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社区自主权是少数民族旅游发展中的一种特殊方法,在旅游利益、文化自觉、民族自觉方面具有重要意义,但存在在着“阴影”,因此必须加强社区营造,走向良性的社区主权的运作。  相似文献   

ZHANG XIUHUA 《人权》2007,6(5):9-12
Lying to the south of the west- ern extension of the Chang'an Avenue,the artery of commu- nication that runs through the breadth of central Beijing, Lugu area has come into the national lime- light for pioneering a string of reforms aimed at promoting grassroots democracy in Chinese cities.Since the"Lugu Com- munity"came into being in April 2004,  相似文献   

四川泸沽湖摩梭旅游经济发展与婚姻家庭的承继与变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张利 《贵州民族研究》2008,28(2):148-155
现代旅游经济是促使旅游地民族文化变迁的重要途径.泸沽湖摩梭人由于旅游经济发展带来了传统婚姻家庭继承和变迁的双重效应.一方面,巩固了传统婚姻家庭特质的承继;另一方面异文化的介入促使了摩梭人传统观念变 化,从而引起传统婚姻家庭的变迁.摩梭婚姻家庭的承继与变迁正走着一条传统文化与现代文化并存、二元结合的路子,它是摩梭人在现代旅游经济发展中的一种自我选取.这种种选取是摩梭人内源性发展的表现,而非外力强迫所致.  相似文献   

李锦 《思想战线》2004,30(2):98-102
聚落生态系统中包含的人地关系,是形成和影响民族文化生态的主要因素,随着人类对土地和资源利用方式的变化,会产生一些与传统不同的人地关系,从而影响到民族文化的变迁,引发人们对民族文化流失的担忧.泸沽湖是一个多民族的聚居地,近20年,随着旅游业的发展,聚落生态系统也出现了分化,旅游聚落生态系统的经济活力增强、边界扩大,引起民族文化的变化,而泸沽湖周边最具特色的母系文化,在这一变迁过程中,表现出相当的适应性,为我们正确认识聚落生态系统变迁的影响提供了一个有益的个案.  相似文献   

Lake kanas     
A typical moraine lake 1,000 kilometers north of urumqi. In the Mongolian language, Kanas means "beautiful, rich in resources and mysterious." Three wonders of this lake are much talked about: the mysterious lake creature,  相似文献   

QIANDAO(Thousand-Island)Lake in Zhe-jiang Province is oneof China's most popu-lar tourist destinations.rounded by the largest forest park in thecountry.Its average depth is34meters,and the water is clear to a depth of7to12meters.It is so fresh that it can bedrunk directly from the lake.One local tells of his idyllic lifestyle:"People here live in scenic houses,drinkmineral water,eat fresh lake fish,andbreathe pure oxygen."All the residentsof Qiandaohu enjoy their simple,unso-phisticated …  相似文献   

正ANYONE traveling between Xigaze City and Gyirong County,or between Xigaze City and Saga County via the corridor in front of Mt.Xixabangma,would en route be unable to miss Baiku Co,a large undisturbed crystal blue body of water that stands out in the drab flat terrain of a great wilderness.Sprawling over 300 square kilometers and standing at  相似文献   

明末清初西湖小说有着浓郁的地域特色,蕴含着丰富的地域文化精神:从生命关爱到人文关怀;热爱生活,对生活环境的爱护与美化,注重对物质生活的享受,同时也追求高雅的精神品位;崇尚才学.  相似文献   

Does a desert adventure appeal to you? This is no longer just a drew, There is a the desert only 47km from Yinchuan, capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and it is served by coaches and taxis from the city center. The surprising thing is that the desert borders a lake.  相似文献   

Beijing's first ever health-themed star hotel held its grand opening in December 2009.  相似文献   

West Lake fish in piquant sauce is a dish that originates in ancient China in a touching story about two brothers named Song. The brothers loved to fish, and were good at it. One day the elder brother married a beautiful woman. A local villain, however, jealous of Song’s wife, wanted her for himself and murdered the elder Song. The younger brother and his sisterin-law were filled with indignation and filed a lawsuit against the villain. But the local officials were in league with the villain and drove them out.  相似文献   

THE swan goose is a large water-fowl of the Anatidae bird family.This bird lives mainly in and around lakes,ponds,rivers,and swamps.It has been circulated in China that the swan goose can carry letters for humans,hence the laudatory title of postman has been given to this bird.  相似文献   

在上个世纪“向湖要粮”的年代里,湖区百姓从洞庭湖围垦出了大小700多个巴垸,围湖造田面积高达1700平方公里,湖区面积和容积分别减少了34%和43%。今天,洞庭湖区100多个工业企业年排污水达2亿吨以上,每年化肥施用量和农药用量分别为220万吨和2万吨。这种违背自然规律的做法,终于遭受到大自然无情的报复。在上个世纪的最后10年里,洞庭湖区先后经历了7次特大洪水袭击,造成的直接经济损失高达数千亿元,是区内同期财政收入的10倍多。工农业生产的废水和城镇污水,导致了湖区内各种有机物尤其是总磷、总氮超标…  相似文献   

<正>The man-made lake creates 1,000 isles of varied forms,and wandering through them,people are able to take in the breathtaking picturesque scenery from any angle. QIANDAO Lake National Forest Park is located in Chun’an County of Hangzhou,east China’s Zhejiang Province.The tourist destination is 129 kilometers away from downtown Hangzhou.With a total area of 92,300 hectares,of which 54,400 hectares are covered by water,the park has 93 percent of its area covered by forests.It is now a nati...  相似文献   

<正>It’s hairy crab season at Yangcheng Lake!Ring in the season by celebrating at Mercure Suzhou Park HotelSuites,which presents its hairy crab delights a mere 15 minutes from Yangcheng Lake.The culinary team at SOHO Chinese Restaurant offers top quality hairy crabs together with an array of hairy crab dishes.All the hairy crabs come directly from Yangcheng Lake,  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: As our readers probably know, "harmonious society," a call issued by the ruling Communist Party, is now a pet phrase in China, meaning balanced development of different regions, balanced development of the town and countryside, sufficient attention to the underprivileged etc. How the call is being translated into grassroots action? The following article may help you find an answer.  相似文献   

The West Lake won its bid for World Heritage status with its picturesque landscape and deep cultural connotations.  相似文献   

洪泽湖是江苏省淮安等城市主要的水源地,由于受到淮河等人湖客水和流域内工业、农业与城乡生活污水影响,湖水水质已经下降为劣V类,远远低于国家规定的水源地水质要求。加强洪泽湖水源地保护刻不容缓。该文在对洪泽湖水污染现状调查分析的基础上,从法规、机制、管理等多方面提出了加强洪泽湖水源地保护的措施。  相似文献   

Two ancient cities lying at the bottom of Qiandao Lake were unveiled,enthralling the nation with their mystery and beauty.From April 27 to May 1,China Central Television and Zhejiang Satellite Television jointly telecast an underwater exploration of the two cities.With reporters on site and an unmanned helicopter filming over the lake,the two television stations presented a three-dimensional view of the two cities to spectators across the country.Beneath the serene water of Qiandao Lake (a lake with a thousand islands) lie the two ancient sites—Shicheng City and HechengCity—a discovery that has since captured the imagination of observers.  相似文献   

如果说20世纪是资源的世纪,那么21世纪则是水的世纪。不少人预言,围绕水资源利用问题将是地区之间、族群之间冲突热点之一。学术界也把水循环作为继碳循环、氮循环研究之后的又一新的热点研究领域。我国北方的沙尘暴、南方的旱洪灾,以及大部分城市的水资源短缺,无一不预示着我国水资源问题面临的严峻形势。在全社会基本取得共识,在中央以及地方各级政府的大力支持下,洞庭湖区“退田还湖”计划已取得了阶段性成果。如何修复洞庭湖的生态环境、提高湖区人民生活水平也就成为亟待解决的问题之一。以笔者之管见,至少应该从下面几个方…  相似文献   

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