责任,出版者、发行者应就产品存在的缺陷对受害人的损害承担严格责任。  相似文献   

违反安全保障义务侵权行为的赔偿责任探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姜淑明 《时代法学》2004,2(6):46-50
公共场所、宾馆、学校等从事经营活动或其他社会活动的人,违反安全保障义务而给消费者或其他社会大众造成人身、财产损失的行为,是一种不作为侵权行为,经营者必须对此后果承担赔偿责任。经营者承担赔偿责任必须符合一般侵权行为民事责任的构成要件。承担责任的形式可能是直接责任,也可能是补充责任。  相似文献   

The size and variability of jury damage awards in tort cases has been a contentious issue for over a decade. Nevertheless, there has been little empirical work addressing the relationship between the size of jury awards to products liability victims and their compensable losses. This paper examines this relationship using a sample of California cases. A compensatory model of damages based on plaintiff, injury, and case characteristics explains a large proportion of the variance in damage awards suggesting that juries rely heavily on monetary and non-monetary loss estimates in determining damages. The evidence argues against charges of unpredictability, and indicates undercompensation on average.  相似文献   

Should there be civil liability when a person who could easily and without risk rescue another fails to do so? It is argued that the failure to act does not cause the harm that follows, and that the misfeasance/nonfeasance distinction provides no basis for liability. In spite of this, it is maintained that there can sometimes be a duty to rescue, and even a right to be rescued, even in the absence of a voluntary undertaking or an explicit assumption of responsibility. There are convincing arguments for some sort of legal recognition of a duty to rescue, but these arguments do not support tort liability. Nor is a case for tort liability made with the argument that a growth of tort law in this direction would be compatible with the values most centrally involved in the division between torts and contracts. Furthermore, there is a case against tort liability — namely, that the purpose of tort liability is to compensate, that there are certain sorts of situations in which compensation is apposite, and that failure to rescue does not fit into these categories. Criminal liability is the appropriate way for the law to recognize a duty to rescue.  相似文献   

杨立新 《河北法学》2012,30(6):16-17,18,19,20,21,22
医疗产品损害责任是《侵权责任法》第59条规定的医疗损害责任类型,关于责任分担的规则规定得不够完善,应当根据产品责任的一般规则以及侵权责任法的连带责任规则进行补充.血液属于准产品,应当适用医疗产品损害责任规则确定医疗机构的赔偿责任.消毒药剂构成医疗产品损害责任,其缺陷的判定有一定特点.  相似文献   

In the literature on the economics of tort law the Cournot-Nash equilibrium concept has been undisputed. In particular, the existence of a Cournot-Nash safety equilibrium has been taken for granted, given the usual convexity assumptions. In this paper a simple model of strict liability with the defence of contributory negligence is considered. Liability is assumed to be limited. It is shown that for a certain range of liability limits no Cournot-Nash safety equilibrium in pure strategies exists. A mixed strategy equilibrium exists but it turns out to be suboptimal.  相似文献   

折喜芳 《河北法学》2001,19(4):145-146
保证责任的性质在我国《担保法》中没有述及,很多人将保证责任理解为一种民事责任,这从起始便把保证人放于不平衡的位置,有损害保证人权益之虞。从民事责任、义务的关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考,普通意义上所说的保证责任只能是一种特殊的“一般债务”。  相似文献   

戴琼 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):46-50
涉外产品责任是一种特殊的涉外侵权责任。在法律适用方面,各国的规定不尽相同,较具代表性的有侵权行为地法、政府利益分析法、最密切联系原则以及原告选择法律、海牙产品责任法律适用条约等,各有利弊。我国现行法规关于涉外产品责任的法律适用,存在较多缺陷,亟需完善。  相似文献   

梁亚 《时代法学》2007,5(3):54-61
警示缺陷意味着产品警示适当性的缺失。适当的产品警示在内容、语言、设计以及位置方面均需满足一定的要求,而且还应当排除不必要警示的干扰。警示缺陷的认定采用风险-效用的权衡分析与消费者合理期待标准相结合的方法。在警示缺陷诉讼中,过失责任为适当的归责原则;因果关系的证明是追究生产者警示缺陷责任必须具备的前提,生产者可以主张特定的抗辩事由来对抗产品最终用户的权利要求。  相似文献   

In Lister v Hesley Hall [2002] 1 AC 215 the House of Lords reformedthe law on vicarious liability, in the context of a claim arisingover the intentional infliction of harm, by introducing the‘close connection’ test. The immediate catalystwas the desire to facilitate recovery of damages on the partof victims of child abuse. The precise form the revision assumedwas derived from two Canadian Supreme Court cases: Bazley vCurry [1999] 174 DLR (4th) 45 and Jacobi v Griffiths [1999]174 DLR (4th) 7. The Canadian jurisprudence contains a detailedreview of the policy factors underpinning the law of vicariousliability and expresses the view that the most significant ofthese is ‘enterprise liability’. This article attemptsto establish whether enterprise liability holds the same significancein the UK. And, on the assumption that it does, the articlegoes on to consider any difficulties that may ensue and anyfurther common law reforms that may result. In particular itconsiders whether the law on vicarious liability for independentcontractors is likely to change.  相似文献   

This Article is based on a presentation given at Seton Hall University School of Law's Seventh Annual Health Law Symposium on February 12, 1999.  相似文献   

李明辉 《河北法学》2005,23(4):33-35
对于注册会计师的过失责任应适用连带责任还是比例责任,目前理论界存在争议,而这一问题对于注册会计师的法律风险具有相当大的影响。从西方来看,更多地采用连带责任,但近年来,以美国为代表,正表现出逐渐从连带责任向比例责任的转变的趋势。我国目前有关法律亦采用连带责任,但从我国注册会计师的执业环境来看,连带责任将使注册会计师承担过高的法律风险,因此,对于注册会计师的过失责任采用比例责任可能更为合适。  相似文献   

杨立新 《法学家》2012,(3):30-39,176
医疗管理损害责任是《侵权责任法》规定的医疗损害责任中的一种具体类型,与医疗伦理损害责任、医疗技术损害责任和医疗产品损害责任一道,构成医疗损害责任的类型体系。医疗管理损害责任应当适用《侵权责任法》第54条的规定确定赔偿责任,但与该法第34条第1款规定的用人单位责任构成竞合关系,受害患者可以根据自己的利益选择法律。  相似文献   

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