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The British newspaper The Times published a signed article by Liu Xiaoming,the Chinese Ambassador to Britain, on May 4 entitled "Stop Meddling in the South China Sea." The ful text is as folows:  相似文献   

This paper sees “Greater China” as a would‐be reunited China that includes the present PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. The coming into being of a “Greater China” hinges on future domestic politics in the PRC and Taiwan and among the triangle of Beijing‐Taipei‐Hong Kong. It also hinges on American, British, and Japanese policies addressing the current trends of economic integration and political accommodation among the three Chinese entities. Of the external variables, future U.S. politics toward the PRC, and toward the evolution of political exchanges on the Beijing‐Taipei trajectory will be the most decisive. Economic and political developments in the past fifteen years have brightened the prospect of Chinese reunification, but national reunification remains a complicated and protracted process.  相似文献   

African studies are gaining promi-nence in China,as the country forges closer ties with Africa. At the end of last year,the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS),one of the leading think-tanks in China,issued a strategic report on China-Africa relations and submitted it to China's top leadership. Beijing Review reporter Liu Wei spoke to Li Weijian,Director of the Department of West Asian and African Studies at SIIS,who headed the strate-gic report project,on the evolving relations between Chi...  相似文献   

证人证言在刑事诉讼中的运用一直是各国主要关注的问题 ,而证言运用的核心又在于证言的可采性问题。本文从比较研究的角度 ,对中英两国刑事证人证言可采性标准及检测方法作了具体分析 ,认为中英两国刑事证明标准的不同 ,决定了两国证人证言可采性标准的差异 ,从而导致检测这一标准的方法也各异 ,并认为英国现行的刑事证明标准及由此决定的证言可采性标准有可资借鉴之处  相似文献   

On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong was returned from British colonial rule to Chinese rule under the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The change in political status of Hong Kong has great impacts on the triangular relationship between Hong Kong, the mainland and Taiwan, in which the mainland and Taiwan are still in a state of intense political conflict and competition. This paper examines the policy possibilities and directions for Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the PRC in handling its relations with Taiwan. It argues that both Beijing and Taipei want to preserve the existing Hong Kong‐Taiwan relations for political and practical purposes but at the same time will try to avoid being forced into a suspected political trap—for Beijing the recognition of Taiwan as an independent political entity and for Taipei the subordination of Taiwan to PRC sovereignty. Between these two baselines, the paper points out that Hong Kong should pursues its own Taiwan policy built upon the interests of Hong Kong and depoliticization of Hong Kong‐Taiwan relations.  相似文献   

China's policy toward Hong Kong in the period 1949-1997 was primarily driven by utilitarian calculations of national interests and the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. The Hong Kong policy of China, as an integral part of its foreign policy, was distinctive in that ideological fervor and nationalist passions had limited influence. The goals to be achieved by the Hong Kong policy remained unchanged throughout the period; the strategies adopted, however, changed in accordance with the changing international situation and the national interests as defined by the Chinese leaders. The primary goals of the Hong Kong policy were to secure a less threatening external political environment for China and to make calculated use of Hong Kong for China's economic development. By tolerating Hong Kong as a British colony, China also depended on Britain to control the potentially threatening anti-Communist Chinese population there. The 'over-dependence' on the British to control the Chinese people in Hong Kong on the eve of Hong Kong's reversion to China, however, alienated the Hong Kong people as well as impeded the formation of local political leaders in the territory. As a result, the acquisition of Hong Kong by China in 1997 has not been accompanied by political rapport between the Chinese government and the Hong Kong people, thus sowing seeds for lingering friction between them.  相似文献   

民国时期为中国近代法学之奠基时期,除却国人出版的大量专著,翻译外国法学著作也颇多,但关涉英美法制之作则较少,而日本学者宫本英雄原著、骆通翻译的<英吉利法研究>则为其代表.本文即以<英吉利法研究>为中心,概介民国时期继受英美法理念之途径及意义,尤其指出了法之会通与融合之势.  相似文献   

为进一步了解和掌握《郑州大学学报(医学版)》的载文现状,文章以该刊2009年出版发行的6期现刊为统计对象,从文献计量学角度,对其载文量、栏目设置、基金论文、多产作者、作者合著率与合作度、作者职称、机构及地域分布、引文量、引文类型、作者自引率与期刊自引率以及普赖斯指数等指标进行了统计分析。结果显示:载文量为513篇,基金论文172篇,基金论文比33.53%;作者合著率为92.98%,合作度为4.44人/篇;引文量4329条,普赖斯指数为43.22%。  相似文献   

20多年前,“为了公共利益而以强有力的方式控制和调节市场”的市场社会主义曾在英国得到热烈的讨论。在当下经济全球化出现变局、新自由主义面临危机并向民粹主义转化的大背景下,再论市场社会主义,就具有了更深的理论内涵和更直接的实践批判价值。本文以与英国著名马克思主义研究者戴维·麦克莱伦的直接对话为基础,就英美新自由主义因放纵金融资本而自我否定的必然性、民粹主义的崛起及其困局、市场社会主义对英美等国的理论和实践价值等议题,评析了麦克莱伦教授的最新观点。  相似文献   

When David Evans,a British chemistry professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology,started his day on January 15,the temperature outside was minus 10 degrees Celsius,a teeth-chattering day in Beijing.After stopping and chatting with one of his students,Evans stepped into the Chemistry Outreach Center in the university。  相似文献   

为避免刑罚及其裁量程序的支离破碎的现象,更好地满足刑罚裁量者、罪犯的需要,给社会公众提供更为清晰的行为规范及其法律后果,英国出台了<刑事司法法令>,在刑事审判、刑罚等方面有创新之作.尤以刑罚方面的普通社区刑、监禁刑-、监禁刑+最具特色,并强调刑罚执行工作的重要性.  相似文献   

The concept of happiness differs from person to person and country to country. Beijing Review asked two people—Zhao Xingzhou,a doctor at a hospital in Baoding,north China’s Hebei Province,and Niu Fenglei,a white-collar worker at an IT corporation in Beijing—to share their ideas about happiness.  相似文献   

Mixed Messages     
Britain needs to achieve clarity on what it wants from China Recent events suggest British political circles are confused about what kind of relationship they want with China.This lack of a coherent strategy is certain to cause problems down the road.  相似文献   

Shortly after Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's visit to China in May, Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei spoke with Brazil's Ambassador to China, Clodoaldo Hugueney, about the achievements of Lula's visit and the development of China-Brazil relations over the past 35 years.  相似文献   

While EVE Energy, a company based in Guangdong Province, sees potential in the lithium battery business as the electric vehicle sector continues to grow, the future for its e-cigarette brand isn't looking so good. In May, the National Health Commission (NHC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) China Office issued the China Report on the Health Hazards of Smoking, which suggested that ecigarettes are not safe alternatives to traditional tobacco and can pose health risks. It was the first official document that came to such a conclusion in China.  相似文献   

China's foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows dropped by about 20 percent year on year in the first quarter,raising questions about the country's attractiveness to foreign investors. Edgar G. Hotard,Chairman of the Monitor Group (China),sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia on April 17-19,to discuss this issue. The Monitor Group is a global provider of strategy consulting services,headquartered in the United States and with offices in China.  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 8 issued a statement calling for the settlement of China's disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international law. It said that the door for China-Philippines bilateral negotiation is always open. An edited version of the article follows  相似文献   

在当代西方马克思主义"文化转向"的语境中,英国文化马克思主义试图重新恢复和确立马克思主义的总体性理论,因此目的,他们重新探讨了社会存在决定社会意识、经济基础决定上层建筑等历史唯物主义的基本概念,强调文化所具有的物质属性,将文化看作是一种与经济和政治等平行决定社会发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

TO THE POINT: The Asian Development Bank sees bullish prospects for the Chinese economy, though inactivity is building in the export and investment fields. China reaps a bumper harvest with grain output totaling 546.41 million tons in 2010 despite numerous natural disasters throughout the year. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has issued a note of caution about frothy house prices across the nation. Two Chinese Intemet companies, Youku and Dangdang, have staged successful debuts on the New York Stock Exchange.China boasts the third largest number of dollar millionaires in the world.  相似文献   

顾华祥 《思想战线》2002,28(2):6-11
据最新一项对全球 10 0 0家规模最大的公司首席执政官的调查显示 ,中国在世界投资信心榜上名列第二位 ,仅次于美国 ,成为全球第二个最受欢迎的外国直接投资地 ,接近 1/3的首席执政官对中国投资前景表示乐观。国际风险投资基金正在酝酿“战略性”转移 ,近年来欧美的投资基金正以每年 4 0~ 5 0 %的速度退出当地市场 ,而经济和科技保持高速增长的中国为各国风险投资资本看好。英国、法国、美国的大公司近日都加紧准备 ,做好抢滩中国的各种规划。我国西部要抓住国际风险投资理念、投资方向调整和对华投资信心高涨的机遇 ,多争取一些投资注入旅游业。  相似文献   

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