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2007年底,长株潭城市群获批"全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区"。新的发展背景对湘潭市政府的公共管理活动提出了新的要求,其中重要的一点就是政府的职能履行思路和方法要与"两型社会"建设相适应。"两型社会"建设与政府的职能转变存在着内在逻辑关联。"两型社会"建设为政府的职能转变提供了重要的政策条件和操作空间,政府的职能转变则为"两型社会"发展的内在要求和必然结果。"两型社会"建设与政府的职能转变相辅相成、互相促进、共同发展。  相似文献   

叶剑峰 《新东方》2012,(4):52-54
公共服务型政府是一种以服务理念为指导,合理界定政府职能,以有效的机制和管理方式,满足社会公共需求,提供优质公共产品与服务的政府行政模式。建设公共服务型政府是时代发展的必然要求。深化行政改革,建设公共服务型政府应着重解决以下几个问题:必须明确目标要求,制定中长期规划,做到有计划、有步骤、有重点;必须将深化行政体制改革与培育社会自治能力相结合;必须建立起科学的社会评估机制。  相似文献   

“两型社会”综合配套改革中的政府转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“两型社会”的建设是旨在探索新型工业化、新型城市化发展之路,其改革并取得成效的关键是转变政府施政理念、改革政府管理体制、创新政府工作机制,大力推进政府转型。本文以综合配套改革的指导思想——经济主体型政府向公共服务主体型政府转变为前提条件,提出了“两型社会”综合配套改革中政府转型的思路:以大部门制为突破口,建立包括决策机构、执行机构、监督机构等在内的的权力架构与运行机制。并在此基础上提出了“两型社会”建设的着力点。  相似文献   

刘建发 《求索》2011,(7):84-85
本文提出了"两型社会"建设中对政府法律规制臻善的着力点,即:致力于健全"两型社会"建设的法律制度;致力于为"两型社会"建设创造良好的政策环境;致力于为"两型社会"建设提供良好的法治保障;致力于为"两型社会"建设加大环保绩效保障;致力于为"两型社会"建设提供良好的责任保障等。  相似文献   

"资源节约型、环境友好型"社会建设是我国经济社会中的长期战略任务。社区作为承接社会管理和公共服务的新型微观公共空间和重要日常生活领域,既是人们生活方式、价值观念形成的平台,也是落实管理、服务和设施建设基础,在"资源节约型、环境保护型"社会建设中起着重要和基础的作用。"两型社区"建设重在推动一种新的社会生活方式形成,提升居民生活质量。从武汉市"两型社区"创建的实践经验来看,"两型社区"已显示出了一种新社会行动的框架:在社区建设目标上,从以基层社会管理和服务体制建构为目标到以构建新的生活方式为目标的转变,在社区建设动力上,从政府主导的社会行动,转向政府、企业和社会合力推进。  相似文献   

论公共服务型政府模式的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实现经济建设型政府模式向公共服务型政府模式的转变,是为了满足我国经济体制改革向纵深推进过程中所出现的社会对公共服务需求的增加。当代西方国家的公共管理改革运动为我国的政治体制改革提供了理论上的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

政府信用失范与政府信用建设   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
政府信用是社会信用的基础 ,政府信用建设是社会信用建设的关键。政府信用失范包括信用缺失、信用贫困、信用滥用、信用危机等 ,并有其具体的表现形式及其形成原因。政府信用建设的方向是建构道德型政府、服务型政府、法治型政府、绩效型政府、制度型政府。政府信用是政治文明的要求与反应 ,是政府文明的主要维度。  相似文献   

刘大洪 《湖湘论坛》2009,22(4):79-83
两型社会的构建对传统的资源配置方式提出了全新的要求,从政府调节与市场调节的理论演变以及“新发达”模式的实践来看,政府调节与市场调节的良性互动是两型社会建设的必然选择。从“长株潭城市群”和“武汉城市圈”的实际情况来看,应采取强政府和强市场的调节模式,合理划分政府调节与市场调节的边界,加强政府调节行为的法制化建设。  相似文献   

关于建设“五型政府”的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设服务政府和法治政府,形成权责一致、分工合理、决策科学、执行顺畅、监督有力的行政管理体制,是党的十七大提出的行政管理体制改革的基本方向和目标。地方政府改革的目标应当是建设"五型政府",即服务型、法治型、高效型、竞争型、开放型政府。  相似文献   

对“两型”社区建设的认识与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志海 《学习与实践》2009,(11):144-148
“两型”社区建设是“两型”社会建设的重要组成部分。“两型”社区建设要坚持以人为本、服务居民,统筹规划、分步实施,因地制宜、分类指导,政府主导、社会参与的原则。推进“两型”社区建设,要积极推进“四个一”工程,即:在全市社区建设一批“两型”基础设施,倡导一种“两型”生活方式,完善一个“两型”社区服务体系,形成一套“两型”社区长效工作机制。“两型”社呕建设是一个系统工程、民心工程、德政工程,需要举全社会之力采取得力措施去实现。  相似文献   

This article examines changes in China's welfare programs in the context of economic transition from planned economy to a market-oriented economy. Using the 1988 and 1995 Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP), we develop analytical models to study the critical impacts of institutional variables such as economic ownership types and economic sectors on key welfare programs in both rural and urban areas in China. Our findings show that the Chinese government drastically reduced welfare coverage for its citizens during the economic transitional period even though Chinese urban residents' welfare income was primarily determined by the type of their employment. Outperforming many other factors, work unit's ownership nature played a significant role in the provision of welfare benefits while the economic sectors largely failed to have any significant impacts. These findings indicate that China has been moving away from the active state model in welfare provision. Yet, an industrialization and resource-based welfare system has not been realized in China in the reform era.  相似文献   

Carolyn Cartier 《当代中国》2016,25(100):529-546
The level or rank of an administrative division (行区等级 or 政区级别) in China—a structural condition of the sub-national territorial administrative system—is a correlate of administrative rank (行政级别). State reterritorialization of the administrative divisions (行政区划), through establishment and expansion of hundreds of cities, introduces a political economy of differentiation and change by which city governments take the measure of their administrative reach and economic capacity. How do changes to the administrative divisions involve administrative rank, economic status and territorial governing power? In Suzhou, a prefecture-level city, incommensurability between the economic status of the city and its administrative rank reveals how ‘unfair’ rank in the administrative hierarchy becomes implicated in negotiations over territorial adjustments and cadre appointments, leading to creative forms of rank adjustment. Dynamics of the administrative divisions reflect rank consciousness, influence official positions and structure urban transformation in contemporary China.  相似文献   

尽管在国家实施西部大开发战略后西部地区经济发展取得了十分突出的成就,但西部地区经济发展水平仍然比较落后,西部地区人均经济总量与全国的平均水平仍然在拉大。在分析制约西部地区经济发展的主要因素后,从理论上阐述了加快西部地区经济发展的可能性,从实践上总结了加快欠发达地区经济发展的经验,提出了加快西部地区经济发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper investigates China's economic growth potentials and limitation up to 2020 and recommends a trend of economic regionalization. A sustainable growing economy is a necessity for China's future stability. The growth sustainability of the Chinese economy depends essentially on its continued commitments to institutional reform and economic deregulation. China's relaxation of government intervention in economic activities has led and will be leading China to decentralize its central governmental authority over economic planning and control. This will consequently stimulate the emergence of regional economies in Mainland China. In the next two decades, there will likely be 10 regional economies with relatively independent industrial structures emerging in Greater China (or the Chinese Economic Area of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the Mainland) as a result of economic liberalization and decentralization.  相似文献   

Hongying Wang 《当代中国》2015,24(95):922-942
The growing economic presence of China around the world is a widely recognized reality. China's expanding economic relations with other developing countries have generated both positive and negative reactions. Many believe that the increasing economic ties between China and these countries will enhance China's political influence and encourage political cooperation between China and other countries in the Global South. How strong is the economic–political link? This article examines this question in the context of Sino–Latin American relations in recent years. It finds that thus far China's expanding economic relations with the region have not had a significant spillover effect into the political realm. The article provides preliminary explanations of the missing link between the economic and the political. It calls for more nuanced ways to apply familiar international relations paradigms to understanding the implications of the rise of China.  相似文献   

Since the outbreak of the Arab revolts in late 2010, China has adhered to its ‘business-first’ economic diplomacy towards the Arab countries, a policy driven by China's ongoing geoeconomic interests. The ten-year-old China–Arab States Cooperation Forum serves as the nucleus for China's economic diplomacy in the region. The Chinese authorities have also initiated interagency coordination and central–local governments' power sharing in order to pursue this diplomacy successfully. However, while its economic diplomacy may be evolving, China, unlike what it has achieved in Black Africa, seems to have failed to develop strategic, political and cultural exchanges with its Arab counterparts. The intertwined geopolitical and geoeconomic factors that have emerged since the Arab revolts might make it harder for China to reap economic benefits while shelving political entanglement to sustain this economic diplomacy in the longer run.  相似文献   

Y.W. Peter Chiu 《当代中国》2006,15(47):275-295
Since 1979, when Mainland China began to open up its economy, a process of economic integration has been going on between Hong Kong and Mainland China. The return of Hong Kong to Mainland China in 1997 speeded up the integration process. China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the end of 2001 further intensified the integration process. In June 2003, CEPA (Closer Economic Participation Arrangement) was signed between Mainland China and Hong Kong, which set a further important milestone in the economic integration between them. In June 2004, the concept of regional economic integration was inaugurated in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation and Development Forum. This article attempts to review the economic integration process after the signing of CEPA. Issues related to the implementation of CEPA are also examined and discussed. It is hoped that both the Hong Kong business sector and potential foreign investors can have a comprehensive picture of CEPA so that they can design appropriate actions to benefit most from CEPA.  相似文献   

从债务规模、偿债能力和财政压力三个方面,通过均值法和比较分析方法,对我国东部地区、东北地区、中部地区和西部地区的政府债务进行区域间和区域内比较,结果显示我国地方政府债务风险的区域分布具有很大差异性。主要体现为东部地区负债率低、财政压力小,中部地区偿债能力强,西部地区债务规模增速快,东北地区偿债能力堪忧等区域特征。影响我国地方政府债务空间分布特征的经济因素主要是区域经济体量、经济增速和财政赤字率。地方政府债务监管部门应加强对地方政府债务资金使用的绩效管理,实行区域差异化的债务风险防控措施。  相似文献   

The composition of Greater China among the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan entails an emerging form of micro governance where an ecological evolution of sub-group interaction and crossover of economic and social activities has been generating a dynamic of change within the East Asian region. The constitution of Greater China by social, economic, political, business and even daily commuting creates some soul searching questions about the possible outcomes of their intense interaction. To what extent has integration been made within Greater China through these interactions? Is China the economic linchpin or does China need to cooperate in one way or another to facilitate the modes of economic development? What are the attitudes and strategies used by Hong Kong or Taiwan when confronted with such an economic cum social entity? More importantly, where, and, under what conditions, will the interactions among the PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong lead to? In this paper, I am going to use a conceptual model which includes four interactions: integration, interdependence, identity and independence (Four Is) to capture the catalyst of change that collectively entails these intermingled economic, social and cultural elements. People who live in the vast context of this geographical region experience the change. Through daily interaction, they help write the context of change through business activities, investment, migration, trade, culture, academic exchange, political and social development along the Four Is.  相似文献   

Heads of the nation's top economic and finance watchdogs gathered together at the Lujiazui Forum held in Shanghai on May 15-16.The forum,initiated in 2007 and aimed at becoming a Chinese version of the World Economic Forum in Davos,was themed "finance and economic growth in a globalized age" this year.High-level attendees included Zhou Xiaochuan,Governor of the People's Bank of China;Shang Fulin,Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC);Liu Mingkang,Chairman of the China Banking Regulator...  相似文献   

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