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董明亮 《政治与法律》2007,7(3):143-146
刑事检察公诉的特征表现为检察机关依据其职能向犯罪发起的国家公权力的运作过程。其本质表现为以审查刑事追诉、监督刑事法律统一正确实施为手段和载体,主张和维护国家和社会受刑法所保护的利益。刑事检察公诉的特征、本质等事实存在,决定了其价值存在。为了实现其价值目的,刑事检察公诉必须立足于其职能属性,以实现国家和社会其他成员对刑事检察公诉的需要。  相似文献   

综观预防犯罪的方式与作法 ,通常来源于事后的统计分析 ,从事后的分析来研究未来的犯罪现象 ,以提出预防措施。但是简单地运用事后统计分析所推测的情况 ,提出犯罪预防措施 ,显然预测指标的灵敏度不高 ,导致预防措施平淡 ,影响犯罪预防的效果。因此贪污受贿犯罪预防工作应定位于犯罪之前 ,并非犯罪之后 (除非再犯罪的预防 )。本文提出犯罪预防正是探讨如何解决这个问题。要做到明确定位科学预防 ,首先要做到科学预测 ,而做到科学预测 ,必须努力探讨科学预测方式方法。本文在预测方面 ,从预测原理、内容、方式等具体方面提出了对贪污受贿犯罪…  相似文献   

This article explores how international ideals and practices of law enforcement come into conflict with national bureaucracies. Drawing on original interviews, the investigation demonstrates how the competition to define the role of international prosecution impacted career strategies as well as the actual administration of criminal law within the Danish Prosecution Service (DPS). The analysis shows that this competition is embodied in two competing groups of prosecutors situated in a wider national bureaucracy—itself subject to transformations that affect the very stakes of the contest to define the international. While the institutionalists build careers closely attuned to the systemic and increasingly lean‐management‐inspired requirements of the DPS, the dissident and consequently unsettled position of the activists leads them to craft alternative career strategies closely related to the emergence of new international fields of criminal law.  相似文献   

在犯罪率概念研究方面,国内理论界少有成果发表;然而以犯罪率数据为基础而公开发表的论文则数以千计.这种悬殊差距凸显出社会科学界只是将犯罪率概念看作是理论建构的基础,而忽视了概念界定方式不同而导致概念的结构和功能迥异.犯罪率的概念是随着时代的变化而不断发展的.犯罪率在新的时代有新的内涵与表现形式.从早期的人犯率、发案率,到晚近的受害率形式,这种表现形式的变化体现出国家和政府更关注人的安全,在制度建设的时候更注重以人为本.围绕犯罪率的表现形式,揭示该概念对于犯罪测量的设计和安全评估所具有的方法论意义,有助于对社会安全状况进行科学评价.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen mounting challenge to the model of the criminal trial on the grounds it is not cost-effective, not preventive, not necessary, not appropriate, or not effective. These challenges have led to changes in the scope of the criminal law, in criminal procedure, and in the nature and use of criminal trials. These changes include greater use of diversion, of fixed penalties, of summary trials, of hybrid civil–criminal processes, of strict liability, of incentives to plead guilty, and of preventive orders. The paper will assess the implications of these changes for the function of the criminal law, assessing the reasons behind them, and examining whether or not they are to be welcomed. Identifying the larger import of these changes draws attention to the changing relationship between state and citizen as well as changes in the nature of the state itself. These can in turn be attributed to a jostling among the different manifestations of the authoritarian state, the preventive state, and the regulatory state. These changes have profound normative implications for a liberal theory of the criminal law that require its re-articulation and its defence. A modest start may be to insist that where the conduct is criminal and the consequences are punitive the protections of criminal procedure and trial must be upheld.
Lucia ZednerEmail:

This article explains the development of international crime as a legal category. I argue that states’ pursuit of political rights claims empowers international lawyers to develop new legal categories to grant states new tools to pursue their interests. At the same time, lawyers have a stake in defending the autonomy of law from politics, thus pushing for the development of legal norms and institutions that go beyond the original state intent. States’ turn to law thus begets more law, expanding the legal and institutional tools to solve international problems while simultaneously enforcing a commitment to principles of legality. To demonstrate the plausibility of the theory, the article studies the construction of the concept of an international crime in the interwar period (1919–1939). In response to the Allies’ attempt to prosecute the German Emperor, international lawyers sought the codification of international criminal law and drafted enforcement mechanisms. The interwar legal debate not only introduced international crime into the legal and political vocabulary, it also legitimized a new set of institutional responses to violations of international law, namely, international criminal prosecution.  相似文献   

一、案情介绍1995年 3月初 ,犯罪嫌疑人彭某、刘某邀集在一起 ,商议办一个通讯方面的有限公司 ,取名为“市兴大通讯有限公司” ,彭某占股份的 51% ,刘某占股份的 4 9%。两人约定后 ,彭某出资 510 0元 ,刘某出资 4 90 0元。由于成立该类有限公司注册资本要 50万元以上 ,彭、刘成立公司尚短缺资金 4 9万元 ,于是 ,彭、刘两人采取欺骗手段 ,骗取某单位为该公司出具了一份虚假的“工商企业注册资金证明” ,证明市兴大通讯有限公司资金总额共计 50 .5万元。该市审计事务所依据该份资金证明为市兴大通讯有限公司出具了“公司注册资本验证表” ,证…  相似文献   

以同一检察院自侦自诉为基本、异地检察院起诉为补充的现行职务犯罪案件审查起诉模式存在着诸多问题,例如,侦查监督形同虚设,缺乏司法公信力,损害司法公平,加剧法检冲突。因此,有必要对现行模式予以改革。建议吸收现行模式中异地起诉的合理做法,对职务犯罪案件全面推行异地同级审查起诉。通过此举,可以改变同一检察院自侦自诉现状,切实发挥侦查监督作用;增强司法公信力,有利于保护犯罪嫌疑人的权利;消除司法处遇不平等情形,维护司法公平;减少法检冲突,节约司法资源。具体可从移送与受理程序、审查起诉程序、刑事立案监督程序、侦查活动监督程序、犯罪嫌疑人被告人逃匿死亡案件违法所得的没收程序以及其他程序等方面构建职务犯罪案件异地同级审查起诉程序。  相似文献   

现行刑事诉讼中,检察机关对自诉案件几乎不加任何干涉,有鉴于此,笔者提出,国家公权应在必要时候介入侵犯公民婚姻家庭权利的案件,应该修改完善现行立法,明确规定该类案件既可以是自诉案件,也可以是公诉案件,使国家公权能够依法保障公民的婚姻家庭权利。  相似文献   

我国上诉法院直接变更罪名的权力过大,存在侵犯审级利益、侵犯被告人的防御权、违反诉审同一原则等问题.域外给我们的启示是一方面应该允许上诉法院直接变更罪名,一方面又必须对该权力进行限制,具体包括上诉法院在变更罪名时不得侵犯审级利益,不得侵犯被告人的防御权,不得违反刑事诉讼的其他原则.  相似文献   

The subject of fear of crime has generated a substantial body of empirical study within Western industrialized society. However, the current focus on comparative criminology inspires efforts to study fear of crime cross culturally. This study attempts to assess some of the widely accepted predictors and conclusions of fear of crime found in developed nations on the urbanized capital city of Botswana. More specifically, in this article, the author explores the relationships between gender, victimization, incivility, and fear of crime in Gaborone, Botswana. Findings suggest that gender, victimization, and, in part, the environment are all useful in explaining fear of crime in Gaborne. However, it appears that gender, more than victimization and incivility, is itself a genuinely powerful determinant of fear of crime.  相似文献   

New communication technologies—particularly the Internet—have drastically complicated the problem of preserving privacy. As a result, a multitude of solutions for this increasingly complex area of the law have been put forth in recent years. This essay concludes, however, that changes in technology do not warrant altering the underlying constitutional balance that was arrived at decades ago in the tort law of privacy. The free speech limits on privacy law were imposed for good reason, and steps to protect the interest in the new online environment should not be ones that upset that careful balance.  相似文献   

Crime serves as an important catalyst for change in the socio-economic composition of communities. While such change occurs over a long period of time, crime is capitalized into local housing markets quickly and thus provides an early indicator of neighborhood transition. Using hedonic regression, we quantify this “intangible cost” of crime and extend the crime-housing price literature in several important ways. First, we disaggregate crime to the census tract level. Second, using longitudinal data, we examine changes in crime in addition to the neighborhood levels of crime. Third, we differentiate between the effects of property crime and violent crime. Fourth, we also disaggregate our sample into groups based on per capita income of the census tract. Finally, we show that it is vital to account for the measurement error that is endemic in reported crime statistics. We address this with an instrumental variable approach. Our results indicate that the average impacts of crime rates on house prices are misleading. We find that crime is capitalized at different rates for poor, middle class and wealthy neighborhoods and that violent crime imparts the greatest cost.
Robert T. GreenbaumEmail:

诉审分离的功能在于有效地切断审判与侦查之间的直接联系,而刑事司法的发展历程表明,诉审关系极易脱离规范确立的发展方向,游离于刑事诉讼一般规律之外.当前诉审关系出现异化与虚化的根源是侦查权扩张的冲动和事实以及平衡构造的过度理想化,诉审同一原则的缺失和程序性权力的滥用也是诉审矛盾产生的重要原因.从外部视角看,诉审之间应以制约侦查权为基点形成分离与合力的关系,而其内部仍需以制衡与约束作为指导原则.因此,在审判中心主义的视域中,诉审关系的调整方向应是在强化诉审分离的基础上,着力构建完整的限制和约束侦查权体系,以有效保障辩护空间,维护被告人权利,诉审之间的非正式协商也应在满足内在需要的基础上严格限定其效力.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):374-386
The field of cocaine production and trafficking has become more differentiated and the enterprises have become more heterogeneous. A new generation of traffickers has entered the business. They are low profile, cautious and they organize the trade in an informal way. They have a different style of operation than the druglords in the epoch of the big ‘cartels’. The use of individual couriers smuggling small amounts of cocaine while using normally scheduled flights has increased spectacularly presenting new challenges to law enforcement.  相似文献   

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