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民族自治地方立法作为我国地方立法的一个重要组成部分,其立法权限有别于一般行政区、经济特区和特别行政区,主要体现为民族自治地方立法享有一定程度的自治权、变通权和补充权。明确民族自治地方立法权限,充分运用和行使这些特权,加强民族自治地方立法工作,不仅为民族自治地方服务,也为国家的民族立法提供实践先导。  相似文献   

余丹 《法学论坛》2012,(2):102-107
目前,食品安全立法技术是基于完全理性论基础上制定的,这种立法理念是相信人拥有完全理性认识能力,对一切事物采取正面看法,其立法技术特征是以"增进善"为立法目的,因而在力图表明技术指标确定性的同时,导致了片面性。科学哲学家波普尔、库恩的有限理性论则认为,衡量一种理论科学地位的标准不是"可证实",而是"可证伪性"或"可反驳性",在此立法理念指引下的立法技术特征表现为:立法目的并不一定会"增善",但却可以"减少恶"。因此,以有限理性论为分析视角,可修正立法技术,使立法技术指标不仅具有确定性,更具有全面性。  相似文献   

行政立法后评估制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政立法后评估制度是一项亟待正式确立与完善的制度,现存问题很多,尚未形成稳定的评估体系、缺乏统一的评估标准、评估主体过窄、评估开展时间不科学、评估结果效力不明确等。基于上述问题的简明分析,提出应该构建系统化的行政立法后评估制度及其配套制度,规范评估内容、评估程序、评估方法以及评估标准,扩大评估主体范围,确定评估时间以及保障评估结果的运用。  相似文献   

杨昌宇 《北方法学》2010,4(3):117-124
公民权利作为现代宪政的核心主题,是透视俄罗斯宪政问题的一个最为重要的视角。自20世纪以来,俄罗斯社会转型过程中先后出现了三种类型的宪法,公民权利在宪法中从形式到内容发生了历史性的演变,从宪法规范的语言表述、到公民权利规范在宪法文本中的位次、再到具体的权利内容,都发生了根本性的变化。在立宪理念上,专制主义、集体主义和自由主义(个人主义)分别主导着1906年根本法、1918年苏俄宪法和1993年联邦宪法。厘清这种变化对当下俄罗斯公民权利的保障与实现有重要的意义,对透视转型国家的宪政发展有积极的启示。  相似文献   

陈伯礼 《河北法学》2006,24(1):17-21
立法民主的核心含义是指在立法决策、立法活动中,依据民主原则,贯彻民主原则,法文件的内容则不能作为立法民主的内涵要素.现代立法的要求之一是贯彻立法民主原则,其根据在于,现代法乃是人们享受良好人世生活的一种制度安排,从理性上说,公民有保留立法权力的要求;现代国家社会成员地位的平等,要求立法活动遵行民主原则.  相似文献   

In early work on women in Congress, scholars consistently identified a tendency among women legislators to be more liberal roll‐call voters than male copartisans. Recent changes in Congress point to the polarization of women, where Democratic women remain more liberal than Democratic men but Republican women are no different from, or more conservative than, Republican men. We use newly available state legislative roll‐call data to determine whether women state legislators are more liberal or polarized than male copartisans. We find that while Democratic women state legislators remain consistently more liberal than male copartisans in most state chambers, Republican women legislators are growing more conservative. Thus, women state legislators are increasingly polarized in most U.S. states. Legislator replacement and increasing polarization among state legislators in office contribute to this effect. We argue that polarization among women legislators has implications for the representation of women in the states.  相似文献   

Although the systems of public schools differ among Australia, South Africa and the USA, all three countries recognize that religion plays a significant role in determining values. All three countries have written constitutions but only South Africa and the USA have a Bill of Rights that protects persons’ exercise of religious beliefs. In Australia, the place of religion in education has largely been shaped by state legislatures, administrative regulations and interpretations of the national constitution. In the USA, the long tradition of religious values being represented in public education has been severely restricted over the past 60 years, resulting in artificial judicial lines being drawn between private religious expression and government expression. However, even private expression can be prohibited if it interferes with the educational mission of a school. South Africa had a long tradition of Christian religious practices in government schools under apartheid. However, the post-apartheid 1996 Constitution and 1996 South African Schools Act still give these schools considerable latitude in investing religious values into the educational process. In Australia, values, religion and education have always been a preoccupation of those providing education, although the blurring of public and private education in Australia has resulted in a different direction for the role of religion than in the USA.  相似文献   

The Ukrainian legislature is in the process of transforming from a ‘rubber stamp’ institution of the Soviet type into an ‘institution that matters’ in a new democratic state. The practice of democratic institution building in the post-Soviet countries presents multiple examples of powerful executives who gained dominance in legislative processes. What path has Ukraine taken and what can explain its specific characteristics? This article charts the growth of committees here as a marker of legislative institutionalisation in Ukraine. The study finds that Ukrainian legislative committees defy prevalent regional trends and, contrary to expectations, have asserted independent roles. It then discusses factors that may account for this unique regional development – the role of a dual executive structure and the Ukraine party system.  相似文献   

Studies of female representation in national legislatures have claimed that the gender attitudes of a country's population have an effect on female representation in that country's parliament. This claim is based on the assumption that there is a unidirectional effect of public attitudes on female representation. This article tests that assumption, and hypothesises that in countries with multi-member electoral districts the effect is likely to flow in the opposite direction. When women are nominated, and to some extent elected to parliament, their presence in national politics affects public attitudes towards women in that role. Granger tests of causality in eight European countries and in the United States generally support these hypotheses. The effect flows from public attitudes to female representation in countries with single-seat districts, and in the opposite direction in countries with multi-member districts.  相似文献   

Responsiveness to constituents' demands and needs is considered an essential element of representation. Responsiveness takes several forms – service, allocation (casework), policies, and symbolic responses – and legislators usually respond to constituents using a combination of these means. However, this article discusses a category of Jordanian and Lebanese legislators, called ‘Favours legislators’, who respond to their constituents only through casework. These legislators use all tools available to them (party/parliamentary bloc, bureaucracy, and fellow legislators) to improve their access to services important to successful casework. Favours legislators assume that by providing a successful favour, constituents who received the favour will reciprocate in kind and vote and/or encourage others to vote for them.  相似文献   

黄进才 《河北法学》2006,24(1):44-48
中国加入WTO,对现行税制的冲击无疑是巨大的.由此而引致的税收犯罪是新型的和复杂的.也使我国的税收犯罪立法面临着严峻的挑战.如何从容应对挑战并准确预测税收犯罪立法的发展态势,让刑法的公正内涵与保护外延,在WTO规则面前获得淋漓尽致的发挥,这是摆在法律工作者特别是刑事立法工作者面前的一项十分重要而又紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

This article aims at contributing to the discussion on the fiscal transparency puzzle. The authors challenge the idea that fiscal disclosure can directly increase fiscal accountability. Using an original data set at the level of individual members of parliament (MPs) in the Egyptian parliament, constructed from content analysis of budgetary discussions during the period 2000–10, it is shown that political incentives determined by a majoritarian electoral system curbed the willingness to check government fiscal behaviour, even among opposition MPs. This is because MPs still favoured pork-barrel behaviour to boost their re-election chances. Moreover, fiscal data disclosed could not be communicated to voters and the opposition showed a relatively higher avoidance against fiscal disclosure. The authors conclude that the electoral system is a dominant factor in shaping the final effect of transparency given its influence on the structure of political incentives.  相似文献   

曾凡昌 《现代法学》2011,33(2):55-64
法律人格具有作为"主体资格"与"权利客体"这两个矛盾范畴方面同时使用的特征,这是人格权立法难点之所在。西方人格权发展的基本路径是:法律人格在初期具有浓厚的身份性,然后,立法对法律人格进行了伦理性确认和权利能力的抽象规定,继而以人格权的形式出现,并以日益扩张的工具性立法技术对其保护。西方社会深厚历史、社会渊源与哲学理论根基促使人格被纳入民法调整的视野和领域。这一人格权的历史发展线索对于我国当下的人格权立法无不具有启迪作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

蒋军洲 《河北法学》2008,26(1):165-170
1948年埃及民法典是在伊斯兰背景下将伊斯兰文明与西方文明融合的成功尝试,但其效果并不完美,它对立法技术、法律语言的使用也远不理想。以它为鉴,我国民法典的制定一定要注意熟练应用立法技术,精练使用语言表达,审慎评估法律精神与制度移植的可行性。  相似文献   

Is bias in responsiveness to constituents conditional on the policy preferences of elected officials? The scholarly conventional wisdom is that constituency groups who do not receive policy representation still obtain some level of responsiveness by legislators outside of the policy realm. In contrast, we present a theory of preference‐induced responsiveness bias where constituency responsiveness by legislators is associated with legislator policy preferences. Elected officials who favor laws that could disproportionately impact minority groups are also less likely to engage in nonpolicy responsiveness to minority groups. We conducted a field experiment in 28 US legislative chambers. Legislators were randomly assigned to receive messages from Latino and white constituents. If legislators supported voter identification laws, Latino constituents were less likely to receive constituency communications from their legislators. There are significant implications regarding fairness in the democratic process when elected officials fail to represent disadvantaged constituency groups in both policy and nonpolicy realms.  相似文献   


This paper examines how new technologies are employed by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies to stimulate experiences of digital engagement. It also evaluates how new technologies are put in practice by the institution, considering its potentialities and limitations in mediating the relationship between the parliament and the citizens. This analysis is anchored in concepts put forth by Polsby about arena parliaments and transformative parliaments, in order to evaluate which of these models of engagement tools have greater potential. The study concludes that the use of digital technologies by the Brazilian Parliament is very diverse, with a variety of tools that allow for the interaction and engagement of citizens, although these tools have the greatest potential for the arena parliament model.  相似文献   

会期制度是立法机关活动的一项基本制度。在一定条件下 ,会期时间的多少决定着立法的民主程度。全国人大的会期制度是人民代表大会制度的重要组成部分 ,符合国情 ,必须坚持 ,但也需要完善。本文在对全国人大会期制度进行了量化地、比较地分析之后 ,提出了若干完善全国人大会期制度的建议。  相似文献   

Collaboration plays a key role in crafting good public policy. We use a novel data set of over 140,000 pieces of legislation considered in US state legislatures in 2015 to examine the factors associated with women's collaboration with each other. We articulate a theory that women's collaboration arises from opportunity structures, dictated by an interaction of individual and institutional characteristics. Examining the effect of a combination of characteristics, we find support for an interactive view of institutions, where women's caucuses accelerate collaboration in Democratic‐controlled bodies and as the share of women increases. Collaboration between women also continues in the face of increased polarization in the presence of a caucus, but not absent one. Our findings speak to the long‐term consequences of electing women to political office, the importance of institutions and organizations in shaping legislative behavior, and the institutionalization of gender in politics.  相似文献   

社会转型期经济犯罪立法模式的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前正处于社会各方面的转型期,新生事物层出不穷,因而需要加强立法的灵活性以适应转型社会经济快速发展的需要。为解决刑法典自身的稳定性与其对社会关系的适应性之间的矛盾,对于经济犯罪立法模式的完善已是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

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