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在美国的刑事证明责任分配标准中,犯罪构成要件标准一直占据着正统的地位,而无罪推定标准只是昙花一现。无罪推定标准无法长期在美国刑事证明责任的分配中占据一席之地的原因在于:第一,无罪推定标准与美国的犯罪构成模式格格不入;第二,在美国采用无罪推定标准更不利于保护被告人权利。犯罪构成要件标准的优点在于它既与美国对抗式的刑事诉讼模式相契合,又降低了控方的证明负担,有利于提高起诉的效率;它的缺点在于有时很难区分犯罪构成要素与辩护理由。  相似文献   

The Law on the Status of Deputies to Soviets of Working People's Deputies in the USSR, adopted by the Supreme Soviet, has been in effect now for over a year and a half. Taking into consideration the special importance of exact and undeviating implementation of that law, the Committees on Legislative Proposals and the Mandate Committees of the two houses of the USSR Supreme Soviet have made a careful study of experience in carrying out this law and discussed this question in March 1974 at a joint meeting. A report to this meeting was presented by I. K. Lutak, deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and leader of a group of member-deputies of these committees who had prepared this question for consideration. G. I. Usmanov, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet, presented a report on experience in applying the Law on the Status of Deputies, as did N. A. Evsigneev, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Voronezh Regional Soviet of Working People's Deputies. Animated discussion arose at the meeting. Participating in it were deputies R. Kh. Abdullaeva, L. T. Torkkeli, A. N. Balandin, F. S. Kuralenok, B. P. Beshchev (USSR minister of transportation), and also S. I. Gusev, deputy procuratorgeneral of the USSR. I. V. Kapitonov, chairman of the Committee on Legislative Proposals of the Council of the Union and a secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, also spoke at the meeting.  相似文献   

严仁群 《法学研究》2011,(1):111-125
为诉权附加要件会导致其名不副实、无意义并隐含悖论。这是附条件诉权说的重大、致命缺陷。在程序伊始,法院面对的是“无知之幕”。要正当地走出这种状态,要给权利人以救济,就必须接受所有原告的起诉,对所有程序和实体事项的审理都应当在程序内进行。所以,不附要件的抽象诉权说有其深刻的内在合理性。作为修正型的抽象诉权说,司法行为请求权说能够应对针对抽象诉权说的所有批评,且有更多实益。基于抽象的诉权说,诉权与诉讼要件、裁判请求权等的关系能够厘清。  相似文献   

《纲要》作为我国第一部全面规划建设法治政府蓝图的纲领性文件,在推进依法行政的历史进程中具有里程碑意义。坚持法治规律与中国国情的创造性结合,是《纲要》的核心精神,也是《纲要》的最大特色。《纲要》的理论精髓体现在:(1)《纲要》贯穿的内在主线:监督、规范行政权与保护、扩展公民权相结合;(2)《纲要》规定的基本内容:依法行政理念与依法行政制度相结合;(3)《纲要》确立的法治目标:建设法治政府与形成法治社会相结合;(4)《纲要》选择的法治道路:自上而下政府推进与自下而上全民参与相结合。  相似文献   

不同于一般临床疾病的诊断,职业病诊断是归因诊断,兼具医学性、法律性的特点。《职业病防治法》第四十六条前两款对职业病诊断作出了原则性规定,其中第二款的法律推定体现了职业病诊断的立法价值取向。然而,职业病诊断标准并未高度契合法律推定条款,法律推定操作性欠佳,诊断实务中不同专家对这两款的各自作用和相互关系认识不一,法律推定的适用与否直接影响诊断结论和法律价值的个案实现。对职业病诊断中该两款的协调及法律推定的操作进行论述,以供参考。  相似文献   

王岳 《证据科学》2010,18(4):401-408
举证责任,是民事诉讼的核心问题,它直接规划着民事诉讼的构造形态,在民事诉讼中有着举足轻重的地位。而举证责任的分配,又是举证责任制度的核心,也是理论研究最有争议的问题。大陆法系与英美法系在举证责任和举证责任分配上各有特点,美国、德国、日本和我国台湾地区医疗损害的举证责任分配规则也各有千秋,作者建议,我国现阶段医疗损害举证责任分配的规则应当进行相应改造。  相似文献   

我国现行《继承法》侧重保护继承人的利益,而忽略了对遗产债权人利益的保护。在制度内容上存在着遗产债务范围过于狭窄,接受和放弃继承的期限不明确,对债权人利益保护和权利救济的具体制度缺失等明显缺陷。为此,当以《继承法》修订为历史契机,抓紧建立有条件的有限责任继承制度,进一步明确遗产和遗产债务的范围,完善遗产管理制度,增设对债权人利益保护和权利救济的具体制度等,以协调与平衡遗产继承中继承人与债权人之间的利益关系。  相似文献   

A halfway house for female offenders in Long Beach, California was evaluated by comparing the number and severity of offenses of graduates of the house to those of a matched group of women released in the same area and period. The groups had comparable criminal histories. A U.S. Bureau of Prisons index was used to classify the severity of offenses. Results indicated that the halfway house reduced both the number and severity of offenses. This conclusion withstood a review of the threats to validity. The policy implications of the finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper seeks to establish a connection between the existence of a legal system and the ideal of the rule of law. Its point of departure is the phenomenon of a transitional regime that is attempting to restore or institute the rule of law. Lon Fuller's formulation of the canons of the rule of law as an internal morality of law is expounded as well as his notion of legal pathology as symptomatic of departure from the canons' requirements. The existence of a legal system, it is argued, is a matter of degree, covariant with the degree to which the rule of law is realized. Problems inherent to the implementation of the rule of law are examined, such as the effect of the passage of time on reasonable expectations. While legal pathology is always a matter of degree, police states are shown to suffer seriously from it. Among the examples discussed are Nazi Germany and Communist East Germany, though it is granted that there are moral differences between them. Finally, a response is made to some contemporary critiques of the rule of law.  相似文献   

This study explains the influences of environmental variables on the emergence of varying policing models. It empirically tests a new perspective on the influences of community variations to police organizational behaviours and practices among local police departments in the U.S. Using the U.S. Census, the Uniform Crime Reports and the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics data, the study tests a perspective suggesting that community hierarchy of needs influences the degree level of the implementation of different models of policing, particularly community policing. The study presents constructs to operationalize hierarchy of needs. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the relationships of hierarchy of needs, organizational factors, and other control variables to police departments’ pursuit of different policing models. Findings suggest that community hierarchy of needs and organizational factors significantly constrain the departments’ implementation of policing models. Lower hierarchy of needs tends to be associated with pursuit of traditional policing while a community with higher level needs tend to pursue community policing. Similarly, organizational complexities influence the implementation of different policing models.  相似文献   

This paper reports the statistical study of writing habits for Arabic Numerals of 187 subjects in Hong Kong. A classification system of writing habits for Arabic numerals based on assigned codes of characteristic features such as slant, writing direction, relative position of strokes, angularity of turnings, shape of initial and ending strokes, etc. was developed. A set of characteristic codes representing the profile of writing habits pertaining to Arabic numerals was assigned to each writer. Apart from the distribution of characteristic features, statistical analysis of the assigned codes demonstrated homogeneity of individual hand-writing patterns. It has been shown that irrespective of the structural simplicity of Arabic numerals, no two individuals exhibited the same set of characteristic codes. The findings support the hypothesis of individuality in handwriting.  相似文献   

爆炸物犯罪的法律规定存在漏洞,刑法理论界对有关爆炸物犯罪的研究欠深、广,导致了司法实践中处理爆炸物犯罪时对犯罪对象、行为、罪数认定及刑罚裁量等出现争议和疑难。认真探讨这些问题,对丰富爆炸物犯罪理论和解决爆炸物犯罪量刑失衡具有重大意义。立法和司法解释对爆炸物的外延不周延,应从社会危害性角度考虑予以解决;对爆炸物犯罪行为认定的疑难,应从各种犯罪行为的本质特点予以认定;对罪数形态认定的疑难,应从把握事后不可罚行为和想象竞合犯等刑法理论的基础上具体分析认定;对于刑罚裁量上的失衡,应从正确认定处罚情节和正确适用司法解释来解决。  相似文献   

This paper offers an exploration of criminals’ and non-criminals’ perceptions of crime in an urban milieu. Specifically. we examine perceptions of the incidence of crime within the city, of variations in police pratection. and of variations in the likely difficulty of committing crimes in different parts of the city. The analysis examines the distinctiveness of; and interrelationships among, these variables controlling for the racial status and criminal-non-criminal status of the respandents. Additionally. perceptions of the difficulty of committing crimes m different parts of the city are related to generalized perceptions of the city for our racial subgroups of criminals. The results provide evidence on the distinctiveness of criminals in such terms, on some factors influencing strategic criminal decision-making, and on ways m which criminal behavior shares common elements with other social behavior.  相似文献   

刘水林 《法学研究》2014,36(3):109-129
风险社会是人类利用科技从事创造活动而产生的人为风险成为影响人类生活乃至生存和发展的主要因素的社会,如何缓解与分配风险损害成为风险社会的核心问题。风险社会的大规模损害以事故型和累积型大规模公害为主导。侵权法解决的损害问题是私人对私人利益的侵害,其主要功能在于补偿受害者,其制度运行有赖于损害的确定性、有限性、可计量性、可预期和可控制性、私人性。风险损害所具有的不确定性、无限性、不可计量性、不可预期性、不可控制性和社会公共性颠覆了这些条件,对风险损害主要以规制法予以事前防范。规制法防治私人对公共利益的侵害,其主要通过事前预防责任的分担降低风险损害,事后责任作为补充。规制法责任的实质是对风险成本的分担。分担应遵循社会分担、有效分担、平衡分担以及预防为主、救济为辅的原则。规制法的责任制度包括预防责任和补救责任。  相似文献   

赵小军 《证据科学》2016,(6):723-733
举证责任分配契约是民事证据契约的重要类型。对举证责任分配契约的实证讨论是对此类证据契约更直观的展现。诉中举证责任分配契约、否定性举证责任分配契约是值得关注的举证责任分配契约新类型。举证责任分配契约是当事人行使处分权的正当形式,并未违背自由心证原则,可以解决举证责任分配法规存在的漏洞,弥补规范说及法官自由裁量分配举证责任的不足。该制度的运行需要结合实践根据不同类型构建不同的适用规则。  相似文献   

杨寿兴 《河北法学》2004,22(2):24-26
在防治非典中,对传染病防治法第35条所列行为,医疗保健人员、国家机关工作人员、政府卫生行政部门工作人员的严重玩忽职守行为在适用刑法时所存在的法律冲突,并分别提出解决这些冲突的建议。  相似文献   

刑法教义学与犯罪论体系的分野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法教义学是以制定法和判例为基础的学问,其研究方法的核心是对刑法的解释和体系化。刑法教义学是观察和分析各种犯罪论体系的重要维度。大陆法系的犯罪阶层体系是一种教义学体系,是对刑法总则的解释和体系化;苏俄的犯罪构成体系则背离了刑法教义学传统,因而衍生出诸多问题。我国应当强化以实在法规范为对象的教义学研究,逐步清除苏俄犯罪构成体系的不当影响。  相似文献   

“通说”将消灭时效的效力分为实体权利消灭、诉权消灭和抗辩权发生三主义。然前二者是关于消灭时效标的主义,后者是关于消灭时效效力发生方式的主义,三者不可并列。“时效的效力”由“时效的标的”和“时效发生效力的方式”复合构成。前者有实体权利消灭、起诉权消灭和胜诉权消灭三主义,后者有权利直灭和抗辩权发生两主义。日、法、德民法典在时效发生效力的方式上均为抗辩权发生主义;但时效的标的则众说纷纭,几至混乱。  相似文献   

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