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本文全面分析了当前我国公安院校大学生在理想和信念方面存在的七种问题 ,针对这些问题提出必须加强公安院校大学生的理想信念教育 ,指出我们应当教育和引导公安院校大学生确立四种理想 ,同时也指出了为实现这四种理想必须具备的四种条件。  相似文献   

It is believed that Buddhism reached China through the Silk Road around the first century A.D., and subsequently, Buddhist arts and crafts arrived from countries like India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. An example would be the artworks found in grottoes built along the Silk Road in China. The Mogao Caves near the city of Dunhuang in Gansu Province in northwest China, the Longmen Grottoes near Luoyang in central China's Henan Province, and the Yungang Grottoes near Datong in Shanxi Province in north China are the three most important places in the country where Buddhist grottoes have been found.  相似文献   

正A walet was lost in an unfamiliar city.Shock,stress and fear ensued predictably,but were unexpectedly short-lived.A maiden encounter with the city police,12 hours of self-berating and an unknown benefactor later,the wallet was returned.The Good Samaritan who made the effort to return it will remain unknown.For now,let us call her Beijing.The wallet in question was left behind on the  相似文献   

ONE of the first Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in China, the coastal city Shenzhen has been standing on the forefront of China’s reform and opening-up since the policy was first inaugurated. Over the past 31 years it has grown from a rough-and-tumble fishing village to a sprawling metropolis bustling with traffic in the daytime and lit up with neon lights at night. Last year its GDP reached RMB 951 billion, more than twice that of the national total in 1978.  相似文献   

人生存发展的内在动力、人生意义的终极保证以及社会力量整合和凝聚的精神力量,在于坚定的信仰.一个社会的普遍信仰总是反映出社会的主导性价值观,信仰的危机,是社会核心价值观失落的表现.信仰建设,不能仅局限在思想道德领域;根本持久的措施,是要勇于面对现实,积极应对现实问题.  相似文献   

论法律信仰的培植   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,需要有公民对法律的信仰作为理念的基础.在我国,由于受各种因素的制约,公民对法律的信仰还没有建立起来.在法治化过程中,我们要高度重视法律信仰的培植.要通过完善立法,改革司法,建立起法律的权威;要通过和发展社会主义市场经济,提高全民族的科学文化素质和道德水平,为法律信仰的形成提供必要的基础和条件.  相似文献   

一个时期以来,我们发现妇女在精神信仰方面存在着一些问题,在目前形势下,很有必要对这个问题进行讨论.为此,我们邀请了有关专家从各自学科的角度,对妇女精神信仰在当代的表现特点、妇女更容易产生精神信仰问题的原因和反映出的问题、以及怎样帮助妇女摆脱精神信仰危机等问题,交流了各自的看法.  相似文献   

金伟 《理论月刊》2003,1(9):128-131
教育信仰的缺损严重影响了当今教育活动,反映在德育教学中同样如此。德育教师的教育信仰如何,决定了德育的效果。德育教师的教育信仰,应集中体现在道德信仰上,对德育价值的高度认同上和德育教师的人格魅力上。德育教师对道德信仰的坚定性成为德育教师教育信仰的核心要素。  相似文献   

不安抗辩是大陆法上的概念,预期违约是英美法独有的制度,二者非常相似,都是在订约后履行前,一方发现另一方有不能履行的风险。但二者在适用范围以及法律救济等方面又有严格的区别,是各自独立的两种法律制度。  相似文献   

佛教因果思想在两千多年的传承中已成为我国优秀传统文化中的一部分,它更是每一个中国人根深蒂固的思想观念,然而在当今社会,许多人不再相信"因果"思想,肆无忌惮的去做坏事,社会上出现了许多道德沦丧的事件。分析造成上述现状的原因,意在让大家对佛教因果思想有个正确的认识,从而坚固大家的因果观念,促进我国社会和谐。  相似文献   

从微观透视,"信"最根本的涵义是诚实不欺,是处理人与人之间关系的基本原则,是做人的根本;从宏观上概括,儒家信观念的主要目标是维护封建社会的伦理准则和道德秩序,防止怀奸饰邪产生无信之祸,赢得民众信任并保持社会稳定.市场经济是信用经济,表现为法的一般理性就是诚实信用原则.我国体制转轨时期市场信用的缺乏与市场秩序的恶化,在很大程序上是人为干扰公共规则的结果.随着经济的发展,当社会主义制度所具有的道德与法制文明建构的功能得到充分发挥,儒家"信"观念的积极作用会表现得更为明显.  相似文献   

DO you know the six good habits that will help reduce your carbon footprint at the dinner table, or the 50 roles that will enable you to lead a low-carbon life? The answers are available from a green-committed group on the Chinese online community Douban (http://www. douban.com): they welcome their visitors with an earnest "Are you going lowcarbon today?"  相似文献   

正On July 9,the Chinese Government released a document on accelerating the growth of new business forms and models in foreign trade. The document proposed to promote innovations in China's foreign trade sector,in terms of systems,management,service,business forms and models. Meanwhile,policies and pragmatic measures on new business forms and models of foreign trade have been drafted,covering cross-border e-commerce,market purchase,comprehensive foreign trade service companies,offshore trade,and overseas warehouses.  相似文献   

正An early cold front hitting the nation this year and a resurgence of the economy caused global energy prices to skyrocket, as more energy is needed to produce, light and heat. China now faces the increasing double pressure of energy demand and energy saving, making improving energy efficiency the only option.  相似文献   

As China adjusted its import tariffs for a range of products as of January 1,2020,foreign goods will be available to domestic consumers at lower prices,according to a circular released by the Customs Tariff Commission(CTC)of the State Council.The measure aims to expand imports,promote the coordinated development of trade and the trade environment,and advance the highquality development of the country.  相似文献   

马克思主义在中国的确立阶段是马克思主义在中国最先开始的一个阶段。这一阶段开始于马克思主义在中国的传播之初,完成于马克思主义中国化的开端。其逻辑前提为:理论本身被信仰是马克思主义在中国确立的先在条件;基本理论的完整传播是马克思主义在中国确立的内在基点;理论与实际相结合的理论自觉是马克思主义在中国确立的根本要求。  相似文献   

<正>Better performing central SOEs will accelerate mixed-ownership reform ‘In the first quarter centrally administered state-owned enterprises(SOEs)realized sales revenues of 6 trillion yuan(869billion),"said Shen Ying,chief accountant of the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission(SASAC)of the  相似文献   

<正>China’s property market may see a mild growth amid divergent regional performance ‘Real estate regulation"and"purchase limit,"once considered keywords in the property industry,were not mentioned for the first time in eight years at the 2014 annual conference on housing and urban-rural development,  相似文献   

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