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City governments were better prepared to face the 1990–1992recession than were state governments, and they adjusted theirbudgets with relatively less fanfare. The absence of widespreadbankruptcy notwithstanding, the fiscal position of cities hasdeterioratedandsome ofthe necessary adjustments were painful.Services were reduced as real per capita expenditure growthdeclined, taxes were increased, and the entire local governmentsector remained in deficit during the past six years. The problemhas not been softened by federal or state policies; in fact,the flow of both federal and state aid slowed markedly duringthe late 1980s. A combination of economic and social forcessuggests that many of the nation's older cities will not outgrowthis fiscal stress and their budgetary well-being will be moredependent on state and federal policies.  相似文献   

首都城市功能问题是一个关系到民族国家兴衰的大问题。本旨在从政治学角度研究首都城市功能,为首都城市更好地发挥在国家现代化建设中的“龙头”作用提供理论依据。本探讨了首都城市的内涵和功能叠加过程,阐述了由核心功能与叠加功能构成的首都城市功能系统,分析了“聚变叠加”与“裂变叠加”两种不同的功能叠加模式,提出了“叠加功能异化论”、“叠加功能木桶论”、“叠加功能中心聚焦论”和“功能转移论”等理论观点。本侧重于从应然与实然的双重角度对首都城市功能加以考察,并采用历史分析法、系统功能分析法和比较法进行研究。  相似文献   

City kids     
Mark Haven 《Society》1973,10(6):72-75

Contracting out has become an accepted and, indeed, universal method of providing services in both the private and public sectors. Yet rarely has a municipality outsourced just about every service under its direct control—from public safety (police and fire), to solid waste collection and disposal, to parks maintenance, to municipal engineering and legal services. Weston, Florida, a city of some 62,000 residents, operates with just three employees—the city manager and two assistants. Hence the primary role of city manager has changed as well, from day-to-day administrator to contract manager and monitor. This essay describes the contracting operations in Weston and evaluates their efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Local governments have been involved in a continuous reform process during recent decades. In many cases, this process has focused on the introduction of performance measurement and management. Reforms have evolved from the mere use of indicators to integrated management systems. In this article, the Balanced Scorecard, a system designed to answer the need for integrated management systems, is used as the framework to analyse how local governments have managed the use of performance management systems. The demands for better public performance, for greater customer focus, for enhanced decision-making and for increased responsiveness have an important role in the design of performance management systems. In addition, a perceived crisis in the area of management can act as catalyst for the implementation.  相似文献   

Within the UK, City Deals, essentially bespoke packages of funding and decision‐making negotiated between national government and local authorities, are increasingly taking centre stage in promoting economic growth. Each City Deal is seen to reflect the needs of individual cities and their surrounding regions, and each has its own distinctive funding and development agenda. Although the City Deal model has been broadly welcomed by national and local political leaders, concerns have been more widely expressed about its operation and effectiveness. This paper outlines the development and characteristics of the City Deals programme and offers a reflective commentary on a number of issues surrounding the programme, namely, accountability and evaluation, the relationship between the local and national states, the role of planning, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

如今公共外交越来越受到全球各国的重视。随着全球化发展的加剧、城市化进程的加速以及互联网技术发展带来的国家观念弱化的现实背景下,城市在全球发展中的作用也越来越大,城市公共外交也就由此进入研究的视野。从城市公共外交出现的背景、公共外交的内涵、开展城市公共外交的内外因素、扬州的城市公共外交实践等方面对全球传播视域下的城市公共外交做一些梳理,希望由此引起人们对城市公共外交的更多关注。  相似文献   

路欣 《学理论》2013,(22):86-88
招商引资是伊春市进行资源型城市转型,发展循环经济、实现可持续发展的重要途径。面对国内招商引资热的现状,伊春市从自身实际出发,走一条绿色发展创新的招商引资之路是关键。针对伊春市现状及资源型城市转型所带来的难点,突破瓶颈,实事求是,对伊春市招商引资工作存在的难点问题、原因、机遇以及对策做简要剖析。  相似文献   

城市经营是指对城市资源和资产的市场化运作 ,它反映了城市管理模式从传统的计划经济向现代市场经济模式转变、并形成有效合理的现代城市治理结构的要求。要实现城市的不断增值和可持续发展 ,提高城市的区域平台价值 ,从而强化城市的吸引力和凝聚力 ,就必须处理好城市经营与城市规划的关系以及城市经营与城市管理的关系。  相似文献   

城市社区建设的探索和推进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市社区建设是在党和政府的统一领导下,由民政部门牵头进行的。推进城市社区建设,是城市社区服务巩固、提高和发展的重要保证,是城市基层政权和群众自治组织建设改革的突破口和新的工作重心,是城市民政工作新的生长点。推进城市社区建设,对于城市基层政权的巩固和社会稳定,对于坚持党的群众路线和进一步扩大基层民主具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对国内近年来对于城中村和城中村改造的文献进行研究总结了国内近年来城中村及其改造研究的特征和所发现的问题并指出了今后城中村研究的趋势,并对相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

大学对城市文化发展有着十分重要的引导、辐射、支持和提升作用.利用大学的优质教育资源,推进市民文化素质提高,加强与城市文化互动,加强城市文化建设的理论探索,是发挥大学对城市文化发展助推作用的有效途径.  相似文献   

关于城市规划中公众参与的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尹娜 《理论导刊》2005,(7):9-11
目前我国城市规划中的公众参与无论从理论到实践均不容乐观,这显然与社会主义民主政治的要求不相吻合。从我国公众参与历史现状来看,建立开放的公众参与的城市规划制度有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

城市社区建设中的目标选择与“行政推动”   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
关于城市社区建设,我认为有两个问题值得思考:一是城市社区建设中的目标选择问题,二是城市社区建设中的“行政推动”问题。  相似文献   

城市社区建设中的中介组织培育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市社区建设不是独立的单项活动,而是承载着多种功能和期盼的复杂的行动体系。城市社区建设内容的丰富性和复杂性使得它不只是某一个部门的工作,而应是整个政府的责任,是政府主导的、由社会的各个方面包括广大居民参与的活动。尽管由于参与的角度、在社区建设中所扮演的角色、兴奋点不同,但城市社区建设作为一个系统工程应该有  相似文献   

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